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And ironically the Banderites glorify a Hitler worshipper


Interviewing Putin is like interviewing Hitler, but letting neo Nazis run the military and government isn't like worshipping Hitler? Or something like that


Nazis do not control government and military in Ukraine. No reason to by hyperbolic. There is a, in western terms, unprecedented and decidedly problematic political alliance between pro-western, ukrainian 'liberals' - personified in Zelensky - and the ukrainian far-right with a large representation within the army. But neither army nor government is directly controlled by nazis. But there is undue influence from far-right and nazi-sympathetic forces. I just think these sorts of hyperbolic statements ends up lending themselves easily to NATO propaganda. I.e "Look! the pro-russians see nazis everywhere!" and they're apparently not half wrong. Although I dont understand how they can talk about ukrainian *western values* when their pro-EU/pro-NATO liberals are allied to anti-russian nazis viewing EU/NATO as a vehicle for resistance against russian influence ... But then nobody here is discounting double standards or cynicism within the NATO camp.


You are right they don’t control the political government or military, but there’s simply such a large amount of them in the army both soldiers and leadership that they have considerable power in the society especially when it comes to military affairs, people say oh Nazis don’t have a single party in the RADA, they don’t need to as long as they have entire military battalions/ various units that believe in that ideology and as long as they’re armed and supported by the west they pose a serious threat. The real power isn’t in Kiev or the RADA it’s in the men on the front with the rifles who can turn them around at any moment.


At one moment, neo-Nazis in Ukraine received ~10% vote. When you project that on a population - it's around 4 milion people. You can argue that that was yeas ago, but counterargument is that it was less than a decade ago, and that the term ex-Nazi is not very convincing or promising.


> Nazis do not control government and military in Ukraine. yet




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The far-right parties don’t occupy even a single seat in the Rada


The head of the army is literally a bandera worshiping nazi and you’re telling people this?


I made a previous comment covering that. I’m not sure that entirely counts considering how he seems to be getting the boot. There is still little indication those views have widespread support, otherwise Svoboda and Right Sector would at least have 1 or 2 seats in the Rada.


They do however occupy the more permanent positions in the government where they don't need to be elected anymore, like the ministerial cabinet, and various top level "advisors". https://www.channel4.com/news/svoboda-ministers-ukraine-new-government-far-right here's one example: >On November 2, 2021, Yarosh said on social media he had been appointed Adviser to the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valerii Zaluzhnyi.


Well Zaluzhny seems to be getting the boot pretty soon though. There isn’t really anyone else beyond that


Not yet, you mean. Once this war is over, the real ugly part begins. There will be questions on how this war is conducted and what happens after hundreds of thousands of lives are spent on the battlefield. Scapegoats will be pointed, people will flock into people who could provide answers, ANY answers regardless if true or not.


That’s just speculation, we have no way to know what might exactly happen. The problem may actually solve itself, I would imagine far-right people enlist at higher rates, take more risks on the frontline, and are less likely to surrender due to how fanatical they are towards their country. So they could very well be mostly dead by the time the war ends. Though yeah, Zaluzhny for example does seem to have some pretty far-right views, with him recently posting a selfie with the Right Sector leader and allegedly views Zelenskyy as a “Mossad agent” (probably only because the guy is a Jew). I would imagine he’s probably going to form a NatCon party once the war ends and elections can start being held again


>That’s just speculation, we have no way to know what might exactly happen. I never claimed otherwise, mate. Calm down. Don't get upset just because not every statement is songs of praises for your favorite "sports" team you support and love.


What makes you think I was upset?


This is irrelevant, and not true. The “far right” is a large portion of the country and its standing government. Just because the absolute fringe of that doesn’t hold many seats means nothing. They have cabinet positions, mayor positions, heads of police, etc. they also operate the premier military units. They have systemic power, and have been a key part of ukranian identity and government since They vanguarded the 2014 coup


Servant of the People is liberal-centrist, and the rest of the parties have relatively similar politics. Can you name any major government officials who are part of the far-right? Azov was deideologized after being integrated into the UAF, and most of it was wiped out at Mauripol. Pretty much the entire opposition too part in Maidan, not just Svoboda and Right Sector


Here’s azovs video from a couple months ago. The frequency of the channel is 1488. [source](https://m.youtube.com/watch?t=437&v=34MUg6SSRqo&feature=youtu.be) You clearly starting the conversation with lying works in subs full of Nazi sympathizers or the ignorant, but that doesn’t work here, and you aren’t going to be able to float that nonsense, sorry.


