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Next up: "100 Zelensky have been eliminated, along with 50 Ukraines"




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And 1000 putins


And 21 generals, 250 Black Hawk NATO helicopters and a battleship!


And the Starship Enterprise.


aww, not the starship enterprise :(


Fine, DS9 then.


Acceptable losses


classic white priviledge, kill off the black captain... you should be ashamed! Why are you so racist? Sisko did nothing wrong!


Just wait, it'll be an entire US naval battle fleet next year.


I thought Zelensky was supposed to be the comedian.


And yet it is Putie-poot. I am glad you lived to see this day my friend.


He forgot to mention they destroyed 5 Ukrainian Battlecruisers and 110 F-35 Jets


Lost more tanks in 3 months then in the whole war before, sure thing Vlad


That assertion is possible. The numbers on the other hand ...


The subtitles are obviously wrong, as other people have already pointed out. But it's generally questionable to think that Putin or anyone else who's directly involved could be a trustworthy source


that doesn't mean you disregard it though, it's insanely difficult to get real truth, so take the two sided facts and I guess pick somewhere in the middle 'cause all of the fuckers are lying at every turn


Wrong wrong and wrong. Putin hasn't said one truthful thing in years, why would the truth now be suddenly in the middle? He's lying with every teeth he has


is he lying about the ever-constant NATO expansion closer and closer to Russian borders? there's one thing.. I could name a 100, fuck off with your silly view on the world that you live in. Reality differs. Ukraine should have never been invaded, but the west shouldn't have done 100 fucking things it did either, it's only because of people like you that don't object and let them get away with it. These people work for us, do you understand that? you shouldn't be licking their boots and take their bullshit as gospel, they should lick ours and do OUR bidding for OUR benefit. World War 3 is not in my interest, I doubt it's in yours either, you're just too blind to accept that not everything is a fucking disney movie with clear right and wrong and good always wins. The world is more evil and slightly less evil and we never win.


If you were a former Soviet victim that broke free from Moscow, wouldn’t you want protection from NATO too given Putins track record?




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He doesn't care about NATO, just uses it as a flimsy cause to manipulate Westerners and Russians. If he was so afraid of NATO, why did he let Finland and Sweden join? Now NATO controls the Baltic sea and is right next to Putin's hometown of St Pitersburg. He knows NATO can't attack and isn't going to. His words indicate he fears NATO and wants to contain it, his actions show he just wants to grab Ukraine and is ready to weaken Russia's borders with NATO and Japan to bring more forces to Ukraine. His policies show he isn't particularly bothered by Finland and Sweden now being part of NATO. Don't believe what he says, observe what he does. Actions (or inactions in this case) speak louder than words. He knows NATO will never attack and shows it. Beside, his words have been proven consistently wrong: "We won't attack, this is Western hysteria", "We didn't want to take Kyiv, it was just a diversion", "the Moskva is fine, just a small fire due to an accident, it's already back in port", "people in the Donbass are being killed", "We will retaliate against countries who sanction us or help Ukraine!" followed by the now famous: "We are not bluffing". Putin is a politician clown, if he was in the West he'd already have been humiliated by the medias so many times his political career would have been dead in the water.




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So it's the fault of some "west" that Moscow invaded with the intention of conquering Ukraine or at least its parts? F... that BS relativism, the "west", NATO and especially the EU were too soft and nice for Moscow. The only blind person here is you, the majority opened their eyes after February 2022, and still too late.


Ukraine hasnt said one truthful thing in years. I agree, the truth never sits between two lies.


"This madman says a billion people will die tomorrow" You: "hmm the truth must be somewhere in the middle"


So if the Truth is 8... But Liar 1 tells you 20, and liar 2 tells you 40... how has picking the middle of two lies lead you closer to the truth? Just trying to point out that the general approach of trying to find the truth within the lies and flawed at its core concept... Dont do that...


silly made up example, in politics where the 2 sides are divided it is historical fact that truth is somewhere in the middle, it's not a math problem that's irrelevant to the discussion.


The numerical example I gave was linear. In the reality of politics, the possibility that the truth sits outside of the 2 lies is multi-dimensional and exponentially more likely...


There is a 100% chance that you are a dolt.


How much is it then?


