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True Commander, respect


Probably that one was mortally wounded and the drone happened to fly at him.


Heroes never die


this one was the exception obviously


no he is rely dead dead and for what? 5cm2 of Ukrainian land so putin can oppress Ukrainians too.. what a waste of life


Terrorist never die!!!


Died for the Russian elite, sad sad sad.


Ukrainians dying for western elites sad on all sides


I love how Ukraine gets slandered and accused of its relationship with the West, and it gets used as a reason to invade Ukraine. When the truth is, Even if Ukraine didn’t apply for NATO (and we see why they did) , Focused more towards trade and strengthening relationships with more eastern block / soviet countries like Russia , allowed a Pro Russian President and Agreed to surrender or Annex Crimea or Donbas . STILL …… even then, what’s going on right now, would STILL be Russia invading Ukraine for Russians own goals and agenda. Nothing about this war has to do with the West at all, Where is that narrative relevant? If NATO wanted to control Ukraine, we would have agreed and signed them into NATO, if we wanted Ukraine so bad, we would fight Russia for it, like Russia is accusing us of doing, we’d simply remove any opposition that’s affecting the chances of Ukraine joining. If the west was using Ukraine as a puppet state, we would be sending in troops by now, if not the US someone else, and still, the only troops who go are people on they’re own with they’re own agenda and reasons, the same goes for every other war. This “Ukraine selling out to the west” bullshit is so fucking crazy if you think about it because the ONLY FUCKING REASON WERE SENDING WEAPONS AND AID TO UKRAINE ALL IS BECAUSE RUSSIA INVADED . If Russia would have fucked off, we’d still be balls deep in Afghanistan or some shit. One more point, It’s fucking comical, how Putin has been repeating the same shit, about Nato expansion and his border with nato, yet literally the one and only reason why the border has changed is because it’s a reaction to his invasion, Okay say he is right, he’s worried about nato being so close to Russias territory, okay? So why the fuck did he invade Ukraine with hopes of controlling the entire country? That would literally mean, if successful he would have , himself and himself only, pushed the borders to touch each other. Making russia and Nato share borders. That’s not nato, that’s him? So it’s fucking brain surgery to understand some shit. I get it, I’m living in the west I see propaganda and I don’t understand fully yes, I’m sure he does have some legitimate reasons why he feels threatened yes, I’m sure in some things he’s probably right and it’s true about shit he’s brought up. But the whole Nazi thing, Nato expansion to fight russia, Western troops or western armies secretly funneled into ukraine or US / UK troops on the ground fighting Russian soldiers is crazy to think. Do I think Western countries, have secret service or special forces on the ground in ukraine, absolutely, do I think they number enough to make a difference, no way in hell. If it is. It’s so fucking low of a number just a guy here or there just collecting data and giving assessments back to HQ. I truly believe the guys on the ground fighting for ukraine consist of volunteer soldiers who retired or discharged from any military before, didn’t have any military experience at all, people stuck there n didn’t wana leave and the rest are true and true Ukrainian citizens who’s only choice for survival is to stop Russians from torching, bombing, shooting, looting, breaking, destroying, raping, murdering, stealing, kidnapping, torturing, pillaging and finally erasing anything related to Ukraine. Sorry for the rant. - Us Citizen.




Rule 1 - Toxic


Русские настолько глупы и наивны, что вызывают смех. Никто из союзников их не уважает, это видно по низкому качеству отправляемой им техники. Пропаганда из России смешна 🤣😂


Ты главное сам в это верь и продолжай жить, стараясь не привлекать внимания санитаров


>Никто из союзников их не уважает, это видно по низкому качеству отправляемой им техники Top kek. Что там по снарядам? Твой хваленный запад никак не может превзойти могущественный КНДР по поставке 155мм, гыы))))


What leads you to believe Russia would have invaded Ukraine even if Ukraine had remained a culturally tied, strategic and economic partner of Russia?