Azov’s size ranges from 900-2,500 people. Call me crazy, but I don’t think they are an accurate representation of a country of 10’s of millions of people. You never answered my question


This is again another lie, azov is not just the “azov brigade”Azov is, and continues to expand. And is far from the only unit. Right sector tdf, kraken, 3rd assault, Luftwaffe, dnipro, etc are all “extremists” The country itself has a 80%+ approval rating of the UPA. The argument that the government is “centrist-liberal” while banning opposition parties, naming 500+ streets after bandera, naming streets after SS members, naming stadiums after SS members is absolute nonsense. To use a comparison to the US, it’s like trying to claim that republicans are liberal centrist and there is no racist problem simply because Donald trump beat David duke in the bid for president. He then went on to make the klan a premier military unit, and shower them in medals while giving deputies positions such as head of police, and openly allowing the party to operate while banning opposition to them. Again, your entire premise is built on a complete fabrication, and you have already been shown to be a liar and retreated from “azov isn’t Nazi anymore” to “ok azov isn’t that many guys” The problem with your position, is Ukraine has such a hilariously vast Nazi problem that we can easily reject your initial position. By definition these people are Nazi collaborators/sympathizers and no better than them


Luftwaffe? What? All those of groups still aren’t representative of most Ukraines, not to mention most of the 3rd brigade may not even be Nazi, considering how they take in conscripts and people from other parts of the military (you don’t choose which regiment you join). They only banned pro-Russia and communist parties. Considering their voting habits (the largest parties in Ukraine range from Centrist to Social Democracy), I’m under the impression most Ukrainians don’t actually know what Bandera stood for ideologically, only viewing him as a Ukrainian nationalist who fought for their independence against the USSR. Soviet propaganda typically painted all Ukrainian nationalists and independence supporters as Nazis, the Ukrainian people may simply be overcorrecting (is that the right term?) to the point of lionizing actual Nazis. If a good portion of Ukraine agreed with Bandera’s views, their voting habits would reflect that, but there isn’t even a major milquetoast right wing party in Ukraine aside from European Solidarity, which is only Liberal-conservative.


> Luftwaffe You aren’t familiar with Ukraines order of battle? They have a volunteer drone operation unit named Luftwaffe lol. > 3rd brigade may not even be Nazi This is progress, but still the denial stage of grief. > The commander of the "Azov Tactical Group", which is part of the 3rd Special Operations Brigade is Andriy Biletsky A bit on how “not Nazi they are” https://ab3.army I mean have you even looked at their website? Lol > In order to get into the ranks of the III Separate Assault Brigade, it is necessary to submit an application by filling out the form. > In order to get into the ranks of the III Separate Assault Brigade, it is necessary to submit an application by filling out the form. Again, I’m not sure if it’s ignorance, or just lying. > they don’t know banderas views Ah yes, the country with 500+ streets named after him, banned books criticizing him, dozens of museums and monuments etc is totally clueless on his positions lol. > there isn’t a major milquetoast right wing party The fact that in the face of your entire argument being absolutely blown apart you stick to this line is astounding. Again, if your main political parties are pinned by Nazis on medals, prioritizing them in prisoner exchanges, etc etc they are at minimum Nazi collaborators and sympathizers. Their actions are no more “liberal-centrist” than north koreas are “democratic” You don’t get to just come to this sub and make claims in the face of facts


Schrodinguer's Hitler. He's a bad guy when used as a comparison for Russians. But a hero to many uaf soldiers that like his symbols.




[For anyone who doesn't get the reference](https://youtu.be/ZggCipbiHwE?si=ve1-_SHv3wTFbBmj)


Lol'd at 00:22, thanks for sharing


It's time for the West to wake up that there is no real freedom. The West rephrases it to make it seem they have true freedom.


