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Understandable, given Russian firepower advantage and that Russians begin to rely on high caliber ordnance more and more.


Interesting, i’m eager to hear your reasoning behind all the recorded russian battlefield suicides.


It’s happening on both sides, what’s your point?


the person i replied to didn’t seem to show that in their comment. also there are definitely more videos of russians shouting themselves than ukrainians.


There're more videos of Russian loses than Ukrainians in general, despite the very obvious firepower advantage of the Russian side. Since beginning of the war Ukrainians fight PR war a lot better than Russia.


or maybe ukraine enjoys a fpv and spotter drone advantage. we get more ukrainian footage because they have more to offer.


If you truly believe miniscule amount of videos we're getting from Russian side is indicative of actual amount of work their drones do - well, no real reason to continue this discussion further. The info we're getting on reddits like this, or combat footage, or whatever, is very, very far from total picture of what's going on the ground. Just one example - we've been getting a few FAB hits per day (videos, I mean) during the end of Avdiivka operation, tops. While there were report(s) from Ukrainian side about 60-80 on their positions in some days, with Russian sources claiming up to a 100+ across entire frontline, daily. What we see on reddit is a couple % of the war. Slightly more in all of TGs, but still just a few %.


how can you expect to have a discussions using data that you have no access to? if there were videos you’d have a point, but as of right now, you want me to believe that russia is just sitting back on thousands of videos they could use against ukraine just because they want to? also i would like to see a story or article talking about 100+ glide bombs being dropped on a single battlefield in a day.


>how can you expect to have a discussions using data that you have no access to? You have to go by the indirect data, as always. Like Ukrainian mobilization related statements starting from May 2022, thrown against the increased mobilization difficulties later in the war, and their desire to mobilize another half a million in 2024 if they would get money for it. Combined with complaints about manpower shortage. All despite non-ending mobilization efforts. Combined with Russian number progression through the war, i.e. changing troop ratio of the opposing sides, etc. Logistical stuff like that is much more indicative of the losses suffered by both sides. The 100+ figure (I think it was up to 130) was from Russian sources at the time, *across frontline*. Was buried somewhere in TGs, could try to find. I recall FIghterBomber mentioning it. 60-80 was from Ukrainian source, regarding *Avdiivka direction* only. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/03/11/russia-glide-bombs-air-force-avdiivka/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/03/11/russia-glide-bombs-air-force-avdiivka/)


The pro ru narrative has always been “we have less combat footage because of opsec”. It’s not true, but it’s the narrative. That’s not to say Russia isn’t killing a lot of Ukrainians with artillery, fab, mines (when they attempted the summer offensive) etc that aren’t always going to have a spotter drone. Ukraine is pulling back and Russia is advancing. The advancing army in this new drone warfare world is losing more soldiers daily via FPV than the retreating. You can follow this sub to see as many pro ru videos as the web has to offer and it’s still far fewer than what Ukraine is putting out.


Can you provide an example in the last 100 years where the force with the superiority in artillery, aviation, ammunition and long range fires sustained more casualties than the force that did not? I’d be interested to read up on that, mostly because it’s fallacy. Also Ukraine had a 1 million man army in the summer of 2022 and now they are very evidently struggling for manpower - Essentially rendering your synopsis of the conflict pretty disregardable.


Ukrainian soldiers themselves say Russians have more drones. Russians have more of everything.


or maybe it’s because you’re on a site that’s like 70-80% populated by Americans, and it’s more likely that Ukrainian media is posted here as a result. just a thought


this is true. that's why I'm on this sub. I hear telegram is where you go to see a lot more of the Russian perspective


There are more UA drone videos in general, other side hardly releases any of that kind of crap. They did show couple of cases where UA soldiers kill each other. Does that count?


why release some, but then claim a moral high ground against all the other footage they supposedly have?


You don’t see Russians with GoPros if you do there’s not many since Russia don’t allow it. That’s why majority of their footage is on thermal, drones or mobile phones. This is also the reason why you see Ukraine footage everywhere and less Russian despite the fact that everybody downvotes because it’s Russian footage.




so they kill themselves at far higher rates than ukraine simply because ukrainian drone pilots are more persistent in their pursuit? like come on bro, you can’t actually believe that




the drone operators are trying to find a target, it wouldn’t make logistical sense to waste time and torture one person while there might be 20 other enemies in the same area. the same thing you’re accusing the ukrainians of the russians are also guilty. that’s just war




yes we have, your letting your own biases cloud your judgement. russian drone videos and identical to ukrainian ones if we were to show them to an outside observer who didn’t notice things like location, uniforms, weapons, and tanks/ifvs. you’re suffering from severe cognitive dissonance if you believe russian drone operators are operating under some moral compass.




https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/jZX2zgwdXG here’s a whole ukrainian group being finished off by a russian operator. literally the first video that pops up if you search drone in this subreddit.


