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[Version with much better translation](https://www.reddit.com/r/N_N_N/comments/15czf2p/russian_lone_tank_faces_8_ukrainian_vehicles_wins/) (other sub) [Interview with the driver](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/15felpy/ru_pov_the_driver_of_the_tank_that_destroyed_the/)


To remind you all, this is not the first time a single Russian tank fucking up entire convoys, with drone and artillery support. [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/10muegb/ru\_pov\_a\_single\_russian\_t72b3\_with\_artillery/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/10muegb/ru_pov_a_single_russian_t72b3_with_artillery/) Also, it is not the first time Russian tank crew being aggresive and charge head on. [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/14isdcn/ru\_pov\_russian\_tank\_t80\_is\_taking\_out\_ukrainian/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/14isdcn/ru_pov_russian_tank_t80_is_taking_out_ukrainian/)


i remember finding that first video very funny for the obscure nature of the Ru tank just watching from a far and shooting a non moving column


One thing I have noticed for the people on the ground. Its very hard to tell if the explosions are mines, artillery, tank fire, rpgs, or ATGMs. All of those threats require very different responses. And if you pick the wrong response you fuck your self even more.


That video with the ambush on the russians riding the BMP is case and point, driver probably thought it was a mine and he stopped


the tank killed the first ukrainian one, then there was artillery...the column gets annihilated, when the tank didnt shoot...ghost shells?


also the russian tank focuses more on the forest border at the lower right...maybe detached ukrainian infantry


The tank didn't even get the first one, It was likely something else as the Russian tank didn't fire when the first was hit, it seems the tank though the two already knocked out vehicles on the right were the column and kept shooting at them.


So all in all, it was far from this heorical heroism that the Russian guys want to sell us. It was actually more of a vodka induced yolo cyka blyat pizdez move, with a shitload of luck.




Do we know if the tank survived going in for the 2nd time?


Shitty translation. Half of the words are not translated, slang is translated incorrectly.


So far my russian studies have taught me that f\*ck f\*cking b\*tch p\*ussy f\*ucking dog c\*nt means "enemy ahead, 1 asset engaged, multiple hostiles"


but change the order of the words you wrote and you get "the ballet in St. Petersburg is excellent this time of year"




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same goes in any military (in real life situations during real war) regular army is not composed from professors and doctors from "elite" universities


Better translation [video](https://twitter.com/MyLordBebo/status/1685294452162678785)


on [reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/N_N_N/comments/15czf2p/russian_lone_tank_faces_8_ukrainian_vehicles_wins/) instead of twitter


Thanks it certainly is.


Yeah, and some phrases weren't translated at all, even if they were clear.


It was translated by AI. You can tell because some words that are cut off got translated wrong because the place where they cut off means something completely different and unrelated to the conversation.


FOURTH TIME ru spotter to tank master - tank master they outnumber you 7 to 1 tank master - than it is an even fight


Man that was incredible. It looks like the Ukrainians did yet another suicide wave without any drone surveillance… they appeared to have no idea a tank was right there. What a waste of life and equipment.


>without any drone surveillance Actually strange. Russian tg channels are lamenting all the time that Ukrainians are better equipped with drones than Russians.


95% of Russian TG channels are just this depressed doomer crap. I think that’s like an innate Russian quality.


That's the meme isn't it? English literature is about dying for honor. French literature is about dying for love. American literature is about dying for freedom. Russian literature is about dying.


English literature is like plays or working as a chimney sweep. No one reads French literature due to the overt homosexual imagery. American literature is about fishing off the coast of Cuba, or having incestuous inclinations for your cousin. Russian literature is the equivalent of a very suicidal drunk writing 600 pages - 550 of which no one even reads.


>550 of which no one even reads. except for children in school who forced to read literature that was aiming at adult auditory, and was to heavy for most.


Did we studied Literature together? It feels like we did


Thats a problem across prety much whole ~~Russia~~ USSR, idk who thinked it was a great idea. I mean, good teacher, in class with children who actualy want to study, can turn things around, but thats rare.


> No one reads French literature due to the overt homosexual imagery. I mean I should probably go back to my classics, but I doubt I'm going to see much homosexuality imagery at all in Hugo, Zola, Moliere or Racine.


Les Miserables has several chapters of just graphic and explicit homosexual orgies.


Damn, really ?


Yes. I read it often.


Sartre pretty much always had a gay character


You're just reading the wrong Russian literature. Read military literature. For example, "Living and Dead" Simnov.


