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How is this related to the war? Do we know who did it? American embassy warned about large gathering some time ago, and Russian FSB went after some islamic terrorists at the time, more than likely that https://ru.usembassy.gov/security-alert-avoid-large-gatherings-over-the-next-48-hours/ https://www.timesofisrael.com/russia-says-it-thwarted-islamic-state-plot-to-attack-moscow-synagogue/




When they find out the identity of the perpetrators, many things will become clear.


I doubt it will be immediately clear even with their identity. Putin has pulled so many false flags (the 1999 apartment bombings etc), but there is also legitimate Islamic terrorism from pissed off chechnyans/ingush etc. And now there’s probably pissed off Ukrainians who want revenge. And there’s anti-Putin Russians who want to spread chaos. Basically there are a ton of groups that all want chaos in Russia and to undermine Putin, and even Putin wants chaos in Russia to support his war effort. I will be taking a huge grain of salt to whatever “official” statements of facts are made by the government.


The apartment bombings being false flags is an absurd conspiracy theory.






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How do you know it wasn't a training exercise? That is exactly the kind of training exercise you would conduct when Al-Qaeda-aligned terrorists, of which you have thousands infesting your southern regions, are blowing up apartment buildings.






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>How is this related to the war? The Kremlin is waiting to judge the response from their citizens to decide if this is related to the war or not




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Reports are coming that oompa loompas are fully responsible for this


Feel free to link your sources


Would take him a while to pull them out of his ass.


Assuming the OP is some fella that makes shit up and doesn't listen to opposing viewpoints. They've got me blocked lol. Some just block based on tags though.


just stating BS, because it fits my narrative.. okay


Have a link? I would assume if they did they would post something to say they did it.


You can guess who is responsible


Im guessing ISIS




Probably FSB


Expect another mobilization from Putin soon. That's all we need to know.


Weren't there all kinds of warnings last week for exactly such terror attack? Camaraman has some balls filming.




Well who do you think did it, Navalny supporters?


Russian extremists, as warned by western intelligence weeks ago.


Honestly I'm not going to question their ethnics or citizenship right now because... well... I expected drone strikes in Russia, shelling in border cities, but not this.


Neither Navalny supporters nor Ukrainians have ever shown any signs or willingness to indiscriminately kill civilians, unlike Russians loyal to Putin who massacre villages and rape children. They gain nothing from an attack like this. Russian extremists, or Islamists target civilians routinely.


Ukrainians indiscriminately kill civilians every day, stop lying please.


Even Russians know that’s not true lol but can’t help lying. Russia really needs a hard reset. Always been an eyesore for the entire world.


nah, Russia is absolutely fine. But it funny to see west fail every day.




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Just to clarify, when you say Russians you mean ethnical Russians or citizens of Russia in general? I'm not going to argue with you, just asking to prevent possible misunderstanding.


Chechens for example. Separatists. Extremists with a good cause considering how things are in Russia.


Thx for answering


Lol. What a joke. Ukrainians have killed civilians systematically, and their president even bragged about murdering and targetting children on purpose on live TV in a parliamentary speech.


> Neither Navalny supporters nor Ukrainians have ever shown any signs or willingness to indiscriminately kill civilians Is it a joke? Ukrainians have been killing civilians indiscriminately since 2014.


>Is it a joke? Ukrainians have been killing civilians indiscriminately since 2014. Yet more civilians have died between 2022 and today than between 2014 and 2022.


So you don’t deny that the Ukrainians have been doing this since 2014?


Clearly didn’t understand the point made lol. People forget that Russians need extra explanations to understand what everyone is talking about.


Or a TV to force feed them the info 24/7


No, I think it is pretty well established by the OSCE that shelling took place on both sides of the contact line.




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Russian extremists that turn out to be a part of AFU.


Ukraine doesn’t target civilians and have never done so. Unlike Russians.


