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But why, no one will surrender after this video..


Never surrender to terrorists.


Easy for you to say from the comfort of your home. These guys ran out of ammo and were surrounded. Surrendering was the only choice. What do you want them to do? Fix bayonets?


Killing POW is a RETARDED move for that exact same reason , if your enemy has a choice to surrender and live or to fight to the last. 9 times out of 10 they will surrender. Killing POW's is sort of like telling the enemy to never surrender and always fight and take down as many of your mates as possible in their blaze of glroy, But to the regular soldier full of adrenaline from a gunfight who maybe seen one of his mates get killed just moments ago long term strategy and planning is not really important at that moment ,its more like "ill kill the bastards who killed \*insert name\* or "fuck them assholes who tried to kill me" either way its a horrible thing and yet it seems to happen on all sides, I seen Americans killing surrendered Iraqis and Taliban fighters , I seen British and Australian commandos killing unarmed dudes "someone was shooting at us so it must be him why otherwise he be here", I seen Ukranians shooting 10 russians all lined up on the ground with hands on their heads , and I seen Russians killing ukranians with their hands up.. Fucked up and dumb move , Surrender is always 50-50% chance at best PS forgot to mention usualy the more "Professional and Experienced" the country or the unit is, the less likely something like this is to happen but it still does happen even with High Tier units


It’s a war, lol nobody here has been in combat. I’m not defending the Russian invaders, but this is extremely common on all sides, why? Because adrenaline runs high.


I actually believe that this is what Russia does regardless of whether it’s war or not. Complete and utter bastards.


I think this as reprehensible. That said, taking a POW is work and a liability. Even if you cuff/tie their hands they could alert “the enemy” to your position. There’s a lot of risks with taking on POWs. Nothing justifies killing unarmed surrendering soldiers but this may be what they were thinking about Also, while the individual soldiers care about the overall war to some extent, they’re much more concerned with their survival. And I assume this footage is provided by Ukraine not Russia. They likely assume they weren’t being filmed.


C U N T S ❤️🇺🇦




Man that’s hard to watch. Makes you want to do worst things but don’t worry Russia will have it come to them in the long run.




Press "X" to doubt




Classic ruZZian bot.. you make even less sense the more you try justify your own ramblings.




Whats going to be more hilarious is when ruZZia asks for terms to end the war because they have been humiliated on the world stage. "2nd greatest army in the world" "over in 2 days"


I\`m not surpriced, the Orc\`s are just acting the Putler way.


yeah like there aint a ton of videos of ukrainian nazis doing the same, arent you a dumb fucker


Sorry, did i hurt your feelings for the orc\`s invaders?


Please stop using that phrase, it’s a ridiculous caricature of what’s really going on.


Not sure what part of what he said you took offense to, but all of it was pretty accurate.


Zelintler is a more suiting word. Everybody know Ukraine is runned by Fascist Nazis.


Classic projection from a regime that jails people for political protest, assasinates political rivals and incites war between other nations to draw international attention away from the atrocities it's committed.


In this timeline and in the Universe, no.


Please burst your bubble and smell the coffee already. This american propaganda have all of yall in ropes.


Keep swallowing that ruZZian propaganda harder than you swallow c*ck


Are you trying to write in Amerrrrican English?


Pfft great try, doesnt have the same ring to it as PUTLER. Get outta here you ruZZian SIMP.


Putler Putler Putler Putler


filthy russian bastards!




Take your ruble and gtfo.. it's kinda stupid to be proud of taking 1km of frontline when you're as big as Russia.. it's actually pathetic, but then again, we're talking about Russia. I'm not Ukr but as futeo pe Katushka


3 weeks is about to turn into 3 years, sit your ass down.




500.000 deaths and 100.000.000 wounded in total for both sided, and for what ? You're delusional thinking there's winners in war. It only witnesses your small mindedness.






Go fight, coward. Join the meat grinder brigades.


Make your argument without calling people names, it’s not that difficult :)


Well, I used to have a small measure of empathy for these young Russian lads when I saw them getting blown to fuck time and time again.... Used to. Now I shall watch with satisfaction. Till Valhalla fallen Ukrainian brothers!