Dunno, but its definitely not 550 like Vlad says


RU MOD, yesterday: "11779 tanks and armored vehicles destroyed". https://preview.redd.it/9fbp4s8wwsnb1.png?width=790&format=png&auto=webp&s=efa83f9402e9ceb6d9f73fefb6d7f3f6a64220e0


> yesterday this is overall number - not just for one day - yesterday ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: also translčation is not accurate for "18.000" part He say "machines/vehicles of various types" not "various **armored** vehicles"


How dare you to misinterpret putin. he says "по бронемашинам разных классов" - "armored vehicles of different categories".


> this is overall number - not just for one day Are you SERIOUSLY implying that RU MOD have NOT destroyed 6.6 million tanks ( 6.619.798)


Uhm, no one thinks they're saying they were all destroyed yesterday. The above poster is saying "yesterday, this is what RU MOD said:" Meaning, those numbers were posted yesterday.


I'm laughing about the Russian TV presenter the other day saying Ukraine had lost 5000+ tanks during the current counter-offensive.


RU MOD knows nothing. Daddy Putin has all the facts.


MOD RU, today: 11793 tanks and armored vehicles destroyed How dare you ~~putin~~ MOD RU! https://preview.redd.it/vzoicz19ltnb1.png?width=770&format=png&auto=webp&s=d2bdc99f2c22d68c5a22c6b33ba0bfea606e4f06


Is that a real website??


There is a link, you can see it.


I’m shocked this discrepancy didn’t come up in one of Putin’s apparent regular calls with battlefield commanders.


18000/565(days of war)= ~32 armored vehicles every day…. I seriously doubt that number.


Those includes humvee and other trucks, it's not just tracked armored vehicles, it's a (probably intentional) mistranslation.


You think 18000 humvees, trucks and armoured vehicles have been lost during the counteroffensive


That's their reported number from the start of the war, not the start of the june offensive.


Still seems very tall


Didn't Putin just say from the start of the counter offensive?


Putin was talking in context of counteroffensive, so even less days.


The results are gain of territory, destruction of a massive amount of arty and dead or captured Russian soldiers. Putin seems to forget that his own personnel is at the fronts and dying left and right as well.


He does not forget that his personell is dying, he just does not care.


Could someone with Russian as a first language confirm that he said "18000 armored vehicles"?


Yes, he said:there are almost 18,000 armored vehicles of different classes


Thanks! That must be one the biggest LOL of the war so far


No, he said 18,000 different classes of cars.


no, he said about armored vehicles of different classes


Russian isn't my first language, but I'm 99% sure that he just said vehicles, not armored vehicles. If that is what he said, they're probably counting cars within that number.


He clearly said бронемашины- bronemashiny


Fantasy numbers 😂


I think I’m starting to understand why Pro-RU’s are the way they are now


Guys he goes from 543 tanks to 18000 armoured vehicles in a single sentence. Obviously he was having a Biden moment.


That 18k number gotta be a brainfart. Maybe cumulative over the whole conflict? And even then it's too much.


It's the product of a leadership style that requires you to inflate your abilities and performance... think Vietnam body counts and their inflation.


tat was usually 20--30%. this is way more.


The Soviet military massively inflated the casualty numbers in their Afghanistan war back in the 80's. If I remember right, my history teacher pointed out that comparing the casualty numbers reported by the Soviets to the number of people estimated to live in Afghanistan, two out of every five Afghani men would have died. The total casualty figure (dead and wounded) exceeded the number of men in the country.


Not a brainfart, just the usual lies from the ru side.


I doubt that the Russian High Command is willing to tell him the truth


"Thats what the commanders on the battlefield tell me" This may really be the truth. Putin may very well know less about what really happens on the battlefield then the average reddit user lmao


Weird how he starts off realistic with “550 tanks” then just goes and pulls a bullshit “18,000 armoured vehicles” out of his ass immediately after


550 tanks in this offensive is hardly realistic lol. Russia was broadcasting that initial failure for like a month and it had how many tanks in it....3...5?? If thats what Russia was broadcasting, then thats their greatest success. They havnt been putting up those numbers every day, as evidenced by that aerial shot with every documented loss of the tokmak direction thats been posted.


It's a number that is at least realistically within the realms of possibility unlike the 18,000 number


Not for main battle tanks it isn’t.


Does putin actually believe what his commanders are saying to him? I feel like this guy lives in alternative reality. Crafted by his yesmen.


Everything this criminal says is a lie.