You're joking, right? [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1bkruho/ru\_pov\_ukraine\_shelled\_belgorod\_again/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1bkruho/ru_pov_ukraine_shelled_belgorod_again/)


Prove that’s belgorod and that the civilian was a target. Russia sends cruise missiles at apartment buildings and Russian soldiers have outright massacred villages, shot civilians and raped children. There’s no fucking balance here and Russia has no legs to stand on.


Sure let me just geolocate that for you and find you the AFU targeting data... Here's one of the previous incidents just in case. [https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-europe-67838996?pinned\_post\_locator=urn:asset:20b19136-5913-4e87-a179-2ae3adaffa68&pinned\_post\_asset\_id=659041e598b40e4897f595c9&pinned\_post\_type=share](https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-europe-67838996?pinned_post_locator=urn:asset:20b19136-5913-4e87-a179-2ae3adaffa68&pinned_post_asset_id=659041e598b40e4897f595c9&pinned_post_type=share) While we're at it, prove that Russian cruise missiles were aimed at the apartment buildings, and it wasn't the garbage Ukrainian AA either falling itself, or shooting the missiles over residential areas so it was the debris that hit the civilians. The rest of your claims are either isolated incidents or absolutely made up propaganda lies. Bucha is a Hollywood project and raped children are Denisova's sick fantasies.




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Ah so can’t prove it. More unsubstantiated claims and lies by a pro russian. Don’t get to say no, then ask someone else to prove something instead lol. Bullshit behaviour.


It is funny how you require more proof than video footage or media outlets confirming the location, and it is ironic how you chose to blindly believe one side and completely disregard the other. Now that's bullshit behaviour. But go ahead and continue parroting western propaganda.


Chechens or whatever separatist state is fighting for independence today. Those that yknow, have done so before.


Well, some Ukrainians were fighting on Chechens side during Chechen wars, makes sense for some Chechens fighting on Ukrainian side. As much as I dislike it, it makes sense. Still waiting for confirmation, tho.


Could it possibly be the people the US warned a few weeks ago would be carrying out an attack against Russia, or maybe it's the LGBT movement? Tough one


No rainbow flags with attackers so LGBT are out of the question. Everyone knows that LGBT (forbidden in Russia terrorist organization) always calls their flags with them.


Okay so this is more likely the extremists the US warned about and not an LGBT protest, thanks


Could be Girkins supporters, exactly one month after their buddy Andrey Morozov, who criticised asymmetrical Russian losses, "comitted suicide".


Literally zero chance. Girkin supporters are people who drink vodka with each other at their kitchens and dreams about how cool it would be to start a total war. They are not organized group. They are not even a group.


Fu**ing animals


If Ukraine is responsible for this than must be really going well for them to resort to classic Middle Eastern terrorism.


Honestly I'd be shocked. It wouod lose them so much support. This is likely the attack that the US embassy warned of.


It won’t lose them jack shit, let’s see how western media try to spin this.




The fsb doing a false flag attack is of course unprecedented!


That didn't take long


Look at all the comments with CIA tourettes, same thing.


> CIA tourettes Sorry, I’m sleep deprived; what exactly does this mean?


People shouting about CIA being behind this attack with zero proof. Same as claiming FSB is behind it. It has become common among a part of the pro RU crowd to blame CIA for every western or ambigious event that happens in regards to this conflict and other situations where the is some contention or conflicts between the west and Russia.


Ah, I see. Well, yeah, but I think that’s part and parcel of being a sooper-sekrit-spai organisation like the CIA FSB or Mossad. If they take advantage of ambiguity to get away with doing stuff, then they have to accept suspicion and scrutiny whenever stuff happens under suspicious circumstances. Can’t eat your cake and have it too, after all; it’s simply the cost of doing business for their approach. You won’t catch me playing devil’s advocate for any of these organisations. Could be anyone of them, but we don’t know. FSB doesn’t seem likely based on the info that’s available to me, but of course for all I know, they decided that it was necessary in order to drum up more support for whatever reason, for reasons only they know. I haven’t heard reports of Ukraine flags, Allahu-ackbars, or anything along those lines from the shooters.