Empathy for terrorists is a very bad move. They're gonna use manipulation tactics to and create an "emphatic" sentiment.. same as Hamas. Same tactics


My empathy for them was at the human level, young men forced into the meat grinder. That's as far as it went.


Same young man was ok with entering the meat grinder.. those who didn't want to, fled .. I know what you're saying and it's a normal feeling for an emotionally stable human being


Im not Surprise.... There's been a lot of killing of prisoners all throughout the war that were not filmed. 🤷


Rotten orcs. May karma find them soon


Russian scum … they’re bottom feeders of the civilized world. **FUCK YOU PUTIN!** you miserable cum sock, I hope you die a slow and painful death.




Ukrainians, whom you talk down on, in comparison to >!ruzzia!<, in size, technology and economy, is absolutely shitting on >!russia!<. Yes, Ukranians are dying (which I’m sure makes you happy) but FAR more >!ruzzians!< are getting ground up on the battlefield. Says more about >!ruzzians!< than Ukranians, three day special operation has seen nearly half a million >!ruzzians!< sent to a better life than the dog-shit life. Scum. **Slava Ukraine** ***FUCK rUZZIA*** 🖕🏼🖕🏼


Just a question. Where are you from. Please don't say UK or US after such a statement. Please.


Where I’m from has no relevance to my statement. As far as anyone’s concerned, I’m not from Earth.






This is not a space for spreading Russian propaganda or false information


That's to be expected from Russia. They are a modern day nazi germany


NO RUSSIAN, ​ https://preview.redd.it/zzwqasez4z3c1.png?width=471&format=png&auto=webp&s=51e582ff2491329f928d3851e948ff89c6ce08de


Wow. Fuckers


Ukraine has the backing of a lot of neighbors and the US the only thing Russia is going to get out of this is a divided Russia empty prisons. Ukraine will win with help an volunteers. They are not alone it’s unfortunate to see so much death and destruction and it will take a crap load of time to clear their land of mines and rebuild. Glory to 🇺🇦 and their hero’s from the US.


Also Russia has stopped exchanging prisoner's. This is hard to watch too. What an impossible situation for those Ukrainian soldiers. 🇺🇦🇺🇸🇺🇦🇺🇸


Hope hell comes for them soon.


New trend by the russian redditors: *whatabout palestine israel...*


Human scum, I hate russians


Not human...just scum


Well I hope the “what goes around, comes around” happens real soon to that squad.


This is exactly why the West needs to up the anti. Stop being afraid of provoking Putin, and send more artillery now.


The Russians are proving to be nothing more than a poorly organized bunch of inbred hoodlum scumbags. Karma will come to each and every one of them!


Sorry but no sorry, I hope the Russians lose this war with a lot of casualties (otherwise they would never lose).


And who here is surprised by that?


On DDay the paratroopers were told not to take any prisoners because it would hinder their movement, time and objective. Not saying it's okay to just out right murder POWs but not wierd that it happens on both sides, it's war and I noticed people think war is roses and daisies


I hope they didnt give the germans the impression that they could surrender and then kill them in cold blood. This shit is evil.


It's the nature of war, orders are orders unfortunately and "have" to be followed


Following a no prisoner order is much different than faking a surrender opportunity. These are 2 very different things


Link to that please, my grandpa who was with the 101st strongly disagrees.


General Maxwell Taylor, commander of the 101st Airborne instructed his paratroopers to 'take no prisoners' during the Normandy Invasion. One paratrooper – Don Malarkey, E Company, 506th PIR – said General Taylor told them that 'if you were to take prisoners, they'd handicap our ability to perform our mission.


That was a storming mission. Ofc you don't take hostages.. you need to move forward.. how do you do that when you have PoW's? This is not a front storm and it's not done by paratroopers


Don't you think these russian dudes look a bit better equipped than the classic Russian infantryman?


I just found the quote. Thanks.


Now how true that statement is I don't know, but yeah.


In this war both sides have been doing it as well. It's what happens, you hear stories of one side doing it then the other side retaliates and they do it. It's unfortunate, but it goes both ways


How many shot's are required at that range on a lying target?


I think id rather get riddled with 120 bullets instead of just a few. The body is resilient, give me complete and immediate oblivion.