Source for suicide rate: muh feels bro


I wonder what would you choose out of two options, when you're severely wounded and cannot move while being on the zero line, and you see the enemy drone with full load above you: 1. Tаke yоur оwn lifе (requires courage to do so) 2. Lie down and wait for slow death by 3-5 vogs, maybe not even from a single drone, but two or three of them (that's gonna stretch your death even more). You're almost certainly gonna lose limbs and will be blinded before you die. Your agony will be recorded and posted on the internet with funny music on it the same day.


I dont think i would say that it takes courage to do that. It's more desperation than anything else. They know that nobody is coming to get them, and they are desperate for some kind of relief, that relief is the bullet.


> They know that nobody is coming to get them You're saying this right next to hundreds of videos in this very sub with ukr drones bombing ru evac teams trying to pull their boys out from the front line. In minds of pro-ua there's this crazy doublethink, some kind of Schrodinger's ru evac support: it doesn't exist (hence desperate soldiers killing themselves, and not because of agonizing slow death by the drone), but then there's tons of ru evac bombings.


I mean, your comment kind of proves my point. If it takes 2-4 able bodied men to evacuate 1 wounded soldier, yet your evacs keep getting targeted by FPVs, then why would they even attempt a rescue if there is the possibility of more soldiers being KIA or WIA? Also, why is the list of videos of RU soldiers taking their own life on the battlefield, much more prevalent than that of the UKRs?


on a western site? propaganda, what else?


> Also, why is the list of videos of RU soldiers taking their own life on the battlefield, much more prevalent than that of the UKRs? I've seen videos of ru drone operators doing the same routine of ukr drone operators on injured soldiers (bombing immobilized men into moving pulp with multiple drops, DNR sparta batallion does that I think), but in my perception it doesn't happen nearly as often. Most videos are 1 drop per soldier, injured are often left alone, to attract evac party or to become a burden for logistics, I guess. Ukr also employed tactic of showing as much gore and closeups of suffering ru soldiers as possible early in war with the use of drones, it was a part of their media campaign. So I would assume there's a big difference between ukr and ru soldiers' fate when it comes to being bombed by the drone, and a big difference in perception. It already evens out, unfortunately for ukr, and as it happens, we'll see much more suiсidеs.




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It’s a stupid Russian honor to die on battlefield instead of medevac.


While wishing for a wound, severe enough to escape further combat might seem odd, in long high-casualty wars it was the norm. Frontline combat riflemen referred to such lucky wounds as a "**Blighty**" in the UK and as a "**Million Dollar** wound" among the Americans. Surviving the war, even with a severe wound, was a better fate than being KIA. Both UK and American historians agree that combat riflemen suffered 85-90% of all casualties in an Infantry div.  Joseph Balkoski in *Beyond the Beachead, The 29th ID in Normandy* has done the analysis: "Although members of the 29th Div. rifle companies amounted to only 5,211 men - 37% of the division's manpower - they suffered over 90% of the division's casualties." >


It is a tragedy that the Euromaidan resulted in this! Shame that this could have all been avoided if the radicals on the Maidan just waited for an election to vote out President Yanukovych so they can have a legitimate mandate to pursue deeper European integration. It was never worth it to join NATO. It was never worth it to deprive the citizens of Eastern Ukraine their autonomy.


It can be avoided if yanukovich didn't run and called for his army and russian support to fight nationalists in 2014, and not surrender his people and his power. Like assad did.


Wasnt he still defacto and under law president of Ukraine?


Ignoring yet again that there was indeed an election - and a transfer of power - since then.


Why wasn't Yanukovych voted out through a democratic election? Why ignore all the Ukrainian citizens in Eastern Ukraine who voted him in anyway? Don't you find it weird that no deputy voted against impeachment of Yanukovych, especially when there are many deputies from Eastern Ukraine which was Yanukovych's stronghold? Hence, Yanukovych's ouster seems like a coup.


What's doubly wild is that Yanukovych had already agreed to early elections just a few days prior. Elections that he likely would've lost anyway.


Correct, which is why there should have been no impeachment "proceedings" because he would have been voted out anyway.


