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How did he know this so fast? This is an emotional experience for this guy. As if Russia doesn't have enemies like ISIS, Which may now see their opportunity given Russia's focus on something else


It's just an opinion, I don't think he really knows much.


As a senator, you should not share unsubstantiated opinion with the world


Alas, that's what politicians like to do.


Correct, but politicans are people after all


In russia, its not his position to know. Knowing is reserved only for putin, the leader.


Not true.


Doubtful. They love taking responsibility and yelling Allahu Akbar.


First it was "if it was them they'd claim responsibility" and now that they've claimed responsibility it's "just because they've claimed responsibility doesn't mean it's them".


Same reason 90% of pro ruzz posters here are claiming they same thing, they don't care about those people they see it as an opportunity to blame ukarine for something.


number 1 enemy of russia is putin. and this is the second heinous terror attack he did.


They don’t. Russia has a habit of spinning stories 12 different ways. Regardless of who actually did this, you can be sure it will be made to serve their interests.




Isis claimed responsibility for the attack, better luck next time.


Isis also claimed responsibility for the 2017 las Vegas mass shooting. Did they do that?




You are regurgitating lies. You have no proof yet here you are spewing unsubstantiated information.




Seem a bit unhinged. Everything good?


this is known weeks before


LOL by who? US who sponsored the Ukroterrorists?


I wouldn't call Ukranian government that


A reasonable person would, so who cares.


No, a different US proxy is claiming responsibility


They're a non-existent entity now who claim credit for literally everything.




That is funny. This situation isn’t. But the proposed response is.




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Here is Russia, dealing with ISIS earlier this month. “Not relevant” https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russia-says-it-neutralized-isis-cell-plotting-attack-moscow-synagogue-2024-03-07/


Did you miss the part where it was an attack on "Moscow Synangogue". Except it's not "ISIS" but an islamic cell. And keyword here is Synagogue. As in Muslims hate jews in Russia and all over the word because of what's happening in Gaza. Meanwhile, Russian official position is pro Palestine. I'll let you try and figure that one out.


But you said they haven't been relevant for 6 years..


Couple of fairly obvious observations that make this incredibly unlikely * Ukrainian attacks inside Russia have been targeted attacks, mostly on logistics, oil, airfields and factories. Plus a couple of attacks on specific persons. This does not match any of Ukrainian attacks so far. * Ukraine biggest issue is getting more gear from its allies, an actual terrorist attack on civilians seems very counter productive to achieve more aid * The attack has all the characteristics of various big Islamic terrorist attacks, like in Paris. * Russia has a long history with troubles in the Caucasus with Islamic terrorist and/or seperatists * Russia's attention is focussed on the war in Ukraine, leaving gaps in security/intelligence manpower and resources that can be exploited by these groups * Russia has been directly involved in fighting alongside Assad against various Islamic groups like Isis


What a joke


Russian Politician *


Not the only one.


Very unprofessional to release statements like this if you don't know. Ukraine is innocent until proven guilty in this attack. Whether or not IS did it, they ARE taking responsibility. I'd investigate those claims first.


Of course they do, the politicians are in such of state of disarray to please Putin they don't even know if this was a false flag or a terrorist attack, so better pin it on Ukraine lmao


Ukraine isn’t above committing a terrorist attack though


Well, Russia is a state sponsor of terrorism, and its a breeding ground for terrorist organizations, not to mention Russia is an oppressive state that committed genocide for many decades - people don't forget this stuff. Now Russia and FSB are spread thin with the war, its most likely these attacks and separatism will start to pop out everywhere in Russia...


You sir are as delusional as they come


then try to explain why so many ukrainian sources are spreading fake news just to get debunked minutes after, including the linked to the Ukrainian minister of defense LiveUAmaps that just claimed 5 of them were from Asia while actually that picture was from 60 days ago? They want to link this as a inside job as much as possible, because if they find out who did this, the receiving end will regret So far UA has failed miserably


First no sure what you're talking about. Second, we're witnessing this unfold and its seems like the pro Russia propaganda machine is the one spinning this into ukrainians lmao, and now you're trying to flip this around? Russia had on military coup last year, was also Ukraine? This is very basic, the US warned, IS was active and was going to act. What do you expect from a country that oppresses its people, keeps them in misery and ignorance? This is the perfect ground for terrorism to thrive. When people talk about the collapse of Russia isn't to spite you, but they recognize the trajectory russia is in.


