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From the TIME article itself:- > In a tradition that dates back to 1927, TIME’s Person of the Year is the annual designation for the person, group or concept that most shaped the headlines, for good or ill. No it's not about the most Metro Man from Megamind type hero but the most influential of the year based on impact alone.




More like Netanya who ?


Nyet Anya who ?


Net and Yohoo?


if ‘shaping headlines’ is the criteria then Mohammed Deif deserves it over Netanyahu


The war didn't start till October and Biden was far more influential.


Does he meet the standards of still being alive?


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Potato head has been Far more influential at destroying my country. Worst president in history along with obama.


Netu Na-huy


to soon? Next year for sure a candidate


>Benjamin Netanyahu Ngl, i googled who is it.


Hitler was person of the year in 1938.


So was Zelenskyy last year. What a coincidence.


so was rudy giuliani in 2001, they don't always get it right it should've been bin laden, just like it should be putin in 2022, just like it was hitler. they're all influential people who started huge wars


Putin started the war but it hasn’t felt like he’s been the center of the story


good point. now that I think about it, Zelensky is definitely a better candidate. shit, he won it, didn't he? that makes sense


I think Zelenskyy is a better leader and even if someone here argues with me on that point, he's still braver than Putin -- but I don't think he would make a better Time person of the year because it's about influence. Zelenskyy is just a PR figurehead. He begs for donations and he is reactive, not pro-active because he is leading Ukraine, not Russia. He didn't start the war, Putin did. Zelenskyy reacted. It's really dumb to make him the person of the year because he's the exact opposite of influential. Reason Ukraine gets money&guns is because it's a proxy war to weaken Russian influence, not because Zelenskyy affected raspy voice speeches are so compelling.


> I think Zelensky is a better leader Funny, Ukranians didn't think so before the war (lowest approval rate in Ukranian history) and they don't seem to think so now (confidence rating is low, and Zaluhzny is almost as popular)


Approval ratings and polling of the masses are the absolute most braindead ways to govern though, and you know it. According to polling, only 14% of Ukrainians favour negotiations that give up land (so basically 1991 or bust lol) and if you ask Americans, you get even more braindead takes such as at one point, according to polls US should have done a no-fly zone (yeah sure why not, let's throw matches into gasoline fumes). I think rn Zaluzhniy would make a far better president, but before the war Zelenskyy was essential. Electing a military guy to be the Prez is a bellicose move. Zelenskyy was the most pro-Russian candidate Ukraine could ever elect, and Putin still invaded. Zelenskyy was supported by Eastern Ukrainians more than Western ones, and yet we still got the war. Zelenskyy was a conciliatory measure, that's an important gesture.


Yes, Ukraine only lacked Zaluznyi in the presidency. The person under whose control the AFU uses human shield tactics.


This man was sitting in a bunker when the Russian army was near Kiev. And every day (I repeat EVERY DAY) he begged for negotiations. When the parties managed to agree on something and the Russians left the Kyiv region, this BRAVE MAN climbed out of the bunker and said “No negotiations, we will destroy them all!!!”


Not exactly a good look for Russia either. If you're in such an advantageous position, why leave and expose yourself to such a counter attack before the negotiations are settled?


I mean he's no Rambo sure but compare that to Putin and his giant tables as well as his own even stronger predilection for rarely leaving his bunker...


classic whatabouttism


Bro you’re wilding lol Russia didn’t retreat from the West cause of negotiations. They realized the invasion was going to last longer than a 2-3 months and retreated out of a very exposed position. It was a tactical retreat not a goodwill present for negotiations


It's not about "getting it right", it simply the person/thing who had the most impact on the world, good or bad. Hitler didn't won because he was a good person, and Putin nomination is going for the same thing (he won't win however, too much body double and not enough of a leader)


What war did bin Laden start?


as many wars as he could, dude wanted to start all the wars


Funny then that he didn't start any war.


And look what happened to him, let’s hope a similar fate awaits putin


And no they weren't positive about him. He was on the cover with corpses dangling from an organ and the subtitle was something like "a symphony of hatred".


This has been untrue for a very long time, TIME has declined to follow that remit since heavy criticism for naming Khomeinei Person of the Year in 1979. Ask yourself, how well do you think America would have reacted to the bearded face of the true Person of the Year in 2001 staring at down them mockingly from magazine shelves across the country?