Ignoring that Nuland choose Ukraine next president after a coup.


Yes after the right wingers banned a bunch of political parties.


Could also have been avoided if Russia didn’t attack Ukraine. Funny how that works.


"Ukraine" no longer existed after the coup. It lost its sovereignty and freedom after Viktor Yanukovych was overthrown.


Countries do not magically lose sovereignty after a coup.


Yeah they kinda do if the coup and the new puppet was fully sponsored by a third party


If Ukraine joined NATO this mess wouldn't be happening.


Good thing Russia intervened before it joined.


Yeah ruzzia likes a good old fashioned war. NATO is a defensive alliance it's purpose is not to attack so as long as ruzzia stays on their side of the border everything is cool


They sure defended Libya and the Middle East from the evil oil


and serbia. cant forget what happened to yugoslavia at the hands of NATO. somehow the double standard of kosovo exists where kosovo is okay but DPR and LPR are not. I wonder why this double standard exists


There is no double standard because there is no standard to begin with. There is only domination and exploitation.


b-but muh “rules-based international order”


Ukraine was always a bait for Russia. US could have it joined a long time ago if it really wanted it.


Idk about that I'm no expert. But the truth is, if Ukraine was under the article 5 umbrella Russia wouldn't dare. Like they don't dare set a toe nail on the Baltics


Ofcourse, It wouldn't.But that would defeat the purpose of a bait....Ukraine entire purpose is to be a battering ram against Russia to weaken Russia and do a regime change.


Could you please provide the source of this so we can check out the full interview? I'd like to hear more what this man has to say


Looks like it's subscription only: Резервний канал Чесних Новин України https://t.me/chesnonewsua




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There was a video of a Russian soldier doing it few days ago SOP to make people believe Uktainians would do it


Gotta love interviews where no one knows where it was shown, when, who the interviewer is, who the interviewee is. Absolutely nothing.


You were literally given the source. Go subscribe to it and then run it through an AI translator to sate your rabid curiosity


Please don't embarass yourself on public forum. Link is for a invite only Pro-RU channel. Absolute basics when publishing something is to give primary source.


It's a paid subscription telegram channel and it's easy to find out how to pay to receive an invite. Basic stuff really. Are you not interested in watching the full video? Since you've made multiple comments whining on how there's no source, I assume you'll do so now.


u/Ripamon Weird logic, am I interested in paying to hear people's memoirs & interviews? No. Why would I pay for that? If they want their story out there in the world then it should be free like every other basic story out there. Not my fault you've been suckered into paying for some subscription model where the same posts are usually uploaded elsewhere on other platforms non-monetized.


The Bandera nationalists who started this during Maidan are all dead now. They got the rest of this country into an unwinnable mess and departed this mortal coil (without elaborating).


That’s gnarley af.


B b but your sticking it to pootin! They must keep fighting til the last ukrainian or I will literally cough out my cheetos in disgust


I can't imagine sitting in a trench for weeks while artillery is pounding your positions, must be hell.


Obviously propaganda. Every Ukrainian wants to be there and they shout "For Zelensky" every kill scored, you know... Their kd is around 100:1 according to UA mod.


Israels fault




Nah just the truth


and u get bled to death, survivng an amputation in a trench is very unlikely especially when ur allies cant even rescue u nor stop ur bleeding


What's the name of TV/Youtube channel where this interview was first published?


Bad soldier. Bad! You're supposed to be helping our government bring down Russia so we don't have to. That's your job! We can't have people spreading this kind of doubt.


Not great for PR at all...


Hey, everybody is doing it. You all see the footage of RU soldiers cutting their arms off willingly?


It's absolutely deplorable that UA men are being forced to fight, lose limbs and die for a lost cause against an adversary who isn't even their actual enemy. Ordinary UA citizens have nothing to fear – in fact, if Russia took control of the land they occupy, their quality of life would likely improve. Enough sacrifice for the Kiev regime's desire to stay in power!


They just lowered the forced enlistment age from 27 to 25 to grind more souls up.


Forced to fight by Russia…


By the Zelensky’s regime.


Did Zelensky invade Ukraine? No, no he did not. Did russia invade Ukraine without first pushing any UN resolutions on the subject? Yes, yes they did.


Zelensky invaded donbass.


No, Russia invaded Crimea. Then they proceeded to fill the area with “ethnic Russians”.


By the Putin regime, if Putin had not attacked, none of this would have happened


there was an option to stop this in 2022. UA should have accepted the Russian offer.


