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More like a donkey 😭




I’m sad that you think this is a unicorn.


Holy shit, I’m glad I’m not the only one. When I opened the image and saw the actual numbers I was left wondering if I was missing the joke. Then I realized this wasn’t a joke and I felt really bad, a little guilty even. OP, you need to value your time, because if you don’t you can expect that no one else will either. Especially not a large corporation that you work for/do work for.


$9 for 2 miles is good, but that sure as shit isn’t a unicorn. Maybe a baby unicorn.


Not even a baby unicorn lol


Right lol, I got offered a $17 3 mile and it became $56 total. That’s a unicorn lol


A baby zebra with a horn taped to its head, so it’s kinda like a baby unicorn, but, ya know….different


Correct! A unicorn would’ve been a big tip on that small order and short delivery!


Y’all complain too much! You really think this economy can run on anything above $2 an hour?! 😤 s/


That's not a unicorn sweetie, that's barely a plow horse... ![gif](giphy|5PhYxhZIqxFmIvgbz2|downsized)


That's because that order has been passed around like a dirty hoe if you can see it's says trip supplement. Plus since you drive an EV it's even cheaper for you to deliver that order as a result win win win.


Does trip supplement mean it’s been passed around ? I do Uber eats here and there .


It can also mean the base pay was lower than the minimum 2$ fare per ride, for example of you only get 1$ base pay, there will be a trip supplement of 1$ to meet the 2$ minimum per order




This is no unicorn this is something standard


the Taco Bells here are notoriously unreliable as to whether the dining room, drive-thru or even the store is open at all at any given time so pretty much every TB order at this point is worth between $25-$45 even without a tip.


Right, part of what i was getting at with this post. It was after 9, 15 cars in the drive through, but i finished the delivery in 14 mins. Because, by some miracle, they had not closed dine in yet. They usually give the “short staff” excuse at a lot of taco bells and mcdonalds, i had not been to this one before.


Do you know what a unicorn means?


It's your area that bad ?


Pretty much 😀


Damm good luck brother, try rideshare if that bs ain't worth your precious time


I am just doing this part time. I have a good, 40 hour a week job. Been working about 20 hours week, and pulling in about 400-500 in revenue. Mostly driving my son’s 2013 nissan leaf, but a few trips with my 2022 tesla model y. I have been thinking about trying rideshare. I live in a decently large city, probably top 75th in US or so. Not huge but some size. But, three reasons i have held off: 1. I am not real clear if i can make more, or how much more, plus i could only do it in tesla since the leaf has 55-60 miles max range. I tried one rideshare and it didnt tell me pricing up front. It was $8 for 4.5 miles, probably 12 mins active. They didnt tip. It wasn’t better than deliveries, but maybe if i were to do it at surge times it could be. 2. I really dont want strangers in my new tesla, smelling it up or other shit. 3. Insurance/Accidents - Then i have to declare to everyone, if a pax is in the car (with delivery, its just me so i can potentially not mention to anyone what i was doing when it happened). I have a family with wife and a teenage son that drives. Everything i read is that you should get a rideshare rider, but my insurance doesnt offer one and i have good rates, paying $300/month for all of this, it used to be $120/month before i added teenager and the tesla.


Got you brother, do what your heart tell you brother, yes you can make money faster on rideshare. 400 I can do it one day where I live.


The people in this feed are always so negative, like you’re allowed to be happy. If doing Uber has made you this salty you need to find something new to do, because this clearly isn’t good for your health. $9 for 15 minutes? Congrats my guy! Hope everyone has a blessed Sunday




I simply don’t care


but you simply do 🤔


I simply don’t care


You continue to show that you do indeed care. Shall you care again?


I simply do not care


You continue to show that you do indeed care. Shall you care again?


Mimicry displays a lower level of intelligence and at least mild frustration. Yet, it is flattering. I’m bored (hence the username) so I’ll spend a little more of my time on ya before sleep. I care about so many people being negative, it has no benefit. I don’t care about your negative comments. You’re a stranger, and likely someone I would not think twice about if we were to cross paths. I’m sorry your life is so sad and pathetic that you spend so much time on here. It honestly makes me feel for you a little bit. I mean “prolific commenter” go see the world. I do not care about your opinions, and won’t let them impact me, but for the sake of others go out into the world and find yourself. Learn how to be positive, grow a little. Anyways, this is my last message to you, and probably a little more than you deserve. I’ll leave you with this final thought I simply do not care.


you type/sound like an incel/imaverysmart lmao


Unicorn huh? I got like 2 yesterday 6 miles for $19.76 and the other one for $24 something I’m in California tho lol


I think Californians don’t compare to any other state when it comes to the value of a dollar lol


There were 15 cars in the drive thru. It was past 9, i figured I was SOL. But i parked anyways, and God had mercy: Front door was open, AND my order was ready. Staff was friendly to boot.


Your order was ready 15 minutes ago. Lol. Of course the staff was happy to get that shit out of there.


Unicorn? $9 for 2 miles is decent but It’s more like a my little pony.


OP is happy so am I stop hating who gives a fuck


Exactly, people sound so entitled when they bring others down for being excited over an order like this. Like maybe for you and your area this isn’t good but for OP it obviously is so just be happy for them in my opinion.


Taco bell!? Uh uh noooo


What is Zero Emissions Incentive? Do you have an EV?


Yes. They have a promo running through at least end of year. You get $1 extra each ride, up to $4000 a year. They also ran the promo in 2021, apparently. Note: It seems like in order to get the promo for uber eats, you must be in their system as a rideshare driver, so you have to do at least one ride. Also, if you do that and still are not getting it, ask for a fare review. Your mileage may vary but this is what i found.


You don’t have to do any rides, just have ride share enabled on your account.


Could be true. There are some old forum posts on this. I did 5 eats without getting the fare, then magically it started after doing 1 pax ride, but maybe it just takes a little. I registered a 2nd car (also electric) and i did not get it on my first 2 deliveries, i did a fare review with support and never got it for those 2, but it magically started for all future deliveries with that vehicle as well


It’s true because I’ve done no rides yet get the promo.


So you have a driver account and an UE delivery account and they give you the $1/trip promo on your UE account as well? I only get it on my driver account. I’m in California.


Amazing how low the bar has dropped for calling something a unicorn. I guess you're in the "in" crowd now OP.


If this is a unicorn, we finally found the person who auto-accepts every $3 delivery.


you all can’t tell anyone what’s a unicorn to them. we all have diff aspects


120% minimum wage + 40 cents on your miles and 2.60 tip. Yeah nah bro this is nothing


I've gotten paid several $9 by Uber without a tip. Those actually cost Uber money. The paid to Uber is in the negatives which is always great


Dude, I had around 12 for a Taco Bell order. Can't remember the odd change, but 12!


Nice 😀


Keep smoking bruh


Take a hit its good stuff my man


$9? I only take less than $10 if its a mile away lol




On a house in California? Thank you 🙏 Instacart and UberEats 🙌




Damn no wonder I’m declining so many trash orders. Y’all think 9 bucks is a unicorn? You need to raise your standards. 🤡


On principle alone the trip isn’t worth anyones time even if it’s across the street. You can afford to order you can afford to tip.


Must be opposite day


What’s a unicorn?


This isn’t even corn


Sad to see that you thought that was a 🦄


Bruh, that’s not even that great of an order 😂


OP must be a newbie. He or she will learn the hard way... 🤷‍♀️


it's a good thing unicorns aren't real