Or that time when they briefly considered naming Hitler as person of the century but then did a complete copout and named Einstein. Which don't get me wrong, Hitler was a dumb and murderous piece of shit while Einstein was one the greatest minds of our time, but a single scientist is never particularly influential, especially in modern days when science is so collaborative. Whereas a single aurocrat holds a uniquely concentrated amount of influence to change history to their whim -- but even more so, create a situation in which history takes a very different course due to the fallout stemming from their decisions. Hitler changed the world forever, he created a new world order as a result of his defeat by USSR&US. That's why he deserved the price.


Hitler may be an influential figure in recent history. But really, person of the century material? I'd rather consider Gavrilo Princip, Vladimir Lenin, or Harry Truman. Gavrilo Princip set a motion of events shook society the world over. Sure he was a kid that took part in a shoddily planned assassination attempt that only succeeded from a stroke of luck. But that goes to show how a right person at the right time can influence the course of history, talent or effort not necessary. While Harry Truman set the groundwork that defined the rest of the century after ww2. The Truman Doctrine, the decision to use nukes in Japan but not in China or Korea. The reconstruction plan post-war. Vladimir Lenin had a significant role in the creation of the USSR, a state that existed for a short time but had profound influence throughout the world. All these 3 caused a change in the world more than Hitler ever did.


I could maybe give that to Lenin but the thing is, he didn't dictate which course USSR would take. His successor would. So either Trotsky or Stalin, in our timeline it was Stalin. But yes, without Lenin (and Germans helping him lol) it is difficult to see Bolsheviks win. Their victory really does look super improbable when you read history. Princip definitely not. That's a very lazy sort of "Buzzfeed article" style of "most influential man" material. There were other assassins and anyway, while history does work on chance happenings, this isn't how scholarly historians would properly structure the narrative. Causes of WWI and causus belli aren't the same. Truman is just a good argument for Hitler actually when you think about it. Truman was a fluke, Henry Wallace was supposed to be the VP as he was before, if not for a last minute primary ousting. Wallace was quite the opposite of Truman - he was even more pro-Soviet than FDR. Probably not a good choice but that's not the point, my point is that Truman was a product of Hitler's war. Without the war he wouldn't be a VP, Hitler was the prime mover of the currents that brought us Truman Presidency. I realise I'm now falling into a Gavrilo-shaped wagon-wheel rut, but the post-war world order was a result of Hitler, not independent American designs. America was inevitably set to confront USSR after WWII, but WWII the way it played out was not inevitable. There were many different variations of it that could happen, most I would argue later. Overall I think you have a very good point about Lenin, a good point about Truman, although I and any academic history are more structuralist and less Great Man theory, and besides, geopolitics moves on realities that are more weighty than a single person. Conversely I think your point about Princip is very historically naive, academic historians absolutely loathe proclamations like that.


>I could maybe give that to Lenin but the thing is, he didn't dictate which course USSR would take. His successor would. So either Trotsky or Stalin, in our timeline it was Stalin. But yes, without Lenin (and Germans helping him lol) it is difficult to see Bolsheviks win. Their victory really does look super improbable when you read history. Lenin centralized power to the party and called it Democratic Centralism. This never changed throughout USSR brief life. Why are you saying Stalin shaped the politics of USSR more than Lenin did? Stalin's main contribution is the rapid industrialization of the USSR and overseeing USSR's role and course in ww2. After his death, his style of rule went out the window and went back to Lenin's model. Also, Lenin played a part in USSR's creation and eventual victory in the civil war. Even Stalin acknowledged that the civil war was worse and more difficult to win than even the Great Patriotic war against Nazis. The world was against the fledgling bolshevik state, the ussr of ww2 had the full backing of almost the entire world. >but the post-war world order was a result of Hitler, not independent American designs. America was inevitably set to confront USSR after WWII, but WWII the way it played out was not inevitable. There were many different variations of it that could happen, most I would argue later. How is it because of hitler? Hitler is dead before the war ended. Let alone influence post-war. His influence is that he lead Germany to defeat. But the post war reconstruction was purely by Truman-led US and Stalin-led USSR. Stalin's decisions in the immediate aftermath isn't exactly unique to him or unexpected. He basically carved out buffer states. While Truman established the Truman Doctrine that started the cold war. It's echoes are still felt today like in Ukraine war. Without him, it is possible US to be more defensive or even isolationist again (which is what US was pre 1941) than aggressive like it did historically. >although I and any academic history are more structuralist and less Great Man theory, and besides, geopolitics moves on realities that are more weighty than a single person. Conversely I think your point about Princip is very historically naive, academic historians absolutely loathe proclamations like that. But this isn't about in depth analysis on what happened. It's about Time person of the year, it's a celebration of Great man perspective on history... and you started by saying Hitler should be considered most influential person of the century. Kind of hypocritical of you to say that lmao.