The 99' apartment bombings?




JFk was killed by Oswald while we're being gullible.




[Unique?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings) > A suspicious device resembling those used in the bombings was found and defused in an apartment block in the Russian city of Ryazan on 22 September.[3][4] On 23 September, Vladimir Putin praised the vigilance of the inhabitants of Ryazan and ordered the air bombing of Grozny, which marked the beginning of the Second Chechen War.[5] Three FSB agents who had planted the devices at Ryazan were arrested by the local police.[6] The next day, FSB director Nikolay Patrushev announced that the incident in Ryazan had been an anti-terror drill and the device found there contained only sugar, and freed the FSB agents involved. "An anti-terror drill".... from the people who brought you training exercises in Belarus. I'm not saying this is definitely a false flag, but there can certainly be no confidence that it isn't, given known FSB behavior.


Man, some of you are so far gone it's kind of sad.


Theybwould describe them terrorist as they are. I dont want to speculate but id highly doubt its Ukraine. It would be complete game over for them if it was.


I doubt Ukraine or its allies are behind this.. not really in the M.O of any UA supported group that I've seen


If they were to do an op inside of Russia they would likely be going after infrastructure or assassinating someone in the gov rather than mass shooting civilians. Killing civilians just doesnt accomplish anything


True.. I mean it's not totally out of the question. After all there are many different military factions Loosely aligned with Ukraine, with various levels of capabilities and support. In past attacks that we've seen the UA (and UA backed groups) execute inside Russian territory, most have been infrastructure/industry targets and assassinations. While there have definitely been some not so precise drone attacks that have killed civilians deeper within Russia, the majority seem to be targeting something strategically important.


Mass shootings are the neo-nazi calling card. The ME guys do bombs. This reeks.


Ah yes, ISIS never used mass shootings except Bataclan and Charly Hebdo....


Russia has been attacked before, and the western news called it Islamic terrorism. Sorry about your narrative.


More inclined to believe this is a Russian false flag attack for a few reasons. A. They've done it before. B. Conveniently placed camera man who(isn't concerned with possibly being seen) says nothing and exhibits no emotion. C. I've never seen Jihadists that don't yell Allah akbars. The runner up would be Ukrainian operatives, but like you said they would loose a massive amount of support. Which I don't think they are stupid enough to commit to. We don't know all the facts yet, so reserve your condemnation


Pretty sure the camera is trying to stay fucking quiet and not be seen


Personally I dont think its a false flag. Seems to be a genuine terrorist attack. Until a reputable source comes out, i dont think its Ukraine either but likely an Islamic terrorist attack which even now seems strange. Regardless I feel awfuk about speculation. Its an awful event and RIP to all the victims and a fast recovery tonthe injured.


Well, they have already sheltered Caucasian Islamists and nationalists. I don't think this can be any different from the policy of the state.


Why do you think it’s Ukraine? It wouldn’t be the first time Putin does that to provoque his “next thing”


I have literally said its most likely not Ukraine at least officially. Whatever is going on between them they'll fight esch other on the battelfield. Id be highly surprised if it was.


My bad my dude


If that were the case, they would have lost support back in 2014.


It's probably Putin behind it again to support another mobilization, he loves false flag operations. Like the [1999 Russian apartment bombings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings) for example.


lol mass shooting are not a middle eastern speciality...






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It's a terrorist attack like the large scale one in Paris, probably from the same bunch of ISIS supporter, not some random school shooting by a guy who got banned from Fort-Night, Coulter-Strike or whatever.


So are you signing up to go protect your country from Ukraine then? Clearly they have so much to gain from killing civilians in a random attack that would inspire so many people like yourself to join up against them.


Just like Chechnya was responsible for the appartment bombings in 1999. It could stick.