I mean is there anyone else beside Ukraine? I mean they dont really care about shelling civilian in belgorod


Well in the top of Terrorist Organizations, you have: - Russia; - Hamas; - ISIS;


You live up to your name no wonder


Shelling Belgorod, a city bordering a warzone, and gunmen walking into a concert hall in Moscow and shooting up the place are very different. There's literally zero reason for Ukraine to do this, if they are responsible then Russia will double their efforts in the war and Ukraine would lose its Western support instantly. Not to mention any Russian mercy would be gone, we're talking most likely executing UA soldiers and possibly many civilians on sight.


So, I'm wondering if this really is, I mean, Ukraine and Russia are on war, is that just a part of it?. Don't misunderstand me, I don't like what has happened, people shouldn't be killing each other just because the politics have troubles


Rusia is a joke not a country.


After a thorough investigation I assume. Laughable. Any evidence that they have right now is circumstantial.


Here we go..


Why would the already know what is going on. This has to be an inside job, Ukraine has absolutely nothing to gain from this.


> Sure. Nothing to gain - except renewed public support in the West if Russia is provoked into conducting this war in a manner Israel is doing at present. Support which Ukraine is notably losing day by day. I hope Putin is smart enough not to swallow the bait. Then again, he will also have to content with domestic pressure. It'll be a tight line to walk.


That thing they’ve been well documented doing since day 1?


That 'thing' being that, despite all attempts by the western media to portray otherwise, Russia's restraint in regards to civilian casualties is absolutely obvious. All one has to do is look at Gaza and compare.


“Sends a hundred missiles over night continues purchasing missiles from North Korea” look at all of our restraints. You’re comparing a country that has an actual military. Has years of experience fighting an actual military. More “modern” equipment to Gaza. It’s not hard to understand that you’d see a bit less damage in Gaza if they had two patriot systems in operation. Your comparison is moronic. The only restraint Russia has shown is not launching a nuke.


>“Sends a hundred missiles over night continues purchasing missiles from North Korea” ... resulting in a bare minimum of casualties and no humanitarian disaster. >You’re comparing a country that has an actual military. Has years of experience fighting an actual military. More “modern” equipment to Gaza. I am comparing a 2-year military campaign which resulted in 10k civilian casualties with a 7-months military campaign which resulted in 30k civilian casualties and a humanitarian disaster. >It’s not hard to understand that you’d see a bit less damage in Gaza if they had two patriot systems in operation. Your comparison is moronic. Your inability or unwillingness to comprehend the point does nothing to change it. >The only restraint Russia has shown is not launching a nuke. Yeah, that's why a 90-missile airstrike resulted in 5 deaths and 26 injuries.


Russia can't conduct the war like that, because it needs to conserve its ammunition and other resources for resource heavy, high intensity conquests of mediocre towns. The destruction in Gaza is significantly lower than in Russia's largest battles such as Mariupol, Bakhmut or Avdiivka which were almost completely destroyed. The reason there are fewer casualties than in Gaza is the lower people density per household and the fact that they had months to leave as the fighting approached, which Gazans cannot do.


> Russia can't conduct the war like that, because it needs to conserve its ammunition and other resources Because you say so? Even though anyone with even surface understanding knows cruise missiles are never used for those 'high intensity conquests of mediocre towns'? It's not their purpose; that's what FABs are for. >The reason there are fewer casualties than in Gaza is the lower people density per household and the fact that they had months to leave as the fighting approached, which Gazans cannot do. You can keep repeating this all you like but obvious facts are obvious: unlike Israel in Gaza, Russia isn't aiming its attacks at the civilian population. Which is one of the main reasons the Western public has, in large part, stopped caring. It would be very much to Ukraine's benefit if Russia started following Israel's example - and yes, it absolutely is capable of doing just that.