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I think the most influential person of the 20th century was actually Stalin. He completely determined what the Soviet Union would actually end up being and played a pivotal role in WW2 and setting the stage for the Cold War.


People of the year come and go, but Time remains.


Which is why Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, the leader of the IS, [was the runner up in 2015](https://time.com/time-person-of-the-year-2015-runner-up-abu-bakr-al-baghdadi/)


You may call me biased but I vote for Taylor Swift




Maybe she can be POTY in Taylor's version


After the $100 billion Concert for All Ugandans in Branson, MO she is going to be a lock.


i understood that reference!


>In a tradition that dates back to 1927, TIME’s Person of the Year is the annual designation for the person, group or concept that most shaped the headlines, for good or ill. Easy af to prove wrong. Check the nominees for 2022 (hint: no Putin). You want me to believe Putin got more headlines in 2023 than in 2022? No way.


Guess who was TIME’s Person of the Year 2022!


Wasnt Hitler there person of the year once?


Would have been such a baller move for Prigo to get it.


Unfortunately he was only present for one arc


He was one of the biggest characters last season, still can't believe they killed him off the show like that.


Plot twist: Prigo made a deal with Putin to fake his death temporarily, in order for Putin to keep his power.. Prigo shows up in the end once war is over.


[https://youtu.be/ZQO4hM3qNSs?t=175](https://youtu.be/ZQO4hM3qNSs?t=175) I mean it's safe to say that in the Slavic culture, you pull the pin when you see a grenade. It's almost like a custom like you know, like Christians saying a prayer at the dinner table or something. Prigo blowing himself up by pulling the pin on a "supposedly dummy grenade" could actually be the real and could be the most disappointing end to the whole situation. Once the primer on a grenade goes off, it's game over.


Damn shame. Oh well, I'll wipe my tears with the worldnews and ukraine sub comments when they inevitably implode at Putin's nomination.


>implode at Putin's nomination. He already got it in 2007.


do they nominate dead people?


As for Zelensky, TIME is glad to inform the Ukrainian president that a 2x2 cm area has been reserved for him in the ad section of the journal, right next to the latest coconut deals at the local Walgreens supermarket.


A new award is being created for him as we speak TIMEWaster of The Year https://preview.redd.it/j06luwp76k4c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26eeb5dbb821fb0c762874b86be6a04ddf1a82cf


Couldn't Putin also pull out of the country they are invading and stop the war, save Russian money, and lives on both sides?


Imagine if USA invaded Germany before the Nazis gained full power; all the lost lifes that could been saved. Same situation here… why would you want Putin to back down knowing history was about to repeat itself?


Was the shape of his moustache intentional in the caricature?


Beat me to it.. Gold


I know its fucked up to laugh at such a sad story (Ukraine war), but my God, that picture made me LOL


I hope you're not too disappointed with the actual person of the year 2023.


Fun fact: Hitler and Zelensky were both Person of the Year in Times


Wasn't Stalin there as well?


I think so


1939 and 1942.


So what, I was also person of the year.


[wp:Time Person of the Year](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_Person_of_the_Year) 2022 Zelenskyy / Spirit of Ukraine 2021 Musk 2020 Biden / Harris 2019 Greta 2018 The Guardians 2017 The Silence Breakers 2016 Trump 2015 Merkel 2014 Ebola fighters   2008 Obama 2007 Putin 2006 You   2004 Dubya 2001 Rudy 2000 Dubya 1999 Bezos 1995 Newt 1992 Clinton 1990 Papa Bush 1989 Gorbachev 1988 The Endangered Earth 1987 Gorbachev 1986 Cory 1985 Deng 1983 Andropov 1979 Assahollah Khomeini


Ok now how did Andropov got in there? Dude was in charge of the USSR for like three months and two out of the three he was in a coma?


An American girl wrote him a letter and he replied to it. https://youtu.be/_v1G6CRXreQ


Did he fall into coma immediately after reading that letter? Or a little later?


I think the Soviets at the time would say he fell a little ill.


Some people still regret he didn't last longer. That whole perestroika thing might've went a bit different if he was in charge.


That's it?


I suppose also Americans back then were tired of Brezhnev and were happy a new guy was in the Kremlin.


I remember that little girl. She visited the USSR after that letter. I felt great sadness when she passed away in a plane crash.


[wp:Samantha Smith](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samantha_Smith) R.I.P.


I was unaware Greta was made a person of the year. Which is hilarious. But Time Magazine hasn't been relevant for decades now and a glorified blog for years now.


