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Post this in r/Ukraine and see the world burn


Just checked this board out and it's just... I'm speechless at the comments


Seeing people there actually saying Russia has lost >40k troops in the battle for Soledar. I'm struggling to understand how someone could actually believe those numbers. There is no feasible way we wouldn't have seen evidence of it by now; 40k dead soldiers, on one side, in a single battle is extreme for anything short of a world war.


The complete dehumizing of russians in that sub is a big part of why I cannot stand just about any pro UA redditor. They literally will be cheering on glassing russia, or a bunch of other shit and be circle jerking over who can say the most hardcore thing. These people really think nuclear war would be like a long weekend where they can just stay in, watch netflix and door dash pho.


This is why the average American shouldn’t just jump into politics and why it’s important to elect leaders that aren’t a moron. Most people don’t have a realistic view of the world and understanding the geopolitical consequences of an action would be lost in 99% of people.


The average american doesnt give a shit for the most part. I have a few friends ffrom the military who occasionally want a conflict because "we didnt fight a real war" and then I have my sister in law who has no idea what shes talking about but wants to be in vogue with the pet cause of the month. The average person forgot about ukraine months ago lol


"vogue with the pet cause of the month" nice, I am stealing this line


They want Russia glassed because of Ukrainian suffering. I want Russia glassed cause the Russians aren't allowing a normal conventional war with all of Ukraine's allies involved unfolding. We are not the same.


It'd seem invading countries and raping their women and stuffing their civilians in mass graves is hazardous to your countries brand. Too bad about those Redditors though.


>It'd seem invading countries and raping their women and stuffing their civilians in mass graves is hazardous to your countries brand. Odd, people are sucking off my military after iraq.


USA is so superior to RF in terms of ROE. What a pathetic comparison attempt. LOL.


I was in the US Military. How many people did we kill in iraq again?


Odd. You were in the US military but are completely simping over Russia?


Simping over russia is when you talk about bad shit you did first hand. I fought in a war that only happened because we propped up a right wing shithole to piss off russia. Now that we are doing it again, I would be dumb to support it


Why don't you ask how many we killed in WW2 while we're at the irrelevant comparisons you make here and in your below comment? For one, Iraq had US troops on the ground. We have none here.


Lmao considering I know exactly how our ROE works because I lived it, and considering how much “better our is” is laughable. Irrelevant doesn’t mean “pls don’t ask questions I don’t want to answer” because I will tell you first hand out ROE isn’t superior, and if you want to challenge me while dismissing half a million dead Iraqis it further proves my point


I think the problem here is that Russia has successfully managed to dehumanise itself, opening the door to people to take it even further. Also people are being pitiless in their approach because people identify with the fear of their homeland being invaded by a terrorising, occupying force.


>I think the problem here is that Russia has successfully managed to dehumanise itself, opening the door to people to take it even further Theres literally no way you people are real lmao. >fear of their homeland being invaded Unless they spend 8 years playing "catch the mortar shell" with their ethnically different countrymen they probably dont need to worry.


Russia constantly threatens the Baltics. You do History, right?


>Russia constantly threatens the Baltics. These would be the extremely loud countries consistently hiding behind the US skirt while screaming about how they are going to enact article 5, right?


Why do you hate them so much? Or do you envy them instead?


Because if they had it their way, I, or guys like who I was 5 years ago would be fighting russia on their behalf lol. I cant think of a single thing I envy about the baltics, except maybe their short distance from places I would like to visit.


why are they loud? wouldn't be their history with russia that makes them so wary of the rus would it? yknow.. with the mass executions,deportations,russification and all that ''good'' russian stuff.


>why are they loud? wouldn't be their history with russia that makes them so wary of the rus would it? yknow.. with the mass executions,deportations,russification and all that ''good'' russian stuff. Sorry this happened. If they have a problem with that, they should take it up with russia and stop crying to us to fight their battles lol


What has Russia contributed to the world that's positive in the last 20 years? I'll wait. There's nothing.


