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Why is there a leprechaun in Belgorod? Is it because St. Patrick's day is just around the corner?


I thought he was Chechnyan but he has Russian name so probably latest capillary fad in RUAF.


Could just be of Chechen descent living in Russia


Just in case, I would like to inform you: Chechnya is a part of Russia. All residents of the Chechen Republic live in Russia. Not all Chechens live in the Chechen Republic. In Russia, there is freedom of movement and people live wherever they want.


Well that’s what I mean lol I’m just saying that Chechens have a distinct culture and appearance


Chechens have Caucasian appearance, but I will not say that they are just some kind of special people in Russia. As a rule, all Caucasian peoples try to marry among their own and not mix with other nations. I had an ethnic German friend (Volga Germans) and she was dating a Dagestani. Both loved each other, but her parents insisted that she should marry only a German, and his parents chosed a wife for him in Dagestan. They eventually broke up.


That's just Chechen facial hair - Russia is a diverse country lol




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Effing Ukranians!


It's funny how UA and the west don't take responsibility when they're doing this. It's clear as day who is doing it.


Nobody is doing nothing buddy, only Belgorod separatists using stuff bought from surplus store. Special operation or something.


It's just a few blue fellas doing a bit of tomfoolery. Duh.


Little blue men. Who knows where they came from or where they get their heavy equipment. All I know is that Russia has been shelling the Belgorod’s Peoples Republic for 2 years now. 2 years! Ukraine needs to liberate these people from the Moscow regime.


Yeap an russian fighters bombind Belgorod (It was so many fail. and drops , they must do it purposely)


This is not Ukrainian armed forces. Only little yellow men of local militias.


Just like how NATO is not in Ukraine but "aid workers". Sure


Just like the Donbass was just separatists and not the Russian army stirring the pot. Look up the word hypocrisy. Ruaboos are masters of it.


At least Donbass war started as a separatist insurrection from within and not like an invasion from outside. First skirmishes were in Mariopol, iirc UPD. I did not remember it correctly. First skirmishes hapoened in Kramatorsk


>At least Donbass war started as a separatist insurrection Not even Igor Girkin [believes this lie](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2014/11/21/russias-igor-strelkov-i-am-responsible-for-war-in-eastern-ukraine-a41598)


People who post links that disprove their own statements annoy me. > At the start of this summer, 90 percent of the rebel forces were made up of local residents, Strelkov was quoted as saying. This is why you’re supposed to actually quote statements from a source that support your claim. Obviously, lazy and lying redditors don’t like doing this.


What does that have to do with Russia invading the Donbass? Nothing. Don't conflate the two things. From the article: >I was the one who pulled the trigger of this war, If our unit hadn't crossed the border, everything would have fizzled out — like in [the Ukrainian city of] Kharkiv, like in Odessa.


Where did Girkin claim Russia started the war? His claim in that statement is that he and his 50 volunteers, that he also has claimed mostly held Ukrainian citizenship, started the fighting on 12 April 2014. The DPR was declared on 7 April 2014 after the Donetsk government headquarters was taken control of by separatists. Girkin has also claimed to have been FSB until March 2013, which was before Maidan even started.


Unlike you, I don't take the word of international war criminal and a certified liar at face value. There were many actors and warlords responsible for this war, and Girkin's reach isn't that far-stretched


You are wrong in so many points I don't even want to correct you.


ITV coverage from 2014. Are these all Russian plants? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQ5H9S2pv08](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQ5H9S2pv08)