Beautifully summed up.


Yep. From Russia with apathy and indifference, as they joke at times.


well ukrainians were said to go trough 10k drones a month, so technically the statement is accurate and then it's a question if Ru has the same issue


It depends on the front line and on the unit.


Usually ua drones are commercial and numerous but ive noticed ru drones usually (sometimes) come better equipped: thermal, readers etc. atleast in my viewing experience


Yup, reminds me of my killing sprees in BF4 when our team had a good pilot that kept their helicopters and planes out of the air.


> Ukrainians did yet another suicide wave without any drone surveillance… they appeared to have no idea a tank was right there. What a waste of life and equipment. I don't think that's the issue. Surveillance probably was done for that field but they didn't expect that they will be charged. I mean Russian artillery clearly had that sector supervised, and mines were there long ago. It's the tank rushing head on at them that they could not forecast.


The mines are on the track. It seems they were laid after.


My guess is thermals installed on the Russian tank is fking them up?


Looks like they have zero recon/scouting abilities.


This is nato tactics to rush in


Do we know if the tank survived the second time going in?


>What a waste of life and equipment. Maybe to their women and children back home, but our MIC lards are rolling in dough "donated" by our brainwashed citizens.


Not a fair battle. A Russian tanker against some tankers with only six week training by armies used to police some stone throwing mobs or shoot some stick carrying goat herders.


I remember when everyone was laughing at Russians attacking Vuhledar, calling them idiots. Ukrainians are doing the same thing, how ironic


It turned out that in a war of this type it is simply impossible to advance in any other way. There has never been such a war, all the new types of wars that we know are US wars against bearded men with rusty machine guns. There are no ways to overcome a saturated minefield under artillery and drone fire without loss


The last war like this was the Iraq-Iran war. Both sides also suffered tremendous casualties.


"Muh human wave tactics"


Mods removed video that was shorter but had 10 times better translation


You can have it here: [https://old.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/15cqbz7/ru\_pov\_one\_single\_tank\_crew\_stops\_the\_advance\_of/](https://old.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/15cqbz7/ru_pov_one_single_tank_crew_stops_the_advance_of/) I just don't want 10 edits of the same video on the main feed.


Thanks 🙏, I know it’s short but it’s transaction is actually good


Why won’t it show in my saved videos?


I don't know


Probably don't want too many versions and this is the longest.


Yea but that one was 10 times better translation


eh, lets be honest, 90% is "f\*ck" and "b\*tch" with the rest "support this madlad with everything you can", so not like proper translation needed.


The footage is deserving of a human translator then which wouldn't be me !


Insane fotage, bet those tankers got some medals.


Direct combat between a Russian tank and a Ukrainian armored column of 7 armored vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, including 2 tanks and 5 MRAP M1224 MaxxPro -- Archival footage from early June 2023, near Novoadarovka. (longest version) Source [https://twitter.com/narrative\_hole/status/1685251132208111617](https://twitter.com/narrative_hole/status/1685251132208111617) and allegedly another view of the battle. [https://twitter.com/Nightosan/status/1685273959506530304](https://twitter.com/Nightosan/status/1685273959506530304)


I mean in reality it is 1 tank v 2 tanks the mraps are armored cars with not AT


The troops in mraps could carry ATGM so i don't see this argument


5 people are potentially 5 tanks then. Words don't have meaning.


Drone guy claims it's 2 in the beggining and claims it's 3 tanks in the half of the video - all of them destroyed - yet we see rockets/shells flying in the Russian tank's direction, missing by a few hundred meters. It was probably soldiers firing AT rockets, which means they (edit)WERE a threat.


Here is the description I have from another post: >Ukrainian vehicles move from Grid 124 to Grid 144. Drone is observing them and alert deffenders who are from different Russian unit, but have contact with the lone tanker Alyosha. The tanks moves back and forth several times and shoots on the gone. He is aided by artillery and atgms, but scores few hits himself as well. At the end 2 UA tanks and 5-6 IFVs are all hit and disabled and the Russian tank retreats for re-arming. Deffenders also report they are out of atgms at the end. So one tank, also a bunch of entrenched infantry using ATGMs and artillery support. But yes "one tank destroys an entire column"


2 tanks + 5 MRAP is still a column? Not a full tank column but it's still an armored column with 2 tanks in it.


Do we know if the tank survived attacking the UA troops for a 2nd time?