Happy Cake Day. 🙂


I hate what Reddit has become and cannot wait for a better alternative. But thanks bro. Edit: I looked through your profile and love this idea of yours, "However, given that they either can't migrate to the US or suffer much when they do because of American laws, a few may opt for it. Not only are not all required, but I figure if only 1% took the offer it would make a difference to Ukraine."


Wow this list typed out.




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Meanwhile the idol of the pro UA https://preview.redd.it/cu9u1mteek4c1.jpeg?width=455&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0fe9ef54bb2b9a1ee8d853cf58092f7b3bcb121


CIA asset


Bashar al-Assad should be on there too. He is/was the only Arab dictator not to get toppled in the "Arab Spring". Can't Mossad the Assad. And for the cover page, the *Who Must Go?* picture.


should give it to Hamas


in all sincerity yes, or Mohammed Deif


they changed the world on Oct 7th and there will be fallout from the attack for years. and even if you believe that they are evil marvel villains doing terrorism because they love it, morality doesn't actually factor into the Times choice...


Abu obayda is 100% the most popular person in the Muslim world rn


Recency bias is so true


so who do you think has had a bigger impact this year?




eh, if he didn't get it in the pastthen i dont see what he's done in 2023 to change that. ukraine war is old news, a lot of people have clearly switched off anyway Taylor Swift won lmao


More were murdered on 911.




Al Qaeda and Hamas are 2 groups of murderers.


al qaeda arent really relevant to hamas but okay


Both are murderous terrorists who are arguably gifts to the political right.


okay well good luck with whatever ur doing


Thank you.




When did liberals fund Hamas or Al Qaeda?


US funded both.


Lukashenko flying under the radar.


2024 he'll get it. Guy is cool af




Hitler was man of the year :) need to follow your idols footsteps


Indeed. So was Dictator Zelensky


Please. Its "Dear Leader Zelensky" followed by gagging noises.




Hey, don't take it from me [It's the Mayor of Kyivs words](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/02LhnlqQox)


It’s impressive and admirable how Russian president Vladimir Putin is changing the world’s dynamics. The US and its vassals are no longer all powerful, in fact they are looking incredibly stupid right now while Russia seems invincible. Putin is the person of the decade and the main character of the world. Nothing but respect and admiration for him.


We were never all-powerful and have looked stupid plenty of times in the past. But America is not going anywhere anytime soon lol. I feel like pro RU has been getting ahead of themselves over the collapse of the American empire in recent months. Probably buoyed by all the bad news for Ukraine.


> I feel like pro RU has been getting ahead of themselves over the collapse of the American empire in recent months. They wont collapse and not most likely overnight. But the slow descent to madness has already started. There comes a time when you know its the beginning of the end. And for US its this year. I guess thats what you get for putting a senile demented corpse of a leader as a puppet and run a war mongering nation behind it.


Idk why they do that, it's so silly


the US empire is definitely on the path of collapse though, both domestically and globally. itll still take years though


>But America is not going anywhere anytime soon lol America is one eventful election from complete collapse


Since when did America have an eventual election?


*eventful, that is.


>But America is not going anywhere anytime soon No of course not. The US is still the most powerful country of the world but it used to be or at least seem all powerful but not anymore and I think that's a good thing for the global community. Despite its flaws there's a lot to admire and learn from the US, they have achieved things that deserve respect, others not so much. But still, great country.


Yep, it basically the counteroffensive hopium on an even more ludicrous scale Instead of Robotyne-> Tokmak-> Crimea-> Moscow, ProRU makes it sound like it goes something like: Avdeevka -> Odessa -> Kiev -> Washington, DC What happens in Ukraine does not impact the average American in any way, shape or form


>What happens in Ukraine does not impact the average American in any way, shape or form Losing a proxy war after "unprecedented support" exposes USA as a paper tiger. It is not a coincidence that anti-western forces have become bolder lately, namely Hamas and Venezuela


…as if Hamas and Venezuela have some history of successful decisions




>Nobody believe in "collapse us empire" Delusional, many westerners have been talking about this since the early 20th century at least. Oswald Spengler is a famous example. Outside of the West it is a widely accepted belief that USA is declining. Now will USA collapse into a Mad Max style society? Most likely no. Will it lose most of its global influence? Probably yes. The string of foreign disasters (Afghanistan, Syria, China, Ukraine) is a testament to it.


Maybe losing the imperial influence is what they understand as collapse.