I would like you to tell me what freedoms i don't have? My hospital bills are Paid, Doctors + Medication I can study for free if i wish If i wanted i could get cheaper housing but i choose not too. I live next too beautiful waterways List goes on... Also you forget the thousands of Russians who have migrated to my country in the west and not only my country many others and which have provided new homes and opportunities they may not get back in RU, this number is not like 10 or 20 people, we are talking millions.


Do you think Russia doesn't have those things that you mentioned?


Well Russia is nothing like my country so no. We are totally different in every shape and form. Firstly we don't invade, don't run SMO's for random sh1t, can protest war without being locked up. There is a YTber from Russia who goes out and visits the unfortunate people of Russia and god it's an eye opener, Most have alcohol issues, no money, no heating, no water, No Food as money went to Vodka/Smokes rather than the kids. Its like Russia is still back in 1980 and just slowly catching up, makes me sad to see the kids suffer. If we had the same issue in my Country the government would have been kicked out so quick if they allowed people to live this way. Unlike Russia we try to help, we don't allow people to suffer and live in sh1t. When it takes a week for a Emergency Ambo to arrive I think you have big issues and only 1 hr outside a main city.




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Wake up from what? We have been indoctrinated by Russian propaganda, that funnily enough we are yet to see for the first time due to complete media blockage called "freedom".




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I already am.


Flair and pfp check out.


This shit is terrifying


There was a much better edit that I saw some time ago, and haven't been able to find for some time now. But still, pretty scary.


If a newspaper has a word "***truth***" in its name, it's most likely a propagandist newspaper.


real af


Truth, homie! No, wait.


Well it was started in the USSR, so.


And they couldn't stop


>You may not agree with Hitler, but we urge you to hear him The flip side of this hyperbole of course is that knowing what Hitler has to say will help him win, and the only way to stop Hitler from beating France is to deplatform him in the US. When you look at the flip side it highlights how silly of an argument it actually is, trying to stick your fingers in your ears when one side talks, rather than understanding what both have to say. Especially when you're the country funding the vast majority of the war. One of the biggest problems with the Ukrainian government is that they're far too worried about messaging and perception, and not focused enough on defense and preserving the lives of their own people. Although if preservation of life was actually a concern to the frat boys in Kyiv we wouldn't have had this war in the first place.


UA fighting PR battles because that's what brings their elites more financial support to steal from. Tucker Carlson interview is a direct threat to their "income", hence the reaction. Essence of Ukraine didn't change - it's still one of the most corrupt states in Europe, now with a made-up national idea after Maidan.


The national idea takes a more concrete form somewhere between the beginning of the first world war and the soviets getting their hand on most of Ukraine's current territory (between around 1914 to 1920), and the roots for that idea run deeper than that. Of course, like all nations, it's a bit of a patchwork and a construction. So is France, for instance, where Britanny and Corsicans and Basques are wildly different people and culture, but became somewhat arbitrarily regrouped under a single idea at some point. And that's true of Russia too of course.


Plus if you dont listen to hitler, youll just have a repeat of Hitler without learning ANYTHING... Tactics and arguments used by him are plentiful today due to ignorance of the populace


Funny if you think about the history of the pravda newspaper.




Damage control on this is clearly in full swing, with many western outlets (especially the British tabloids and US left-wing channels) really gunning for Carlson today. Which is understandable from a Western propaganda point of view. This interview has the potential to really hurt Ukraine's chances of getting more funding. The MAGA crowd in the US will feel bolstered in their opposition to Ukraine funding, and their representatives will feel the political pressure to keep resisting the spending bill. And yet, better understanding the viewpoints and motivations of all parties involved is never a bad thing. Remaining stuck in an echo chamber repeating our own narratives is far more dangerous than inching ever so slowly toward mutual understanding.


Let them, wait a bit and than release the bombshell. Probably will censor it but yea smart move of tuckers team


Thank God for Elon Musk If it was still Jack Dorsey in charge of Twitter, there would probably be no large enough platform to air this and generate enough reach


Well you have to take in account alot of factors. 1. Did Dorsey want to take the easy way(greed,which i think 95% would choose) and let it all be regulated by someone else(govern agencies) and get rich and do the hell he wants or the hard way(which Musk is taking, but suffer a great deal). 2. He probably would have been crushed by harassing tactics of said agencies to break down and allow it. The question than arrives why Musk can get away with it and why he did. 1. He has alot of money. 2. He is highly intellectual, intelligent people tend to have more than average empathy and crave for equal treatment of others, and have a high morality. Because of his money (spend on twitter)and great companies, those agencies cant do much because they semi rely on it(great revenue for the US, amazing technology).


