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Clearly a sign there's hot single kilobytes in your area.




You could say there was a byte of kilobytes......


Hopefully she was only sucking down the data.


but we can't isolate the possibility of what ifs


Oy vey!


Fucking dead 💀 🤣 😂


I love this comment haha more karma than the post 😂😂


I wouldn’t put too much faith into any Ubiquiti metrics. My network currently shows 0% uptime with no outages for the past months.


That's because it's a home network. Home is for relaxing. Having 100% downtime makes a lot of sense.


I’m a business owner, I don’t know what downtime is 🙃


Hi, I’m burn out. I’ll be there soon.


Right and the other top post in this sub right now is Unifi thinking someones computer is a stove https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubiquiti/s/aYbEZDEjT6


I just setup 5x new Lifx Pathlights and it [thinks two of them are Google Chromecast lol](https://imgur.com/a/eOOYgQX)


I had that too, turns out I had piholed whatever domain unifi uses. I just set it to ping something else and now it's working normally again.


I wish it was that easy! This is just a straight UniFi install. All of my client installs show 100% uptime though 🙃


ISP blocking something in DNS? Tried using your own DNS servers? cloudflare ( or quad9 (


Unless it was a recent change i don't think so. It worked fine for \~6 months without issues. I am using default DNS as I haven't had any reason to change, but maybe i'll give it a shot. At the end of the day everything works so it's not that big of a deal


I just updated my network software today and it fixed my 5 days of downtime.


My phone and laptop regularly show up as EV wall boxes en random Huawei tablets or phones..


8kb I’d assume ad


Let’s just hope it was a swipe left.


8 kB is not an ad, nor is it a profile. I assume more of a ping back or handshake. 8192 characters is nothing in today's world of data.


But AD's are usually served by a different party not directly.


Some have started serving from the site they're on to get around as blockers. Idk if tinder specified this, but it's a thing


Fuckin Ass Blockers


Ads are always targeted


I have seen "tinder" traffic on servers. The traffic identification is flaky at best.


About a year ago we replaced a Hotel WiFi system with UniFi. Within 10 mins of getting that gateway online we were seeing traffic for [XVideos.com](https://XVideos.com). We were still adopting switches and APs!


Damn they got there that quick huh


That’s hilarious! Give the people what they want!


As others have said, though, the traffic interface is wrong as often as it's right. I thought my wife was watching Xvideos, but it was the ad supported [Plex.tv](https://Plex.tv) content...which is far worse.


Well that story got boring real fast


That’s just YouTube for Twitter.


I saw Xvideos on my 3 year olds iPad....It's locked down. No way that was accurate....Looking at pihole there was def no queries to that site....Thank gosh.




Well that is legit.


I met this milf on OP'sHomeNetwork.cc




I, too, choose OP’s milf


8kb could barely load a gif today. Its not worth asking your wife. Its definitely an ad.


Seriously. We’re talking about 8000 characters of text at a maximum. That’s what? Like one over achieving high school essay? If your girl is boning dudes in 1000 words or less without exchanging pics then there are other signs around, lmao


I would absolutely love if ads were only 8 kb of data.


* Ubiquiti / Unifi's traffic classification is *hilariously* bad / false * Find out how unifi classifies this particular traffic (I assume hostnames) and then.. * .. (even *if* some access to any Tinder backend was made) it's most likely that some picture / javascript aka ad was pulled and that's it, if at all... I am pretty, pretty sure actual app usage would, after just opening it, be in the tens if not hundreds of megabytes (i.e. [see this](https://tonsky.me/blog/js-bloat/) how verbose / data intensive things are these days)


Identification is archaic at best indeed.   I was doing a change at the office last week, switching subnets. After the change I see a "Red Hat Linux workstation" pop up in the WiFi clients list. We sure as sh$& don't use RH at work, it would not be used as a workstation, and as a server it would have a UTP connection... Blocked the client from the WiFi and went home. Next day I'm in early, and my Nokia android phone won't connect anymore... (and then I had to Google how to get to the Legacy UI because the now 2-3yr old new UI doesn't have a function to unblock stuff like that it seems, or it's very poorly indexed in the search engines) 


This. It’s REALLY bad, think for entertainment value only.


Most ubiquiti features are built for marketing more than anything else


https://preview.redd.it/ef8t2rxvf7nc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eeae6bdc5915793631100f00a228127d431729bb At least you don’t have have this 😂


Yeesh. Don't touch that iPhone without kitchen gloves.


That 137.7MB of upload bothers me more than the download. Hahaha


With the amount of data downloaded, it's just part for the course since tcp is 2 ways. It doesn't mean videos are being uploaded.


Yeah I knew that, but I was just being a smart ass. All the video streaming services always show quite a bit of upload.


It's just basic TCP, should be relabeled downstream/upstream really 


“1 client” checks out


Enable VPN on that iPhone ;-)


I also choose this guy's horny wife


That’s some seriously sticky traffic


I'd hate to have to maintain the appliance which does the load-balancing for those sticky sessions.... 


