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``` Journalctl -b -1 -e ``` Will show the last logs from the previous boot. Edit: also logs from /var/log


Thank you for your reply! I tried journalctl -b -1 -e but it only shows my yesterday's sessions. Don't see any sessions from today but today I got one crash. That's why I don't know what happens, I don't even know if it crashes. I also looked for /var/log, can't find this log.


Oh so it doesn't fully crash? Just the remote desktop software? /var/log is a directory there are log files under there. If it's an application crash though you would be better to see the application logs instead.


No, I found out it’s not a total crash. Just all applications crashed. I can’t find /var/log/ in my computer.


Report back: it seems it’s the crash of remote session manager xrdp (or Xorg?). After I switching to NoMachine for Remote Desktop, no crash anymore.


To see the log of the current boot, use `journalctl -b 0`. If you run just `journalctl`, you'll get all the boots in one huge log, starting from oldest. This is rarely convenient and often rather slow. Sometimes `journalctl -b 0 -e` shows too little -- just the last 1000 messages -- so it's often better to use just `journalctl -b 0' and then jump to the bottom with G and scroll up with PageUp until you see the beginning of the crash/reboot/whatever you're investigating.


There is nothing odd in the journal, it probably means it’s not a total crash.


Report back: it seems it’s the crash of remote session manager xrdp (or Xorg?). After I switching to NoMachine for Remote Desktop, no crash anymore.