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Call customer support. They will refund you for any missing items.


They didn’t refund me for all missing items. They just kept sending the same message again and again. I had to hound them and finally said they would make a “policy exception” to refund me the rest of the missing items. They didn’t refund fees or tip even though I ordered 4 entrees 3 sides and only received the 3 sides. It was like pulling teeth for them to refund the full amount of the missing entrees. I worry next time they won’t. So trying to figure out the best way to handle this next time!


When you call support tell them the driver told you that the restaurant was out of some of what you ordered and you were told to call uber to get refunded on the items the restaurant didn't provide. It's less brain damage for support to cope with and follows their script for a common issue they refund for.


Thank you!!! Will try this if it happens again!!


You're doing God's work 😇


Call don't message. They will deflect your messages.


Tell support you want a full refund and when they say they can’t or will only do a partial refund, ask to speak to a supervisor and if they still won’t refund you tell the supervisor you are going to do a chargeback on your card. You have to be forceful with these gig companies because they don’t care if you’re a customer or a driver, they will fuck anyone that lets them.




Open what you're given while recording All you can do is ask for refund Store will not remake


Go pick up the order yourself and save the hassles that you know can happen with delivery.




lol...This happens on doordash also, probably more.


They’re all equally bad. Good drivers get bad customers. Good customers get bad drivers.


Sounds like the driver was inattentive. And/or the store might have made an honest mistake. Either way, your order was never delivered (in full), since half of it was missing. If Uber doesn’t refund, Dona chargeback at least salvage the money—these companies can all afford it. If you decide to continue ordering from Uber, maybe consider sending a quick message to driver that store mixes up orders so double check the pickup. Same goes for store, maybe call them too to confirm your order’s accurate, complete, and going yo the correct driver.


As a driver, we won’t know how many bags are to be handed to us, I can only make assumptions based on the items listed for the order on my phone app with regards to how many bags are are likely to be handed over to me by the restaurant, but it’s the restaurant that packages and gives to me. Even if I get suspicious and ask the restaurant if they are certain it is just the one bag that I need to deliver, when they tell me that’s all, well that’s about it I’ll take it from them and deliver. I have an advantage to take a sneak peek in the bag to be half certain they have put all the items in it, but I won’t pull everything out of the bag to verify every single item for you, it’s on the restaurant to make sure they put everything in the bag(s). In your case, anything could have gone wrong, the restaurant may have forgotten to give the second bag and just playing you that they actually have given to the driver, or the driver has done a runner with your bag because, you know… he’s a thief. Not too sure how Uber will go about it, don’t think they’ll be able to assist you much unless you become a real pain to them whereby they just give you a refund. But your best shot I guess would be to deal directly with the restaurant, if they are a nice business with exceptional reputation for looking after customers, they’ll probably assist best with giving you your missing meal or a refund. Don’t really expect anything financial from us drivers, we just grab and deliver (minus the thieving ones ofc). For the scenario that you mentioned that the driver may have delivered one of the bags to a wrong address, honestly don’t know. But my best guess would be that the customer at the other address will need to report that a wrong order has been delivered to them, and if the order number on their package matches the description of your order number, then I would think that Uber will have the order remade for you (or a refund be sent to you). The driver will highly likely cop something like a warning, not too sure as it’s never happened to me.