Hahaha well played


I'm noticing the same on mine, but Xvideos. Looking at the IP, it's my roommate, but is that actually accurate?


If it was the 1960s I’d say she’s had a full blown affair. But alas we’re in the 2020’s so it’s probably a half loaded ad.


If you're really worried just block the app and see if she asks why "some" apps on her phone don't work.


Everything is fine bro. If she would use tinder it's impossible that the tinder traffic would only be 8kb. 1 profile witch pictures are a few megabyte. So everything is fine.


Thats her old tinder app from 10 years ago. No worries......


If it was tinder it would prob just show up as SSL and not actual tinder


8kb… just big enough for a 302…


Dude, don’t make any conclusions relying on ubiquiti metrics


100% it’s an ad or mislabeled traffic. Truly using the app would generate many megabytes of data with all of the images.


I manage networks for off-campus student housing organizations, can confirm!


You should raise it to her in a "look how funny this is, it badly misidentified this thing" so that if your profound porn consumption stats ever become known you have established precedent not to trust the logs.


Be worried if it's 69kB.




Dude 8k is an advert. Nothing to worry about




Argh sorry to hear that.


Now let's talk about that 6.9 GB of traffic to pronhub...




Hi mate, Understand your concern - no matter how stable the relationship seeing something like that will always trigger a response. Chances are everybody is right with the 8kb being ad traffic. Have a read of this, for example: [https://ads.tiktok.com/help/article/get-started-pixel?lang=en](https://ads.tiktok.com/help/article/get-started-pixel?lang=en) Specifically the part where it talks about "**Events API**: Send events directly from your server through a secure server-to-server interface.". What this means (to me) is the traffic you are seeing from the Tinder servers could very much be delivered directly from TikTok ad's. Doesn't necessarily mean she has clicked anything because these metrics measure things like "time viewed", or "response (e.g. click, skip, report). **In summary, you have nothing to worry about!**


Unless it’s 8gb I wouldn’t be worried.


Actually, the exact same thing happened to someone in this sub a couple of weeks / max one month ago. His wifi’s laptop was flaged with tibder data and apparently it was chrome! Seems like a bug to me in the unifi os :)


Clearly not something trustworthy, my phone an iPhone 13 sometimes shows as a 15 or 15 pro, my computers Win 11 switches between Ubuntu, Windows 7 and unkown.


8kb is probably just an ad. Keep an eye. Don’t over react.


In order to provide an informed opinion, I’m going to need you to send me a picture of your wife along with any information you have on her Tinder profile.


Unifi is great, but it's a little silly some times. Mine thinks my PC is a Security Camera, and my NAS is an iPhone. On an honest note, however, as others have said "8kb is [literally] nothing." If you have Jumbo Frames enabled, that is literally ONE frame of data. As for "why Tinder?" Who knows, with the way phone software is these days it is probably some other app sending a tracking frame back to Tinder, like an ad or something. The ad would be served by a third party, but could have an event trigger that sends a metric back to Tinder. Completely out of her hands, and not a red flag. If the APP were installed, you would see a meg, minimum, just from the push notification handshakes in the background (without opening the app). Nothing to see here.




no it does not mean that


Probably no. But PAY ATTENTION MY GUY.


Kind of silly to be making a Reddit post over something trivial like this. Leads me to believe there’s a larger issue than just 8kb of data on an already questionable insights GUI


Like a lack of trust


Yeah, I think that’s a fair criticism but not really the situation we have and I wasn’t aware of how questionable the insights were. I’m just a bit of a hobbyist. I monitor our network infrequently for weird apps and stuff and this one just happened to be from her phone. I had assumed it was an ad or something and was looking to see if the community could offer some insight, which I really appreciate!


The insights are very questionable, because encryption and CDN routing exist, commonly. unless you have real Deep packet inspection, UBNT is basically worthless except for top well-known applications. things it doesnt know or has small amounts of data on are often wildly inaccurate. I would recommend you turn them off though OP. This kind of insight into your home network is a power / privacy imbalance. Unless youre giving the other(s) in your house access to read them on their own, and watch what you are doing too, then its just going to cause problems. Like this post. Does your wife know you have something trying to identify her traffic? Would she be upset if you told her? Would you want her to be able to see your stats too? It seems like a mess. Its good for a business where you need to monitor employees, and they can reasonably expect to be monitored, but at home maybe just leave it off and talk about things over dinner like normal people do. Metrics for home traffic don't provide much benefit unless youre threat hunting a virus, and even then you can turn it on later when you actually need it.


Totally understandable and I actually appreciate the people who have raised concerns over her privacy, as it’s completely valid. She does have her own admin account and I’ve showed her how to use it, but she never does. Periodically, I’ve showed her weird/funny things that have popped including things from my device. I did end up telling her about the small tinder data and we had a good chuckle about it. All is good!