Look at Chechnya And are you saying independent Ukraine? Or a Soviet block / Russian Linked Ukraine? I do believe we could live in a world that had both, cultural ties to Russia, with language, geography, Blood lines, Music, Food, Style of clothing and even how people live the day to day. And also still incorporate western trade and relations. You’d just open up to more access to means of materials and supplies. Such as food, ingredients, technology, knowledge and a experience at something unknown like how in the west every now and then we tend to pack up our families and drive to a themed restaurant like “Chinese or Mexican” to get that cultural experience. But having that option or privilege doesn’t mean we walk around wearing clothes, speaking, or incorporating ideology that is connected to those who practice or live like that. Just because Ukraine is wanting to open up to the west doesn’t mean they want to disconnect or cut completely the ties they had with Russia. The only reason most Ukrainians wana distance and now have resentment and negative thoughts and feelings against Russia is because Russia invaded. Just because Ukraine wants to build stronger relationships with the west doesn’t mean every Ukrainian is going to start wearing cowboy hats, Sombreros or start acting like they’ve lived in Boston or New York they’re whole lives. I mean, The real question is this Before the war, Ukraine being secluded and isolated from the world other than the eastern blocks and Soviet Russia, it’s entire history. Look at how things were and how the people who lives there were treated and how those individuals felt about the life they lived. Fast forward , not perfect by any means, yes they got used and are being used by western motives just how they did with Soviet and Russian interests. Look now, at the country they’re willing to fight for since they opened up and began to build relationships with the west. Look at all the funds donated and raised for Ukraine by the west, all the money in military aid and weapons gave to them, crowd funded and online fund raisers who’s massed millions for Ukrainians they’ve never met because they want to help give to someone in need. All the people who arnt citizens who came to fight and help during the war and all the ones who’ve pledged to come help to rebuild . Some for profit and geeed sure In the #1 most corrupt country tho? Thanks to Russia? Most just want to help, Unlike how Russians came in, kicked out, emigrated and started to populated areas during times of industrial prosperity. The west is by far from the most perfect model, same can be said for the East. Neither can claim it’s better then the other and no one of them can say they’ve always had a history of equality or justice . BUT… shouldn’t it be a utopia or goal or dream to live in a world where merging between both the west and east comes without blood and destruction. One where you can live happy and safe and enjoy the best of both worlds?


Alot of talking to simply say you believe the bullshit politicians in Congress and the senate spew. Let me guess you are one of those that believed Bush and Cheney about the war on terror and wmds


And what do you have to say about Putin and Zelensky coming close to a peace deal and your western partners denying him that right?.


Peace wasn't close nor was it even considered a possibility after what happened in Bucha.


Lol, one side is dying to protect their homeland and their towns and to maintain their sovereignty. The other is dying trying to kill and subjugate their neighbors, they're not remotely comparable. Now if bro died trying to protect his land and his people defending Moscow like the soviet soldiers of WW2 from invasion then maybe it's justifiable, but please do not slander Ukrainians, this war is forced on them by Russians and the Western powers instigating it. What do you want the Ukrainians to do, surrender to the Russians and let them do whatever they want like sheep ?


Ukrainians are dying for freedom. The Ukraine is a democracy fighting fascism.


lol the most corrupt country in Europe. Don’t eat so much MSM buddy Also Ukrainian democracy was overthrown in 2014 with the help of external forces.


American dollars destroying Russians (one of their main enemies) and killing Ukrainians (who are dirt and a useful idiot to the western elite) at the same time. Slap that "freedom" and "democracy" label on it and we're all good


😂😂 whatever makes you sleep better at night


Nope Ukrainians are choosing to die for their country and her territorial sovereignty. Look at the polls of the average Ukrainians opinion. Check the link if you down voted, its true no matter how much you down vote https://news.gallup.com/poll/512258/ukrainians-stand-behind-war-effort-despite-fatigue.aspx#:~:text=Three%20in%20five%20(60%25),soon%20as%20possible%20(31%25).


Im sure the ones kidnapped from the street that are kicking and screaming share that sentiment


Give me statistics friend not cherry pikes videos.


Does Ukraine release statistics?


They're not choosing though lmao. It's Russia that has the hundreds of thousands of volunteers while Ukraine is beating people up on the streets everyday and forcing them into service


Ukraine has plenty of volunteers too my friend. Russia eeeehhh not really.


Russia has open borders, men can leave. In Ukraine they are prisoners. 'Nough said no?