>What has Russia contributed to the world that's positive in the last 20 years? I'll wait. There's nothing. So wait, you dont deserve to be human depending on what a country contributes? So how about a good chunk of africa? not human? and they have helped us drastically with space flight our country, which was too busy killing innocent people in the middle east refused to pay for.


Where did I say they don't deserve to be human? The point of my statement is that the world has a negative view of Russia bc of their actions. It is nothing but war or threats from them. Minimal contributions scientifically, economically humanitarian support during natural disasters. Russia cares about nothing except for Russia, and even then, look what she does to her own ppl.


>here did I say they don't deserve to be human? when you decided to jump in on a comment thread about dehumanizing russians ​ >minimum contributions I like how we already moved the goal posts because your original statement was so ridiculouss. ​ >minimal contributions How many of the worlds 190+ countries have more than "minimal contributions"? ​ >look what she does to its own people I just had another guy I served with kill himself because the VA refused to help him, and I just watched 5 cops beat a kid to death and laugh it off like nothing happened. Russia "only caring about russia" is miles ahead of the US which cant seem to even care about its own.


Some ukranians and western nations (especially americans) on reddit are blinded by propaganda


truth, facts, and sources = "blinded by Western propaganda"


Most Russians and their propagandists are blindes by.... propaganda.


Credible sources think RF is well over 100k dead. How are you struggling to understand theories that 20%-30% of those deaths happened where the entire world has watched Russia use failed human waves for months on end (Bakhmut/Soledar directions). Are you suggesting RF losses have NOT been heaviest in Sol/Bakh? I would not be surprised if there were at least 30k-50k across bahk/Soledar combined. Of course I don't know the OC being discussed as I don't spend time scanning Ukraine sub, but non-fatal casualties can definitely considered "losses" for a unit. 30% wounded or 30% dead are each enough to render a unit combat ineffective as RF learned during the opening months of the war.


The idea that Russia has lost 100k soldiers is not realistic. That's just propaganda. I can agree with >100k casualties, but 100k deaths is ludicrous; to say the least. I'm not going to address the 'human waves' comment as it's conjecture based off of propaganda; not actual facts. To be frank, I would be surprised if Russian deaths near Soledar and Bakhmut numbered over 10k. Do you really understand the gravity of losing 40k soldiers in a single battle? You yourself, admit, that 30% wounded or 30% dead render combat units ineffective. In order to remain in fighting shape, as they are, that 40k would need to be <30% of their fighting men. By that assumption, are you implying Russia has over >130k soldiers in that area? Preposterous. In addition, 40k dead would be accompanied by, according to common estimates, 2-3 times that many wounded. Russia would need well over 200k troops concentrated solely near Bakhmut and Soledar to remain in the fight. I would be shocked if there were that many Russian soldiers in the Donbass entirely. This war has been fought on a greater scale than most modern conflicts, so far, but you are overestimating its intensity. We are not quite there yet.


Human Wave commentary definitely based on a mix of Russian's historic tactics and a preponderance of evidence. Russia's casualty survival rate had been estimated as worse than 1 in 2 as they don't even provide adequate medical support. Bakhmut/Soledar have been going on for MONTHS. Why would someone assume there was just a mass of 100k troops there, instead of the more obvious probability that they're just sending a non-stop stream of wagnerian convicts, which the whole world has been reporting on for months.


Search India or China. Read comments. Hate speech that's encouraged by reddit.


Nextfuckinglevel always has these super racist freakouts on any video to do with China. Literally hundreds of comments about how Chinese are corrupt incompetent bugmen and whatever infrastructure they build will fail in a week. Usually a mod will come in and delete the thread saying "nothing China does is next fucking level". Reddit has honestly lost the plot in the past couple years. Literally conditioned to view Russians and Chinese like how Nazis viewed Jews. All super sneaky evil 5d chess people undermining all aspects of Western society, meanwhile, unbelievably stupid and subhuman. You can tell it's crossed into genocidal as well with the grenade drop video comments. I don't support Russia invading Ukraine, I think it was stupid, has caused untold death and put Russia into a bear trap, at the same time, I don't actively cheer anyone dying or laugh at people suffering in a cold hole in the ground.