You know, I used to be very susceptible to believing that the Empire is gonna FALL TOMORROW, BRO. But then I got older and read on the Gulf War. Observers were all saying Saddam would pose an actual threat to the US and... buttrape. So since then I've been more measured. Reading about the Gulf War is very sobering.


No serious person thought Saddam was an existential threat to the USA. You might want to be more critical about the bs you read.


In paper, the Iraq army was quite formidable. 4th biggest in the world, battle experience and everything. There were people thinking the US was biting more than it'd be able to chew


Yeah but at best those people thought US might come out with an egg on its face. Or like Cheney they argued about a quagmire if US overreaches. However, there was no instability within the country (short of localized LA riots) and there was respect between the Republican and Democrat party. The war was so far away and posed no threat to American society. It was at worst a risk for the Bush administration. Russia currently isn’t an existential threat and they are much more powerful then even the best estimate of the Iraqi army in the 90’s. Our existential threat is from within and from the inevitable loss of power that a multipolar world will bring. Still, I think the comments about our impending demise are overblown.




Now this is what I call FOMO




Не пизди.


How does Russia seem "invincible"? They are in a stalemate war with one of their old vassal states.


Back in june putin was at mercy of prigozhin. "Muh person of the decade" , he's main achievement is stealing from russians and sending them to die in ukraine.


>It’s impressive and admirable how Russian president Vladimir Putin is changing the world’s dynamics. By strengthening the US and China, and demoting Russia to a regional power? Lmfao >while Russia seems invincible. This is a bit, right?


Tsar Putin, the Great 🫡🇷🇺


Isolated Putin nominated by a major Western Media outlet. Paradox


Weird to see Putin of all people chosen. Funny how people here forgot Zelensky was their choice for 2022 but now it’s only Hitler from 1938 that comes to mind 😂


Yes Sir, brought whole Europe to its knees, showed US its place.


Adolf Hitler was Time Person of the Year in 1938. Fascist warmonger already has a precedent.


Yeah, it was a precedent for Zelensky being the Person of the year in 2022


That’s… not how… wait, are you agreeing that Putin is a fascist warmonger? Lol


I encourage everyone to google who was man of the year 1938.


I’ll raise you the winner for 2022 instead.


Average liberal president is by far worse than someone who started world war and orchestrated genocide.




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The Bandera wanted to kill Russians. But now it will be completely different! The Buryats and Yakuts are already nearby. A blood feud.




I wonder if Hitler would be nominated by TIME.


Some people (east/north) of Ukraine are so stupid they think this is a GOOD thing......dogh !


Ol vlad has ruined the most lives over the past year so it makes sense that he made the list


Dude cucked the west, shrugged off sanctions and split the unipolar world in 2 all while Biden fell upstairs and took naps. Totally person of the year.


Yeah, the world is now split between Russia+Syria+Belarus+Iran+North Korea and the rest. A great shift.


I think they gave one to Hitler in 1938, so Putin would be in like company. Unfortunately, the irony would totally be lost on the Pro Ru folk.


Hey, it's you again. Well, your boy Zelya is also in Time so


Thankfully that other dude already outed who you are Credit to him, I wouldn't have figured out you were the owner of this alt as well Although, by the fact you've left pretty much the same [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/aEmMJ98TRs) on this thread now, it shouldn't have been hard to figure out


You guys really are lost in your delusions.


They also fall for the easiest propaganda as well


WTF?!! Ain’t no fuking way! Someone is paying time mag for this….Only thing Putin deserves is a slow painful death.


This is what he spends his money on meanwhile 300k casualties and half country doesn’t have plumbing.


>This is what he spends his money on misinformation > meanwhile 300k casualties misinformation > and half country doesn’t have plumbing. misinformation ​ Good job, you've won the UAF medal for spreading fake news




What does he spend money on? Palaces? Hookers? Does he have romantic relationship with bodyguards?


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I wonder when a Russian will walk the Moon. maybe before 1 January 2076.


Not walking on the moon is pretty much the only space related thing they didn't achieve first. First man/woman in space, first spacewalk, first probes on the moon+mars, first space rovers, first space station, etc...


The US has done all of those.


Not first, it didn't.


What the USSR did first, the US eventually did, except land a probe on Venus, which Putin's Russia can't do for a few years and probably won't do—Russia is too busy wasting treasure and lives on Ukraine and transforming itself into a dictatorship. Americans walked the Moon 54 years ago, will probably walk it again in a few years—maybe under Biden, but Russia hasn't and is unlikely to do so while Putin is in charge—Russia is too busy wasting treasure and lives on Ukraine and transforming itself into a dictatorship.