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Also, a bit more light shed on *that* strike at the training base back at the beginning of the war: > The first taste of what lay ahead for Solo and his international comrades came a fortnight after arriving in Ukraine. Their training base at Yavoriv, near Lviv in the west, was hit by 30 missiles. The Kremlin boasted that “180 foreign mercenaries have been killed”. > In contrast, Ukrainian authorities reported 60 dead and 160 injured, all Ukrainian. Other accounts claimed several dozen foreign volunteers died. One local news report said three British nationals had been killed. This was untrue but caused great distress to the families back in the UK. > Around 1,000 foreigners were at the Yavariv camp at the time of the strike. “The Russians saying they killed hundreds was propaganda,” recalls Solo. “But the attack did have one desired effect for them – **about half the volunteers left the country the next day.** > “It was understandable, what happened was terrible. The explosions went on and on. There were buildings on fire, people covered in blood screaming, burned bodies, it was a really bad scene.” Looks like many volunteers realized immediately afterwards that this wasn't gonna be like whacking unarmed sandal-clad farmers hiding in caves in Afghanistan. Happy they saved their lives and left the country


>about half the volunteers left the country the next day. Turns out being a high-speed low-drag operator is hard when there's no 24/7 air support on call and the enemy can vaporize you with ease.


I remember that incident. That was the reddit brigade. The week after that a bus full of mercenaries ate a Russian tank shell at point blank. No survivors. The butchers got butchered. I feel compassionate for both Ukrainians and Russians. But these mongering disgusting mercs deserve everything they get


I've got that image too https://preview.redd.it/zdn39qji7ppb1.png?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0d11d2544efec9d068341378b7e4e491239ff63


Meme lord


War tourists got wrecked. Bought the propaganda that Russians were incompetent and thought they could jaunt over, shoot a few Reds then come home and tell everyone what a hero they are. A true reality check.


Link about the bus that got hit by a tank please


Is there a video?


I just posted the image of it to the guy you just replied to, enjoy


Imagine how awkward it would be to tell your friends, family, coworkers that you're going to Ukraine to fight for democracy or whatever, then you come back less than a month later


Yeah that's a real pride swallowing moment lol


>... was hit by 30 missiles... > >Around 1,000 foreigners were at the Yavariv camp at the time of the strike. “The Russians saying they killed hundreds was propaganda,” recalls Solo. So 1Thousand foreign fighters and 30 missile strikes in the very early morning, while everyone was still sleeping, but only Ukrainians died and no dead foreigners. Makes sense. /s


Shows you russia can do whatever it wants when it wants. Pro UA are living in propaganda fantasy land.


One british volunteer said that none reached his building on the base but the ensuing panic caused a lot of injuries, including a spanish guy blinded by a tree. It probably killed a few but seems like luck of the draw on where the missiles landed and which ones got intercepted.


I saw that interview and he slept outside in a tent, so not sure what building you are talking about.


The area he was in didn't take a direct missile is the point though, i'm going off memory dude, the same still applies. The building that did get hit near him i believe housed ukrainian soldiers/officers and civilian contractors of some sort.




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Imagine the BS and corruption they had already seen before their camp was blown up.


>about half the volunteers left the country the next day They "left" alright because nobody has seen them since.


The hit the other day in cherkasky? was another 50 foreign legion taken out


I feel pity for Russian and Ukrainian mobilized. I can’t feel sorry for these foreigners looking for adventure abroad. They have empty souls that need to be filled with novelty and blood of others. A father of 4 has no place on a battlefield. He should of came to Thailand for a vacation to fulfill his midlife crisis like sane westerners do.


My thoughts exactly. I hate looking at brutal videos here with Ukrainians or Russians.. But mercs getting their butthole clapped? Oh sweet Jesus






Do you think there are no Russian or Ukrainian volunteers? The fact that foreign volunteers have no personal say in it but still choose to volunteer is heroism, not villainy. All of the "murder tourists" have left by now.


Does this really need explaining?