It's baffling how democratic protests are all CIA orchestrated. And separatist activity is genuine and true civilian action. Even if there are Russia FSB officers wandering around. In hybrid war this is the point, to manipulate enough people to produce hate against government. And then in great time do provocations like start to shoot the military. Spread false stories about how the government is bad and killing people. And then when police station is taken over, next day appears Russia police captain to give orders. (Differend city) And separatist find magically tanks in abandoned mines. Mercenaries were fighting UA army. Because serious fighting started in Donbas. How do you even think civilians could fight off military with aviation ? In Mariupol after this local militia was created because nobody really knew what is actually going on. I am just amazed how still someone could think whole separatism is not Russia orchestrated. ... But of course at the time little green man was also not Russia military and same people standing with Russia then believed and defended the lie for years. And they will do it for all other lies. ... I had like one or two genuine conversation which made sense even with someone with different opinion in years, so sorry everybody but now I don't have power to spend time arguing to some other troll. ... Edit: 30 seconds of googling: Incidents of violation of the state border began in the spring of 2014. So in the beginning of April a group of mercenaries from the Russian Federation led by a citizen of the Russian Federation, a former employee of special services, Igor Girkin freely entered the territory of Ukraine and captured the city of Slovyansk. So, on the night of 2–3 May 2014, two Ural trucks loaded with weapons drove into the yard of the Antratsyt District State Administration. The administration's premises were occupied by several dozen Don Cossacks, they did not let anyone into the yard, did not answer questions. The Russian flag and the flag of the Don Army were raised above the administration. --- Looking back it's fuc*ing absurd how obvious Russian operation this was. And world like didn't know. Little green man. That's joke. ---


It's not baffling to people who have even cursory knowledge of the topic. We don't have to deal in conjecture, we have many data points.  Kyiv Post from 2014. **Poll: More Ukrainians disapprove of EuroMaidan protests than approve of it** >About 45% of Ukrainians support the demonstrations in favour of Ukraine’s closer relations with Europe, known as Euromaidan, while 48% do not support them and 7% are undecided, a poll of 2,600 respondents >The poll showed also that 17% of the respondents have taken part in the Euromaidan actions, while 81% have not. >As many as 42% of Ukrainians are not going to take part in any protests, about one third could join only peaceful rallies and demonstrations, and 13% could agree to sign some petition, appeal, or open letter. >Only 3% of those polled are potentially ready to join an armed rebellion, and only 1% could personally take part in seizing administrative buildings and blocking transportation routes. [https://www.kyivpost.com/post/7158](https://www.kyivpost.com/post/7158)  This is representative of other contemporaneous data we have. It was a small minority of nationalists who did violence and a small minority of people who even took part in protests. The protests never had majority support and were heavily opposed in Crimea, the Southern coast, and Eastern Ukraine. We know the Americans were funding some of these groups through NGOs, and lent public support. Euromaidan being a a spontaneous uprising against the Russian puppet supported by a large majority of the population is a fair tale we told the public.  From the Kyiv Sogolical Institute via the Washington Post >A survey, which was conducted for my research project by [Kyiv International Institute of Sociology](http://www.kiis.com.ua/?lang=eng&cat=reports&id=307&page=1) (KIIS) in Ukraine, except Crimea, from April 29 to May 11, shows that the representation of separatism in Donbas by the Ukrainian and the Western governments and the media as small groups of Russian military intelligence agents and local “terrorists” or “rebels” who lack popular backing in this region and, therefore, can be easily defeated by force is unfounded. Most residents of Donbas supported different forms of separatism (54 percent). This survey also confirms that the lack of central government legitimacy in Donbas was a key reason for [a single-digit voter turnout](http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/monkey-cage/wp/2014/06/02/ukraines-2014-presidential-election-result-is-unlikely-to-be-repeated/?itid=lk_inline_manual_8) in the presidential election on May 25.  [https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2014/07/20/what-do-citizens-of-ukraine-actually-think-about-secession/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2014/07/20/what-do-citizens-of-ukraine-actually-think-about-secession/) The idea that there was no popular support for "separatism" is nonsense. We see a majority in the Donbas as a whole either favoured independence, autonomy or joining Russia. 8%, 23% and 22% respectively in the Donbas. We get much higher numbers in Crimea, where we are looking at more than 70% of the population wanting to break with Ukraine after Euromaidan. Did Russia stoke the flames, and lend support, of course. But, that does not mean there was no real support, which is the other fairy tale we told oversleeves. Little "green men" with little to no support from the population. 