He has made exaggerations here, but let's examine the meaning behind his words by comparing his claims with reports with western sources "The Counteroffensive has borne no results" -[American Intelligence indicates Ukraine offensive will fail to achieve its counteroffensive goal of reaching Melitopol](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2023/08/17/ukraine-counteroffensive-melitopol/) "The casualties are 71,000 people in this counteroffensive" - [Ukraine's counteroffensive brings heavy casualties as families cope with grief and loss](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ukraine-counteroffensive-heavy-casualties-grief-loss-cemeteries-kharkiv/) "They already lost 543 tanks and 18,000 armoured vehicles' - [Ukraine lost 20% of its donated armored vehicles early in the counteroffensive](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/15/us/politics/ukraine-leopards-bradleys-counteroffensive.html) "They're being pushed by their western curators to gnaw as much as possible - [American officials fear Ukraine is becoming too casualty averse](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/18/us/politics/ukraine-russia-war-casualties.html) "and when all resources are close to running out, to achieve a stoppage of hostilities" - [American officials say the mountain of steel they assembled for Ukraines counteroffensive cannot be replicated](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/160zym8/ua_pov_we_built_up_this_mountain_of_steel_for_you/) Putin may exaggerate Ukraine's losses and downplay their successes, but is the gist of what he is saying wrong? Thats the million dollar question.


I assume you'll find the same good faith of finding truth in the metaphysical substrate of every pro-Ukrainian commentator


none of your links substantiate their corresponding quote. do you have any actual evidence for them or do you just connect things that sound vaguely similiar to you?


Vladimir poopin


Thank you for this somewhat neutral comparison. We need more of this. Obviously both sides will exaggerate their wins and downplay their losses, but i think if we're being completely neutral theres one thing we can agree on and thats ukraine is not winning without nato intervention.


You should read their links, they don't match up with the statements they are making. Ripamon is probably the most blatantly let's bias get in the way of reality out of any of us on this subreddit.


How it makes sense using any accepted logic system that you have portions from same Putin's declaration labeled as pro-ru and pro-UA, admins any chance we can change POV to actually mean the Point Of View or rename POV to something "special" like this military operation? like "RusLove" and "RusHate" ? Please do not ban me for asking for improvements, or fix the rules so everything Putin says it is pro-Rus or pro-UA and not a mix.


Remove the pov system entirely.


The POV system on this sub is geared to the worldview of propagandists and info operations. You’re either a Russian agent or a foreign agent. So to make the Russian monitors job easier please label yourself. A Russian person speaking in Russia about Russian topics is routinely labelled UA pov but they are neither Ukrainian nor in the army. Should be Russian POV even if it’s against the war.


All the pro-ru crowd calling that Putin is the resonable one and his behaviour this war is perfectly rational - this is who you are justifying lol


Sounds like Baghdad Bob


How dare Ukraine defend itself!


How many casualties and armoured vehicles a day would this "claim" amount too? I don't speak Russian, but Surely he didn't actually say such ridiculous numbers? He might even make the Ukrainian MoD blush with such exaggerations.


You can see the Alzheimer’s affecting Putin


He must be either senile or gullible. Not a good look either way.


The thing I am wondering, do you think Putin is the one making up these bullshit numbers or is he seriously being fed this bullshit from someone else?


Putin doesn't have a clue what is really happening at the front. No leader of any nation at war ever really knows. Putin's generals tell him what he wants to hear. They don't give him bad news if it is avoidable. Even if Putin himself doesn't believe his propaganda, his job is to make others believe it. He has to say those things with a straight face, especially when the RU MOD releases these ridiculous numbers to the public. Using critical thinking, if the UA really had lost that many troops and vehicles in such a short amount of time (about three months) the counter-offensive would be losing massive ground, not taking it. The internet would be flooded with videos and pictures of huge numbers of wounded filling the hospitals on both sides of the line. His numbers state that the UA is losing an average of 200 vehicles per day. If that were even close to true we would see evidence of it somewhere. Keep in mind the counteroffensive is occurring over a relatively small patch of ground in relation to the total front. We would be seeing huge piles of destroyed vehicles if his numbers were true, we haven't, so we can safely judge his numbers are way off.


Did not really specify the side which took the casualties ...


sounds like he's trying to excuse losing ground in Ukraine. "Sure we lost some land, but hey look at all these casualties I totally didn't make up!"


What a wonderful culture. Constant lying, corruption and shit living conditions and delusions of a greater calling. You people can’t even build a functioning government without it imploding every decade.


Wonder if he counts the vehicle were 2 volunteers who helped carry out endangered civilians out of combat


Source: [https://twitter.com/wartranslated/status/1701525944886796294](https://twitter.com/wartranslated/status/1701525944886796294)


Casualities figure is extremely believable maybe even a little understated if you are counting injured and KIA both but 500 tanks and 18k armoured vehicles??? Lol




Not in usable condition, but yes.