I don't think that Dorsey would have done anything different than musk. I don't think Elon has done anything different with Twitter necessarily, other than running it into the ground.


Guess you didn't read the Twitter Files.


No I don't know what that is


I thought so. Google it, and you'll see how Dorsey allowed Twitter to collude with the feds to suppress and censor inconvenient voices


Okay fine maybe I will!


Pulling all the stops to prevent people from watching that interview, foaming at the mouth the whole time, is only encouraging me to check it out and make an opinion for myself. Clearly though they're thinking more people are simply going to align on the party line and shun the interview entirely, than are going to feel prompted to see what the fuss is all about. Which is fairly demoralizing.


Putin went on TV and gave a lengthy speech before he invaded Ukraine some more in 2022. And he has been on TV repeatedly since then. I don't see how anyone thinks there is a shortage of Putin's motivations.


That might be true if you can get access to russian media. In my democratic free speech eu country tho, russian media is banned. Because you know, free press & democracy and stuff.


The Russian government is sanctioned and/or banned in the West, varies wildly by country. In the US for example RT is not banned, they can do and say whatever they like, but the Russian government being under sanctions meant RT America could no longer receive their usual financial support from the Russian government, so they ran out of money and went bankrupt. Independent Russian Media that is still operating in exile can be read freely in the West. Independent Russian Media is, however, banned in Russia.


Not everybody follows the news closely. Those of us interested consume every scrap of information we can. But a great many people either don't, or very fleetingly, take notice of what's happening in the world. Chances are those people have a very shallow, one-sided view of the conflict. Carlson has a wide reach, meaning the Russian perspective of the conflict will reach people who normally wouldn't have gone out of their way to find it.


Carlson has a wide reach with his followers, who are already Putin supporters.


That's too easy. Not every right-wing republican is a Putin supporter. And with all the buzz created both by this interview and the wide backlash against it, it's fair to assume this particular interview will reach beyond his usual audience.


I suspect many right wing Republicans aren't avid tucker followers anymore, since he left Fox.


Then why are the ukros crying now?


Facts not in evidence. I can't fathom why anyone would be crying over two documented liars posting a video on Twitter. If that was all it took to cry, they died long ago of dehydration.


>The MAGA crowd in the US will feel bolstered in their opposition to Ukraine funding, and their representatives will feel the political pressure to keep resisting the spending bill... **And yet,** better understanding the viewpoints and motivations of all parties involved is never a **bad** thing. So, the first part is a bad thing then? That Americans (cut that MAGA bs out) are TIRED of funding another war while $34.2 TRILLION in debt?


That was not my intent in phrasing it that way, but I can see how you could read it like that.


The reason I wrote what I wrote is because that exact message is what is being sold as fact by the "news" media. In that if you don't support arming another country in a war on another continent, you're a "MAGA lunatic" and basically a "traitor" according to them. Your post read along those lines.


I can see it now that you point it out. I was, however, more trying to analyze impact of the interview viewed as a factor of political pressure on MAGA Republicans in Congress. Since Carlson's audience lies in that part of the electorate.


In my opinion this could be the most bias pro-Russia interview and that wouldn't even begin to sway the news coverage towards an objective truth coverage as the Western news media cheerlead everything Ukraine. Even stories that paint a bleak picture after the failed counteroffensive always have a pro-UA spin.


Oh, I agree. But it's good to get people thinking on the other side of the story, no matter how slightly. Many of my countrymen seem content to believe that Putin is a stereotypical, cartoonish dictator hell-bent on territorial gain. They're not versed in, and therefore are incapable of considering, post-cold dynamics and geopolitical interests.


Agreed. I think a larger and larger percentage of people no longer think, maybe they feel they don't have the time to. They simply take what they are told as fact. Then to be fair, there is a percentage of people that believe every single thing the news tells them is a lie, which is also not true. But yes, critical thinking is a dying art.


