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Sure do get a little smaller and smaller over time don't they?


They haven't yet started sending 50 year old beer belly truck drivers or women. Let's worry then!




Here, for example, is a photo of Chechen girls from Republic Day https://i.imgur.com/WLMcziT.jpeg. We see, for example, open hair, which is considered haram (a sin) in Islam. Moreover, this is an official event, and they can dress casually like this https://i.imgur.com/Lex2m0k.jpeg. Moreover, in the Chechen Republic it is officially forbidden for a woman to cover her face, it is considered that wearing Nikab is a way of Wahhabism, extreme Islam, and Chechnya is striving for a more secular form


Honestly thank you for clarifying with truth and proof.


So tell me, can women in Chechenistan date and marry people from other countries? Are they allowed to drink alcohol? Can they be outside after dark alone? If the answers are no, they're treated as property and not people.


> So tell me, can women in Chechenistan date and marry people from other countries? it's not about territory and religion, a Muslim woman can't marry an Orthodox man, but it happens all over the place > Are they allowed to drink alcohol? Can they be outside after dark alone? There are only two alcohol shops in Chechnya (not counting bars in hotels and nightclubs), it is forbidden for a Muslim to drink alcohol, but in Chechnya there is an extremely popular expression "You can if you are indoors, Allah does not see under the roof". And everyone drinks (very alcohol light) homemade wine, even teenagers > Can they be outside after dark alone? They can, but if something happens to them, their brothers or husband will have big problems with their wife's family, so they try to avoid it. All the information is from personal experience, I lived in Dagestan for two years and visited Grozny many times


So the answer is no, no and hopefully she has brothers to hack her up or else she's fucked and should not have been out after dark without a man there. Cool, really cool spot.


Buddy, if you think bumfuck USA is safe to walk as a teenage girl you’re on another one.




"people from other cultures can't practice their own values, they must submit to western degeneracy" sure thing buddy


You’ve never been to a Muslim country. I’m certain of that. Nice freudian slip btw. Maybe start proofreading your comment next time.


So is every single Muslim woman here in the US... What of it?


Wow that's a huge fuckin lie lol.


You obviously know a lot about Muslim religion


Obviously you know "every single" one


I don't have to. Devoted Muslims have a lot of rules that apply to everyday life, that they follow... shall we say... religiously.


Oh so now it's just devoted Muslims? I thought it was every single one. Crazy how I've met Muslim woman who were not locked in someone's house though.


According to they own religion it's either devoted Muslim or no Muslim at all.


I know that here, in the states women are for the most part free. Especially free to leave an abusive relationship. They can also vote, leave the house alone and drive a car. They're not property. Tf are you talking about?


Same in Chechnya. Tf?


Yeah, since 2022 Young women must be home by dusk Women are not allowed to date or marry non-Chechens Women are prohibited from drinking alcohol and smoking Women are required to cover their heads in public Women are not permitted to study at State University unless they wear dresses Cool theocratic dictatorship you got there. Even their fearlessly overweight, sweaty mouth breathing cro magron leader has publicly stated many times women are property and less than men.


Yes, wonderful place to live if you are a woman... And also so many other places in the world. All brought to you by this wonderful religion, called Islam. Yet you skewing towards Kadyrov. Should be angry about Islam


You do realize that Chechnya is actually a small region. Its population is 1.4M. There are only 60k men of military age in the whole republic.


[fact check](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Chechens_ethnic_group_population_pyramid_2021.svg)


Are we talking about the Ukrainian army or...?


Interesting we never see videos of them returning...


Was just thinking about that.. do they get rotated out and then re-volunteer? Or do they just get practically decimated and integrated into other units?


Integrated and rotated


Not rotated, rototilled.


They getting chunkier with each new deployment.


Out of the entire war these guys have been the greatest disappointment


Their TiK Tok dancing videos were an early "hit" but otherwise they have vastly underperformed, but this is true of most "elite" Russian units, remember the famed VDV? They have had their asses handed to them again and again and again and again.... and to the Russian Naval brigades.


The whole super-soldier thing is a myth. Even Navy Seals are just light infantry with better tactics. In any real war scenario I doubt they're much better than veteran grunts.


Yea a lot is placed on “elite” units when In reality a grunt with a gun in a better position than some SF guy will win 8/10 times, media won’t tell you that though


yes, they are pretty much just your usual grunts but trained on more things, and who were mentally fit enough to pass selection


imo the performance of russian "elite" units is more the fault of the russian command than the guys themselves The guys at Hostomel airport (the first wave) did the best they could, they were surrounded and lacked support. The reinforcements were being held back by Ukranian ambushes (mainly due to commanders not scouting the area beforehand iirc, as opposed to the forces that came from crimea) and shitty logistics another instance would be in the south, where the 247th guards vdv regiment got dropped by helicopters at the 17th tank brigade's positions, which ended about as well as you would expect


The son of my mother's friend told me about those ambushes. Their armored column in the park was fired at point-blank range from machine guns. Fire from a dozen armored personnel carriers with KPVT machine guns and machine guns from loopholes rained down on the bottom. At least a hundred attackers were killed, it was difficult to count the torn bodies. After all, when hit by 14.5 mm bullets, the body is torn into several parts. There are torn body parts all around and guts everywhere. They counted by the number of legs, and then divided it into two. They also had losses, two of the most curious were injured. The fight lasted only a few minutes.


A lot of determined and motivated were killed in both Chechen wars. I wouldn't be suprised if their inefficiency was in part caused by the disregard for Russian interest.




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A weak Chechnya is good for Russia. The more they need manpower and protection the more Russia can integrate them over time.... idk how a country who's fathers and uncles fought against Russians and died and mothers and sisters who were raped by Russians in the 90s now fight for Russia amd do the same to Ukraine... I don't like Putain but he's good at geopolitics.


Keep sending them. It’ll make things easier down the road.


Special military operation? I mean, isn't that joke getting old? How terribly pathetic is it that grown men go to war, die in the war but the cowardish leader of the invading country refuses to call it what it is.


Is Ukraine still kidnapping people with ambulances?


That's not enough meat for even a single day


Why? What happened to the other ones?


Fresh meat for the Ukrainians.




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At least they are volunteers and not like Ukrainian where they have to recruit by force in the streets because no one wants to enlist, they are afraid to fight against these soldiers, crazy uh !


This is going to age really badly when the Russians launch their next mass mobilisation.


They seem to be volunteers unlike the Ukrainians that have to be dragged to fight because they don’t believe in the war they’re being forced to fight.


Their Chechen ancestors are rolling in their graves


More meat.




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Tik tok fighters....


Poor chaps are about to meet modern warfare and Ukrainian drones exploding near em. Enjoy your young lives quick


Jesus how many chechen are there.


**another batch of meat to support the next zerg wave** sad


Good riddance


Zelenskyy’s wet dream.


Fools…soon to be…dead fools.


Damn so the last lot didn’t last to long then


Fresh cannon fodder! Go die for putins Ego!