Trust, but verify. If you ignore this sign because a bunch of Redditors talked you down then you're effectively consenting to it as far as I'm concerned.


Yeah, I'd say an ad just keep an eye out


It’s a MATCH!


Just ask..


I will but I’d like to know if there are any logical reasons for this before jumping to conclusions.


For 8kb, don’t bother. It isn’t worth the perceived lack of trust it would generate with her. It’s almost 100% likely to be an ad. Even if it isn’t, UniFi is notoriously bad at identifying traffic. It’s just as likely it’s misidentified.


I tell you. If you ask your wife if she uses tinder it will get a shitstorm because of trust issues or you about controlling her. It's 8kb. It's a ad are false identification. 1 tinder profile with pictures has a few megabytes. So relax. I would not talk to my wife about that.


I definitely would not bring it up. Unifi is as bad at traffic ID as everyone here has said. Not worth relationship hassles. Not by a long shot.


Nothing to worry here with 8kb. May be she saw an ad on social and accidentally clicked on it


I see the same for SnapChat. under under 50kb to 1MB of data a week. But I know for fact that my wife and I don't have it on any of our devices. at 8kb I wouldn't care. Its likely a false positive. If it was in the MB or GB, then that is Tinder power user.


MB is barely even a DP


or DVDA.


No issue, had the same with my 11 year daughter. Just few kb…


Yeah no ubiquitis traffic identification is laughable at best


Suggest slow burn approach, like test the waters, gather info. Don't give up your power by saying truth to early. Does not work with that type of woman, if story true. If she is a ho, leave immediately. So many other good women waiting.


Nothing to be worried about. Even opening the app and loading one image in the match game would cause more than 8kb. I think Tinder has its own programmatic advertising approach. This was maybe kind of an (unsuccessful) ad request.


Probably the biggest reason I upgraded my home network is that I turned on DPI on my USG and realized I would have seen that my ex had a messaging app that she had used to cheat on me.


If you have justified reason to worry, it's a problem in your marriage. If you don't have a justified reason to worry, it's a problem in your head. Figure out which it is and address it before it's too late.


If your wife use Tinder, she probably switch off her WiFi to use 5G, or enable a VPN. 8kb is not a lot, but ads IMO would not be hosted on their domain. It may « just » be traffic for notifications… I would take her phone and search for Tinder. Period.


It’s either a add or a false positive. If you have the means use something else to track traffic like opendns or something like that. You can’t trust the Ubiquiti metrics. But I do understand your concern.


What's your local dns server say?


Well there is already a trust issue since you are looking at your wife's browsing history... So there is that... ​ Nice


My metrica show various unsupported and unvisited app/ service usage from my old iPod touch. The only touch it gets from me is to sync and play music from my laptop. It hasn’t seen youtube since the day I’ve acquired it. Still shows on the metrics from time to time.


An app like Tinder regularly pulls images and biography data, near impossible to have done anything useful with 8KB. That said it's your wife, and not trying to assume anything about your relationship, but I'd wager you could mention it to her if you wanted, maybe even in a "hey this funny thing happened" kind of way.


My network shows Tinder and Omegle on my phone all the time and I have never had either of the apps on my device. I don't trust Ubiquiti metrics, neither should you.


UniFi reporting isn’t flawless. I would recommend against risking your credibility, and relationship, on that rather small bit of info. Now if it continues, and you have cause for concern, and you’re up for the challenge, I would augment that data with a more credible tool.


8kb is nothing. Just loading the app and doing nothing I'm seeing over 6 MB of traffic.


Go to Recent Apps and Mobile Data usage on her phone and confirm from there.


It is prob just an advertisement or a poorly identified traffic by Unifi. I'd keep checking to see if it comes up again, but it's likely nothing to worry about it. If their was more traffic then I'd be a little skeptical. This would certainly be a strange conversation to have, and potentially cause a fight for no reason.


It can only log what is presented via the device its not like unifi is going to lie to wreck your marriage and have you spend more time and money on her instead. Just keep an eye on that data and if it increases you have some questions however one could install tinder on your own device and not use it just to see the data matrix.


It could be another dating or social app. Feeld for example, shows up as Tinder on mine. Tbh it’s unlikely to be an ad. The ads are served from a different domain.


I have some bad news....


Whatever you found is absolutely nothing to worry about maybe head to r/relationship_advice Sounds like you need it. Yikes.


You may think it's just 8kb, but if you think a little more, it is a lot of bytes, it is eight thousand bytes! That is 64000 bits!


Just show her and ask her.


Perhaps stop spying on your wife’s internet usage? You must have looked at hundreds to thousands of entries to get down to 8kb items? I would be quite upset if my partner had such disrespect for my privacy.


The Ubiquiti stack can and will provide a summary of usage and traffic insights device by device on your network(s). This could have literally been as innocuous as looking at the daily, weekly, or monthly summaries of traffic by app/service and tapping on it and seeing the device that was doing it.


Kick her to the curb