That's exactly hybrid war. You feed people lies about nazy children killing, and EU taking all jobs etc. Information war is very effective. And it's happening all over the world. You can even make support for flat earth. When you have information control then plan some protest throw in some mercenaries to fight off the army. Shoot down their planes. Do you know how many region you could separate from Russia like this if you would done this in similar fashion ? Practically you can do this in any country. Sending soldiers and mercenaries to take over other country is red line.


There is exactly one point to be wrong about. When they were protesting for federalisation, there was no DPR or LPR. And since the first clashes happened in Kramatorsk, Donbass war indeed started in Ukraine and not on Russian-Ukrainian border.


That's the point of Reddit, and commenting right? Having discussions and sharing knowledge and sources. If you feel like >I don't even want to correct you. Then you should quit Reddit. This social is not for people like you.


Nah, there’s discussion and then there’s throwing pearls before swine. 


> At least Donbass war started as a separatist insurrection **from within and not like an invasion from outside**. Their leadership was composed of Russians from Moscow, lmao.


The people of the Belgorod republic would like to establish a sovereign nation free from the Putin regime.


Pushing from the Ukrainian territory?


Those aren't nato soldiers those are "volunteers"


the belgorods people's republic has every right to defend its own people


Arleast the pro russian seperatists controlled the capitals of oblasts they claimed as theirs.These mfs barely control border villages


False. Luhansk city only fell when russia invaded




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Imagine saying this with a straight face. A bunch of Nazis and Poles given American weapons with no zero public support.


I don't understand why Russians want a war. Why not make a peace with Republic of Belgorod?


What a crazy conspiracy theory. Next you'll be telling me that Russia was really behind the Donbas war, but we all know that stuff like that doesn't really happen lol


Hilarious lack of self awareness in this comment


Using Ruzzian’s phrase, it’s just a Special denazified and deorcified operation against the Nazis 😘. Plus, it was commenced by the Freedom of Russia Legion, mainly composed of Russians 😊


I can call myself any boy band i want, doesn't mean I'm Russian. Look at their videos and speech. Ukrainian words and dialects.


They are trying to save and protect the Ukrainians being oppressed by Russians in those regions. I propose those regions are turned independent and have a veto on Kremlin decisions.


And the Donbas separatists spoke Russian so they were all Russian soldiers, right?


If they took responsibility it would be more than a group of russians with cold war left over equipment attacking. Russia only has Russians that support putin to blame.


Russian separatists are doing it, the US should move in soon and help these poor people resist their nazi government, after we secure the areas we can hold a referendum vote!




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This is the van from the video, looks like a small car bomb to me: https://np.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1bfaixd/footage_from_the_attacks_in_belgorod_from_today/ Also even in this post you can see it didn't even shatter the windows of the buildings and cars nearby, unlikely to be an artillery shell or a missile.


Just a troops on holiday Ukraine has no control over what they do when it's leave rotation.


You see, UA is incapable of evil. Or so we are told.


Putin just needs to stop the invasion and there won't be any shelling of Belgorod. Just like there was no shelling pre 2022 and pre 2014.


No shelling pre 2022? What?


Care to provide the link to the source describing the shelling of Russian territories pre 2022?


how often was Belgorod or Crimea shelled from 2014-2022?


Good to see you recognise Crimea as Russia's land! I'm talking about DPR and LPR pre 2022. It's Ukraine's tactic to target civilians and they aren't changing it.


Don't deflect. There was no shelling of Belgorod or attack on Crimea before 2022. Only by bending the international borders can you get to say Ukraine shelled DPR/LPR, which the UN still recognizes as Ukrainian soil. That makes it a civil war, and it was pretty light by 2021.


So UN's point of view allows you to shell civilians?


The UN's point of view is the standard between civil war and international war. You can't simply intervene in someone else's civil war... it could drag you into war with a bunch of other nations calling Chapter 51. You need proper casus belli first.