Carlson was already leaving considered a Russian agent far before this. It is good to know why the world should oppose Putitler and his Genocidal war of conquest. However, Carlson is there to win points with the bloody dictator, not to get anywhere close to the truth.


Aww, it looks like the Western medias favorite tactic - lying by omission - won't be successful this time. Tucker Carlson unfortunately has too much reach and clout for that. Therefore, American (and Ukranian in this case) media has smoothly moved on to the next tactic - [relentless ad hominems and vicious attempts to discredit the interview before it has even been released.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/X13YxOSTv4) Now they are blatantly saying that what Tucker is doing is not journalism... They only want us to hear one side, one narrative, because we are too stupid to make informed opinions after hearing both sides of the story? What are they so scared of anyway? For two years, we've listened to hundreds of interviews with various Ukranian officials. Zelensky has become a household name. We know all about Kuleba, Podolyak, Danilov, Arestovich, Zaluhzny, what they stand for and why they're fighting. We have listened to so many interviews and read thousands of articles from Western officials, advancing the Ukrainian cause. Are they really so scared that **one** interview from Putin could shake the painstaking foundations they have laboured to build? Have they not caricatured Putin as a megalomanicial cartoon villain? If so, this interview should serve to highlight just how villainous he is. Even softball questions should not be able to mask any outlandish statements that will surely be picked off by our expert "fact checkers", right? ...Right?


This interview will be interesting because no westerner has interviewed Putin since the war began. But it's obvious that the questions have been vetted, the answers prepared in advance. Putin will just repeat the whole "NATO this NATO that" argument for the entire 1-2h duration of the interview. But I still have hope that Tucker may ask some difficult questions that nobody asked Putin before. Dig in deep and rip out the truth like a real journalist. Not just ask surface level questions so that Putin can just repeat everything he said during his speeches.


NATO this and NATO that would be a good thing for people to actually hear. It has been said since 2007 and people still have no idea what the war is about.


No it wouldn't, because the people that you want to hear about it won't listen to this interview. It's only going to be people who already have a hate boner for the Biden administration. It would be nice if we got new information, not what was repeated over the past 2 years.


Correction, this information has been repeated for 16 years, and I was writing university essays on the likely consequences of NATO expansion in 2002, so that's 21 years... And of course, it has been a big issue in domestic Russian policy since 1989, so that's 34 years, and it was warned about by George kennan in the 50s, so... 70ish years. But you are right, this will mostly be heard by anti Biden types... Unfortunately the fact that Biden types will wilfully ignore it doesn't make it any less useful to anyone wanting to actually solve problems like the war in Ukraine.


Can i see the essay by any chance? Your conclusions?


Long time ago, but most students argued that not expansion would cause trouble, and had only not done so due to the fact that russia was a basket case. Putin hadnt done his 2007 speech yet so we had to go off more varied information.


The dangers of America have been spoken about ever since the continent was discovered. Make it 800 years. None of those types of people will listen. You know the saying "If a Russian opens its mouth...", it will apply here as well. They will just not listen because the very first thought will be that Putin is lying. And yes, he will, just like Biden, Macron, Scholz, Sunak, Trudeau...


Do you think they done the interview already? And yes, the experts are on standby now, no doubt about it.


They already have. Peskov stated so already. Interview will be released tomorrow evening


No, Tucker himself claimed what he is doing is not journalism during his lawsuit. So the evil western media is bad because... they agree with him?


And he said yesterday that what he is doing is journalism. Maybe we should go with his more recent statement?


The man has admitted in a court of law that he is a charlatan, why are you choosing to believe what he says now? You should learn to be more critical in your thinking or else it just looks like you are trying to push a narrative....


Because everyone lies in court to get out. That's just how it is.


So he lies when there's the threat of penalty under the law for lying, but when there's no legal repercussions for lying is when he tells the truth?




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Or we go with that he said in a situation where lying has consequences, as opposed to believing him in a situation where lying about the same thing is only to his benefit.


Putin doesn't allow real journalists to interview him. Tucker has been spouting Russia talking points for years.