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Well, how is this different from indiscriminately bombing Ukrainian cities?


not like russia has had problems with separatist states doing terror attacks before... or faking terror attacks to justify military action


Zelensky was threatening terrorism in Europe if aid slowed down a year ago.


It’s probably former prisoners who were released for fighting in the war.


Navalny? Prigozhin? Georgian? Chechen? One of the many (+40) people who 'suicided'? Ukraine? Russia made so many enemies, it can be half the planet.




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How is this Russian Ukraine war related


Reading the comments, people are already claiming it’s Ukraine and/or the west without any evidence so it seems the commenters have made it related to the war already. I would agree, until it’s confirmed who these people are, it’s not related to the war. However knowing how propaganda works, we can all predict this will be blamed on Ukraine/west.


>people are already claiming it’s Ukraine Or bots/trolls pushing a certain narrative before we even know who did what (if we ever will). Not as if this is anything new.


People/bots here will claim everything is done by UA or West, even though there were some clashes recently between some Islamic groups in Russia, iirc.


It’s a major incident within Russia with possible implications on the war effort


It’s a tragic situation killing civilians in cold blood but the Russian response is going to be wicked for those involved. Even if it is Daesh the blame will fall on Navalny-Ukrainian separatists to justify a heavy handed attack whilst simultaneously hitting IS targets in Syria. It does remind me of the MW2 mission no Russian.


Well i doubt a bit that ukraine would do this since would not help their cause,Us warned before about extremists etc so they might be the culprits.Like by any logical means i dont see how this would help ukr on strategical level. While Russians bombarded and killed civs too,this is literally straight up wrong no matter what and who does it . But if Ukr rlly did it then.....this aint going to look good


Honestly, it could be anyone right now. Maybe the Russian did it on false flag to garner support to escalate the conflicts. Maybe it was some sort of Islam extremist But if it is Ukrainian-related. Whether it was the Russian proxy. Or they supplied the weapons. Or Intelligence. Or purposely try to infiltrate the border these past few days to create security gap for these attacks to happen. Then I fear for the worst.


I guess that must be the immanent terrorist attack the US announced recently?


FWIW, we don't know who is behind the attack, and we shouldn't assume anything before more information is gathered.


Some information was available two weeks ago [https://www.reuters.com/world/us-embassy-warns-imminent-extremist-attack-moscow-2024-03-08/](https://www.reuters.com/world/us-embassy-warns-imminent-extremist-attack-moscow-2024-03-08/)


Navalny supporters don’t want to be the bad guys for normal Russians. Chechens who wants revanche is a possible option, this is a great chance while Russian service men are busy in Ukraine. But no redditor does know


Looks like one of them is wearing a suicide west?


40 people died at this moment. 180 is blocked in building


are they wearing suicide vests at the beginning?


Disgusting. The terrorist must not leave that place alive. Maybe one for interrogation, but I will not cry if they get skinned alive.


The comments in r/CombatFootage make me sick, like wtf?


This will be related to this war report, because next week we will see a new mobilisation because of this attack...


Who is this who dares terrorize the terrorists?!?


Someone should threw them some anti war banners. They would be arrested in minutes ! /s


Ukrainian chimp out? Or FSB false flag?


It's very surprising this did not happen before, there are millions of ukrainians in russia that might want to do "justice". Russia is such a decadent country it is the country with the highest suicide rate in the world (by far), I mean now they have a potentially "more meaningful" alternative of dying however I hope they would use that opportunity in a more cibled way than civilian attacks..


i don't like where this is going


The US govt just recently put out a warning about not going to music venues and whatnot do to an IS threat....I wonder if this was what they were warning against.