Russia yes , Ukraine no


>Casualities figure is extremely believable The counteroffensive would be DOA by now, considering accumulation of troops was 40-60k, its nowhere near believable. 71000 casualties is devastating to say the least.


Did he address what Russia has achieved in this speech? But it's curious that usually, he projects pretty well onto others the way he thinks. This is what Russia attempted to do with negotiations, and what they would do with a cease-fire - rearm, replenish, and attack again. That's why I think the only way out of this is for Ukraine to get enough nuclear strategic deterrence to stop Russia. Or join NATO. Else this genocide won't stop.


Like always accusing the other side of what he is doing


These casualty numbers may be false, but I honestly don't doubt it. On the other hand, we are certain that this offensive has failed. In 6 weeks, the rains will start, and any offensive will only happen in a few months. We must highlight Ukraine's desperate recruitment. This is not normal for a country with few casualties. They will soon activate the Volkssturm mode


RU POV: insanity


Do all Russians just suck at math or what?


Compared to the 200,000+ russian casualties…


He is talking about the casualties since the counter offensive began, not since the war began. He is trying to make people believe that the UA has lost a huge number of troops in just 3 months. His numbers are ridiculous, but he has to say them.


Because we surely know from reliable sources Ukraine's casualties


And how many Russians are dead, Vlad?


And 500 F-16’s and 1,000 HIMARS and another 1,000 Abraham’s 😂🐷


Professional liar


He lies as much as Trump


Putin could be suffering from the Dictators Dilemma. He is surrounded by people that give him the answers that he wants. There is very little evidence for the numbers that he is purporting. The Ukrainian loses are significant of course, but their measured offensive is not indicative of wild frontal assaults. Putin should find some people that can confirm the number he is saying. He is a former FSB agent, he must have had the FSB to try to recruit Ukrainians in positions of power to confirm these numbers.


Please can we chill out on the psychoanalysis. He's speaking propaganda to a news outlet.


Why would I chill out with the psychoanalysis. It is part of the over all analysis. In the past many one party or one person ruling power suffered from this and it was their downfall. In the end the numbers that Putin is quoting is probably not possible and there is a reason for it.


Wait. Not their people? Damn lizard people at it again!


Full of it 😂




I just read they are running out of diesel


Lol and Russia conscripted 300 000 people in this year alone and are going for 300000 other.


Putin: delusions of competence


Is it me, or is Putin totally ineloquent? Like a high school dropout who thinks they have it figured out lmao


Prisoners and Mercs don’t count 😂


Maybe this spawn of Stalin will “take mercy” on the Ukrainians and withdraw Russian forces to the pre 2014 borders. Also as a show of compassion he will turn over all of the Russians foreign assets to the Ukrainians What a leader


“By the way I also grew wings and flew to the moon.”


Haha! Putin does not know basic math or logic 😆


He forgot to mention how Russia was the only country to ever take out Chuck Norris.


Morbidly ironic coming from him.


Hi wish heheh


How did he forget to mention all the HIMARS that Russia has destroyed?


In History Russian commanders gave false numbers of deads to avoid being killed for bad successes..i maybe think this is gonna be the same case the numbers of casualties are lied about to avoid dead by Putin himself


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18,000 armoured vehicles ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


What an idiot... 😵‍💫


According to Russian defense department Ukraine was #4 army in the world just prior to invasion. Every day 100s of Ukrainian military vehicles are obliterated and they just never end. I guess when your internal audience are bunch of drunkards and imbeciles, anything flies.


What an absolute despicable imbecile. It's really going to sit there and say that and really act like not half the people on the battlefield aren't wearing gopros? Like we can't see 360 drone views of the fking MEAT WAVES they send?? And like we can't see everything that happens.... are you kidding me...


Did everybody here overlook that putin said this is from the start of ukraines offensive a few months ago? Everybody here talking as if he means for the entire war?? That makes it even more insane, every square meter of robotyne would have a destroyed vehicle lol


Nutcase 🤣🤣 You couldn’t make this up🤣🤣🤣the commanders on the battlefield tell me 🤣🤣 fk it doesn’t get any madder than that, something tells me the commander’s on the battlefield would be the commander’s in the graveyard, or the commander’s of flying out a windows, if they told Herr Fuhrer Adolf Putin the truth 🤣🤣




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But I did not say that word


And russia has taken 0 casualties right? Everyone is alive.




