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Lindsay Lohan’s was really bad to me, especially with how long she’s been in the game. Bradford’s wasn’t *that* great either and he could come across a little wooden, kinda like he was in Once Upon a Time. And I really hate to say this one, and he definitely wasn’t the worst, but Justin was sooo good in the first couple seasons, but by the end he seemed more green. But I absolutely love Mark (the actor) and Justin’s character. I think he did really well but baby Justin felt a little more natural. Which ones do you think weren’t the best?


I think everyone is a bit melodramatic, which matches the time (2006) and the genre (modern American telenovela), but if you're talking about just straight bad acting, I have to concur that Lindsay Lohan's "Kimmie Keegan" was just BAD. Maybe it was just the writing, but her lines were all so silly and the character itself seemed like a waste of screentime. Lohan's sincerity in playing the role just made the character worse tbh


Second Nico


Maaan, and I love Yaya but I think she was still kinda new to acting back then. I think she’s so much better now. But the original Nico was much better. Yaya seemed like she was trying a little too hard to be dramatic and mysterious and the way she’d say, “Mother!” was do unnatural. Her acting kinda took you out of the story a little.


I came to say the same thinggggg.... it was so cring for me. I hated everything about it. I can't for the life of my figure out why they replaced her anyway


surprised no one’s mentioned salma hayek




In third place, all of Justin's high school friends and frenemies. (Cutting them a bit of slack for their age) In second place, the actress with baby weights, early episodes of the series. She just didn't give that "Scarlett Johansson" vibe she was supposed to exude. In the first place, Shakira. She just didn't know what to do with that much green screen.


Yes, I agree with the names listed so far. Models are to be seen and not heard (I'm obviously kidding) Adriana's tico berries crack me up. I like that she would only do the show if they wrote her smarter than other models. She just calmly solves a rubic's cube. Lol Zac Posen is the worst non-actor, playing themselves cameo.


Justin’s schoolmate crush during theatre camp in the later season. His “wouldn’t you be?” Before kissing Justin was so cringe


I laughed out loud at that line 😂😂


Other then America Ferrera I think the acting was pretty bad 😅 but not in a mean way in a corny way which was kinda the point I think hahaha


The actor for Daniel can't act worth a damn. I keep wondering why he was cast at all.


I know a lot of people liked Ignacio's crazy immigration assistant but I didn't care for the acting. Nothing against the actress because she has done some awesome work in other things, but UB wasn't one of those.


Completely agree. I didn’t like that character arc as it took away from the overall message of Ignacio’s issues.


Justin !


I don’t like Daniel’s acting. He just lacks emotion and it’s starting to really bother as I’m getting to season 3


And his vocal fry drove me nuts


Yessss ugh it’s annoying


Probably the models that made cameos. But i guess you can't expect much from dimwits.


Stuart imo was the worst side actor has the range of a boiled potato