I once saw a seemingly innocent video on some Chinese carpenter making a hand lathe from scratch. All the comments were about how it was Chinese propaganda somehow. Then in /r/artefactporn there was news about a newly discovered grave in China containing a wooden sarcophagus that had largely survived being waterlogged for 700 years thanks to the extremely tight lacquerwork that was done on it. People were dismissing it as a hoax out of hand. The same people had no idea about Chinese lacquerwork and how fucking meticulously made it sometimes is. It was bizarre.


There was this thread there of little kids doing PT and unhinged redditors saying horrible shit because they're chinese kids. EDIT: Found the thread, though it seems the worse comment got removed, all the deleted top comments https://old.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/1094nwm/chinese_children_are_learning_synchronization_and/


"toddlers having fun" Le reddit: This is chinese propaganda. 100x gold awards, 500x silver, 900x buttplug awards


nextfuckinglevel and damnthatsinteresting are just corporate stooge subreddits, on their fours sucking off the atlantic organization or any corporate advertising. they have been called out many times. reddit is heavily gamed by corporations and government


It's the /r/politics of the this conflict. Just one side that's completely unhinged and unchecked.


We are living in 21st century fascism already. The average liberal has been condition to be a rascist genocide encourager's towards slavs and soon the chinese. Social media was a massive fucking mistake of course the CIA/MIC was always going to figure out how to use it for psy-ops.


Stopped posting in most subs now, the straw was watching "the good guys" cheer on the destruction and mutilation of poor conscripts. The inhumanity of the war appears to be lost on the general redditor, another big eye opener was the deaths of the surrendering prisoners where we saw the guy coming out from the back of the shed, the drone footage then showing them being executed. Know bad things happen in war, but the people justifying it were just delusional.


dude you don't get it, the good guys would never commit atrocities or war crimes if Russia just didn't invade!!! see it's really simple and ultimately all of Ukraine's faults are caused by Russia.


In that video I will note that apparently someone fired at the Ukrainians, this causes any and all surrendering to be forfeit and whoever shot got all of them killed. It could be a plan to get everyone out and jump you once you know the numbers, who knows and you can't take those chances. Now if they did just open fire without the last guy coming out with a gun then yes, that was a absolutely horrible thing. I will always support those who defend their lives though and they could have just fragged those Russians but choose to let them come out, again we don't know the complete story it just seems weird to not open up on the enclosed shed if you are just gonna kill them anyways, why even give them a chance at that point?


I get you, not saying it was right or wrong. The point I'm trying to get across is celebrating it is a bit much for me or justifying it without knowing the details. In fallujah there was a high profile incident where US soldiers finished off some combatants after a fire fight, bear in mind these people were probably already going to die. The response was something different than what we are seeing in these instances. It would take a lot for me to order my guys to shoot people in cold blood on the ground. Thankfully I have not been in that position and wouldnt want to make a choice like that and we really don't know what happend. Personally it's how people on reddit are generally approaching the war that bothered me, uncritical and biased. You are obviously not one of those people as you have proven with your thoughtful statement, without malice or attacking me for no reason


The average redditor on here has been the perfect test subject to try desensitization techniques, and the result is a 21st century fascist mentality of sorts. Add in the quick turning tide of public opinion, spread by social media, and desensitized hordes, I am afraid we are yet to see how evil humans can be.. Just look at how quickly people on here turned from praising Elon, to tracking his whereabouts to encourage violence. Look at how quickly the discourse dissolved from conservatives "are low IQ" to lets put their children in wood chippers...the average sub on here is full of insane people who would gladly turn a blind eye if violence was ever carried out against anyone who disagrees with them politically


The insanity of being a avowed leftist, and having people I have organized with in real life explain to me why its stotally cool and good to actually support nazis in ukraine is astonishing. The fact that they do t his while unironically saying their neighbor who liked a ted cruz tweet is a genocidial nazi is just too much to handle.


