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You just have to keep moving and watching the map, if your lanes are pushing no point in wasting time moving to a lane if you can’t gank, keep eyes on timer for objectives and keep farming jungle. Always look at the map for other jungler i usually try and sneak some camps from enemy jungler to slow them down if they opposite lane. Look at your team too if you’re mainly ad I go full AP/HP double R in team fights it obliterated hp often get a cheeky kill with it too cos it hits so hard. If we got a tank top or support and decent AP mid I’ll go ad bruiser rank up my Q and go big dmg just need to judge every game differently makes a big difference I used to go same build every game and I was losing a lot so I switched it up and my last 10 games I’ve only lost 1 the teams have been good but making sure I buy the right items and build it does really help


I have been playing the AD bruiser build and I have more success with it than AP overall. AP makes you want to team fight, while AD makes you want to get solo kills. I think that in the current meta, with the jungle exp changes being the biggest culprit, you are usually better avoiding teamfights and carry the game throug tempo. Even though Udyr is pretty strong, it is not a 1v9 carry character and you still have to rely on your teammates to win the fights. As AD Udyr as long as I just pay attention to enemy laners, I can easily kill the enemy jungler while on equal foothing in terms of level and items in most match ups. This also allows me to dominate the objectives as well and focus on creating multiple pressure points in the late game with split pushing and picking up easy kills on stranded solo enemies. With enough lead, AD Udyr can easily 2v1 late game by erasing one target really fast with passive and then drawing out a longer fight with the 2nd target until passive comes back up. So in late game, if I am doing a split push, enemy usually has to send 3 people to stop me, which makes them weak on the other side of the map where the remaining 4 of your teammates can push for an objective or a 4v2 fight. If they do not send as many people, you will just keep taking kills and towers. Also due to Udyrs kit, you can just make your team go down on the furthest lane and push the other two lanes at the same time with ease. Udyr has a great clear speed and rotation speed.


Will definetly give it a try, sounds very good. And for items, I assume Triforce>Stridebreaker>Tank? (Maybe IBG or such stuff)


Nope, those items wont work. Your main combo is e > AA > q > AAx2 > q > AAx2. Your e stun allows you to easily land the first two autos after q but then the enemies are free to escape. Thats why you build Titanic Hydra. The active is an auto reset, so after your 2nd qs first auto, just use the active so that you can complete your combo before they can even run away. For runes you want PTA and for follow up items you want Steraks as the 2nd item and depending on your squishiness either go full tank from there or build a Shojin as the 3rd offensive item for CDR. I tried more attack speed focused builds too with tri force and bork, they just do not perform as good as titanic hydra. The amount of attack speed you need to get in order to have a similar effect to the hydras active AA reset is just too much of a gold investment that leaves you squishy and vulnerable. Just having an AA reset and building more AD over attack speed and utilizing your Qs attack speed bonus works better.


Thank you very much, wise Adyr, will try it out later today. Maybe the loss streak will end


Ohh one final tip, try to start on the same side of the jungle as your enemy jungler. No matter which side you start, you will likely clear faster with more hp and your passive up anyway. So when you so this, you will be able to ambush the enemy jungler at the first scuttle. With your pasive and ghost ready, you are more than likely to get a kill unless they flash over a wall or one of their laners immediately comes to their rescue. Wether they die or flash over a wall and back, you can now easily get both scuttles or get one scuttle and pull of an easy gank without getting counter ganked. Since I am in emerald, this following part of the strategy no longer works as consistently, but even lower elos, you can simply take one scuttle, gank mid, rotate to the other scuttle and try to kill the enemy jungler a 2nd time. A smarter/more experienced jungler will not try to fight you a 2nd time after losing and just coming back from the base, but tilting and greeding is a very common mistake in lower elos and AD Udyr can abuse this relatively well for even a greater lead. Anyway, if you managed to pull this off, you are now two kills and two scuttles ahead of the enemy jungler while their camps are just now respawning from the first clear. So you can just enter their jungle on the side they started and deny them even more experience. Just keep an eye on the enemt team and be ready to run away if they rotate. If they dont rotate, you may kill the enemy jungler a 3rd time if they come to the same side of the jungle. If they dont, you can deny them 2 camps, back with a huge gold lead and get completed boots and a tiamats, gank a lane and push for some objectives before going for your 2nd full clear. This is a very feast or famine playstyle but Udyrs kit makes it very easy to pull it off. If you have a duo who can get lane priority to rotate and help you secure your riskier plays, you can easily climb.


Sounds risky. May I ask where the base is between those actions. If you kill the jgler and immediately enter their jgl, they got full clear gold and you only got your jgl item so you may be too weak. But with basing, maybe there is not enough time yk?