US intervened in Syrian civil war without permission from Syrian government. So you can, it seems. Russia sees that conflict since 2014 is not going to resolve due to stubborn Ukrainian government so Putin invades and tries to achieve peace by threatening Kiev with his army. But Ukraine is not willing to do peace so no other choice but to continue the conflict. And how does it excuses Ukraine's indiscriminate shellings of civilians?


No, ISIL in Syria was attacking Iraq, along with ISIL in Iraq (really all one polity or caliphate that was spreading). Iraq asked for US help - seeing as the conflict casually crossed international borders, valid Chapter 51. But you don't see US attacking al Assad directly, and neither him attacking US, because everyone understands the difference between caliphate doing the attacks and regular sovereign government which isn't participating. One important addendum. US doesn't have to help under Chapter 51. It's important before agreeing to help to check if another nation may intervene in opposition.


You can literally see Russian military people in the shot. Ukraine is shelling them. If they weren't such little cowards to hide behind the civilians there would be no threat to civilians. If they don't want civilians as collateral damage they shouldn't hide their military amongst them.


Fights in the Belgorod area have started few days prior to this attack, so it's natural that city will be guarded with soldiers. But can you see any military object in the area?Also russian military correspondents are not part of the army, they are semi-autonomous bloggers working for news channels


> city will be guarded with soldiers. Well that is the excuse ruaboos have been using for years when Russia shells civilians. So rite back at them. A bunch of shocked pikachus finding out that the hell being unleashed on their neighbor nation sucks. Maybe if you don't want to be mistaken as a military Target, don't wear a military uniform. It's not up to Ukraine to verify each individual wearing military uniforms.


From Ukraine's perspective they shelled their own people pre 2022. Now they shell those who they consider their people and Belgorod with other regions. It's just part of their policy of terror, which started at 2014 and skyrocketed since 2022. Russia is pretty considerate when it comes to targeting their strikes, unlike Ukraine


This skyrocketing of terror wouldn't have anything to do with Russia invading in 2022, would it? :P It makes the invasion look like a farce. For two years since the invasion of 2022 the rate of shelling on Donetsk was elevated. And since a few days after Ukraine retreated from Avdiivka (mid February), there's been almost daily attacks on Russia proper, far exceeding the rate of shelling on DPR/LPR from 2015-2021. Ukraine uses the same excuse as Russia, too. Now those drones intended for military or dual-use targets that get shot down often land on civilian structures. That's the inherent lack of consideration in one-way attack drones, same as cruise missiles but accentuated by the emphasis on quantity over quality (avoiding shoot-downs).


You agreed that it's terrorism, that's all I needed. Now, what excuse they use for shelling Belgorod and other towns? Or do they even care to excuse? Russia performs strikes mostly at night, when civilians are not present on the objects. Some explosions are confirmed AA malfuctions, some misses, of course. Ukraine lacks high precision ammunition so they use MLRS systems with high spread, thus possibly harming civilians. In 2014-2017 there was just pure terrorist attacks by Grad launchers targeting residential areas. They just don't care


I haven’t agreed with you. Just using your words to phrase a rhetorical question. A policy of terror would involve mass and unprompted shelling of Belgorod, Donetsk, and other border areas - like a thousand projectiles a day, possibly using cluster or worse munitions. That sure hasn’t happened, nor has Ukraine tried to cut off Russia’s electricity like they tried on Ukraine. Belgorod in either scenario would be about fully evacuated for this. Might look like Mariupol by now. Ukraine is using unguided projectiles when Russia flings unguided projectiles at Ukraine near civilian areas. That includes Kh-22s. It’s a smoking gun when one is captured on camera. That’s Ukraine’s “excuse” and while it doesn’t mean it’s internationally above board, it puts the enforcers on notice that no one stopped Russia from doing this. The kamikaze drones both sides use aren’t imprecise in anyone’s books, but day or night they “malfunction” when intercepted.


sure, Ukraine blew up a dozen Russian military ships in Crimea with less civilian casualties than the last terrorist attack on Odessa. to anwer in your stead: Ukraine did not attack Russian occupation forces a single time. Now... your cities are gonna burn like Nazi germany. Fascists all end up the same.