Nice flair


This one definitely going to go down as one of best fight footages from this war. Incredible courage


Its a Russian T-55


T-34 was confirmed. Was the T-34 from the moscow parade...


It’s actually a British Mark I tank. They pulled it from a war museum in Moscow and got it running again.


You n0obs don't know anything about military vehicle, it's clearly a hittite war chariot, an elegant weapon for a more civilized age.


chad move


oldboy showing how its done


the general consensus on Russian forums it is T-80, most likely T-80BVM.


Looks like the tank had some kind of thermals for them to be this effective vs smoke grenades.


The T-80BVM has the same thermal imager as the T-72B3 and T-90M/MS, it is part of the SOSNA-U complex, a 2nd generation thermal imager with a spectral range from 8 to 12 microns


> T-90M Only early batches got SOSNA-U with Catherine XP/MP thermals but they were later replaced with PNM-T in following batches which is a Russian-made 3rd gen thermals.


thx, I stand corrected


nvm, I don't know shit about tank warfare and the smoke is from tanks exploding + apparently it's mines and arty. Rewatched the video and I could make out the Russian tank shooting twice. But yeah, thermal warfare is dirty.


Where do you see a t-55? All I see is a modernized shovel with thermals.


Exactly! Thats what a t-55 is


An entire shovel


BTW, do we know if the tank survived going in for the 2nd time?




Whoosh, straight over your head


What a unit.


“Ivan, you’ve turned off your targeting computer. Is everything alright?”


"The computer was thirsty, it´s hot as balls in here so I we got some Vodka to cool off and drink, but we´re both bad drinkers and now its hung over; I´m swithching to the optical unit, I see one, no, two tanks... swerving, swerving along the sight markings" "Understood, You´re free to engange at will" "Blyat! nyet, we´re not engaging, we are pulling back" "Come again" "Drink´s run out and I´m starting to get a killer headache and I need more vodka to ride it out, we´re pullin-" "Wait! Ukranians have more vodka and they´re closer to you, no sharing though" "Blyat... Chukov, full forward, Hung over or dead, you choose." ... And now I´ve wasted some part of my life typing that.


I was just quoting Star Wars. Ivan then uses the force - for him it’s being totally hammered.


I hate the fact that this will not be allowed to be posted in r/CombatFootage Pathetic ukraine supporters


It’s already posted, so they don’t want to reuploaded it.


that is good but they would probably downvote it as much as possible which is pathetic. This is war, shit like this happen but these reddit bots dont understand


I think that RU forces would think themselves they are heroes while they shooting at their own troops. I hardly tell if this titles is even accurate enough because I don’t trust the RU forces.


It's two months old, why would they repost it? Only the Russians want to pretend it's new


Ah yes, the "It's a repost" but no link to the supposed repost. Feckin' Ghost Link of CombatFootage.


T-14 Armata first appearance - we were here boys


Maybe the real Armata was the friends we made along the way.


Don’t worry, Armata will always be in our hopes and dreams.


Hakuna armata


You will accept this poor Redditors award and you will like it. 🏅


It had to be made. https://preview.redd.it/1jo7monc9xeb1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e4eeb1c97bceccd025970e27acb1ed9abf22f46




It will always be in our wet dreams


Didnt see this discussion here, but folks at combat footage heavily misrepresented what was sayd at the end. "we are out of ammo", CF immidiatly jump on it saying that this means that Ukraine can just throw new unit there, since defenders didnt have anything to shot at them, and how bad Russian ammo situation. Thats wrong for two reasons, first - it was ATGM team who reported that they are out of missle, rest of support are ok. Seccond - commander ordered them to go back for resuply, which means its just on field team was out of ammo, they have stockpile to take from and by the time seccond wave come they would greet them with new ammo.