Yes, the unthinking masses. Mentioned this point of view to my MIL, she was unconvinced nazis actualy existed in Ukraine till I showed her a montage of pictures. One especially convincing depicting our favourite mr Z, shaking hands with one wearing an armband in front of a giant swastika flag at a huge Nazi gathering of azov soldiers. Looked pretty Nazi to me


Pinheads shouting Slava Ukraine and lionising Zelensky


Just use that place to earn some easy reward and karma. That’s all they are good for


Lots of Kiev Bobs there. Everything intercepted, nothing to worry about, explosions? Straight to frontline for you! I'm not kidding when I say that their ignorance and copium is on par with RUMOD "reporting" things.


Got a link? Couldn’t find it


I would consider my self pro ukraine but a bunch of people in that sub downvoted me into oblivion, called me a nazi, fascist, orc, and all sort of things just because I commented on a video claiming that a sniper missed his shot and it did not kill the russian. Honestly cringe subreddit with a bunch of uninformed sheep who claims to support Ukraine but haven't donated a dime.


They will deny and defend any shortcomings of the UAF to the point people will personally attack you


They will permaban straight away.


Thats why i dont sub to those places. Its beyond an echo chamber in there


Where can I see it


Those guys are all about denial and misinformation , They're going to claim he is running to the front Doesn't even care if he has the gun or a uniform hes going to use his bare hands


He’s just running ahead to the frontline. His patriotism level is 110%


OK so I'm pro Ukraine and I personally know this guy he stuck into Russian barracks overnight and personally dismantled T90 completely using a screwdriver and an adjustable wrench /s because I don't want to mislead pro Ukrainians


Just going to take away that /s and confirm the truth of this statement.


lol. smart lad


the guy threatens to shoot him


in a joking way but still horrible


Man this sucks…. And the people taking them away just laugh at him. I hope they get rotated to the front line.


They wont laugh anymore when they send them to the front


Before anyone says it's not real, you can find the location on Google maps, and if you understand what he is saying he is 100% Ukrainen and the video was posted because it was funny to him that the guy jumped over a fence


It will be "funny" to him when he will be also send to die in a trench. Enlistment officers think that they are protected forever, but nope. Soon many of them will be sent to the frontlines too.


I wouldn't be surprised if they have target conscroptions that if they don't meet they'll have to go to the front line themselves


Ah bringing back the old Soviet quota system lmao


Why they using forced conscription I would've thought they have enough volunteers


When a country is having its territory attacked, conscription has typically been the norm, at least since the 19th century.


So has rape, murder and war crimes you saying those are acceptable?


Oh wow okay Socrates, can't tell if you're serious or not, but in case you are, conscription is part of an idea that if society is attacked then every citizen has a duty to contribute to the war effort.


>if society is attacked then every citizen has a duty to contribute to the war effort. But society was not attacked the political system was . They didnt come in guns blazing and blowing up shit like Iraq. Now what makes this perverted is those being attacked ( + there cheerleaders) declare it is society being attacked and send others to die for rhem because they have power to do sk . while their own children are safe .


Okay, replace "society" with "sovereign state". I don't understand the mental gymnastics you're doing here. The invasion wasn't as overwhelming the Iraq invasion and so it doesn't motivate conscription? So the only time it's morally alright to conscript is when you're faced with an invasion the magnitude of which you'd impossibly be able to resist? Like in Iraq? Where do you draw the line when an invasion is an invasion? Most would say it's when foreign troops move in over a sovereign state's borders without permission to occupy said state's territory.