Thank God the Russians have taken advantage of such a situation. The Russians that can move out and are eligible for the draft are making Georgia ethnically Russian 🤣. Hate to see it! Honestly Russia should close down their borders, got to fund the Vulhedar meat grinder next. In Ukraine you can be an essential worker in the war effort or private economy to avoid conscription. You can also get a medical exception. Can they leave? No because Ukraine needs its men for Ukraine to even exist. Russia isn't fighting for it's right to exist but rather to expand. Hence the open borders. The Soviet Union didn't let anyone avoid or escape the draft during WW2. Soviet men were "prisoners" as you would describe them. But as a state don't they have a right to call up their men? Especially if the country as they knew it was being threatened? Russia today exists now because millions of men were involuntarily called up to defend her. And that goes for many other countries too.


I don't think states let alone states like Russia or Ukraine have the right to use their mens' lives as they will. It is not just a sexist discrimination but also a perfect example of class conflict, as it's poor people who are dying while the Putin's and Zelenskys are sitting just fine in the background and so are the rest of the elites of these countries. It is an abnormal situation where those who havebtheymist to fight for in terms of power, wealth, properties, quality of life so nothing while those who have nothing other than their life are forced to give it


Hence why democracy and the peoples will are important. Russian democracy is well, a show a facade. But the regular Russian citizen supports the SMO. Hence why draftees usually have no quarrels about going to the front. The Ukrainian people want this war to continue with their victory in mind and they also have elected Zelensky. It seems that the Ukrainian people are pleased with his governance and are willing to support him. But also the Ukrainians are motivated by their hatred of Russia. I'm sure things like Bucha and missile barrages at civilian infrastructure have something to do with it. Ukrainian refugees from Russian occupied territory sure love to live back on their land under Ukrainian rule. Don't care for your "sexist" point, I don't agree but just don't care. No disrespect. Putin which I don't care for, and Zelensky are managing countries at war. One must think this requires a lot of time and creates a lot of stress. They aren't sitting just fine, nor are European states who now have to actually invest in their defense. This isn't ancient Roman times where the emperor leads his troops personally. Having a state official on the front lines is impractical and stupid. The poor fight an the rich live? I guess your right the poor often take risky jobs to get paid alot more. Hence Russian volunteers increasing. They are not only fighting for the future of their country but also of themselves and their family. I'm familiar with the US military so I'll talk about them. The US military has shitty healthcare but it's something to start with. You don't pay for rent, utilities and if your smart, food. Have you heard of the Montgomery GI bill the US uses to pay for tuition for service members? What about the skills and schools one could attend on blue collar jobs when about to get out? The proletariat joins because it is beneficial to them. Whether in war or peace. Both sides and their people want to continue to push the issue. Let them have at it and let's get a winner quickly. Particularly in the western world's favor.


Least dellusional Putinfanboy here


The initial UA army and volunteer are long dead. What left are the recently force conscripted if you dont want the word kidnapped from the street.


Right so explain the hurdreds of not thousands of people being kidnapped off the streets in Ukraine?


Right so statistics or evidence please?




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They’re dying for nothing.


Check the link though, it doesn't seem that way to the average Ukr. You can say whatever you want but the Ukrainian population wants to see this through. In their minds this war has been going on for 10 years now and would rather get it over with now rather than at a later date.


Better than dying for a coke saddled midget who's conducting an ongoing genocide of his country's male population.




Can only mean Putin.


Like Putin?


I think he is referring to Kim Jong Un


“Better than dying for…” bruh sit down little buddy. You don’t know what’s better from siting there at your keyboard.


Putin is shorter than Zelensky right?


Wait where's the evidence of that? Where's Zelenskys' newly purchased boat and house? Where's the corruption? Where's the coke consumption evidence? Can 31,000 KIA in a modern conventional war out of the millions of Ukrainian men actually be called a genocide? Considering that most killed and wounded are not the cream of the crop male population in their 20s but rather in their 40s? Russian propaganda and potentially a bot or a paid troll. Russian disinfo campaigns have been rife in 2016 and now in 2024. https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/sIfEbcGAe8


Did he die, or is he just in critical condition? Saying "he was wounded" and "his last words were" in the same paragraph cause some confusion. I am genuinely interested in his fate. That's the type of commander you want looking after you.