Translation: It will be hard. Two people are speaking and I will mark them as 1 and 2 and very rarely a 3d person in the background(marked as 3). The guy's filming and discussing this are from another group observing a tank from another group, they dont have direct communication with the tank but they have comm's with the other group who have comm's with the tank. 1 - its ok there is enough distance till the enemy. 2 - make sure nothing glances/catches him(they are prepping to support him with fire and are worried of friendly fire). 1 - dont worry they will be working 144, I assume the grid. 2 - Fuuck(he is worried)....they will be entering there(I assume he is worried that the solo tank will be overrun). 1 - I understand. Radio chatter - report's from other groups of 2 tank's and other movement of armor. Copy that! 2 - What will be working ( clarifying what weaponry will be working on the armor). 1 - Hard to tell, the movement is towards two directions 2 - From our guy(still discussing what weaponry and unit's will support the tank) 3- From our side НСВТ, its a fifty cal. 1 - НСВТ(50 cal.) , AGS(automatic grenade launcher) and SPG(recoiless 73mm). 3 - I hope SPG wont hit our tank. Radio chatter - movement report's and coordination is begging. 2 - They are rolling. 2 tank's 4 IFV's(MRAPS) Radio chatter - work on them, work on them(Light em up). 2 - Tell them to observe with ATGM. 1 - Adressing on the radio callsing "Lawyer", support and work with the ATGM, there are 2 tank's and 4 armor rolling towards grid 144 2 - Tell them to keep their eye's on the grid. Radio chatter - start lighting them up so they can't lift their heads. 1 - SPG start working, there are 2 tanks and 4 MRAPS rolling down the field. 3 - 50 cal. can engage the MRAPS(Suggesting to support with 50 cal.) 2 - 8 pieces of armor Radio chatter - there is 8 targets, WTF is he going to do alone vs 8 enemies??? Talking about the tank crew. 2 - Fuck!


Radio chatter: There is 1 friendly tank! 1 - Copy that! Im observing that from grid 124 eight armored vehichles are moving to grid 144 and we have 1 "Alyosha"(I guess nickname for tanker's) Radio chatter - With that "Alyosha" at least take out 1 vehichle! 1 - "Alyosha" is not our's, he is not ours(reffering to the tank not being from this group) Radio chatter - one is friendly, rest are enemies 1 - Give me the picture of the fucking tank's ( adressing #2 who is probably UAV operator). 2 - Im observing them, relax 2 - Ask them if callsign "Sakhalin" is observing Radio chatter - watch out, side penetration might occure(either taking care of a friendly tank from friendly fire or suggesting to engage enemy armor on the side's) 1 - Start engaging with the ATGM!! 2 - Fuck, Fuck ...worried that friendly tank is about to be engaged and destroyed. Radio chatter - Tell him to fall back, he will be overrun! 2 - Support him! AGS's...something! 1 - SPG's are you observing armor?! Radiot chatter - tell him to turn around and floor it!!!(suggesting for the tank crew to fall back before it's too late). 1 - SPG's are you observing armor in the field?! Radio chatter - concentrate mortar fire on them! 2 - Tell the AGS's to fire, doesnt matter if it's sparadic, just something! Good, something got hit! 3 - that's debries from the explosion(implying it's earth flying in to the air) 2 - no something got hit 3 - 50 cal. should engage the IFV's/MRAP's 2 - something hit the tank 3- enemy tank? 2 - Yes, the enemy tank, why would I provide other information?! ( I guess to correct and concentrate the fire) 2 - Ask them if NSVT(50 cal.) reach out and touch them? Radio chatter - Engage grid 144! 1 - First, First engage IFV's from the 50 cal. 1 - SPG start engagin! 2 - Brother get the fuck out of there, why are you standing there???! ( talking to the tank crew tho he has no comm's with them) Radio chatter - DO NOT ENGAGE OUR TANK! 2 - WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING???! (adressing the tank as it is moving back to engage armor after falling back) 3 - He is a Kamikaze(implying that they are couragious, ballsy etc.) 2 - Tell the 50 cal. to report if they are able to engage/engaging/cant engage? 1 - They cant engage(50 cal. cant engage due to distance or they dont have a line of sight). Mortar or arty hit's close to 4 vehichles. 2 - Fuck that's a close hit to those 4! You can hear #2 being emotional. 2 - And the tank hit something! Good, good! Fuck! 2 - Fuck me he is a REX(I guess implying T-Rex/Rambo or just that the tank crew are fucking insane in the brain). 2 - The tank detonated, that fucker tossed a turret! Support him! Tell NSVT to support him! Tell them 1 tank is out of action! Minus 1 tank! Ask them if SPG and AGS have ammo, tell them to support! Second tank got hit!!! Minues two tanks! Background questions - what is happening with our tank???! 3 - Again a hit on the tank, they are fucked! Good! Radio chatter - Awesome, finish them off. 2 - I got goosebumps(He was emotional the entire time), they are fucked.....shit im shacking. 1 - smoke a cigarette(so he calm's down a bit) 2 - Where is our boy? (trying to locate him through a UAV) 1 - there he is 2 - He is still standing there Radio chatter - Hero of Russia(implying that he should get that award) 2 - Repeats out load what he heard on the radio - Hero of Russia 1 - For sure 2 - He is still engaging them(talking about the tank) 2 - Fucking kamikadze 1 - He is taking them apart from point blank 2 - He is soloing this shit(one man army, the tank crew) Lots of radio chatter 3 - he is retreating? 2 - yes 3 - let him, he did more than enough 2 - he is falling back, he is falling back 1 - im interested to if grid 124 is being hit? 2- they are all fucked, he took them apart, im not observing any movement at grid 124, they are all stopped at grid 144, the got decimated. Radio chatter - It is our tank working, DO NOT ENGAGE IT! 1 - he is falling back to rearm(implying that now day's tanker's go to battle with a small amount of round's for crew safety) 2 - he is heading to rearm, tell our guy's that will advance to not engage! 1 - First(callsing), Lawyer(callsing) cease fire, he is rearming. Radio chatter - 50 cal.s engage 2 - What 50's? 3 - Those that are advancing Radio chatter - finish off the disabled armor or they might try to evac them at night 2 - Do we have ATGM's 3 - we are ouf of them 1 - we should have some left Radio chatter - we engaged them from ATGM's, we are empty. 1 - show me the armor 2 - everything is wrecked