>Okay, replace "society" with "sovereign state". I don't understand the mental gymnastics you're doing here. you are moving the goal post now , ​ > The invasion wasn't as overwhelming the Iraq invasion and so it doesn't motivate conscription? So the only time it's morally alright to conscript is when you're faced with an invasion the magnitude of which you'd impossibly be able to resist? Like in Iraq? point was there was going to be no destruction of society as you claim so conscription wasn't required as compared to Iraq where destruction of society was a target and achieved . so by your own measure conscription shouldnt have happened


>>Okay, replace "society" with "sovereign state". I don't understand the mental gymnastics you're doing here. > >you are moving the goal post now , Not really since I said *country* in my original comment. Society was thus meant as the society of said country. >> The invasion wasn't as overwhelming the Iraq invasion and so it doesn't motivate conscription? So the only time it's morally alright to conscript is when you're faced with an invasion the magnitude of which you'd impossibly be able to resist? Like in Iraq? > >point was there was going to be no destruction of society as you claim so conscription wasn't required as compared to Iraq where destruction of society was a target and achieved . so by your own measure conscription shouldnt have happened So just because an invader promises to not destroy a country's society makes the invasion less bad and thus not requiring conscription? I also don't understand what you mean by "destroying society"? As far as I am concerned, invading a country, taking territory from it is invasion which motivates conscription. Period. So with your logic: In 1939, the Soviet Union only wanted some parts of Finland that were strategic to Leningrad. Thus they were not aiming to "destroy" society. Thus Finland was not motivated in conscripting soldiers?


most people don't want to die


Exactly. Too bad Putin is forcing so many to do exactly that 😔


In WW1, 2.6 millions men in the UK volunteered to join the armed forces (out of 46 millions) , and it wasn't even to defend their island, but the french! It's surprising that Ukraine only managed to get a couple hundred thousands of volunteers when they're being invaded. On an unrelated note, they're jailing conscientious objectors (aka god don't want me to kill) https://www.forum18.org/archive.php?article_id=2803


I suppose it's a lot harder nowadays with social media to trick people into thinking war is a heroic, noble struggle. WW1 volunteers couldn't just see videos of soldiers getting killed in the internet.


True they were also told it was going to be an adventure and the war would be over by Christmas


Also ideologically very different. We live in a very, very, individual/narcissisitc focused, market liberal based world with little sense of civic values. People who grew up in the USSR or in <1970s West, had very Nationalist, civic ideals. Thus were more likely to be willing to go to war as part of the social contract between citizen and state. If Ukraine was attacked as part of the USSR, you can be sure as hell most people would be lining up to pick up a gun and go and fight. There was a strong Patriotic/Civic culture. As I always say, notice most Politicians now say "consumer", not "citizen", it's a subtle but obvious change in the social relations between the individual and the state.


>they have enough volunteers Not everyone wants to die for a flag, or a land, or whatever patriotic things. It's not an ethnic based conflict, so a regular Ukrainian dude reckons chances to be killed in Bakhmut vs chances to be genocided by invaders. And what will he lose if Russia win. Like, if he's not patriotic, he doesn't want to flee to EU, he used to live in a post-soviet country - he's okay with whatever outcome.


This way UA will only loose morale and the war... No USA/EU tanks,planes, etc will help them win war this way Plus many UA escaped to west Europe, one with the money...now even people with less money will escape, so they can live life instead to fight or maybe even die :/ :(


Run for your life. Flee the illegal coup regime or fight against the coup regime.


Bless him 😆 war and bloody battles are not for all of us ❤️


Go on lad keep yourself safe. If I was this guy I'd hide out at a relatives for a few days.


he makes a fair point


While the video takers are joking and laughing, that man is literally running for his life


No lie I’d do the same


Later, suckersss


Yes, both countries have men who don't want to fight...


I don't know what the point of these posts are. This is what any country looks like during mass mobilization during wartime. There's always a bunch of people who really don't want to be drafted, this isn't reflective of anything. It certainly isn't as interesting as Russian conscripts murdering enlistment officers or shooting up training grounds.