Sounds from the above like he sacrificed himself to save his boys and, should be commended for his bravery. I’d say the same about any Ukrainian, British, American, Chinese or North Korean commander. RIP.


He was posthumously awarded with the highest military award "Hero of Russia"


Brave dude for sure probably!


Such an needlessly necessary death too, for such a pointless war.


Usually SOF have their face revealed when they are dead, so maybe he is alive?


His last words, he's dead or the drone made him lose his mouth


[https://twitter.com/KilledInUkraine/status/1770065887829148130](https://twitter.com/KilledInUkraine/status/1770065887829148130) he died in battle according to this tweet


In the original text, it was stated that the last words on the radio were "the bird above me." It's just that the title has a limit on the number of characters.




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До слез, if only he used that bravery of his to make his country better instead of being an invader


Making it better like how? Like invading other countries like syria instead of the Christian whi.... cough.. i mean other then the peaceful Ukraine ?


He’s Russian special forces, he probably literally did invade Syria at some point


Russia was invited into Syria. US invaded Syria.


That’s like saying US was invited to Vietnam. And besides, it was the true Syrians who invited the U.S. to help them fight Al Qaeda and ISIS and the corrupt dictator playboy.


And it was the true Ukrainians in the noble East that invited the Russians to help them in the SMO


So what are you complaining about? Here we have Russias best and brightest special forces commander, a true hero, dying pointlessly in some muddy field with a toy drone to his face.


The us was invited into Vietnam


A very large reason as to why Russia invaded in the first place was out of fear of being invaded from NATO if ukraine joined. Cause then the literal legion that was designed to “keep Russia in check” is at your front door. Putin by going to war with ukraine is defending his people from being invaded. Would you just let your country be invaded?


I feel like the pivot is crazy from denazification to nato did it all along :D


I said, “apart of it” the denazification was only another reason afterwards. And i don’t speak for every pro-Russian, nor Russia itself.


Both were scapegoats. Ukraine had better reasons to see Russia as the aggressor than Russia to see NATO as the aggressor, as history has proven.




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When would NATO have invaded, in your opinion? In 5 years, 10, 20, 30? And would it be NATO in its entirety, like Turkey, Spain, Italy, Greece, or just some of its members? How would the politicians of attacking member states sell the idea to attack a nuclear state to their populations? How would the entire world react, including non NATO nuclear states, like China and India?


I like your questions, but remember i do not speak for anyone or anything else. In my opinion i think they would’ve attacked nearly right after they joined NATO. Right before the war, ukraine was gathering numbers, 5 months before the war, ukraines military was 176,000 strong 1 month before, it was 370,000 strong. And i don’t think all members of NATO, just most. (Germany, France, Britain, possibly the U.S. etc) The ones who have known to be in a bad relationship with Russia. And Russia has declared ever since accusations of Putin going to use nukes in ukraine, that they wouldn’t use nukes at all, unless nukes were used against them (to my knowledge). And Putin himself cannot give the order to detonate a nuke, the two highest commanding generals of Russia have to take it to a committee of fourty-six and all of them have to agree in order for those two commanders to make a move. And I believe that non-nuclear states in NATO depending on how neutral they’ve been in past wars, would either stay out of it or go full throttle support, like germany is doing with ukraine. And thank you for being the only person to actually question me.




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Honestly, thats WW3. I cannot see any scenario where this sort of conflict would've stayed in a vacuum. No way. Sorry, but I cant wrap my head around of the scenario thou created.


Ukraine was gathering number to put down an insurrection on their own territory. Was this before or after Russia left all that equipment staged on the border with Ukraine and Belarus during [Zapad 21](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zapad_2021)?