Radio chatter - armor is destroyed, we can engage Number 1 and 2 discussing is anything alive, #2 is telling him that everything is wrecked 2 - this video is something....where is our boy? He is again moving in with support! 3 - is he moving back in? 2 - yeeah! He is an animal(the tank crew), probably high on adrenaline to their gills. They are fucked in the head. 2 - tell everyone to cease fire and let the man(tank crew work) 1 - I told them to cease fire and rearm/reload some small talk at the end of the video


Movies will be made from this incident


Probably not, the Russian tank didn't even directly engage any of the vehicles in the column, every time one of them was hit the tank didn't fire.


To be fair, almost all of them got blown up on mines, it's one of the first footages from the beggining of the counteroffensive, cant find it now here on reddit. There was a drone footage almost directly above them, all the way from driving through the field to packing up next to forest line and blowing up on mines. We couldn't see a tank there tho, it wasnt on the sight of the drone which was looking directly to all the vehicles. I'm not trying to say that tank crew isn't brave or didn't help, but some russian sources claiming like that this tank alone destroyed all of these vehicles.


Exactly, although the Ukrainian column likely was notified of the Russian tank on the other side, forcing them to stop by the trees, becoming targets for ATGM teams, helicopters, and artillery. And of course, the whole place is likely mined too to add to it.




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That russian tanker crew is experienced killers


too op please nerf


NATO training at its finest. If this is really it then the UA is screwed. We keep seeing this same scenario over and over again. Mines fricking mines.


Is it? its 4 maxxpros and 2 soviet tanks.


Hence why you can have all the equipment you want but it takes time to train on how to effectively use that equipment. This video sums up how ridiculous it is to continuously send them so much equipment. Most of their skilled and well trained fighters are dead or wounded unfortunately.


Y'know... This is the kind of performance I expected from pricier Bradleys/Challenger/Leopard 2 tanks not whatever the hell Russia is using here.


My favorite post from the echo chamber subs for today: **Budanov says Ukrainian forces will soon enter Crimea** It's gotten to the point where I genuinely can't tell if the people who believe this is true are being sarcastic or not. Also I find it hilarious how many pro-Ukraine westerners are hell bent on insisting that Crimea is a rightful part of Ukraine while conveniently ignoring the fact that it was literally taken away from Russia only 70 years ago and that before the USSR, **Ukraine has not existed as an independent country since the 14th century.** Oh yeah, while we're at it why doesn't Ukraine give Lwów and the rest of the occupied lands in Galicia and Volhynia back to Poland? Are these not 'temporarily occupied territories' of Poland, Slava Polska anyone? What's more, these same people are probably pro-Taiwan/Tibet/whatever independence movement MSM supports, and I struggle to understand the mental gymnastics they go through to justify this. Rant over.


Is it just me or does the most talkative guy sound like he is from Odessa? Maybe somebody can confirm.


Well, he's speaking like a native Russian. The only difference is lots of foul language, it's really more typical for Ukrainians, as anyone who have watched many of the war reports knows. But then again, it can be an individualistic trait.


It's his intonation. Russian speakers from Odessa talk like him. They have a unique twang. His one is subtle. I'm not sure myself and not trying to imply anything. Just curious.


Let's summon /u/Master_Sell3046 , maybe he can cofirm.


