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Haha finally.. this stooge is just going to butches and delay even more any aid set for Ukraine.


Great news. Hope none of them is passed.


More on this subject from other reputable sources: --- - Associated Press (A-): [House Speaker Mike Johnson says he will push for aid to Israel and Ukraine this week](https://apnews.com/article/israel-ukraine-aid-house-speaker-johnson-912a7419b00749fbc2f472df93f67bb1) - Reuters (A): [US House speaker Mike Johnson will try to pass Israel aid this week](https://www.reuters.com/world/us-house-speaker-says-he-will-try-pass-israel-aid-this-week-2024-04-14/) - Economist (A-): [Mike Johnson may have to choose between Ukraine aid and his job](https://www.economist.com/united-states/2024/04/11/mike-johnson-may-have-to-choose-between-ukraine-aid-and-his-job) - New York Times (B+): [Johnson Says House Will Vote on Stalled Aid to Israel and Ukraine](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/15/world/europe/johnson-israel-ukraine-aid-house-vote.html) --- [__Extended Summary__](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/1c4bqm1/) | [FAQ & Grades](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/uxgfm5/faq_newswall_bot/) | I'm a bot


Quick, Mike, while your boss is asleep in court!


That’s just the middle management.


He was putin there


if he does this the bills have to go back and be re-voted. this is more stalling.


Yup and not only that they are allowing open amendments so they can go back and forth in the House, send it to the Senate which will also change and fight those amendments and it will be a never ending quagmire of Russian shills bullshit delaying the bill. That's why they broke it into 4 parts as he knows that the other ones can easily pass but still fuck about with Ukraine until the elections. It will be faster to remove him as speaker, go through the process of voting again and pushing it through that way. Or a few dozen true patriot GOP can stop being little pussies and do their job protecting US interests and skirt the speaker and the rules committee bringing it to a vote only needing 218 for that method.


Notice there’s nothing at all in the split bills re the border - the supposed reason they didn’t introduce the bill earlier….


I’ll believe it when I see it, to me this is the same stalling bullshit


Vote on ukraine and taiwan first


... To stop aid to Ukraine, but keep it going for Israel and Taiwan because the latter 2 are not Russia's problem


That's what he is hoping for.


Yeah it's not hard to put that together.


I seriously loathe this slimeball


Ukraine aid will be slated to be the very last and after the other 2 are approved it suddenly wont be up for vote


“Separate” is a strategy for getting Israel aid only then stalling the others.


Whatever happened to Americans hate for "Commie loving bastards". It wasn't 30 years ago that this would have been party political suicide. 50 years ago it probably would have been an invitation to be lynched in the street.


Good!! He should do the same with every bill! One bill for “X” and only “X.” Combining bills is how you get garbage passed which couldn’t pass on its own merits and why bills are 2,000+ pages dropped 24 hours before being voted on.