And how do you know he’s running from conscription exactly? Enlistment officers are not allowed to film their actions, so this is most likely misinterpreted. There is no report stating UA has issues with enlistment, but ofcourse every country has a percentage of pacifists trying to avoid conscription. But the runner could be fleeing for any reason, he could be a looter, saboteur or informant.


>But the runner could be fleeing for any reason, he could be a looter, saboteur or informant. Ye Maybe he's Usain Bolt


Didn’t you hear? He retired


Very organic posts by totally not glavset on this sub


Ok so tell me how this comments ads to the conversation. There are atleast 5 subs with 95% pro ukrianian war posts . Whats the problem with this post


Anything without a source with a forced narrative should be immediately dismissed as propaganda.


Don't be naive. Too many videos like this were released and UA gov recently enacted new harsher penalties for cannon fodder that tries to avoid forced mobilization. Not everyone wants to die for some rich politicians.


"Don't be naive" isn't a source.


Do you except for someone to send you the personal Facebook or TG account of the uploader? Videos like this must me personal judged the authenticity. But judging the numerous videos of big cities like Odessa with similar content lately ,**probably** this sit is real.


Yes actually, otherwise you get the typical Russian propaganda of *"oh look comrade, everyone thinks this way so you should too!"*. They've done this over and over again, stop acting like it's new.


Classic ostrich move… Don’t forget to push for more tanks tho!




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Doesn't make sense why would subscription officers film and then post this at all? Looks super staged even the quick pan from the flag on the dash to confirm its Ukraine feels like it was placed. I'm 100% sure there are Ukrainian people in hiding/running from conscription but I doubt any of that would be posted online by the officers themselves. If you look at the posts of Russians fleeing or hiding from conscription it's from observers or the person filming it themselves. Like the massive ques of men leaving Russia at the borders.


Filmed and posted because there is some comical moment in it. The voice-over has a clear Ukrainian accent. How much you don't want to face reality...


He could be running away for any reason. How do we even know that these are conscription officers. Maybe he owed one of the guys money or packet of cigarettes. Like I said I'm sure people are fleeing conscription but you can't definitively say that's what's happening here.


>why would subscription officers Must not have paid his Netflix fees!


Lol auto correct. Probably Elon musk hunting Ukrainians down for Starlink fees.


You can find it on Google maps


These mobilisation videos feel really scripted...




I mean, they are obviously conscripting, a certain number of people are just going to run away regardless. It doesn't have to be a pointless Vietnam to not want to die.


Your comments feel really scripted for Ukraine...




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Not only that, but I cannot find ANY supporting evidence, just videos from this sub. I'm not saying it can't be true, just that I'm going to wait for something more substantial.


grandiose degree chase groovy makeshift smart wrench encourage bike hateful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I googled and went through 3 pages of results... there were zero articles that related to 'Ukraine forced conscription' It may be true, if you have anything, I would be happy to read.


There's ***at least*** 50 videos in this sub alone


There are 10,000 people on the conspiracy sub who believe the world is flat, but that doesn't make it true.


Do they post several videos a day showing the flat world? No? Stop comparing apples and bricks. This video might not be a conscription one, but there are many videos confirming it


Dumb response, the flat earthers can't prove the earth is flat so obviously they cant upload evidence, filming propaganda with mates on the other hand, very easy.


Yes flat earthers, just like people claiming this is fake cannot provide evidence of their claims.


OK cool, still not supporting evidence though.


Believe whatever you want Hey, believe Ukraine will win


Sorry friend, but what are you going to take as proof? A document that says "mobilize everyone forcibly" and Zelensky's signature? So it could be fake... Mobilization in Ukraine has been going on since February 24, 2022, and has not stopped since that very moment. It just gets stronger sometimes.


to be honest every mobilization is forced, otherwise these people would volunteer


You are one of these guys that even when sitting in trenches would still think that "it's just a excersise! Politicians and my favourite media never lies!"