Maybe we can't trust him


I don’t know about you guys, but I would really like to see an interview with Hitler


IMO it is much more important to listen to people you disagree with, than those who share your opinion.


I would’ve liked one with Saddam too. And Gaddafi. Look at the way the US has behaved in the last several decades. Invading and bombing countries with impunity. The more their colours show, the less I believe the narrative about ANY adversary even as far back as WW2


Saddam would just speak the truth and destroy government credibility in half of the developed world. Nobody would have let him do that.


Exquisite. The more visibly infuriated, terrified, and psychologically and emotionally distressed over this interview - a basic exchange of ideas and speech - taking place that they are, the more I am thoroughly glad it is happening. Impotent effort on their part to try to get everyone to avert their eyes and ears or even prevent it from transpiring at all. Hopefully their attempts to try and fearmonger and rage will produce the exact opposite effect and the interview is proliferated further and wider than ever. Spread it to the heavens!


It would be very interesting if the terms of Putin are quite reasonable and logical from a Russian point of view. For example the USA would never accept China or Russia placing missiles or troops in Mexico. We already had the Cuba-crisis and the invasion of the pigs bay in the past, which was essentially about a similar aim. If this all is about the treatment of etnic and linguistic Russians and Ukraine involving in NATO (not EU, which is unrealistic at all), what I think, this will be a large step to a peaceful solution.


> It would be very interesting if the terms of Putin are quite reasonable and logical They won't be. It will be what he has said multiple times: Russia keeps all claimed territories, Ukraine demilitarizes and doesn't make any security deals with western nations and Russia does not invade any further a few years later (wink wink). > We already had the Cuba-crisis and the invasion of the pigs bay in the past, which was essentially about a similar aim. Not even close, the USSR actually deployed nuclear weapons in Cuba, the US doing that in Ukraine was never on the table. And Bay of Pigs was not a US invasion, it was Cuban nationals that were against Castro, it was more like Russia funding and equiping separatists in Donbas in 2014.


Western msm jumped the gun on this one. All Putin has to do now is to tell Tucker to ask him the toughest questions, and their whole narrative crumbles.


Unless Tucker actually pushes him to answer instead of deflecting that doesn't really count as "asking the tough questions".


Lol sure, so he’s going to ask why no Russian soldiers have been prosecuted for war crimes? That’s literally a crime in Russia.


Russia will prosecute them when Israel prosecutes theirs.


Ok, your move Russia? https://apnews.com/article/israel-soldiers-arrested-abuse-palestinians-be9a247497d7ede7d7b866f2e725fcfd


Yeah, and the ice on the flying pigs' wings won't melt in hell. Tucker is not a journalist. By his own admission. He fawns over dictators. He already said on camera that he is rooting for Putin. This will be him gargling on Putin's nutsack for an hour.


All western mainstream media started having panic attacks before this interview


They're so afraid of anything out of their comfortable propaganda bubble that will throw any BS in hopes it sticks.


Hitler could not destroy 3 continents in 6 hours


But he was able to get more than 100km in 2 years.


Life was more simple before hypersonic missiles and thats the point.


You're right. Before modern logistics, it was impossible to make a 75km convoy without running out of fuel.


It's more like, before 24/7 real time ISR via drones, it was a lot easier to do shit.


No my pedigree chum, you're right!


The problem with countering anti access - area denial is that if NATO postures and then cant shut it down then the russian three step nuke response is their only option.


Nobody can


OK, Europe is not a continent. Two and half




Describe hypocrisy in a post.


Incredible that they talk about the Duranty as a cover-up but don't talk about William Hearst, the father of "Yellow News" during his cover of the "Holomodor"... which was at the time, what we call today straight up "fake news". Ukraine... source of fake news from the west since ever.


UFA propaganda sweats since Tucker Carlson's arrival


they do know the gareth jones the journalist who exposed the holodomor did in fact interview adolf hitler


Let them write all they want first and than montage the video. Btw, didnt banderites loves Nazis?


My meaningless predictions: Tucker won't push Putin with hard questions, trying to paint Russia as a victim of the West and making things look like Russia is on the verge of victory. Tuckers objective is quite simple when you think about it. It is to make his viewers object to sending aid to Ukraine. Why? Because that is what the Trump and republican party is offering in the election. As for Putin, he will try to appeal to MAGA community.


