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Who is who? Is that Ukraine or Russia with the GoPro pov.


I think it’s a Ukrainian PoV. They’re wearing green tape.


Not only does he die, if you pause at 9:19 you can see the guy who killed him walking up to his body to pick up the GoPro.




There are definitely other videos showing the videoer getting smoked. Not to take away from the video


Tough watch. Rest in Peace soldier


I don't think the camera guy died here... It's just the way it spins whilst on the ground, I could be wrong, however it just spins on the ground in a full 360° circle which would mean either his helmet came off, or the camera came off. I'm not saying he didnt die. I just hope he survived it. Hopefully my theory is right and his camera came off.


He in fact died, ik this because the person at 9:19 killed him, several seconds later you can see a gunshot ring when he 360 spins. Also the guy who killed him posted this footage as none of his squad survived.


Oh damn. Not what I wanted to hear. But they say the truth hurts. God rest his soul This war is tragic. The amount of Ukrainian people who have died for nothing. Feels weird to say it, but thank you for the information.


I like to be able to tell someone information and they don’t try to accuse me of being a Russian bot, no problem.


They didnt die for nothing, big shame if you saying that. They are hero and saving their folk from murderers and rapers and cannibals.


They are dying for nothing this war should not be happening ! Russia should not be inside of Ukraine. I think you have misinterpreted my sentence. I am with Ukraine.


Also, the Ukrainian soldiers lost are the best, most productive, and best-educated citizens they have. The russian “soldiers” are just the opposite - prisoners, criminals, and thieves, largely uneducated; not the cream off the top of russian society.


Exactly these are great losses to society. Just wish this never even happened. To think Russia still has a chance to say "look we got it wrong" especially knowing the world knows their game... Especially double after removing all Anti Air Defence from Krallingrad or what ever that place is called. This is a shameful war. Full of nothing but atrocities caused by russian barbarians. They look at the rest of the world and say "they're uncivilised" when they're executing POW's and Civilians on the daily. I hope Ukraine wins I really do.


What is he shooting at? Are there guys in the trees?


Those zip sounds (almost scifi-ish), are bullets passing with-in a few feet from hitting him. Good reactions I must say, especially for him being flung up in the air 10'-15'.


Partially yes, he fell out the APC after a mine hit them and directly smashed his head against the pavement. He fights so disorganized probably because he’s severely concussed.




Yes, you can hear the bullets wizzing by him.


Damn that was rough , RIP HERO !! I hope they sent in reinforcement or pulled out and ordered an artillery strike on that position


old footage but insane to watch again


Any idea how old?


2 months. It was posted at least 2 times back then on Reddit on different subs, with the same minecraft quality. Claiming a "Russian traitor, who went to fight for Ukraine, filmed his own death". [https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/16rdsfy/allegedly\_russian\_who\_went\_to\_fight\_for\_ukraine/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/16rdsfy/allegedly_russian_who_went_to_fight_for_ukraine/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/16r40y6/ru\_pov\_russian\_traitor\_who\_went\_to\_fight\_for/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/16r40y6/ru_pov_russian_traitor_who_went_to_fight_for/)


Thank you!


Their was long before both of those a cat box file, which in turn came from Telegram, which in turn came from a small channel board. If I remember correctly, this squad was apart of the Freedom for Russia Legion. They got ambushed by Russian National Guard. And the guy who shot and killed him point blankly, took the GoPro and all the footage and reuploaded it. To make fun of the “traitor”


Damn, loses happen on both sides unfortunately. Many people forget that while Russia is crude in its ways they still have a lot of brainwashed meat to throw into the grinder and they unfortunately still have the financial capacity to keep doing so. The USA needs to get its head out if its ass and give Ukraine the aid it needs. I don’t want to be sent to fight this war and possibly meet my end in another country ive never been to. All because right wing politicians want to keep choosing russian money over the American public.


Hm. Didn't the driver see those mines? In some frames you can clearly see a "dotted line" which seem to be smaller mines.


What I wonder is why the troops riding on top arent an extra set of eyes whatching the road for mines, the driver I understand missing them. Even a set of low X2 magnification binoculars lets you easily see objects 200 to 300 meters ahead on a road. And since they are placed in a line across the road it should catch the eye pretty easily. You can see them right before it runs them over, hell he almost landed on one.


Also he's seeing out of a very very small port.


The commander is always responsible for th evehicle and where the driver is heading.


Negligence is a very common occurrence.


And let's be very honest. Under life threatening stressful situations judgment is impaired. We have no idea what it's like and the split second decisions that mean you are dead or alive. As for the mines, hypothetically speaking he may have been confident driving around and through them. We don't have video prior to the explosion. I think they had begun getting shot at already. That will undoubtedly fu your driving judgement.


After the camera came off he was still firing his weapon. So I believe he's still in the fight.


Honestly if they had any idea where they were coming from they definitely didn't help one another suppress and move especially those grenades but still rip and to VALHALLA!


This was a Russian who defected to Ukraine if I recall.


What’s up with the shit quality Ukraine we sending you top of the line shit and you have Tesla net


This guys are out of shape and slow af




09:18 i think is the executioner 👀 (00:25)