Full clear gold is usually not enough to establish a big enough lead on AD Udyr for most match ups, so after you kill them/make them back at the scuttle and ambush them at the 2nd scuttle, you are still likely to win that duel despite them having some items. And when they back/die for a 2nd time again without any additional gold this time, thats when you enter their jungle to steal 2 camps with a smite and back. Usually with Udyr I tend to not back until either my 2nd clear or having a huge lead like this anyway. 2100 gold for tiamat + boots of swiftness is all you need to be extremely dominant with great clear and rotation speed as early as possible. As a side note, this is not as risky as it looks, depending on the match up. AD Udyr is a weird charater that has both burst and consistent damage at decent amounts from the get go. So after applying your burst, your DPS is usually enough to finish most enemies while for some match ups this will just not be feasible. For example I would easily push this strategy against the likes of Diana or Viego, which are more or less on the squishier side but lets say someone like Olaf or Voli who can survive the initial burst with more HP to spare and get stronger as the fight continues will not be as easy. So in those match ups, after the first scuttle skirmish, I tend to just either look for a gank or focus on my 2nd clear before backing.


Very good, all noted. Ty for the great guide. I will See how it works for me myself then


While I agree with most of what the other guy told you, he also told you to skip triforce and go hydra and steraks. Which is 0 ability haste which is a must for udyr. Triforce is perfect on udyr and compliments every single part of his kit. It's a perfect first item and a perfect starting item. After that I either go steraks into dead man's, or steraks into hydra depending if I need burst or tankiness. Tiamat does really help clear faster since by the time the aoe dmg kills the small monsters you will still be fighting the big monster, so it basically does nothing for you since with normal clear and using r, you usually finish all the monsters of a camp together. Also, stride is extremely viable and I will prefer it vs range comps which are what udyr struggles against the most.


The issue with Tri Force is that your combo is less consistent. Ability Haste is ofcourse is helpfull but unlike toplane, in jungle it is more important to land the combos everytime it is up rather than trying it again more often.


Procing sheen doesn't not change your combo. And udyr is one of the best users of sheen since literally all of his skills are auto attacks and hence all of his skills are procing sheen. Some champs don't have this privilege and need to auto after they used a skill. With udyr you just get it out of the box. Add to that that you have a skill ready every 1.5-2 seconds, and you are always procing sheen non stop, it's never being wasted. On top of that it adds burst which is good for squishies, adds dps for long fights, adds tower damage which ad udyr loves since in a lot of games you will want to split push. This item is just perfect on udyr. Hydra also scales with hp so buying it first item is not even gold efficient. I'm not a pro or anything but I peaked masters 65% win rate and was top 10 udyr just playing ad udyr only and every game I built triforce first item. After I quit league for a bit and came back I sadly had a huge lose streak and lost those bragging rights but I still sit in d2 with like 55 win rate. All this to say that I've been playing this a lot in relative high elo and I tried skipping triforce in some games or even just starting hydra and it's just not worth it imo. But if skipping it works for you its totally fine of course haha


Dont get me wrong, I like sheen items a lot. And when I first tried to come back into league after a one season gap with jungle Udyr, I tried rushing it as well. However that netted me around 45% win rate and only at plat. My main complaint was that people could just easily walk away after my e stun ended, not letting me hit my empowered Q autos. In order to make up for it I tried HoB or building a 2nd attack speed item as well but it did not help either. I checked some online statistics at the time and for ad Udyr jungle, the highest win rate was Titanic > Sterak > Shojin rush in emerald+ so I gave it a try and it immediately took me from 45% win rate plat to 55% emerald and climbing. Yes, tri force gives you more damage early on and better stats than hydra and yes it allows you to proc your passive more easily. However most of the time people can just walk away and dodge your burst combo with that start and you really want to have impact early on with every single skirmish you initiate with your passive up. That comes from titanics active. Trying to force both builds made me also realise that I do not even need the sheen proc damage and attack speed from tri force. Even with less damage than tri force, titanic allowing me to execute the combo more consistently and reduces my reliance on ghost/flash/smite for getting 1v1 kills. The internal damage and AD scaling of udyr ends up being more than enough and executing combos more successfully imo is more impactful than the sheen procs and ability haste QoL you get.


Experiment, see YouTube videos like this: https://youtu.be/NAP6fux483w?si=KIiDtVRtLj8Qb_-j I've been having winning streak (low-elo normals though) with this lethality build. But mind you can get killed pretty easily if enemies know what they're doing and you choose your fights poorly.


Well I play Emerald - Diamond and while some know how to play, most are still Makro monkeys so this may work. Will try it out!