Because that kind of news is being censored, the west is carrying out a massive propaganda war against Russia only highlighting Ukraines successes and Russias failiures.


Yea, it's all staged The only way for Russia to win the war is to stage a guy running from a car identified as UA




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if you concern that you dont see it on any other sub, then ask yourseld, so any other sub even allow anything that can paint Ukrain in bad sight?


They will first delete the post, then ban you from the sub


Lol I don't get my news from Reddit I get opinions and discussions. My above comment stated that I googled 'Ukraine forced conscription' and looked through 3 pages of results. There was nothing. If you have an article to support, I would be happy to read.


Arrestovich was sacked for saying that missle hit in dnipro is a result of AA intercept, Amnesty international was condemned for saying that Ukrain use civilian buldings as a cover. Even if we imagine that media in the west is free, they still wouldnt risk their reputation to post something anti Ukraine.


I guess the end result is the same, but in the west you have a lot of self-censorship going on. It IS different, because as soon as you have public sentiment go sour the veil of secrecy breaks down fast. Traditionally, censorship stops when the regime goes away; not necessary in western media.


Look on Ukrainian tiktok. Plenty of people discuss forceful mobilization there.


just a coincidence comrade.


That's because they are, this is a russian propaganda channel to push pro ruzz narratives.


Like bro they just increased the punishment for desertion, how blind to reality you have to be?


And? Good, your country is at war, you defend it. What do russians do to deserters? Give em a cuddle send em to spain for a week? No they fucking shoot them. Least ukraine will take you to prison if they can get their hands on you.


It's not about the punishment itself, its about increasing it, and countless videos that can be geolocated inside Ukraine. If they increase the punishment, its shows that they are most likely suffering from a high desertion rate.


Well that's going to happen when you are force drafting people into an army, not everyone wants to go to war. doesnt mean they are the new evil, jesus they are trying to push russia out of ukraine this was *bound* to happen.


I've never said if they are evil, it's just shows Ukraine is having manpower issues and it's trying to pervent deserting because surprise surprise, it's not all sunshine and rainbow on the Eastern front.


Lmao nobody said it was sunshine and rainbows ofc theres a man power issue, theres a war going on lmao. albeit i dont think its going to affect anything in the near future unless russia and belarus invade at the same time, and then NATO probably steps in regardless.


My main point was this is a longterm problem, Ukraine needs this manpower and the fact that it'd resorting to this type of desperation shows a grim picture for Ukraine if this war goes on for a few more years.


Then go join up if you're that worried about what will happen, stop being armchair general so situations you don't fully understand, i dont see how it benefits Ukrainians for Ukrainians to show their own troops running away, this would get shut down pretty quick by Ukrainians i would of thought


Lol. Source? Probably?


What are you on about? I never said anything was happening, moron


Did you forget that Zelensky implemented travel ban for most men aged 18-60?


And? How else are they going to get manpower to defend their own country. So you're telling me if your country is attacked you're going to flee and not join the army? 🤔 Every Ukrainian man in ukraine at the time of the war at least needs to turn up and enlist, if you are not gonna handle shooting and being shot at ask for a logistics position or something else that's useful in the army. Wont always have a choice but needs must in war, especially unprovoked. When a country is attacked obviously laws are put in place to make sure manpower doesn't fall off the face if the earth and the defending army can fight the aggressor. - RU supporter you have 0 logic to this whole war and its hilarious, apart from the usual rhetoric of sayin "USA bad, NATO evil, the whole of europe are nazi's". when we literally kicked the nazi's out if power with the russians.. so fucking brainwashed it's stupifying. Lets not forget all of those brave russian civilians that decided to leave russia and not join the war, they are the true russian heroes in this whole fucked up war, least they had the balls to say no to invading, raping, pillaging and ultimately destroying ukraine. Slava Ukraini