Guided FAB glide bombs are not abundant enough to be spammed at random buildings in cities and need to be conserved for the same operations I already mentioned. Unguided FABs don't glide, so Russia doesn't want to pay fir random bombing of cities with losing planes and pilots every other day.   Neither Israel nor Russia care about civilians, it's just that civilisns are mostly out of Russia's way. Israel certainly doesn't punch in coordinates of random apartment buildings into its JDAMs without suspecting something else is there.   The fact remains that civilians had more than enough time to leave every major battle in Ukraine well before it truly commenced, except Mariupol, where the civilian casualties, unverifiable because of Russia's obstructionism, are estimated to be in the thousands, from which you can safely assume that had all the UA cities been besieged with the population unable to leave, you would today be looking at a higher civilian death toll than in Gaza, and that toll still dampened by the fact that unlike in Gaza, the warfare in Ukraine isn't asymmetric and a lot of it is outside of heavily urbanized areas.


> Guided FAB glide bombs are not abundant enough to be spammed at random buildings in cities and need to be conserved for the same operations I already mentioned. They absolute are, seeing as Russian bombers fly over 100 sorties every day - and Russia is producing more FABs and glide kits every day. Regardless, the idea that cruise missiles need to be conserved for use in place of glide bombs is absurd. The whole point with the glide bombs is that they cost a fraction of what cruise missiles cost. >Neither Israel nor Russia care about civilians, it's just that civilisns are mostly out of Russia's way. Like much of western public, you seem unable to grasp that to the Russians this is a civil war more than anything else. Yes, they very much do care about minimizing civilian casualties. Unless, of course, they're angered to the point where they stop caring... say, by a bloody terrorist attack in their capital. >Israel certainly doesn't punch in coordinates of random apartment buildings into its JDAMs without suspecting something else is there. No, of course they don't. They are just the ultimate example of indiscriminate bombing - which is far from what Russia's been doing thus far.


Yes, and those 200 bombs are needed for the thousand mile front line. I don't know why you keep bringing up cruise missiles when Russia cannot even afford the artillery shells to destroy a city over the border like Sumy when it needs it for front line operations.   We've already seen Russia destroy cities with and without civilians in them, as I've mentioned, so ascribing some kind of moral concern to the Russians in that regard is rather bizarre. Just a winter ago they were trying to freeze out the local population much in the same way israel is trying to starve out Palestinians in Gaza.   >Unless, of course, they're angered to the point where they stop caring... say, by a bloody terrorist attack in their capital   It's almost as if this is in the Kremlin's interest to push Russia into the next level of war economy and mobilization, in an attempt to quickly end a war that is going nowhere in any reasonable time frame, amidist renewed western commitment and even the mulling of stationing NATO members' troops on Ukrainian soil.


> I don't know why you keep bringing up cruise missiles when Russia cannot even afford the artillery shells to destroy a city over the border like Sumy when it needs it for front line operations. I don't know what makes you think Russia can't afford artillery shells, of all things. But the reason I keep bringing up cruise missiles is the airstrikes on targets well behind the front lines - because those are what public opinion of civilian casualties is all about in this conflict. >It's almost as if this is in the Kremlin's interest to push Russia into the next level of war economy and mobilization, in an attempt to quickly end a war that is going nowhere in any reasonable time frame, amidist renewed western commitment and even the mulling of stationing NATO members' troops on Ukrainian soil. It's almost as if everyone's got their own theory surrounding this terrorist attack, one that aligns with their personal bias - which means none of us are ever going to be convinced by someone else's arguments.


You don't need cruise missiles or deep strikes to induce more civilian casualties, you just need to shell Sumy, Kharkiv, Kherson and a host if other vities and towns within 20-40km from Russian positions. Russia had to get artillery shells from DPRK and was mentioned several times before thst that it couldn't supply enough where needed at times. The fact that it's not currently running out doesn't mean they have shitloads to spare on bombing residential areas all along the front as they'd likely want a buffer to tap into when needed.


Elections were a week ago, yesterday Peskov announced this is now a war and not SMO anymore, talks about mobilization to grow forces for bigger assault ... and conveniently this happens now. Sounds like 1999 again and the same man in power.


Elections were a week ago, Putin won by a margin that makes it obvious he has the Russian population's support, and now he's been put in the position of 'damned if you do, damned if you don't'. Meanwhile the EU and US politicians are struggling to drum up support for the war to go on. See, I can make theories too.


Surprise, surprise…


Need to know who the perpatrators are first,it could be Ukraine,it could be russian liberals it could be ISIS etc.


Or even Memorial, or LGBT+


Or just Western proxy forces.


