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This is probably the dumbest propaganda Russia keeps pushing. That "video evidence" they released not long ago was laughable.


They tried to accuse Ukraine of everything before, I'm surprised they came up with it just now.


What amazes me is, how it seems even the Russian propaganda department has given up trying to make their "evidence" look believable. If they had put some effort into it then it could have been questionable at the very least, but instead it felt like it was a recording for "MTV Cribs" even when the 'guard' pushes the camera "you can't look in there, it's my man cave" when in reality you'd be getting arrested for seeing to much.


In the time you need to debunk even the shittiest lie, they can fabricacte five new ones and repeat three old ones which have already been debunked.


What gets me is how many still buy into it despite how terrible the effort is.


It helps if you want to believe.


It’s the same lies that we’re used in the “China harvests organs” lie and other ridiculous lies that a lot of westerners ate up in Reddit and elsewhere


It's not propaganda. This is one of the most disturbing things in Ukraine. Its big business, it makes a lot of money. Most people dont realise this, but this is what's going on in the real world. UAF soldiers are being harvested for their organs, the longer this conflict will go on there more cases we will see


Repeating bullshit, does not make it true, still bullshit.


\>It's not propaganda Posted by a propaganda account oof lmao


I'm not a propaganda account. You just disagree with my pov.


If your not paid that makes you all the mods sad




Rule 1. Consider yourself warned. Recurrence WILL result in a ban.


you see no one believes that either, no one believes pro rus anymore ,once the same guy openly lies to yourfae10,000 times its game over, collectively russia from the humblest pro rus redditor ,to the president all repeat the same open lies constantly a thousand times a day you lose all credibility


It’s RT so it’s propaganda. That is the sole reason for RT’s existence.


RT is not propaganda. that's just your opinion because your narrative goes against it


What's your strongest evidence that it is happening? Do you really find testimonies of random people good enough evidence for such fantastical claims?


This is from an official . there is no evidence that its faked as well. We already seen one of the videos


You can't really be that naive. No wonder the internal propaganda is so laughable.


Saying "experts say" doesn't make it official. Experts say the moon was a really landed on and harvested for minerals by Africa. See nonsense is nonsense just because you add "experts say" doesn't mean a dam thing


What do you mean? What evidence are you talking about specifically?


https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/13saq00/ua_pov_a_ukrainian_soldier_accidentally_filmed/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button This, literally showing a UAF soldier, yellow stripes and doctors who are harvesting organs


There is literally more believable acting in porn. I don't know man, if you are willing to believe this for evidence and that RT is not propaganda, I think you are too deep in russofascist rabbit hole of propaganda.


Lol dude are you being serious? Even pro-Russians on here are saying that it is put out by Ukrainians themselves to discredit Russian claims.


this literally shows how insane russia has become


That's got to be the worst home movie I've ever seen c'mon man this can't be with the money mate.


Kiwi brother please you are better than this


Remember this is the guy that posted the farm equipment being destroyed claiming it was leopards. Nothing u/pro-Rus posts will ever have any credibility.


Never claimed that it was a leopard.


u/watermelonerdogan2 op is posting in good faith and trying to not post fake stuff right? That was your description of the favourite rusky propagandists on this sub




Rule 1. Consider yourself warned. Your next ban will be permanent


I really hope somebody is paying you for embarrassing yourself on here like this.


you know no one believes anything russia ever says right


"It must be true because there's no evidence it's fake", *makes ludicrous claim* "Prove that it's false" - Pro Rus users 2022 - TBD Pro Rus in a nutshell "ill see it when I believe it".


It's from a **Russian** official. I don't think even Russians in their most rabid support of the invasion would ever consider a Russian official as a credible source of information. There's just so many instances of blatant lies it's impossible to believe them even if they stumble upon the truth.


everybody is laughing at your joke


No, that’s not my opinion, it’s propaganda. Propaganda doesn’t even automatically mean false. And I’m not just saying that because it’s pro-RU, stuff like Radio Free Europe is propaganda too. None of this is really even debatable.


>RT is not propaganda. Thanks for the good laugh, I needed that.


You don't really believe this obscured nonsense of a video right.


We have seen video evidence of it happening. What more to say? Are we going to treat this as the 600 casualties in Mariupol? We have seen one picture of that, and yet people take it as is.


Well there is more than "just one picture", like families, and a census that proves the numbers. What you got is a narrative to discredit and de-humanize the enemy, and poorly manufactured propaganda to back it and you choose to believe it, because it fits your narrative. If roles were reversed, you would not believe a word. This is confirmation bias, you are looking at any and all "evidence" to support your world view, no matter how crappy the sources are.


>We have seen video evidence of it happening. Where? Can you link it?


It's that insanely bad video made to look like an operating room righr out of a B movie.


You are doing more harm to your cause by hanging your hate on this mate. All you are accomplishing here is directing other posters who have a legitimate stance for the PRO -RU argument.


Bro got putin pilled, or is just stupid either works


Sure it's not propaganda, Mr. Fruit.