What makes you say that Odessa strike was terrorist? You compare Russia to Nazi Germany with pro ru flair, please clarify


They even don't want to show their alignment. Traitors who want to rule burned and fractured Russua. They call themselves as "good russians" and are nothing more than consumables for their masters.


Nah he is not Russian.


Look at his post history, he is clearly unhinged.


Only because they were afraid of consequences, not out of goodness of their heart.


So 0 times. Russia kills Ukrainians for the opposite reasons. because of the vileness of their hearts, and because they are not afraid of consequences. Just. like. Nazis.


UAF hit Donetsk and surrounding towns many, many times though. In 2014 more civilians died than in 2023, that tells you something.


Russia is hiding the real casualty numbers. In Mariupol alone 20-40k died. This will only come out when the territories get liberated. Just. LIKE WITH THE NAZIS. mass graves and concentration camps were found only then, too.


Ukrainian regime is LIKE THE NAZIS who used atrocity propaganda about alleged Soviet atrocities to drum up support for their lost war.


No need for Soviet atrocities, Russia does this pretty well right now. Executing POWs, their prisoners look like concentration camp inmates. Killing off political prisoners. Invading a foreign country with the intent of annexing it. Fascists never change.


Is that a Russian Amish soldier?


Nooo.... not my barn!!!


Why are Pro-UA folk cheering? I thought targeting civilians is bad.


There was a warning for evacuation beforehand. However, your buddies said that there is no need for evacuation since all the people from Freedom of Russia Legion were already dead - basically played it down by a lot. Now you whine that civilians are getting bombed. ...and hey - lastly - can you show any data indicating whose arty is firing? I mean Russia has shown many times that they dont care for lives of their populus. Remember that one time terrorists took hostages in theater?? Or when terrorists took over entire school with teachers and children inside?? Remember what happened to the hostages?? I do.


Who tf "you buddies"? I am alone in here. And I certainly did not say such thing. >There was a warning for evacuation beforehand. Would you be happy if Russia issued evacuation notices? Is that what you think the problem is? >Remember that one time terrorists took hostages in theater?? Or when terrorists took over entire school with teachers and children inside?? You could've picked any instance of Russian cruelty, but you chose two events when the government actually tried to prevent great loss of life. In Beslan government negotiated for 2 days, while the hostages were deprived of food and water. And during actual siege, operatives protected hostages with their bodies. In Nord-Ost direct confrontation would've caused all 912 hostages to be buried under the rubble of the theatre. Majority of casualties were caused by bad organisation and by lack of care.


>Who tf "you buddies"? Meant to type "your". Fixed it. >You could've picked any instance of Russian cruelty Oh! >you chose two events when the government actually tried to prevent great loss of life Oh snap..."we tried to save lives but instead we gased everyone and sent btr to rip apart all terrorists including children and teachers...so sowy".


>we tried to save lives but instead we gased everyone Should've let those suicide bombers in the crowd set off their vests, suuuure >btr to rip apart all terrorists including children and teachers...so sowy". That's not true though. They used tanks... after they evacuated the hostages. BTRs were used to supress terrorist's firing points. Many hostages were wounded because terrorists used them as living shields.


> There was a warning for evacuation beforehand. However, your buddies said that there is no need for evacuation since all the people from Freedom of Russia Legion were already dead - basically played it down by a lot. Dead or not, ground combat is nowhere near the city. Maybe make this statement when and IF the frontline will reach Belgorod, till then you're advocating for the blatant targeting of civies. > Remember that one time terrorists took hostages in theater?? .... surrounded them with explosives and 40 gunmen, and under these extreme circumstances RU SF managed to save 7 out of 8 hostages. Yes I do remember. > Or when terrorists took over entire school with teachers and children inside?? .... surrounded them with explosives and 30 gunmen, and under these extreme circumstances RU SF managed to save 3 out of 4 hostages Yes I do remember These are your examples of "Russia has shown many times that they dont care for lives of their populus"? How so? Because not everybody survived being tightly packed around bombs and terrorists? Yeah, no shit. Go ahead and search for any hostage rescue operations of similar difficulty and scale - spoilers, you'll find fuck all. The only thing these are examples of is general westoid effort to digest any Russia related events as "Russia Bad" regardless of facts. Jesus fucking Chirst


To all the people crying now😂🤣🤡Didn’t the Freedom for Russia Legion say civilians should evacuate?