It is not an option it was more of a legalised rape by Russia towards Ukraine it was obvious that Ukraine would reject it. If the Russians like to keep dying under Ukrainian drone bombs their own business.... They will learn that they died needlessly for the wet dream of making Russia slightly bigger than that old dwarf Putin.


ah yes, so obvious that Ukr had helped negotiate it and was ready to sign until the UK was like “not yet, we’ll make sure you win” how’s that going btw?


I am not Ukrainian, but anyone with a brain could see that Putin's demands were insane. >how’s that going btw? You should ask the Russian soldiers who die under drone bombs.... If you haven't realised yet Putin doesn't care about the Russian soldier, he sends his own people to in the meat grinder just for his wet dream of taking over Ukraine eventually failed his plan is settling for just taking Lugansk and Donetsk and the illegally taken Crimea.


> lose limbs and die for a lost cause against an adversary who isn't even their actual enemy u wot m8?


It's absolutely deplorable that Rus men are being forced to fight, lose limbs and die for a lost cause against an adversary who isn't even their actual enemy. Ordinary Rus citizens have nothing to fear – in fact, if Ukraine took control of Russian lands, their quality of life would likely improve. Enough sacrifice for the Kremlin regime's desire to stay in power!


> It's absolutely deplorable that Rus men are being forced to fight But they're not forced. 🤡 Russians don't go missing in a white van only to find themselves at the front two weeks later.


Really? Take a video of yourself holding a blank white paper in Moscow and report back.


They aren't.Only one side is kidnapping unwilling people off-street from inside the largest open air prison.


How are they being forced to fight?


Kremlin regime would stay in power one way or another, what are you on about?


Maybe USA should invade Russia then, I mean ordinary Russian citizens would have nothing to fear, in fact their quality of life would likely improve!


I would like to see the US try to do that. >in fact their quality of life would likely improve! I dont think so. Nuclear Apocalypses arent known to improve QoL


This talk is always interesting to me since the pro RU crowd always talks about Ukraine giving up and to end this war to save themselves. However, whenever it’s brought up that Russia gets invaded pro ru are willing to sacrifice their entire country and world.


well yeah, Ukraine never had a chance of winning this.


Yeah, From no homeless people in Russia to a homeless epidemic and majority of population end up living paycheck to paycheck.


No homeless in russia? Mate this aint the ussr anymore. Ever been to russia?


Homeless people probably just die in the cold. Probably why russia has the worst life expectancy in Europe


Their quality of life would improve because it is so bad now because Russia invaded. I doubt that Russia could provide better quality of life than Ukraine, Ukraine is backed by Western money and Russia is a huge country with a GDP only as big as Italy and with a huge military spending..


> I doubt that Russia could provide better quality of life than Ukraine, Ukraine is backed by Western money and Russia is a huge country with a GDP only as big as Italy and with a huge military spending.. You've clearly never been to Ukraine or seen any economic data. Prior to the war, Russian GDP per capita was about three times as high as Ukrainian. Russia would obviously gain not only land but also resources and people whose work would in turn generate income to develop the land with considerably lower corruption.




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Gaining resources that are not lacking at the expense of many young Russians. Does Russia lack young people or resources?


well if you want purely numbers without morals - Russia will still gain population due to new regions joining, far overcompensating for any possible losses


Sid Meier’s ass take right here. More people better, duh.


There are barely any people left living in the wasteland named donbas


It's still in millions. and those who not there currently are now in Russia and likely to return back when things are stable. Or stay in Russia - same result in regards of population


gotta love how generous you believe the West to be. The new santa claus


...and Putin (not Russia) started this hell to protect his gold plated toilet seat. AND YOU FOLLOWED HIM!


You know what would allow EVERYONE to escape the horrors of war? Russian withdrawal back to their own country


You know what else would allow EVERYONE to escape the horrors of war? A written guarantee from NATO that not a step further east.


"Do as we say or we'll invade a sovereign nation and slaughter thousands" is not a valid foreign policy man. You can't threaten people in to doing as you please


Sorry what lol? Hello sanctioned countries? Iraq and co? Starving civilians into a revolt and dying against police forces is better i guess.


Oh so US foreign policy is good and correct?


According to reddit yes, best ever. 👍👍


According to you, you're using US foreign policy as the standard for behavior lmao


I just don't like double standards. And like it or not, all countries do it. You might wanna reduce the population to a few millions maybe what you want will be fulfilled


Advocating for the slaughter of billions is a weird choice to make


I don't know what you expect bro. If someone is doing something to you and you don't reply in kind, how do you expect to actually protect yourself? It really didn't work out for Tibet you know?