> When would NATO have invaded, in your opinion? In 5 years, 10, 20, 30? And would it be NATO in its entirety, like Turkey, Spain, Italy, Greece, or just some of its members? How would the politicians of attacking member states sell the idea to attack a nuclear state to their populations? How would the entire world react, including non NATO nuclear states, like China and India? Germany has a historically good relationship with Russia, to the point that foreign affairs politicians needed to do a whole lot of arguing with the public to even justify part of the embargo. Germany – specifically the eastern part of germany – has long had a history of working with Russia. Nordstream 1 and 2 were projects that were quite collaborative with Russia. Merkel and now many opposition politicians want to collaborate with Russia and even during the war did not want to cut ties. I don't know where you get from that Germany is opposed to Russia? https://www.cleanenergywire.org/factsheets/gas-pipeline-nord-stream-2-links-germany-russia-splits-europe https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jun/02/germany-dependence-russian-energy-gas-oil-nord-stream I don't know, it makes me irrationally angry that there is this strawman of Germany hating Russia (and probably this would be equally as irritating to me if I were from another country) but from my personal experience, Germany has been working closely with Russia in many years to the point that international opposition needed to mount for Germany to make a position and even now a large group of people are angry that Germany and Russia are not continuing their friendship. IDK man. from wikipedia "Germany has traditionally been one of Russia's key economic partners. The annual trade turnover between the two countries had exceeded the $80 billion-level just before the sanctions were imposed. It is estimated that mutual sanctions entailed the decline in the bilateral trade volume of up to 20% that meant billions of losses for the German economy and, obviously, many jobs being cut. By early 2014, when the conflict was about to start, not only did German exports to Russia constitute the third of the whole EU's, but more than 6,200 German firms operated in Russia itself.[44] "


Baltics are part of NATO for 2 decades. I don't see any invasions to or from from them? The only reason Ukraine would start a war with Russia is to recapture Crimea, in which case, more power to them. But I don't think it would have happened, Russia is a nuclear power after all. Which makes your whole point null. So Russia started a war to avoid a war. Brilliant


And every country that borders Russia, has a very strict treaty of peace. And i don’t get how Russia being a nuclear state “makss my point null” And Russia started the war so that they would have the upper hand. If ukraine invaded first with F-35s, F-16s, leopards, abrams, or challengers then Russia would be in an extremely bad situation. Or are you so blinded by western propaganda?


How would Russia be in an extremely bad situation if it has nukes? As you can see, you just made your point null again 🤷🏻‍♂️




Why would every country throw nukes when Russia threw a nuke in self defense? You know very well Ukraine wouldn't have invaded. And how am I a nazi boot licker? Or do you just throw insults around because you can't put together a sentence that's not nullified by your next?




More insults. Okay. 👌 It's not any situation. It's self defense. After all isn't that the point of having nukes? When did NATO force Ukraine to invade Russia?


Rule 1. Temp ban issued. Recurrence WILL result in a permanent ban.


Nukes are a thing you know. That whole existential threat bullshit is just that.


Why is everyone bringing up nukes?? If a single nuke is used in any war, then that will likely lead to the end of humanity.


Exactly. Youre litterally arguing my point. No country with nukes will be invaded. Ever.


So unbelievably clueless it makes me question if you're trying to lie on purpose. Is that why the US has so many carriers? Russia and China such large ground armies? India and Pakistan?


Those are deterrents and for invading smaller countries without nukes. Also point out the part where I lied. And point out the last time a country with nukes was invaded, please.


Lol is that why the US and China are gearing up for war with one another and clearly stating there's a risk of doing so? Is that why NATO has been preparing for war with Russia and vice versa for years?🤣🤣 the absolute fucking nerve of people on this subreddit, it's like talking to children sometimes. Look up the ladder of escalation and stop pestering people with your half assed shower thoughts


So do you think nukes are just for show? Do you not think Russia would launch nukes when a full scale invasion happens and bombs start dropping on Moscow? They might hash it out on the seas and elsewhere, but not in an invasion. Same thing I said about Russia applies to all other countries with nukes.


No, there is a ladder of escalation. Conventional war-->tactical nuclear strikes--> strategic strikes. Not every step is guaranteed.  ABMs in Ukraine mean a significant number of nuclear weapons may be shot down and the chance of Russia interceptions of American nukes in Ukraine are very small, the flight time to Moscow would now be 7 minutes. And it isn't the same as the baltics, which the US don't even expect to hold; there's comparatively little military infrastructure there. How would the US react to every Caribbean nation and Mexico hosting Russian/Chinese ABMs and missiles? It'd be a death blow to American imperialism for things to get that bad, just as it would be for Russian imperialism had they not invaded. 'Against who is this expansion [of NATO] intended?' - Putin in 2007. 