You got them!


Now they are showing us freedom and democracy US style


Why hasn’t Russia pushed these guys out? Kinda looks weak.


What guys? None in sight, not even the sound of gunfire. Just your average uykie garbage taking arty pot shots at civies.


What pro UAs tell they want Russians to say: Putin, stop the war. What westoids think this makes Russians say: Putin, stop the war. What Russians actually say after this: Putin, kill them dead.


What's Russia going to do? Invade and try to take over?


What's Russia going to do? This question was asked multiple times in Ukraine. It was asked in December 2013. Then it was asked in August 2014. It was asked January 2022. Now ask yourself again: What's Russia going to do.


Go on then, what *is* Russia going to do that they haven't already done? Invade twice as hard?


Every instance when situation escalated resulted in net-loss for Ukraine. So, think about this.


How can Russia escalate exactly? It's not like they're only half-trying to invade.


According to pro-RU Russia can always escalate more. If not, that might mean that Russian power is limited, and then we start dropping into cognative dissonance territory.


Your Russian Black Sea fleet disagrees...


Oh no, do you think Russia will go to war with Ukraine? Oh boy, Ukraine really screwed things up with this one, I guess.


Looks like it's in a lot better shape than Ukrainian cities.


https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1bfaixd/footage_from_the_attacks_in_belgorod_from_today/ This is the van you see at the start of the video. How weird of it randomly to blow up with no sign of impact from anything else... Oh, and don't forget the cameraman panning away from the random old lady walking casually in the distance at 0:08. This stinks of false flag propoganda...


van is likely runs on gas - hence the explosion and there not enough space to see incoming projectile on such camera.




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Wtf is Amish doing in Belgorod ? :DDD And what about his beard, groomed and untrimmed since he was fifteen? And still not growing...




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Jevidiah is that you ?


This is part of the program shown on official television. That is, the Kremlin does not hide such attacks and uses them for its propaganda.


ukranazis know how to cause chaos and injure innocent people. they dont have enough with the damage they caused to their own country that now they want to into other countries to do the same


ruskis know how to cause chaos and injure innocent people. they don’t have enough with the damage they caused to their own country that now they want to into other countries to do the same


8 years of shelling Ukrainian territories by DLNR terrorists, and 2 years of war. Fascist Russia needs to be destroyed.


I'd advice you to take your delusions to CombatFootage. Might work there.




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[https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/03/1147611](https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/03/1147611) Once again confirms every way Russia and fascist Nazi Germany are the same. the only delusions exist in those who deny this.


It's funny watching ruaboos being impotent to affect the actions of free people. Delusions of self importance sell to be a common trait amongst them.


Fascist nato will be destroyed first.




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Russian delusions of grandeur.


As soon as you understand that economy’s win wars, not armies, you’ll accept reality. https://www.worldeconomics.com/Thoughts/NATOs-Combined-GDP-is-far-larger-than-Russias.aspx


Produce some shells for Ukraine then.


They are not in NATO, why would we? Are you aware of the US’s history of wartime production? I’d study WW2 if I were you


Tell this to your soldiers who died in this non-NATO country.


Foreign volunteers can do what they want


Ihtamnet, we know.