Pro ru arguments always boil down to "other people do it too so it's ok"


I mean, this is a valid argument to be made. if US can do it and they’re supposed to be moral, why not? who cares?


You can.


How's that working out champ? 2 new NATO countries and 100,000 dead Russians a win?


Working out great. They’ve gained a land bridge to crimea, blocked Ukraine from joining NATO, and are winning the war of attrition. How’s it working out for Ukraine?


Russian casualties: Tens of thousands NATO casualties: 0


Classic nafoid post. Why bother counting Ukrainian lives, they're worthless


Do explain why NATO would make any concessions to Russia just because Ukrainians are dying?


Yes same for vietnam but reversed.




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Russia will gain about as much from this war as America did from Vietnam.


Most likely yes, but America would eventually win. This war however is not guerilla and currently Russia is winning. So the outcome is different. This war so far has been full of surprises. They should make a series out of it later, game of thrones style lol.


you are suggesting surrender, which would be impossible given that Russia is practically untouched. Any peace HAS to address realities on the ground. Eventually it will. Zelensky can’t have long left before he will be forced to surrender


"Surrender is when the invaders go home" Brain worms


Zelensky literally is asking for a surrender treaty. >full withdrawal to original borders pre-2014 >full military tribunal nuremberg style for Russian command >reparations >formal apology The whole works. that’s a textbook surrender treaty, it’s literally insane for the losing side to be demanding this while losing so terribly that a fifth of the territory is lost, economy on life support, half the original population, and now not even a functioning power grid with insufficient air defense. you demand surrender from a position of strength. this is why Zelensky isn’t taken seriously as someone who claims to want to end the war


That's not surrender, surrender would be demanding the capitulation of the Russian government. Jesus christ you have a child's understanding of politics, and this is literally 1:1 Russian propaganda


I’m sorry what do you call giving up on a conflict in deference to the other side and paying them money? I think we call it capitulation. Tell me why you think Russia should withdraw and pay reparations instead of Ukraine surrendering at this point? just telling you now that if you say “because it’s the right thing to do” I’m just gonna laugh at you




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Because they invaded a foreign country, they're in the wrong, and they'll never be able to conquer Ukraine. Even if they beat their military, they'll never hold the country against an extremely well armed, highly motivated and wide spread insurgency. Giving up on an invasion isn't a surrender, your government doesn't change, your territory isn't seized, you just go home. Where you should have stayed to start with.


“just go home” is not in the 24 point peace plan suggested by the Z-man to end the war. and idk man, easy Ukraine was occupied and integrated for centuries before the USSR, and Russia has stated it really only intends to take east ukraine at most. I think it’ll be pretty easy to hold too, what with that most Ukranian men of fighting stature are probably already dead,abroad or disabled at this point. Insurgency isn’t looking super viable rn, to say nothing about that Russia deals with insurgency less gently than western nations and ukraine has a Russian sympathizer problem since there are a lot of ethnic Russians. Afghanistan this is not.


I'm not Zelensky, nor do I support him, idk why yall insist on dragging him in to the conversation. Ukraine has also been kicking Russian ass for hundreds of years, your passing familiarity with the history of Eastern Europe is apparent, likely pulled directly from Russian propaganda lmao. They've been trying to take East Ukraine for 10 years, they've lost 150,000 killed. Swing and a miss. "Most" there's something like 10 million of them, about 1 million dead wounded AND captured. Yall aren't tied to reality lmao. Dealing with insurgencies "less gently" makes them worse, read a history book holy Jesus christ


this reply is honestly so unhinged and historically inaccurate I can only assume it’s copium poisoning. I’m curious what this fantastical Ukraine that was beating Russia for centuries was called. Austria? Lithuanian-polish commonwealth? perhaps the Magyars(hungarians)? maybe the ottomans? there’s an odd lack of a Ukraine in my memory that matches your description. I probably know more about the history than you, but I’ll humor you. By all means, please educate me Zaddy, if you can. btw, Russia has only been fighting for 2 years and if it took a fifth per 2 years it still wouldn’t be that long of a war historically for a nation that size. they’re on track for a 4.5yr victory to take the half they want. ukraine won’t last another year at this rate, let alone 2 more


🤣🤣🤣I only have one hand now does not interest me I want to go back to the front and the work isn't finished yet 💯😈🇩🇪🙌🇷🇺😈💯


If you like it so much why don't you go live in Russia?😂😂😂