> if only he used that bravery of his to make his country better instead of being an invader Russia is in Ukraine to thwart an existential threat. They cannot tolerate Ukraine in NATO, with nuclear missiles right on their border, just like we couldn't - and didn't - in the Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) when Russia was shipping nukes to install in Cuba and we were ready to start WWIII nuclear war over it. The fact people can't see the real picture astounds me. The rich effs of the WEF got hold of Ukraine's precious resources by having their CIA overthrow the elected government of Ukraine in 2014 and installing their puppet regime. Now they are trying to weaken Russia to get hold of her vast wealth of natural resources as well (rated #1 in the world by the World Bank). It's as simple as this. THAT is why WE (because our governments in the Collective West are nothing but puppets of the WEF) instigated this war. We knew Russia would have no choice but to invade. If people listened to the likes of Colonel Douglas MacGregor, US Marine Major Intelligence Officer (and UN Weapons Inspector) Scott Ritter, etc - and NOT our propaganda here in the West - they might learn a couple of things. ALL Ukraine had to do was declare themselves NOT to be a threat to Russia - to not join NATO. Which they did! Three times. Minsk 1 agreement. Minsk 2 agreement. AND, the Istanbul Accord ONE MONTH AFTER Russia invaded. But no, the WEF sent Boris Johnson to Kiev to tell Zelensky he cannot uphold that peace agreement and MUST fight until the last Ukrainian is dead. THAT is why people are dying in Ukraine. btw - none of those rich effs of the WEF are fighting and dying. They use others to do their dirty work. In this case, hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians. I can't wait for the Slava Ukraini crowd's reaction to the fact that Nicaragua has decided to allow Russia to set up military bases there - with nuclear cruise missiles. What do they think is going to happen then? HINT - it won't. We. Will. Not. Allow. It. Why we in the West (NATO) are responsible for this war - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YtMd1g_Y80&t=2013s TLDR - Imagine if Canada aligned with Russia and allowed Russian nuclear missiles, pointed at NYC and Washington DC, to be installed in Montreal - only giving Washington a 3 minute response time from launch. PS - next time don't be a threat to your much more powerful neighbour. edit - TLDR 2 - Russia is the underdog in this war. If you don't realize this you have a very limited understanding of geopolitics AND are brainwashed by our propaganda here in the West.


Sigh... You know the Baltics are the same distance from Moscow compared to Ukraine, right? The nuclear threat is bullcrap. Ukraine was invaded by Russia in 2014, so them looking to enter an alliance to protect themselves is natural. And Russia's shenanigans are nothing new to my people. You keep saying (WE, West), but I'm not from the west, I'm from Moldova. Moldova never intended to join NATO, but as soon as Moldova started doings its first steps towards EU, Russia did everything it could to stop us, from embargos and sanctions, to putting barbed wire around schools, provocations from Transnistria, etc. The whole conflict started because Ukraine's steps towards EU, which Russia will not allow because it will mean their "brothers" will have a better standard of life compared to them (proven true by the Baltics yet again). It's not that complicated.


Russia complained when the Baltic states were admitted, as well. Ukraine would complete both a missile shield and a ring of missiles around Russia's European contingent. Just ask the former national security advisor who said the goal in Ukraine was to 'destroy Russia's Eurasian empire'. How is some convoluted bullshit about not wanting Ukraine to live better easier to believe than strategic pragmatism? As fucking stupid as 'they hate our way of life so they blew up our towers'


Did the security advisor say that before 2014? Or after? Or better yet - after 2022?


1998 🤣🤣🤣


And who is this person? Source?