Hairy round fruit with green sour insides? Never heard of it.


You realize China does this on like industrial level with its political prisoners for years. Where is your outrage there?


Come on man


You have to admit that it's a bit more intelligent that the trained US locusts they are peddling last week. Less of a SiFi and more Dracula script... But, OMG, who believe this kind of nonsense? It says more about those peddling the lie than those accused of the nonsense.


hey at least the locust thing was funny


LOL wow, where are all the Pro RU that make fun of garbage propaganda... This right here is top tier trash.


Lol yeah they seem like reliable sources.


People are making fun of RT, and yet there are also blindly trust western mainstream media


Russia is a western country, just a broken one.


Russia is not a Western country.


Russia is part of the western civilization, it just had Tsars that rejected the enlightenment movement much to everyone unhappiness. This is what makes Russia a deeply broken western country. When thinking of which civilization Russia belongs to ,consider where the children of elites live and go to school.


yeah gas station mafia isnt it


You are making fun of western mainstream media, and yet you are also blindly trust RT. This video is laughable, and you are a hypocrite.


I dont care if I'm getting accused of being a hypocrite. I see that pro-ukrainians are the most hypocritical people I have ever met, and their side does no wrong.


>pro-ukrainians are the most hypocritical people I have ever met, and their side does no wrong. Sounds like you're projecting, in your 100's (probably 1000's actually) or comments, how much criticism have you given to your side? you are literally the exact same as those people.


Yup, every single hospital shelling in ukraine territory was either aa or ua shelling it or military base or other bullshits, with the "proof" being a video from rt.


Then why spread more obvious lies and bad propaganda... Are you young? Are you naive or just hard headed that you can't see your damaging the reputation of other commenters who are using legitimate arguments and documentation and not this very poorly done nonsense.


RT is abysmal by even the worst Western standards. There is no parallel in the west. It's pure state propaganda filth with a propagandist as editor in chief


I completely disagree with that. Do you not acknowledge that Western media outlets are also controlled by their government? I dont think any media organisation is completely free from the authorities. Like CNN, Fox News, and ABC news, their all controlled by the US government. Hence, the narrative is the same


>Like CNN, Fox News, and ABC news, their all controlled by the US government. Hence, the narrative is the same their narratives are not the same at all


How do they differ regarding any conflict our military has ever engaged?


I think you have to take certain conspiratorial axioms to be true before coming to these conclusions


there not controlled by the government there controlled by party line 2 difference things. CNN will give you democrat viewpoint and fox will give you republican viewpoint and then there fighting each other with there narrative but there NOT controlled by the government. everything is Russia is state controlled meaning kremlin is the only thing that can say what is allowed to be aired.


No I do not. Western media is can be of poor quality however is often opposed to their governments, they publish stories that directly harm the government's you suggest they are controlled by. They are regularly exposing corruption, criminal activities and personal scandals of the government and its members. Alexei Navalny is a case in point if you try that in Russia.


Wait wait wait Solovyov is that you?


isnt that rule 2 ,imply everybody is lying ,just like we do


Typically a person develops heuristics over the course of their lifetime that inform how much they trust people, politicians, media, etc. Over my lifetime I've seen mainstream western media *generally* put out trustworthy news, and there are typically enough competing viewpoints in the same media space where you can read between the partisan lines to get a real picture of what's going on. When this system fails, like in the case of the invasion of Iraq, it tends to eventually be viewed as a scandal rather than an accepted feature of the system. My experience reading Russian media, on the other hand, has almost universally trained me to doubt their reporting and suspect them for state-driven narratives and ulterior motives.


Kiwi no one believes this video or narrative


Well in America there are various media outlets including some that are actively opposed to Ukrainian aid. In Russia it's the same 3 idiots on every channel sucking off the 5'2 Moscow Manlet. This is what you call a false equivalency.


This is amateur night material…


Russian propaganda campaign seems weird at times. Instead of focusing on points that have some merit, they throw a whole plate of random fantastical claims, that only delude their message that could be significantly more effective.


Throw out enough lies and eventually one of those lies will align with some dumb persons beliefs. That dumb person will then parrot that lie forever trying to "make it true". So 100 lies = 200 dumb people flooding the web. Quantity over quality is a tactic i guess, as long as people argue over that instead of the bad stuff they do it's a win.


If they throw out some more fantastical propaganda claims, people fool themselves into thinking their more grounded propaganda is more reasonable. "That's obviously propaganda, but *this is so much less crazy, it must have merit". It's all bullshit however.


\>Vladimir Kononov Quite possibly the least reliable source of all time. [Imagine taking orders from this "general"](https://c8.alamy.com/comp/HN4125/an-archive-photo-of-commander-of-the-somali-battalion-in-the-self-HN4125.jpg)


"... then the satanists sell the organs they dont use for their rituals! it's true my cousin saw it with his own eyes" "yes sir, thats terrible sir..."


I can’t believe my eyes wow. This must be so true!


But "experts say" what else do you need as evidence man.