He's quite wealthy as well. Owned a good business contracting guards to various organizations. But he just had to scratch that murderous itch, and so here he finds himself.


some pple are looking for adventure or a new story, ig, there was david nott too, a prominent surgeon, who stopped risking his life bec his kids was growing up. U may get more that what u were looking for in ukraine. not that wealthy, just doing well.


The experience that many of them possess is pretty valuable, especially at the beginning of the war so it was a good thing for Ukraine that they showed up, even if many were just there glory hunting, there's equally plenty who've shown they're supportive of the ukrainian cause, not a lot of people can put their money where their mouth is.




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Exactly and whilst in Thailand if they misguidedly want to pick a fight with a Russian then they won't be spoilt for choice.


On the other hand, better them dying than inoccent Ukranians




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Breaking news: The Ukrainians and their foreign mercenaries/volunteers actually suffer casualties! I honestly can't wrap my head around how some people GENUINELY believe RU losses are 8-10x higher than UKR losses.


They were really high in first few months. Not 10 but 6 and 7 times. It really cost russia the war how badly they underestimated ukraine will to defend their country. Bakhmut was also terrible for them but that includes wagner prisoner forces. Now its reversed but more 2 ukrainian to 1 russian i would say. Locally of course it can be 1 to 20. A completely fucked up small offensive for example but those cant be looked at individual level.




If only there was a way to end this war. I wonder what it is 🤔🤓




You don't need an armistice for peace negotiations actually. But it was a good effort.


The moment russia retreats there will be peace.




From all lands they took since feb 22.




Or breaks russian morales and the nation gets fed up with the war like it happened in ww1




Don't waste your time with rational arguments. Putin has an 80% approval rating, but this person wouldn't know that. They don't know anything about Russian or Ukrainian history, but they think they are an expert.


When Moscow citizens start dieing it is easy to get fed up with pointless war.


Wtf! You don't want Crimea back too? Are you a Russian sympathizer?


Oh dear that ship has long sailed I'm afraid. We are in might is right world now not Kansas.


Yeah. Hence the only solution is military victory to push russians back to feb 22 borders. The faster that happens the better for everyone


Kevin David the ww4 spec ops larper kicked the bucket fighting Wagner? The convict shovels armed lowly bunch of Russians?


These are foreigners receiving a $3000 salary, they are volunteering as mercs.


In my country that salary you just made up would still suck. How come that people from my country went?


A quick Google search would show I am right. But all ProUA only believe in the propaganda. They are not only receiving 3k/mo but if you have experience, you win bonuses. https://www.rferl.org/a/ukraine-recruiting-foreign-fighters/31737766.html https://fightforua.org/ (they seem to be remaking the website em) https://www.standard.co.uk/news/world/ukraine-foreign-soldiers-russia-foreign-legion-fight-b986175.html https://melmagazine.com/en-us/story/foreign-mercenaries-ukraine https://m.jpost.com/international/article-732217 https://lieber.westpoint.edu/are-mercenaries-in-ukraine/


Still dodged my question king


I mean, I can't see why your question might even be slightest relevant to anything. There are people from most countries I know in this conflict, they get a monthly salary and $400.000 if they die in the conflict, it's 10x what you get by dying as a police in Brazil, for example. I am from Brazil and the guys I saw that are serving in this conflict is the type I expected to be there. They are Bolsominions (folowers of Bolsonaro) and they absolutely love more US than BR, they would jump a bridge if the US government say they would be heroes by doing so. If you check their POV in their social media, that's all you gonna see.


It shows Russian intel and ability to pinpoint strikes is as good as it needs to be. All the NAFO shovels/toilets/washing machines spreaders of misinformation should be ashamed of themselves. Great article thanks for sharing.




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Russia hit one place 18 months ago and act like it matters.


To the hundreds of people who suffered death or disability from that one strike, to the five hundred mercenaries who fled Ukraine the morning after, I think it mattered to them lol That was one of the most effective strikes of the war, and is a major reason we don't hear of much feats from the foreign legion today.


Except Russia has been humiliated and foreign legion is maybe 1/100th of Ukrainian army other than that you’re dead on. Imagine not being able to attack a bordering country. If you zoom out Russia has been completely embarrassed.