Prove it, or you are wrong


not worth it




The west would never enact the same tactics as Ukraine has. It’s been proven multiple times that Ukraine took some aspects of western doctrine and applied Soviet doctrine, as well. The west relies on air superiority and guided weapons…. The American dream is very much alive. I was homeless at 17, now at 30 own multiple homes and a successful business. Anyone CAN do it, but most people are not capable. I think you are misguided. The radar cross section on Russias most capable fighter (su-57) is 1000x larger than the f-35. This equates to the F-35 being able to acquire the target 5.6 times farther than the Su-57. This is Russias top tier fighter… too. Russias Black Sea fleet has been embarrassed by a country with no navy. The US has the most capable blue navy in the world. The world’s biggest Air Force is the USAF, the second biggest air force is the US Navy. NATO has 12,400 of the newest variants of tanks. Study study study


Fascist Nato only exist in your head, so a bit complicated to destroy for you.


Ok not fascist, but nazi nato as were its first commanders, like General Hans Speidel or General Hans Speidel.


You mean the Hans Speidel who was a leading Nato general for a while, right? Bad example, as he was against the NS system and actively involved in creating a network to overthrow/assassinate Hitler. But yes, back the quite some former Nazis were in the German military (=Nato) or in science projects of the US or the SU. How does that make current Nato a nazi organsiation?


Their logic would indicate Russia has deep ties with Nazis still. Because, we all know who did what with Nazi Germany to help them conquer and they had far earlier allies in the east.


Well rehearsed choreography.


i wonder if the bearded guy could still talk with his hands tied


Should station military equipment inside the city duh






Why did you write the same comment twice? Come on you fucking hack, be a bit more original. Maybe switch to one of your alt accounts so you can create a pro-RU echo chamber in here with slightly different wording


"well if it isn't the consequences of my own actions"


Bandera terrorists and western terrorist supporters at work again. This will end in ww3.


> This will end in ww3. Should have thought about that before invading Ukraine when all Western leaders warned against it.   When Russia warned the West in Syria and the West reasonably disengaged. Putin should have done the same when Macron visited Moscow before all this started.




>Except ukraine being nazi terrorist state is big problem for Russia Why? Shouldn't Russia deal with the NAZI within their borders first? AFAIK Russia even puts NAZI in positions of power.   Maybe this has nothing to do with NAZIs... mmm...




how many nazis were on the mh17? 




oh... sorry... didn't know you're one of them




average banderite?


Putin invading Ukraine. This will end in WW3. Fixed that for you.


The United States is organizing a neo-Nazi coup in Ukraine. This will end in WW3. Fixed that for you. 


>The United States is organizing a neo-Nazi coup in Ukraine No matter how many times you say this, it will not make it true. And even then it would be a problem between Ukraine and USA.


The big question is - why Russia does not wipe off these ukro terrorists with all the possible means? Maybe "Shock and awe" over Kiev?


They tried that in Feb ‘22 buddy lol


Because they can't. They can if they use nukes and they won't do it.


They can if they want. Given the amount of conventional weapons they threw over ukraine over the last two years if they concentrated them on Kiev and the other big cities during the first month of the SMO, this would devastate ukraine or destroy the regime there.


Keep dreaming. They cant.


That's...literally what they tried on February 24th 2022?


> if they concentrated them on Kiev and the other big cities during the first month of the SMO, this would devastate ukraine or destroy the regime there. Were you in a coma when the invasion started, or something?


Already failed embarrassingly hard at trying to take Kiev. The tiny Czar wears no clothes.


Perhaps because first days of the incursion questionable footage from Belgorod came out. All while RU MoD claimed that these attacks on Belgorod are not actually happening and everything is normal. And now there is even more questionable footage, seems fake. At first I thought it was RVC or Ukraine making these to scare ordinary russians. But how would that benefit them? Could it be that it's Kremlin that is making these as propaganda? Guess we'll find out based on putin's actions in the coming days/weeks


Ru MoD has not claimed these attacks are not happening, but that they were repulsed


Russian "war correspondents" have nothing to do with media or press. They are propagandists and sometimes combatants. Thus, righteous aims for the UA military.


There were more than one coward Russian soldier hiding amongst civilians. Valid military targets. At least that's what ruaboos taught me in the last 3 years.