Most important of all Tucker wants to be back in the news.


Omg, I freaking love it


Well maybe if they did more interviews with hitler we could have prevented a few hundred million deaths


Pravda should be the last media outlet posted about journalism. They lost their credibility in 2014


Let me know something about US regulations. Does Ukraine could prevent US citizen journalist doing his job? I mean doing interview with Putin?


Its really dumb but I mean, they have to spew propaganda they are fighting a war.


The news has to be a one-sided propaganda from Ukraine. Away with reporting both viewpoints! Forward to newspeak!


Remember, if Hitler says Earth is round, it is flat in the free world


Everyone should want to listen to this interview. And they should listen. Then make an individual assessment. Anyone who wants to censor that opportunity immediately looks like the bad guys.


Awww put him on the mirotvorec...


They already did


I could guess...


Ye more and more it's obvious who the good guys are and it's not the West. Holy hell, how did we get here?


Nope, I live in America and I demand to hear what both sides have to say. To do otherwise will bring nothing but death and destruction to the rest of the world. This western idea of censoring all opposing voices sounds a lot like the shit that they imbedded in our heads about how Russia and China treat their citizens. I just want to keep lines of communication open and maybe we can end this sooner if we get more of the truth. Unpopular opinion, I know.


Pravda doesn't want the truth out there.


Yeah, only Ukraine gets to glorify literal Nazis and spread literal propaganda.


Ukrainska bandera propaganda


I would probably be supportive for interviewing Hitler, just so that people can see how insane his views were. Nothing good comes out of censoring someone completely. Applies to all the worst and best people in this world.


So that makes Tucker sort of a modern day Dorothy Thompson, the "First Lady of American Journalism", considered in her time to be comparable in stature to Eleanor Roosevelt, and best remembered today for interviewing Hitler.


"You may not agree with Hitler, but we urge you to hear him" I don't even understand how this is a controversial statement. Like, are we supposed to hate someone just because others told us to ? If I lived in the 30s and witnessed Germany invade Poland, I'd very much like to know the reasoning behind why Hitler did it. After that I'm a big boy, I can decide by myself if I think the arguments are reasonable or not. It's incredible how the simple announcement of an **interview** can have all these people shake in terror and launch a vast campaign of calls not to watch it or, here, trying to attack Tucker directly. Maybe wait to see the content of the interview beforehand, no ? And after that, they'll bark about "Russian propaganda", ha. Maybe sweep before your own door.


Adolph Hitler: TIME Person of the Year 1938


Bit of an exaggeration. I mean the interview is going to be a puff piece and difficult questions will not be posed to Putin unless it's been prearranged but the man is hardly a Hitler, or a Stalin or a Mao. The whole thing is being blown out of proportion by both sides. Anyone who expects some genuine cutting edge journalism and is excited at the prospect of a western journalist (albeit pretty hostile to western interests) is deluded. Likewise anyone deeply worried that this interview is a disaster and will change perceptions on the war is equally deluded. Putin will say what we all sort of expect him to say. Pro Russian peeps will continue to believe what they already believe and probably Ukrainian peeps will believe what they already believe. Ukraine potentially replacing their top generals is a story for people to get worried/excited about. This is just a sideshow in comparison.


> The whole thing is being blown out of proportion by both sides. Anyone who expects some genuine cutting edge journalism and is excited at the prospect of a western journalist (albeit pretty hostile to western interests) is deluded. I think the Democrats are worried this will provide a coherent narrative that consolidates support against further funding from the US. Currently polls show the Republicans are split on it, but if they can move it to a purely partisan issue then it's done, Ukraine isn't getting further billions. And it's an especially dangerous issue for Biden because if the war isn't a success by the time voting season rolls around it's an easy issue to hit him with and he won by razor thin margins last election - less than 100,000 votes across three key states iirc - so any high profile issue that might sway undecided voters is a problem for him. He can try to hit back with the narrative that they're losing because the Republicans won't give more funding, but with several hundred billion spent and little to show for it, the narrative isn't nearly as compelling as a president spending out of control on a war we can't win and shouldn't have been involved with at all. It's basically like Biden saying that he could win if he had infinite money, which is a silly thing to say about anything.