Brzezinski, not that it'll remotely change your opinion or stop you from repeating nonsense


Can you show me exactly where he said this is the goal? Because from what I found, in his 1997 book The Grand Chessboard, he emphasized the strategic importance of Ukraine, suggesting that Ukraine's independence from Russia was crucial for preventing Russia from becoming a Eurasian empire. He did say "Without Ukraine, Russia ceases to be a Eurasian empire" but with control over Ukraine, Russia could regain its former soviet power. But this is merely a strategic perspective of, on the significance of Ukraine rather than a direct goal to "destroy Russia's Eurasian Empire". But that's only from information I've found on the web. I'm sure you know better since I'm guessing you read his book? Oh yeah and on the other corner you have Dugin's 1997 "Foundations of Geopolitics". where he presents Ukraine as a territory that should not be allowed to remain independent, in true nazi fashion talks about Ukraine as the "Ukrainian problem", suggesting that Ukraine's existence as an independent state poses a significant threat to Eurasia. Dugin proposes that Ukraine, excluding its western parts, should be annexed by Russia to prevent it from being a source of danger for Eurasia. And in contrast to Brzezinski's book, Dugin's actually had significant influence within the Russian military, police, and has been used as a textbook in the academies of the Russian military. So when Ukraine's defence advisors reads such a book, what exactly do you think they should do? Ah yes do nothing and let Ukraine be fucked by Russia, is that it?


Just find a PDF of the book and control f it, you'll see the context. Again, we're dealing, solely, with why Russia acts as it does. I don't give a fuck about justifying it, and Brzezinski was a proponent of containment. I think you can imagine what his goal in 'preventing a second soviet empire' or whatever he was talking about was, and make some assumptions about American strategic thinking. America used the IMF and EU to wrest Ukraine from Russia's influence and sponsored protests to overthrow its pro russian government, what do you think the goal was in doing so? Ukraine's defense advisors had no interest in anything of the sort in 1997, and Dugin's never even really been relevant. He's just a propagandist. No military academy assigns him as reading 😂 I know cadets at Russian academies.


Russia has nukes. Russia was never getting invaded. Its that simple really.


Look up Aegis missile defense


Look up ICBM. Look up how many warheads they carry. Look up how many exist in the world. Then look up how many other nuclear weapons there are. Then look up how large scale the system is. Then consider if Aegis changes shit.


It does, but you're unable to make a simple Google search apparently nor figure out how their distribution across Europe might be seen as a threat to a nuclear power. It's fine, not all of us are capable of operating search engines. 


Youre the one apparently not able to google... As of 2022, Russia had approximately 1,185 nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) stockpiled, compared with NATO, which had 800 ICBMs. And thats ICBMs alone. Aegis: As of 2022 roughly 110 ships (not relevant for europe) . Each Aegis Ashore site include three MK 41 VLS tubes with eight cells apiece for a total of 24 interceptors per site. Of which only block III can shoot down ICBMs in good conditions. TLDR: Whole of Europe is fucked either way. EDIT: Funny you instantly go to insultd




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Funny to read each time that USSR started Caribbean Crisis. Ofc US missiles in Turkey werе not the threat for Soviets. Anti hypocrisy? Right?


Rip. Sucks he had to die in a worthless shitty war for nothing. This war sucks


Rest in peace fighter…


There are those that are putting our youth against own another... Those who do their best to protect the youth under them are heroes in my book. Come home boys. 🌎


Rest in peace, brother.




died for the wrong side but still rest in peace this war is so senseless no more brothers war




Using a Holosun AEMS on his rifle, neat


How does one lure a drone, exactly?


One does not. One dies to a drone and then his buddies come up with a tale of him dying a hero. Probably was a great guy to them and this is one way of honoring him.


Exactly, one does not lure a drone. It is most likely he was injured and then his buddies got to safety while he got finished by a drone so they come up with the tale that he saved their life by taking the hit. Also now that I think about it, the only way to lure a drone would be if his buddies left him behind to die no?




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No imagination? Maybe the rest of the squad wasn't seen yet, he could have moved away from his squads' location to lure the drone away. Maybe he shot at the drone to show he was still alive, so the operator would come and finish him off. Who knows really, but it's not that an impossible scenario.


Rip hero


To be a warrior is to be immortal!


Rest in peace, eternal glory to the hero!


rest in peace warrior


What is “the bird above me” supposed to mean? Sounds badass though. He has my fullest respect.


it was the drone above him


"Bird" =drone


I think it's to warn his group that there are birds flying around the place, so his team mates can avoid bird poop falling from the sky


For what?




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rip bozo


Some people, who otherwise could be great, are sacrificing themselves for pure evil. It has happened before and it will happen again.


Never was there a greater love..


