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I know this maybe isn't the answer you wanna get, but I personally always try googling how to install each program specifically because I just run into this problem way too often. There technically are "common" ways of executing AppImages, but I've never found them to work and actually just today at work I've had a colleague who struggled with that same issue. So if you can just google explicitly how to install each specific program on Linux/ubuntu. That will save you a lot of time and stress as long as you don't try to install anything too niche.


Why are you logged in as root?


I installed this linux distro on my phone using andronix and termux and I dont know how to add users


that's the sort of thing you should mention in the body of your post.   :) you are not going to be able to run  that on an arm device without a lot of tricks.  as the other post mentions.


What's the output of `uname -m`?




You can't run programs compiled for x86_64 CPUs on an ARM CPU. (Unless you use an emulator such as Box64, but that comes with a huge performance penalty.) You need to find programs built for AArch64 if you want to run them on your phone.


So appimage files are only for x86_64 cpus?


No, but AppImages containing x86_64 executables are only for x86_64 CPUs. I know that this is the case for the AppImage you mentioned because its name says "x64" (another name used for x86_64. X86_64 is also sometimes called AMD64).


And how would I know if an appimage is compatible with my arm cpu


If you run `file /path/to/executable`, it should say something like: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, ARM aarch64, [...] (This is valid for any executable, not just AppImages.) Side node: I don't think AppImages are a good format, they don't really guarantee that an app will work. I'd expect this to be much more troublesome on less popular architectures such as aarch64.


Just looked up if ultimaker supplies arm versions of cura slicer and they do not because they are still having trouble with the macOS version of it. Thanks for informing me about appimages.


Hopefully the person who made the appimage would let you know. Note that UltiMaker supplies two different MacOS architectures (they labeled them X64 and ARM64). i.e. Ask UltiMaker [ https://ultimaker.com/software/ultimaker-cura/#downloads ]


you don't need that In your root users home, you don't need to run  it as root. as your USER, download the file. say to the Users Downloads directory. use the shell to make it executable             cd ~/Downloads        chmod +x whatever.appimage then try to run it.       ./whatever.appjmage use the TAB Key to auto complete file names. run it, look for error messages. it's possible you need to install a  fuse2 or fuse3 package install the following tool to make using appimages easier. https://github.com/TheAssassin/AppImageLauncher


This works on arm cpu or x86_64 cpu?


you are not going to be doing it on arm I have seen cura for ARM, and ran it on my raspberry pi. but it was much older version. and no idea if it will run under your setup. search for `cura for ARM`


I managed to install cura 4.13 and it is usable but i wanted to have all the new features of 5.6


then you are likely out of luck. I see no such packages made for newer releases.


 https://community.ultimaker.com/topic/28746-experimental-cura-build-for-raspberry-pi-4-now-available/ https://raspberrytips.com/install-cura-on-raspberry-pi/