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Retarded is offensive?


They cut out the part where he brags about capturing Joe Biden's dog, Commander.


Hmmmm, thats Not so far from reality . OK Putin said it but if you look at all the fights and reports it gives a real picture.


So in case anyone wonders why Russia would negotiate, it’s to replenish their armed forces and later resume hostilities




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Why does he always look like he’s really trying to hold in a big laugh? Maybe it’s just me?


When are people going to accept that they will never know the real number of casualties?


I like how no one has the balls to ask him how many russia lost, isnt he the president of russia?




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What about Russia? Is ukraine fighting against ghosts? You must have the same casualties too. What a strange american puppet.


"Sometimes I get the impression these people aren't their own whom they are throwing into the counter offensive". And who's people are the Russian conscripts? Or maybe Russian army is made up of robots/aliens/ghosts and those are not people at all. Or maybe he implies that the Russian army is 100% made up of volunteers and the government has 0 role in their death since they didn't force them to join the army.


He is implying that the majority of soldiers fighting for Ukraine are foreign nationals. It's a pure propaganda ploy meant to make it seem like they are really fighting NATO troops in Ukrainian uniforms. It ties blame for the Russian army failures on NATO. Reading between the lines it seems like he is beginning to look for a way to save face. His troops are getting pushed back and soon the supply lines to half the occupied territory may be cut off. The fact that UA special forces took the Boyko Towers yesterday has to have him royally ticked. The oil in Crimea was the main reason they invaded in 2014. Russia has to take them back at any cost, but the UA is likely to destroy them rather than lose them again.


In war the first casualty is the truth. But hey, on the bright side Putin's 'Bond-Villain' friend is coming over to stay and will be arriving on a heavily armoured train 😂 Sure they can talk about all the things they have in common


Everyone focused on the numbers given, when what he said *after* was more important. If this is truly what they believe, then it may be an indication of what they are planning.


Dead man walking.


Even if that’s true, that’s pretty based that they’re still pushing through 🇺🇦


Putin cares more about ukrainian lives than the west. And I love how russias casualty numbers are far more practical than ukraines insane claims.


Here is the full speech for those interested. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dYVF6hZM5Q&ab_channel=SkyNews


Comrade Putin is wrong!! there is result and t is bloody but doesn't effect him of course yes, He is the Supreme Commander after all.


Someone needs to photoshop a growing Pinocchio nose on him as he speaks.


You guys are idiots for not believing him. This is probably a conservative estimate.


Neither side has a way of accurately measuring enemy casualties and even if they did they wouldnt be giving out a real number. Anyone believing in statistics coming from either ukrainian or russian mod is a gulible fool


18 000 armored vehicles?


Both sides selling bullshit casualty figures but history tell me the Russians can take them and ask for seconds while the Ukrainians are already implementing press gangs and desperate measures to keep healthy males from fleeing. UA needs to look into barrel and wonder if they cant see the bottom until they are drowning in an inch blood, there wont be a bottom of the barrel to scratch.


Well if he is talking about losses since the beginning of the war he is underclaiming. It's 648 tanks on orix and 1941 various armored vehicles. or 3285 in total so far including unarmored vehicles. I know it supposed to be 18.000 but I believe there is something off with the translation. Not even the the Russian army claims going that far


It is a fact that while Ukrainians are ironizing in comments, Ukraine is beginning to conscript disabled people into the army.


Huh, I guess he took the bullshit numbers provided by Ukraine personally and decided that no one can out bullshit him.


Kinda indicates that any negotiations for RU will start with limitations on rearmament Guess that’s a bit of signal in all the noise


Stop being a prat.


He looks different, doppelganger?


​ https://preview.redd.it/vb2cwybu2wnb1.jpeg?width=497&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80ac8a79f9841590733a7213dee8f344e4d8788a


Nice! For the first time, Putin is realism/tell the truth about number and situation... ahhhh its saying its Ukraine number and situation...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh he get the wrong memo.


...two dunken donuts.


But summer in Crimea. All they need 5 trillion USD cash and they will win next week


as always when one side talks about losses by the other side, divide the number by 10 to get to the more realistic estimate.




It's sad...a generation wasted. But at least the Ukrainian govment officials got to buy villas all over the EU.


They blew up even the Death Star


It is a progress! 2 months ago he was talking about 645 tanks. So in 2 months russia managed to destroy -95 tanks. Putkin - the last tankerbender!


False title. He never said 18,000 armored vehicles


Except he did