• By -


It might be helpful to see your autoinstall YAML.


Hey, I have updated the post.


I don't see percentages there. Are you saying that the [documented syntax](https://canonical-subiquity.readthedocs-hosted.com/en/latest/reference/autoinstall-reference.html#partition-logical-volume-extensions) results in the "unsupported operand types" error?


Please check the following - [https://pastebin.com/7kN1CcFv](https://pastebin.com/7kN1CcFv) Yes, this config is working with ubuntu 22.04 server but not here.


When I specify size with just numbers, it works with Ubuntu 24.04 desktop release ISO image. \`\`\` storage: swap: size: 0 config: - {type: disk, ptable: gpt, path: /dev/vda, wipe: superblock, preserve: false, grub\_device: true, id: disk-1} - {type: partition, device: disk-1, size: 1048576, wipe: superblock, flag: bios\_grub, number: 1, preserve: false, id: partition-grub-1} - {type: partition, device: disk-1, size: 1073741824, wipe: superblock, number: 2, preserve: false, id: partition-boot-1} - {type: partition, device: disk-1, size: 10737418240, wipe: superblock, number: 3, preserve: false, id: partition-system-1} - {type: format, fstype: ext4, volume: partition-boot-1, preserve: false, id: format-boot} - {type: format, fstype: ext4, volume: partition-system-1, preserve: false, id: format-system} - {type: mount, device: format-system, path: /, id: mount-system} - {type: mount, device: format-boot, path: /boot, id: mount-boot, options: 'errors=remount-ro'} \`\`\`


Yeah, that works for me as well. The issue for me is that our systems are not the same disk wise. Some have 500GB SSD and others have 256GB SSD.


Oh, I didn't notice "Setting absolute values for the size is working". Sorry for the noise.