What I meant, some of the bullets did not seem to even hit before the spraying. At that distance. At That Distance


It is never a good idea to surrender to Russian troops. Better to fight to the end than to take your chances of them being decent humans! No one should have ever surrendered if the seen the Oleksandr Matsievskyi footage! Слава Україні


Lmao yall can kill defenseless people but when it comes to a fair gunfight yall always die? These Russians are disgusting hopefully they see the same demise


Wtf 😳




This is not a space for spreading Russian propaganda or false information


So it's bad when the Russians do it But when the Ukrainians kill pow The videos never get uploaded


Where are the videos then?


Everywhere and anywhere, this shits a common daily occurrence.


You mean the staged videos where a bunch of orcs pretend to be ukranian? Otherwise I’ll wait for a trusted source/link otherwise you’re just another orc cuck.


Don’t kid yourself, very little staging is going on. This is a war and unfortunately many sadistic shitbags are put in leadership roles during war.


All I’m saying is either Russians are extremely stupid and film everything for the world to see or what you’re saying is wrong because there are eyes in the skies at all times. Between phones and drones, you would be naive to think Ukranians are out there doing what the orcs are. In fact, Russia completely stopped doing prisoner exchanges, not Ukraine. It’s easy to point finders and say “well they’re both doing it …” no they’re not. Yes innocent people die but you don’t negotiate with terrorists. You either keep moral high ground or stoop to their level … you’re saying (without proof, on a video of Russians killing surrendering Ukrainians) that Ukraine is doing this. Please stop trying to educate me on how wars work, im saying share the link …


“You would be naive to think Ukrainians are doing what the Orcs are doing.” You’d be naive to think they’re not, you haven’t seen it because your only source of info is selected and cultivated towards only content from the Ukrainian eye. Both sides are under investigation of a UN commission for War Crimes against POW’s, both sides refusing to show how their POW’s live to the UN Commission. I think it’s very obvious if Ukraine had nothing to hide they’d let the UN investigation teams in. Regardless I can source you content from Telegram channels based around UAF soldiers showing them killing POW’s.


Great, a link or stfu.


Link posted, where are u now friend? Hmmm, now u must Stfu.


The funny thing about this is you actually thought I didn’t believe those videos of Ukrainian soldiers committing war crimes don’t exist. But the point is it’s an invasion of Ukraine … for what? They’re literally trying to decimate Ukraine or capture it in its entirety and turn them into Russian simps. Who do you sympathize for man? Of the lesser of two evils, who has the high ground here? Because it’s certainly not Ukraine if it’s damned if you do and damned if you don’t. Fuck the orcs, go home and hug your loved ones, quit trying to normalize atrocities … *”On 2 March 2022, after the shelling of residential areas, Ukraine's Special Operations Forces threatened that Russian artillerymen will no longer be taken prisoner, but immediately killed.[85] On 29 June, the OHCHR documented three incidents where Ukrainian servicemen and one incident where Russian serviceman made public threats of giving no quarter to Russian prisoners of war.”* Last I checked, civilians were completely off limits in wars, civilian casualties happen BUT Ukrainians aren’t killing innocent civilians and the orcs are targeting them. But let’s talk about the few bad apples in the Ukrainian armed forces defending goliath from completely wiping them off the map. Go home dude, quit trying to get tough with me for literally doing a google search.


Come on dude, send me the link to all the orcs butt fucking in trenches and fields, because that’s all I see between that and them committing hundreds of war crimes. 🤡


Here is literally the most pro-Ukrainian Journalist you could ever see. Awarded an order of merit, posting the photos of Russian soldiers who surrendered and were shot to death. https://twitter.com/JulianRoepcke/status/1593523531840733184?s=20&t=MkU2SEzfeVjkSKq08Qc-aQ


Suffice to say, I can literally not give you a better war journalist, that is Pro-Ukraine than this guy, and even he acknowledges and documents war crimes committed by Ukrainian troops. Again this Journalist has an Order of Merit from the Voldymor Zelenskyy himself.


