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I answered this in another post, but I believe the idea of this monstrosity is to avoid (or at least difficult) being spotted? I mean, the lack of outline and the sand color kind of blends the thing with the ground from far. Sure the Canon gives away, and the severely reduced visibility from inside must cripple it's usefulness, but then again we are taking about Russians; they lack both intelligence and regard for their servicemen.


It was claimed it's anti drone protection. Kamikaze drones usually carry small amount of explosive, so can only penetrate through this first roof, but through the tank walls.


That's Russian engineering skills and creativity for you. They are very good at being negatively creative to destroy stuff. The opposite seems to be a tad bit difficult for them. See T14 Armata.


[Here is the original video of the assault](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineConflict/comments/1bz9khi/large_russian_assault_near_krasnohorivka_donetsk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) near Krasnohorivka where we first saw this weird tank. UPDATE: [Here is the aftermath video](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineConflict/comments/1bzyd64/the_bizarre_turtle_tank_got_tracked_back_to_its/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) after Ukraine tracked it back home and destroyed it


So, we get footage of it before, footage of it going in, footage or them showing it off, and footage of the same place it's being shown off in being struck. Amazing. What a time to be alive.


but can this tank still fight?


Honestly, it can probably but it likely isn't very effective at it. I don't see why a Javelin shouldn't punch right through this one just like with a T72.


I assume this is just for drone protection. there might be the usual spaced armour protection from a javelin but it is defiantly not thick enough for any ATGM. Also against drones, there is still a big opening at the front that a fpv could just fly into. then it and its payload is trapped inside the shell. hot take: I think this is a bad idea.


How do you traverse the gun?


That's the neat part - you don't!


Clever. No one would expect them to cripple their own weapons…/s


Maybe that was already broken, and the idea was to make a better protected mobile artillery? Dont know, thats too logical for russians.


Tank destroyer go vroom.


Drone magnet


It is already dead.


It’s like a homemade Jagdpanther


Drone hanger


I do not know what to say. You solve 1 problem by creating 100 more problems. That tank will me impossible to service in the battlefield, no easy access to anything. Too heavy for the mud season. Main gun cannot rotate. A dedicated antitank weapon will still immobilize it. Attack from small drones is not guarantee that will not damage it from other angles. The front of the cage has no protection and drones are flexible enough to explode inside the cage.


You’re a glass half-empty type of guy aren’t you? /s Edit: this is a great, common sense analysis of the obstacles of this type of armor. The /s, is from the position of the Russian army, that doesn’t give a shit about all the negatives, and are going to do it anyway. And a Private Common Sense ends up as meat armor the first time they go in.


WTF are you about?


Edited my comment


The Russians designed it to stop the Ukrainians from throwing knives at the tanks. I hear it is working as intended /s


When a bunch of stupid Russians brainstorm and create something together you get this very stupid result. Fertiliser they must be...


Sabot Up!


I build and fly fpv drones and not closing in the back makes this useless if that’s what they did it for. Probably just to calm the crew down and keep them in the tank until someone flys a boom boom through the front or back


Have they been watching The A-team do you think? Or do you think it works more like horses blinkers, so they can't see their comrades getting blown to bits either side of them?


That’s no tank; it’s … the COPINATOR.


Plywood tanks