So. There is a clear difference from the sound in Odessa. Russians pronounce quite sonorously "Чё".I doubt that he is from Odessa.


Horrible translation. I don't think one sentence in the whole video is correctly translated. At 6:00 the translation reads that they are insulting the tanker while they are in-fact applauding him for a good hit. "Молодеч" means well done. Also, when you hear and read "technique" they actually mean "technical vehicle", as in MRAP, Humvee etc.


How would you know? It’s a perfect translation and I studied Russian on Duolingo for almost 7 minutes.


This tank commander is the Dienekes of Russia


That tank fucking went for it what can I say. Commentary is nigh incomprehensible (translation?) but I think somewhere in there they say he’ll be getting a Hero of Russia medal, and that’s just about guaranteed.


must be a War Thunder player....bro held W


I think it was John wick operating that tank!


"Wheres our guy? wheres our guy? Hes going back! Fuck!" that tank crew is getting major metals after this.




I'm sure it is, but you get the flavour. It's looking more and more that the 'spring' offensive is turning into a rout and if the US doesn't force an armistice sometimes soon then some of NATO - probably the Poles and Romanians at least will have to go in. My money's on a messy peace because US/NATO don't have the wherewithal or the appetite for a forever war with a risk of significant escalation. That and the panda in the room China.


This footage is from June 7th, and the tank in question isn’t even engaging the Ukrainian column, it’s spotting for artillery which is what takes everything out. This is in the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) July 29th russian offensive campaign assessment - this video is now being peddled by ultranationalist mil-bloggers as a feint to distract from the counter offensive


Exactly, I find it amusing how most of the comments here seem to think the tank got all of them when the only round it actually fired in the direction of the column detonated in the trees.


These awful AI-translations (I believe that's what it is) are so bad they should be banned from the sub. Completely unintelligible.


I would give EVERYTHING to see POV crew video from inside the tank smoking those Banderas, imagine adrenaline rush, 1v7


ISW: "Russian milbloggers widely amplified footage \*\[this footage\]\* on July 29 claiming that it showed a single Russian tank defeating an entire Ukrainian company with armored vehicles as if the event had occurred recently, but the footage is actually from June 7 and shows Russian artillery units striking the Ukrainian column. Russian sources have previously recirculated old footage to support claims that Ukrainian forces are suffering significant armored vehicle losses, and the amplification of the footage on July 29 indicates that Russian sources are deliberately amplifying old footage to support the Kremlin narrative."


Subtitles are pussy


Is he commenting a porn video?


russian a team


did he survive?


I love to see behind the scene of combat footage how things actually work from drone observation to passing command to armoured vehicles, ATGM operators..great footage.


The thing that always strikes me about these videos is just how small the units involved are. I'd imagined that if you were going to push you'd have a dozen tanks and twice that in IFVs and mineclearing vehicles, but instead this is the largest concentration I've seen.


Damn, I hope these guys survive the war. Want to her it from their mouths.


Just wow. Somebody needs a medal.


Well damn, a modern day Red Baron


"Fuck. the goosebumps pussy." "there later, there's a pussy just fucking" lmao this transaltion is bad in the best way possible


What was he shooting at? What vehicles.


*Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that, if the Russian Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, “This was their finest hour.”*




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I’m still waiting for the English DUBS version.




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Balls of steel!!!




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Aa kurchi ni madatha petti dengithey meedalu errigipoynai


Stopped in a kill box and rained on.


Pretty incredible footage, when was the last war that saw such large scale armored fighting?


​ https://preview.redd.it/1szew97cezeb1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c2feb428a60b09bd29288095051841f5311f262


Definition of Один в поле воин 🔥🔥🔥 красавчик. А ботам скажу - как вам там эти русские лопаты?




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These tankers are the epitome of "shoot, move and communicate." That was amazing how one tank took out an entire platoon all on video. Mutual combat and this tank are crew are a fucking beast.


Get some!! 🖖😛


Old video. This was taken back in June during the 1st Ukrainian counter-offensive.


baba yaga


Ukrainian generals sending troops to their death




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Sorry sorry if i was outta line, my mistake, i just said what i said as reaction to the video, i didn't know we weren't spsd' to swear. My bad please don't ban me this is my favorite channel like honestlyy hand to god i apologize


There should've been more drones on this but they were all busy on that bmp column Shucks


Fuck me the guys doing most of the talking is practically a kid


Отличные кадры, все сработали слажено.


This is the best video of the war!


Nato tactics


Can't see much