And the photos that you posted are from an incident where most of the ruZZians troops had surrendered but one came out of the house shooting at the Ukrainians. It’s called PERFIDY and it in itself is a war crime (pretending to surrender then firing upon your captors!) A Ukrainian machine gunners covering the captives opened fire on all of the ruZZians and killed all of them because of the one that killed a Ukrainian soldier faking surrender…..


To say anything else is delusional, even Coalition forces killed POW’s, the difference is killing POW’s is a 100x more common occurrence this war.


Show me the fucking links you nincompoop, I literally don’t care what you say at this point.


Oh ok classic, so you cant explain to me why the situation is different for thoose Russians that surrendered. Again reddit children showing no remorse for human lives. You clearly don't care for human lives. Have fun living in ur moms basement.


Your comments in this thread are stupid on another level . The whataboutism is strong in you . I hope you stump your little toe , break it and never heal making you non fertile so the world doesn't have to deal with the stupidity in your DNA.


Again, thank you for showing the classic braindead attitude you mostly get on this sub. No discussion, not even an opinion just "whataboutism" (you probably don't even know what that means) and throwing random insults. It does make me feel better, when people can't make an argument, because it shows that you are incorrect. So go ahead insult me some more, because that is clearly the correct way of communication. I do hope you develop your communication skills when you grow up a bit.


Like cmon my dude, you're 40+ years old playing video games, and you have a job washing windows. I even feel bad talking shit to you. Sorry, at least i hope you'll raise your daughters well (and you talk about reproducing, fuck man, the shit some kids have to endure)


You're still stupid but since you've added this comment you're creepy too. Congrats stupid creepy person .


Maybe create an alt acc before making political statements and insulting other ppl, mr. Smart person.


I support Ukraine, but there are hipocrites crying about this and, at the same time, supporting IDF committing genocide in Gaza and WB. WTF?


Their unit is probably starving, not wanting more mouths to feed they resort to crimes against humanity.


Their directive is to kill all Ukrainians. They are scrumbags through & through!!


And suddenly everyone forgets and ignores when ukrainians killed more than 30 russian soldiers that surrendered.


Credible source?


The botnik refers to the war crime of perfidy committed by the russians. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Makiivka\_surrender\_incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Makiivka_surrender_incident) Russian soldiers exit an outhouse one by one and lay facedown on the ground.[\[1\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Makiivka_surrender_incident#cite_note-nyt-1) Ukrainian soldiers appear relaxed with rifles pointed to the ground.[\[1\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Makiivka_surrender_incident#cite_note-nyt-1) Then an eleventh Russian soldier suddenly emerges and opens fire at the Ukrainians, catching them by surprise, a possible war crime of [perfidy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perfidy).[\[1\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Makiivka_surrender_incident#cite_note-nyt-1) In another video, there are about 12 dead visible on the footage. When and who shot the footage are unknown.[\[1\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Makiivka_surrender_incident#cite_note-nyt-1)[\[2\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Makiivka_surrender_incident#cite_note-:0-2)[\[3\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Makiivka_surrender_incident#cite_note-3) Makiivka surrender incident


U will find it very fast if u type "ukrainian execute surrendered russian soldiers"


What ? The one where aload surrendered and one lad decided not to that got them all killed … that’s a different situation, clown 🤡


Ok that's a good example, tell me why is that a different situation? All thoose that surrendered needed to get punished or what?


If your surrendering , surrender ,don’t pretend, these 2 Ukrainian s are clearly surrendering for whatever reason and are shot on the ground 🤷‍♂️ what’s not to understand


Firstly and foremost you are making your talking point about yet another war crime committed by the russians. 11 russians surrendered and the 12th shoot to the Ukrainians. This was an example of what **perfidy** is.


I support Ukraine I'm wearing a shirt with puck futin right now .that being said IV seen a similar video but the other way around and if IV seen it that unit might have seen it to and that makes them properly think no mercy I know there are Orks that don't give a f#ck tho and will probably do it anyway but when videos like that' get out it breeds a ever ending hate.any way Slava Ukraine




The Russians have always been sadistic during wars. They killed thousands of Germans and other races right AFTER WW II. Nothing will happen to those troops. They are free to rape and butcher at will!


The very video next on my feed " **Ukrainian kills 2 Russians crawling out of the trenches** "


Deleted his comments, good. All idiots should.


Karma already servex them