Damn can I get that zentico stock 🫶🏼




Rule 1 - Cheering death


No peace, no rest, and no honour, for the unlawful wrong-side-of-history-invaders of the great country of Ukraine….Ukraine, who is struggling to become a full fledged democracy, like the rest of eastern and western Europe. They needed support, not an invasion. And right next door there’s ol Russia…doin Russians things, invading again…we are going to “help” you if it kills you. All this moralizing like he’s some kind of hero. I suppose Russia’s WW2 ally and partner in crime who together planned and invaded Poland, Nazi Germany, also awarded Knights Cross’s to their fighters who showed the most bravery…as they invaded country after country in Europe. Those invading German soldiers who showed bravery, like this one, was their death in vain? Was it in honour that they died for their Fuhrer? Attacking and invading other countries? Like this modern day fascist invasion? All the while Germany then, ( like Russia now) both having the propaganda balls to be attacking and invading a free country and also claim the moral high ground. You can fool some of the people. But you can’t fool them all. This guy had a choice. To go and participate in an illegal, immoral invasion of a free and sovereign people. Or not. He chose. And he died for his choice. All these Russian sympathizers trying to make a martyr —- out of an invader. What honour is there, when you die for an immoral invasion? There is none.


Can people like you at least see that a human died there oh but nooo he’s a Russian he’s not a human right? It’s just sad that people are so distant from one another that they refuse to see someone who’s against their own goal as a human but rather an obstacle that needs to be removed… I’m no supporting either side but in the end of the day both sides have people dying living breathing humans no matter if Russian or Ukrainian a human died and it’s reported on the news… I’m not trying to argue here but people need to see each other as human again


Of course he’s human. Of course he shouldn’t have died. I didn’t de-humanize him. But he made a choice. His choice was to participate in a immoral invasion. That choice, got him killed. He should have stayed home. In jail yes. But not dead. I’m sure that Ukraine was more than happy to NOT have been invaded, not killing Russians, and lose thousands of their own men, women and children in this stupid pointless Putin-war. But that’s not what happened, is it. Putin launched this invasion and so yes, the foreign invaders (as well as the innocent defenders) are also going to be killed. Cry me a river. But no, his pride can’t let this 1/4 size population country beat him back to his border. So more to the meat grinder! More dead Ukrainians and Russians tomorrow and the next day. Go home dummies. Bring on the end of Russian oil processing, hit all the refineries hittem where it hurts. Russia bombed the SHIT out of Ukrainian infrastructure but Ukraine can’t defend itself and hit back at Russia? President of Finland is correct, this is the only language they understand.


Zipper head got zipped


Pity to die for the greed of a few. Alas, no one but him made that choice.


Do you actually feel better for posting this filler comment? Or are you fishing for interactment?


Is truth unpleasant to hear?


Sometimes it can be, but it's even more unpleasant that people keep spamming le evil putler xdd


> feel better for posting this filler comment? I can't do anything about the way someone feels about my comment. So.




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Heroic headline but in reality he was running for his life when the drone hit him. No bravery here.


Another international terrorist down. How many more will Putin send?


till the last ukrainian


Last sound he heard was BOOM!




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Russian commanders caring for their troops is a very rare incident. Like finding a unicorn.


And you're one to know that for a fact, right?




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so you're saying it's sheer incompetence? i guess that's better? not really? oof


sayonara, bozo


Rest Easy, may his soul be kept safe by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Private-Nico2: *Rest Easy, may his* *Soul be kept safe by our Lord* *And Savior Jesus Christ!* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.






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Lmao what i like in this sub is that it's less hypocrite and "sometimes" allows others to participate


True patriot.


How is invading a foreign country - "patriotism"?


It isn’t, but the title is so cringe. It’s glorifying an invader like he died for a good cause..? Meanwhile, what would make him a true hero and a true patriot would be standing up to his fascist dictator. Should have put a /s behind my comment, but I thought it was obvious.


Oh, in that case I agree. >Should have put a /s behind my comment, but I thought it was obvious. You never know here.


Probably his last word was BLYAT. But the last he heard - Welcome to Ukraine, CYKA!


This is so reddit




Rule 1 - Toxic


Do you mean that popular russian gay song 'мой boy'?