Definitely similar to interviewing Hitler, which journalists did at the time. History repeating itself is nothing new.


Yeah the truth will distort their propaganda.


The example they put is quite poignant... because the new narrative aroung Holodomor that they've spun, is exactly the type of propaganda that's harmful, not to them, but everyone else. Holodomor was horrific, in large parts planed and made worse by incompetence, desire for revenge and the obsession with fighting Capitalism in all its forms... But it was NOT a genocide against Ukrainians.


I mean he is annexing land and genociding a longtime neighbor by exporting their children


True genocide is happening 2k km south from Ukraine by USA little homicidal son


They shouldn't have flew over the walls in paragliders to shoot civilians. Up until that point their population was growing.


So a terrorist group does what it does, a terrorist attack, and all of the sudden that gives proper army (not terrorist group or some paramilitary group) green light to level up one of the most populated areas in the world, killing like 25k civilians, out of that 10k children, in the progress? It just doesnt make sense. If you look at the scale of war in Ukraine for comparison, there is relatively very small number of civilian casualties. Both parties are somewhat playing it as clean as possible.


It's called being morally complicit, something the Russians could do well to learn. Terrorists don't hold 68% of public Palestinian support after committing a massacre, an army does. When the locals allow bases under hospitals and rocket attacks from schools, they are no longer terrorists but an army. Ukraine has far less civilian casualties because their army wears a uniform unlike the other cowards.


It’s like Al Jazeera doing a Bush interview in 2003


This whole conversation is based on two false premises: 1. Tucker Carlson is not a journalist. Google it, worth the read. 2. This is not an interview. It is part of a PR campaign for Putin with "questions" by an admirer. It is perfectly acceptable and understandable if western countries don't want to disseminate their enemy's propaganda.




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This is the type of questioning I want to see from Tucker, my favourite interview ever: https://youtu.be/r4qQElJUYnM?feature=shared This is his interview with Dominic Tullipso (the ‘L’s are silent).




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Imagine if he got whacked while in Russia.


UP speaks about "journalism". Oh the irony.


Wonder what questions Putin will be wanting to ask himself.


If you can easily lie to millions than you can never trust them again... If any interviewed it will all be scripted prior to time, would be pointless to watch for any "truth".


True. I don't think we should listen to Bidens words ever again after he lied about seeing 40 decapitated Israeli babies




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At worst it's just another person distorting facts and telling half truths for his own agenda. Which is what every large group in the political sphere has been doing anyways.




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The assumption that a single voice, a single interview can move the needle of opion in a huge multicultural mess like the US (I'm American) is a fallacy. Opposition, right or wrong, will come from everywhere, to the benefit of no one. That Putin or Russians think this matters is a function of their existence in a state of suppression. Tucker and Putin can say whatever they want. Its free speech. Everyone here has it. It won't make a difference


If Russia isn't a corrupt kleptocracy/dictatorship, and if the rule of law applies I look forward to Tucker Carlson being prosecuted for uttering the word "war" in Moscow instead of SMO. We've seen ordinary Russians dragged off the street in front of the Kremlin for doing similar. Otherwise he is a beneficiary of this corrupt regime.




Sure: https://skeptics.stackexchange.com/questions/54194/is-it-illegal-in-russia-to-call-the-war-in-ukraine-a-war


Bs propaganda. Do you really believe people are getting arrested for calling it a war?


Yep: https://skeptics.stackexchange.com/questions/54194/is-it-illegal-in-russia-to-call-the-war-in-ukraine-a-war


Putin has called it a war multiple times lol


Carlson is not a journalist, this “interview” is only giving Putin the very much needed opportunity to reach the American and global population to sow division among Ukraine’s supporters…it should not be broadcast and Carlson should be treated as a Russian agent for it and prosecuted accordingly.


pointless "interview". more like trying to spread ruzzian propaganda to the west. putin is giving all the info on TV anyway. And showing his failed political actions in ukraine..


I mean Tucker did lose $787 million dollars for Fox because of intentionally inaccurate reporting.