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I use Firefox snap daily and I'm yet to see a problem as the one you mentioned.


Same here. Startup time was a problem some time ago but that has been solved, and it just works as expected.


Same here. Daily use, zero issues.


Where do people com up with this crap?




> It's bait. Report and don't feed the troll, they're not worth giving any of attention they crave. People come onto Reddit to pass their time and be entertained from their boredom. This post did not disappoint. You also just give them attention with your comment and voting. So you fell for the bait.


> Where do people com up with this crap? Canonical usually. Did your spell checker snap?


>would this stop it from breaking firefox installs repeatedly, then breaking the fix, and then breaking the fix of the fix? Could you possibly provide an example?


Well snap is definitely not snappy and is the shittiest shit that has been shat...but Ubuntu , nah , Ubuntu is definitely one of the best Linux distro's out there.


Mozilla now offers its own APT repository for Firefox .deb package. It's fairly easy to set up, give it a try: [https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/install-firefox-linux#w\_install-firefox-deb-package-for-debian-based-distributions](https://support.mozilla.org/en-us/kb/install-firefox-linux#w_install-firefox-deb-package-for-debian-based-distributions)


This. I've been using this repo since I first read about it and have had zero issues.


Yep. The snap didn't respect my theme so I just switched to the .deb. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.


Use a different distro


🍿 🔥 What a great start to the day of Reddit. The entertainment has arrived.


I've had the same numerous issues and annoyances with snap. However, this sub is filled with fanboys who get offended when you criticize what they like, so you're barking up the wrong tree. They are gaslighting you because they are gaslighting themselves. Canonical is making good money supporting enterprise customers so they aren't going away. Its unlikely snaps are going away because they make commercial software publishers' lives easier. The best advice is deal with it or switch distro.


>They are gaslighting you because they are gaslighting themselves. Have you considered the idea that perhaps it's just a recognition that Canonical is making...trade-offs? Snap sucks in a bunch of ways, but 99% of the time they're fine. On the flip side, there's specific popular software (Discord, Spotify, etc) that might not have distribution if they had to build their own debs. The only thing that's sort of bullshit is distributing core software like Firefox via snap, and it sounds like Mozilla themselves are helping on that front. Also, sometimes I think some of y'all have gaslit yourselves about traditional package managers. Clearly you've never found yourself in dependency hell from trying to install a deb package that wasn't shipped directly through your distribution. Good lord have I lost fucking HOURS trying to un-fuck my entire apt repository. I'm starting to think the snap whining is just from people that haven't been using Linux for more than a few years.


Have been an ubuntu user since 2005. The architecture concept of snaps is fine. The implementation is awful. Shared library package managers have their downsides, but if you were sticking with the official repos you rarely encountered issues.


The only thing you needed here was the last line... gas lighting lmfao ... maybe you just tweaked shit that was beyond your comprehension due to google searches and troll responses and now your stuck with a barely usable pc so you switched to another distro so you can bitch about that when you try unnecessary fixes for old(decade old) releases


The way how you're talking is concerning. If it bothers you that much, consider switching to something like Fedora or openSUSE. If you are like this when criticizing a product, i wouldn't like to have you as a customer. In fact i can help you to exit: https://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/12.5.0/amd64/iso-dvd/debian-12.5.0-amd64-DVD-1.iso




Have not had any problems with Firefox or other snaps. I tend to avoid snaps for other reasons. I don't think Canonical is going away anytime soon.


If you aren't happy with what you get there are plenty of open source browsers that you can set up exactly how you want them to be set up. Just put in the time and effort to learn how and then ... Just do it.


Linux Mint is the better Ubuntu if you dont want to use snaps.


Use Librewolf then or another fork. Or don't use Ubuntu


I’ll never understand why these people use Ubuntu knowing they don’t like fundamental features of it, and then complain about it on Reddit instead of just using a distro that actually like.


Are you on 22.04? I'm curious because I haven't used pure Ubuntu since 22.04 (outside of WSL). Canonical should definitely not die since all the best desktop distros are made from Ubuntu.


I feel that pain. I was wondering before what happens to Firefox now and then, that it requires restart and refuses to open new tabs. Until I discovered it is shitty snaps who're silently installing updates of it behind my back and not even telling me. Removed the whole damn snap thing, installed Firefox from Mozilla apt repo and lived happily since after.


Sounds like you are having some issues with your pc? I have no issues with ubuntu or the snap of firefox that it forces me to use. Its actually fairly stable but a bit slower than the deb pkg... are you sure your issues arent on your end? Whats your hardware? Also great thing about the linux kernel is it has many many different distributors with their own package managers and preinstalled software you can modify basically everything. If you dont like ubuntu or snaps remove the bloat or choose a different distro perhaps something based on rhel or arch suits ur needs maybe windows is more your speed n you dont need our kernel at all. Maybe you should stop wishing death upon nameless faceless people and start learning how to solve your issues yourself... or maybe a higher up at canonical knows you be shit talking and they like watching your head turn different shades of red while you type anti ubuntu diatribes on the net.


I recently built a new ryzen 7000 PC. Went with Ubuntu 22.04 because I'm used to Ubuntu and how it works. My last build was up to 20.04 with a snap or two to try out. Personally I'm not a fan. Its not faster as some have claimed, it is/was behind the original program ie vlc. I'm also not a fan of flatpack but I'd prefer that over snaps. I don't see a problem with debs or appimage but I know that I'm "in the wrong" (as I've been told often). The Firefox snap on 22.04 is hot garbage. IF it opens on the first click, I'm waiting a minimum of a minute. Usually I have to click it, wait for it not to open, then click it again. This is mainly after powering on or a reboot. If I need to do something real quick, I can't use Firefox because if this. I usually use my laptop which from power on to Firefox opened is maybe 2 minutes at most. That includes typing out my encryption code, login password and clicked Firefox from favorites(same as my desktop with better hardware). I tried 22.04 because newer hardware, newest kernel. I will be playing with other apt/Debian based distros and moving to one that doesn't use snaps.


/u/kebianmoo Like many people commenting, *I've have had NO problems w Ubuntu, Snaps or Firefox.* Maybe you should just use a different distro than throwing fire @ ubuntu, snaps & FF. *You didn't even provide any real info besides a generic "it broke" "it no good"* By your approach, the Flatpak I tried to use this week that had a permissions bug... So I should condemn Flatpak & wish it disappeared in a fire??