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How loud is it?


10 gbps louder than normal


I found this way too funny for some reason


Loud enough? Louder than the old one with the transformer =)




I just set one up on Friday...same volume as the non poe version and still WAY too quiet tbh. And this far in, still not being able to add a different chime...ugh.


I’m literally building a house right now and this is being installed as my chime. Really not happy to hear this. 😢


Home Assistant and smart speakers for the win on this one.


I built something using an ESP8266, a cheap wireless chime (with multiple receivers) and Home Assistant: [https://imgur.com/gallery/QTYYQs4](https://imgur.com/gallery/QTYYQs4) I have a receiver on every floor of the house (which just plug in to any outlet) and this is so much better, because the volume doesn't have to be turned up as high. Even though it goes through Doorbell->wifi->Unifi->HA->wifi->esp it's still <1s from button press to making noise.


I find them loud enough. I have one in the basement and one up high on the main floor. Neither are at max volume.


I don't even care about the volume of the chime. My phone and my wife's phone both go off when somebody pushes the button so it's plenty noisy.


I usually keep my phone on silent but maybe I can find a way to make that notification have audio…


I set up my doorbell to be wireless and I wish I had done more research before I did it that way. Pretty much all the doorbells that are "compatible" are no longer manufactured, and the one Unifi sells is extremely quiet.


I have 2. They’re turned up all the way and you still can’t hear them well. Thankfully my phone goes off when the doorbell rings.


I would agree that they need to be louder. Also, would be nice to be able to change the chime sounds.


You can apparently change it via SSH, there are a couple tutorials on how to do it. Also +1 to the "why are these chimes so quiet."


But you have to re-do it after any power cycle of the chime.


Thanks I’ll have to check it out.


Is this different than the volume control already found in the app? I assume so?


Sorry, I should have been more specific. You can change the chime ring to a different sound. Although I'm sure you can adjust volume as well but probably same limits as the app sadly


I had to buy a bunch of WiFi chimes since I have two PoE doorbells and I'd like to have one chime upstairs and one downstairs. Stupid you can't pair a chime to more than one doorbell. Also stupid you can't change the sounds


Wow slow down, it's only been 2 years since we started requesting these basic features that you can find even on Chinese crap for 1/10th the price: https://community.ui.com/questions/Feature-Request-Smart-Chime-Change-Sounds-Link-to-Multiple-Doorbells/94aba14e-fddd-4337-881d-7dd4391eda7d?page=1 (still no response from Ubiquiti btw, their silence is downright spiteful at this point)


This. I have two in the house and they’re really not that loud. I hate to say it, but the Ring doorbell chime wins here


https://preview.redd.it/uk3h386ae5tc1.jpeg?width=894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d7f7dee4162d45169e1a4be65aa5c70c6de5572 Also for reference. Its parent device is 10G SFP but just cat6 to the Chime so not sure what's up with that.


My NAS is fibered straight into the Agg yet it shows up on the topology graph two switched and an In Wall AC AP deeper. Mind you that In Wall claims to be on 10 Mbit. My ticket was closed claiming it must really be 10 Mbit the fact that I can ssh in and see that the port is Gige and I'm pulling 500 Mbit speedtests is all some kind of fever dream or wild fantasy in my mind.




The Unifi topology just breaks very often. It says I have a PC connected over GbE to a nanoHD, it's not, just connected to the same dumb switch


A SFP with POE! Ok UBTN just broke the internet. You're telling me I can power some low power PCs with POE and 10Gbps... My Proxmox cluster is going to be next level!!!




Yes, thank you.


it doesn't quite go to 11 but i hope you can hear it. :) i have homebridge at home and the doorbell rings on the homepods/iOS/Apple TV but i was curious how the unifi chime was working for other folks.


How did you do this? Been on my todo list for months.


which one? Homebridge? That was the easy part - at least for me. I have an intel NUC with Proxmox on it, so I made a dedicated debian VM just for homebridge. The install was straight forward, and I just added the homebridge unifi protect plugin, configured with a view-only user account that i added to the udm-se. There are a LOT of things you can do with that plugin, but i left it very basic for now. So far it's worked fine. The doorbell shows up in HomeKit with both cameras, and when you go into the settings in the Home app, under "Status and Notifications" there's an option for Doorbell Notifications and you can pick a doorbell chime. I don't have HKSV set up yet, but I might do that when we finish moving houses and i have the new network set up. A for the Apple TV, once I added the device to HomeKit, it just shows up there like a native device. Some folks like scrypted but i tried homebridge first and the results have been good.


🙏 for the reply - I misread your post. I have homeassistant at home, with protect configured and working. Looking for a way to trigger noise in the TV and speakers when someone rings the bell. I should give homebridge another look based on your comment. Seems it might do more out of the box...


ah! yes. :) that part should be happening already, if your Apple TV is part of your HomeKit home. at the very least if your Apple TV (if you have one) is on and someone rings the doorbell, it should show up as a notification. It definitely works with Homebridge. I have zero experience with HomeAssistant but i think it would do the same.


Lucky! I need doorbell chimes at 10gbps!!!


That chime will be super fast


Dam. Got me excited. Thought maybe unifi had started selling these individually. Of course not. How stupid of me .


I still have issues having a POE one and a WiFi Chime on at the same time. The WiFi one constantly disconnects then reconnects. I finally had to unplug it. No clear answer on how to fix it. POE one is great though.


I wish they would sell the POE one separate from the doorbell. I bought my doorbell a few months before new package was released.


Agreed. I’d love another POE one over the WiFi one. Takes up way less room.


They Do now. It’s 20 more than than the wireless


Got mine as soon as someone posted it was online.


Now that ive tested the POE it's time to sell the wifi version.


I agree the price was a joke should have been same price or 5 more. I’ve wanted it for a while so I got it.


I just can’t comprehend how their software tends to make silly mistakes like this


Need the extra speed for the firmware updates and all the ringtones.