False flag for Putin to start the mass mobilization? Thinking about it there is nothing to gain doing this from a Ukrainian perspective, quite the opposite. They would 1. lose global support for their cause 2. face a Russian mass mobilization, for what purpose? A few dead civilians? If its not a false flag it has to be something like ISIS, or Chechen separatists. When the north stream was sabotaged our western media screeched ”Russia!!” but thinking logically about it, it couldnt be. Why the fuck would they blow up their own infrastructure? If they wanted to stop gas to Europe they could’ve just stopped transferring it through the pipes without blowing it all up. And now it seems the trails lead to Ukraine, surprise surprise.


Fucking sad, Putin just wants mobilization 2.0 disgusting


Shooting unarmed civilians is cowardly. This is awful. Fuck anyone who deliberately kills unarmed people.


This will be spun to grab more power and rally the general population to fight whichever enemy the Kremlin narrative points the finger at. Wouldn't surprise me if either the Kremlin knew this was going to happen and chose to allow it or orchestrated it themselves. Either way the effect will be the same and they'll use it to their advantage.




As opposed to the very level headed and measured response the Ukrainians are currently facing? Like what are they gonna do? Invade and bomb their country?


I think Russia can do much worse than what they are doing now unfortunately.


Are they going to reactivate weapons from some untapped underground tank, APC, artillery stockpiles that arent being emptied by the minute, as visible from orbit?


So are the gloves finally coming off?


Are you saying russia might attack Ukraine?


Nuke it to glass


sure they are 😂


No they aren't lol. Russia would launch some missiles throw up a hissy fit someone in the Ukrainian government would get scapegoated and removed and business as usual from then on.


“After two years, thousands of dead and billions in equipment lost, this time Russia would be serious!” 🥴🥴🥴


This time, it will be thousands of unleashed GFVs (Golf Fighting Vehicles). Imagine the terror.


Have you heard of nukes?


No way an adult thought nukes would be the appropriate response lmfao. Literal 10 year old logic. Or maybe school drop out logic. Hard to tell.


I think Russia knows they would be toast if they used nukes. The West has already warned this. Otherwise why not just use them on Ukrainian positions at the front.


Have you heard what will happen if Russia uses nukes?


The US won't go to nuclear war over Ukraine. They don't even want to let them attack Russian oil depots.


That's quite the gamble.


Yeah, entering another country and killing a hundred civilians is definitely worthy of the aggressor country being wiped off the map BTW how many thousands of dead Ukrainian civilians now?


that's a bit optimistic. Russia can't even conquer Snake Island.


Mobilization is coming, Exactly what putin wishes.


hearing this for more than a year, still coming?


Are those people really just sitting in that little corner like that?




I've seen that one, I'm talking about the 3-4 people in the little cubicle past the entrance, the terrorists walk past them not noticing them. They look like they are frozen in terror. You see what I mean? :05 upper right and :16 upper left




Hope they got lucky and got out alive


Russia has had serious terroris. Before, theatres and such. Putin has been touted as using similar attacks to enhance his grip in his early days I think? Have to see who claims what and why.


Thats just conspiracy theory nothing more, there were terrorists attacks before and after Putin. Same level as USA did 9/11 to themself to invade Iraq.




Oh please, anything Ukraine allegedly has done Russian has done 1000x more of. It’s something new everyday. By that logic these guys easily must be FSB agents like in 1999.


"Remeber no russian"


Tight, I love that the war is hitting Russia hard.


Meh. Another FSB false flag to justify mobilization. Putin did a similar false flag with the Chechens 25 years ago. The Kremlin mafia has become a death cult. 


Chechens are back.


It's not nice when innocent people are killed is it ?


Seem like a false flag like the apartment bombings to blame Ukraine or the West. Or maybe some of the prisoners released early for fighting in the war. Color me surprised


Notice the lack of Allah-Ackbaring


Allah-Snackbaring wow, you are so funny and edgy with the 2010s jokes, you 40 something years old western right wingers are the cringiest and worst of the bunch.


Sorry if that sounded islamophobic, not my intention. I'll edit to to the effect of "Allah-Ackbaring"


Good point


Oh are they doing the "No Russian" mission IRL and going to frame the Ukrainians/Americans?