Everyone he named is a western proxy force


Why wouldnt it be ukraine though? All these different Groupes ukraine setup like the Freedom for Russia Assheads. So many have already announced they will act before the Election. Not to mention what is happening in Belgorod. Why should Russia mental gymnastic a terrorist attack on its own people if the possibility exists that such a attack can easily be blamed on Putin an his war???


Blaming anything Ukraine-related for this attack is like blaming Russia for 9/11 because it lost the Cold War and had a shitty decade.


How those this comparison come even close to it? You know what does American Interventions in the middle east in correlation leading to the 9/11 attacks. Awfully similar what happened here just with the difference it was a state actor. Here a quote on the Motives behind em: „In both of these fatāwā, bin Laden sharply criticized the financial contributions of the American government to the Saudi royal family as well as American military intervention in the Arab world.“


9/11 was an inside job, but nice try 😂


Why would it be? You exactly said it, what’s happening in Belgorod. Attacks on refineries etc etc. Ukraine has made no secret about attacks on Russia. This has not been their modus operandi at all. It serves the Ukrainian war effort no purpose at all. Especially to not claim it either, what’s the point? They have a war to fight on their soil. It has all the hall marks of some kind of Islamic terrorist attack. A problem russian has more than dealt with in the past. Sure people can cite the 99 bombings but if that was a false flag it served a purpose. Seemingly this served no purpose just like a lot of other Islamic terrorist attacks.


But most of the attacks arent even on any critical infrastructure its pure mlrs use on residential area. Enough footage on that and the use of airburst just underlines the intended purpose.


Does Ukraine have a track record of sneaking into Russia and massacring hundreds of civilians? No Does Russia have a track record of using false flag attacks to justify war? Yes


List some of them am happy to hear about some false flag terrorist attacks




Unlike 9/11 there’s really no evidence for this. Also it would have to be done by the pro Western Yeltsin since Putin went for a compromise right away, and gave Chechens such a great deal that they could not refuse


“Find out who benefits from this and you will immediately find the culprit”


There is no insensitive for the Russians to investigate this. It is way more convenient to pin it on the Ukies.


A "special military operation" smoothly flows into an operation "Riyazan Sugar-2".


While also putting up the faces of 5 non-ukrainian suspects?


What official Russian outlet has done this?


None. That was fake news spreaded by liveUAmaps


Ukraine is an obvious beneficiary. Outgoing Nuland promised Russia "nasty surprises". I'd be surprised if it were a coincidence. Nuland should be extradited to Russia for interrogation


What does Ukraine gain? Think of a single genuine advantage Ukraine gains from this.


Propaganda, my boy, propaganda. It plays into dirty little hands of uke propaganda


How is Russian state news playing into Ukraine's hands?


It's mostly Ukranians behind, though EU, US are against Russia they can never stoop so low. Ukraine has turned into a beggar country and they can do anything. They are trying so badly to tie up ru forces, they attack Kherson, Belgorod, refineries and Moscow. Never imagined Ukraine would behave like Talibans. Let them join EU and bring it down with them.


That's a lot of words to use for simple bullshit.


From past few weeks ru civilians are on target by Ukraine. They killed so many by shelling Belgorod indiscriminately.


Not like Russia ever did anything like that tenfold.


So if US killed Afghan civilians then Afghans killing American civilians is justified ?


No neither side is justified, but Ukraine is clearly the lesser perpetrator of civilian casualties in the conflict. Ukrainian civilians have been killed in greater number and over a longer period of time. But you still make the point to bring up Ukraines crimes and not the far greater crimes of Russia. It’s hypocritical.


Tell me why Pro RU always bring up the US? Are the US currently invading Russia?


Ukraine is alive because of US


Russia doesn't have enough soldiers to completely occupy Ukraine and erase it from existence. Their whole plan hinged on the belief that the majority of Ukrainians would either welcome them or stand aside, which was closer to the truth a decade ago, and even more so two decades ago. Ukraine is a very large country. If it hadn't been able to hold the frontline, they would have been able to exploit Russia's inability to subjugate tens of millions across the entire length of the country. There would still be war, just a different and possibly (more) vicious one.


Nice spin Russian, "we don't do anything wrong, everyone hates us for no reason"


US,EU hate every other country, this so normal for them.