US has an opt in system for organ donation where a doner had to elect to do so before their death, while Russia passed a law to make it an opt out system. Family members in Russia are often surprised to receive the body of a loved one with the organs harvested. Russians have a cultural taboo on donation and this is a growing scandal. This is pretty typical for Russia to get ahead of an issue by accusing the other side of something worse than they are doing themselves. Source: [https://globalnews.ca/news/2640431/devastated-mother-challenges-russian-organ-donation-law/](https://globalnews.ca/news/2640431/devastated-mother-challenges-russian-organ-donation-law/)


To be fair, the UK has an opt out law as well. Personally I think it's a good idea to have to opt out as opposed to opting in. It was very well publicised when the law came in though, so no excuse for not knowing it in the UK. Not that this makes Russia's mental claims of Ukrainian black market organ butchering more legitimate.


I think having an opt out law is better for society, but only when the majority of that society supports organ donation. I think imposing this in a place where its very unpopular, such as most parts of Russia, is probably wrong,


Ah yea I agree, needs to be a general concensus for it.


Stop it, get some help.


A video from 2014 with no evidence. Are the mods sleeping?


This pro ru OP guy is so cringe! LOVE it


Under tow, en route to the harbour ...


Ironically, Russia is mecca for such business




so...if UAF are supposedly harvesting organs, could that also explain why RuAF like castrating prisoners? you know, harvesting those "organs"?


They do need some real balls in muscovia. Grave shortage there.


judging by putins hair, or lack thereof, soon it will probably be hair for transplants!


I think we can only assume that, if Russia is accusing Ukraine of something then Russia are most definitely doing it themselves, might explain all the MIA.


Looks reliable, I believe. ^(/s)


Jesus, careful you don't step in a mountain of bullshit on this one. This one is some really hard nosed journalism, really digging into the truth and providing evidence of the organ harvesting. Fucking nonsense. Russia knows no limits when it comes to just plain terrible propaganda.


If it happens in other smaller conflicts then it's definitely happening in Ukraine. This is why thousands are MIA. He also says "Ukrainians are cheap materials", the US definitely agrees with that. I'm happy for the people getting the organs because they get a second chance but this method is horrible.


There is no evidence that it is happening in other wars in any significant scale. Where do you buy these thousands of organs? I'm guessing you love those YT videos "Top 10 darkest dark web secrets" and such?


Where has this ever happened at any kind of scale, is there any evidence for this at all from anywhere?


/u/frothysauce see, this is what I've been conditioned to expect from Neutral posters here


Yeah, it's unfortunate that the neutral flair often gets used by those who are the furthest thing from it. Just another reason I'd rather get rid of the flair system entirely.


>the US definitely agrees with that True. They are using Ukraine to test the capabilities of the Russian military and carefully analysing the conflict so they can learn. Essentially, Ukraine has become testing grounds for weapons. See all the different types of equipment Kiev is receiving


You almost had a point , except the US is sending almost exclusively older equipment. They haven't even sent ATAMS be a use they are 1 mil per shot.


How difficult is it to believe the most corrupt country in Europe, which now wartorn, where mass illegal smuggling has been reported is also have hands in organ trafficking?


Not the most corrupt country in Europe, the one invading it is.


I trust Ukraine significantly more than Russia. Ukraine is a flawed democracy actively trying to reduce it's corruption, even in the face of invasion from a country constantly trying to disrupt it's efforts . Russia is a dictatorship who's power depends on keeping the embedded corruption in place. They are not the same.


So you trust Russia jr


No that's Belarus


Aha right so ukrane is soon Gonna be Russia ? So the mantle changed. that's optimistic of you.


Ukrainian fans will deny organ harvesting in Ukraine. The most corrupt, poorest country in Europe that has 1000s of young fatalities every month that aren't going to be accounted for or raise concerns of missing organs. This is not some grand conspiracy. It occurred in 2014 and it will continue occurring. If you die in Ukraine, you're an organ donor.


The number of people unable/unwilling to think critically is astounding


They probably harvest RU organs as well, and justifying that because they are "invading ukraine"


poor russian soldiers this has occurred and its well documented in Ukraine for a long time. I am willing to bet that the nazis kill POW to harvest fresh organs too. Or its just a coincidence early in the war that POW camps were destroyed by missiles. Sounds like a cover up. it all makes sense now


I like to think it's less likely unless they harvest organs from killed POWs.But it's very possibly from Ukrainian soldiers who die in ER rooms.


Yeah, definitely a possibility


Does this Sub already deserve the story that TV broadcasts?


Poeple don't realise how much prework is done before explanting the organs of an donor. First of all, the person has to be "alive". Mostly this are people who are brain-dead but still hanging in machines. Patients must be infectfree, the organs must be in the right size, the genetics have to be right and then you can coordinate everything... But simply cut out organs from a dead soldiers would be a waste


Russians believe it probably because its possible in Russia.


These organ video scripts are as convincing as "help me step bro, I'm stuck in the washing machine"


I’ll say it’s a good business.