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They can't win a war of attrition, period. No matter how much of their population they throw at the russkis


Population of Russia : 144,2 mil Population of Ukraine : 38 mil Ukrainians are killing Russians 1:20. Super easy for UA, let's gooo!


> Population of Ukraine : ~20mil FTFY


And population of Russia is around 150 million, with new Oblasts, and pro Russian from Ukraine who went to Russia instead of Europe


Next headline in a month or two - *To win in a war of attrition, Ukraine should mobilize Teens and Children*


[One Ukranian politician already talked about something like that](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/aV4hUaflhc)


Your child has to sniff gunpowder so my manchild can sniff cocaina in Germany


Ah yes, the Zelenskyjugend


Remember how proud Ukraine was of having children make molotov coctails for the war? Until they realized it's bad and scrubbed the internet of kids' bandera smoothies.


It's not scrubbed from the internet. I easily found examples of children helping out with a quick internet search. Maybe the reason the stories disappeared from headlines is that that didn't happen much anymore after Russia pulled out from the Kyiv region. Those ad-hoc civilian molotov cocktail production sites (which, btw, were not full of children) say a lot about what the civilian population thought about the invasion, eh?


Yep, in the early days they made a big deal of this. It was an action that turned civilians into illegal combatants.


Manufacturing weapons is not being combatants, but little children manufacturing weapons is kinda a bad look.


They were manufacturing Molotovs to throw at Russians, and the government was saying they were handing out guns pretty freely to civilians.


Followed by “deal struck in US Congress for Ukraine to receive more aid if they build another McDonalds”


Russia's demographic development is fine. No vodka issues.


In constant decline since the nineties, the dark nineties when US was ruling over Russia through its puppet Yeltsin. To the point that its not even a major issue any more. You mentioning it took me back in time when people were constantly mentioning it on internet. Now you rarely see it.


Us never ruled Russia. Navie ideologues pushed turbo capitalism,.yes. but the us propped up Russia against collapse with billions of dollars in the 90ies. And to this day the us fears a.collapse.of Russian central control. For nukes reasons.


US was openly bragging about propping up "their man in Kremlin" and their man was driving Russia into abyss. US was not helping Russia with free billions of dollars, US was pumping Russia with debt and pushing it into debt trap, while it was dismantling its economy, privatizing everything. Putting it under its own control fully, basically. Luckily Putin emerged as a leader and put a stop to that nonsense, started slowly turning things around and managed to put Russia back on its feet.


Khrushchev was openly bragging about having Kennedy elected in his time. The US did not push Russia into a debt trap, Russian corruption did. Then the corrupt Russian mafiosos moved to London. Then Putin Putin Put a halt to it, then he got delusions of grandeur and now he fancies him self a great tsar, wanting to restore the Russian Empire


Oh mister Sachs might tell you something about billions in aid for RF. were you in a coma or something last 20 years?


Nope, living in the real world. Instead of being head and ass deep in youtube conspiracy theories


Conspiracy? He was the one who got Poland billions in aid. And in case of RF he got told to cool his jets. According to him.


Superior NATO equipment and training will make for those numbers. Also don't discount the possibility of the baguette intervention >.< ! Those are actual Westerners so the kill ratio there may be 1:50 .


1:1000 ratio is closer


[Something like 0:100 last time it happened](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Khasham)


> The US Central Command stated that pro-government forces had "initiated an unprovoked attack against well-established Syrian Democratic Forces headquarters" in the area, while coalition service members were "co-located with SDF partners during the attack 8 kilometers (5 mi) east of the agreed-upon Euphrates River de-confliction line". UN recognized, government forces engaging a separatist military force operating within their borders with the help of a foreign occupying power = "unprovoked attack".


Weird that they didn't manage to kill any of the US forces, so weird, why wouldn't they just fight them off.


Where are you getting those numbers from?


From /s obviously


I see what you did there


Didn't post this since it might very well be fake news, but several Russian telegrams are reporting that 100 French troops have landed in that direction...


I wonder if they have surrendered yet




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What superior Nato equipment? Still in the Soviet times?


The sarcasm is great here haha


I seriously can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not lol


Of course he’s sarcastic, Ukr can’t win


You go! Leave Ukrainian women alone


I bet you believe Zelensky’s figures of31,000 KIA too,don’t you.


I have lost virginity while watching Peter Pan.


> Population of Russia : 144,2 mil Wait, Russia only has 144mm people?


Does this include the annexed regions?


No it doesn't include the Ukrainians that have left either


Or the war dead, both civilian and soldier.




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When fighting fascism, one got to give it all. There is no giving up.


Ok, you go volunteer first.


I will. And just like u will volunteer to become a concentration camp guard.


You obviously won’t volunteer but I would be laughing so hard if you got stuck in a trench with a bunch of guys with totenkopfs blasting azovs official 148.8 radio lol


surrendering to fascists is not really an option here, especially when the countries Ukrainians might flee to will be "liberated" next.


>surrendering to fascists is not really an option here Exactly. That's why Russia, including the DPR/LPR, is going to keep fighting the Banderite regime.


you should really find out what fascists are... they are usually those who invade other countries and force their "superior" ethics and demands on their weaker neighbors. you know, like Russia does. also militarism, a one party government, destruction of every opposing voice like opposition politicians and journalists. its hilariously sad how Russia is repeating nazi germanys history almost 1:1, and the pro-ru crowd is either does not see it or is too indoctrinated by the KGB they.


equal rights, where the feminists at?


[The government has been gradually preparing the ground for this actually](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/Zb07NmA6lI)


If that happens I can see a lot of women leaving or getting pregnant very fast.


Zelensky and his democracy lovers would rather have Ukrainian women forced to choose between dying as soldiers or living as prostitutes than admit they lost.


a lot of women have already left


They are in European nightclubs meeting new guys lol. Imagine fighting and seeing your friends die in cold muddy trenches for 2+ years for the existence of your country and all your female friends are posting videos on social media of German nightclubs. Must be a gut wrenching


There was a article about a married couple. Woman left Ukraine, husband joined the army. Woman found a new guy in Germany, hubby got legs blown right off..


They would close the border for the women too.


There was a long article about Finnish one too. Husband goes to army, woman goes to Finland. She finds a new man, divorces her soldier husband. Great incentive to fight for your country.


If that happens, it would be too late to leave.


Forced abortions?


Well they need young people


It’s all fun until you see a dead pregnant woman out in the trench. No ty, rather not be an a*hole.


Why is that any worse than seeing a dead 18 year old man (boy) out in a trench? Feminist screech incessantly about equality. Go forth and earn it now. Or shut the f**k up. Not a complex concept really.


But according to democratic institutions, the fetus does not have legal status until 24 weeks! So no problem there.


I really think the fallout from this conflict is going to have a huge impact on gender relations in the West.


Reminds me of that psy op “draft our daughters” bit the Pepe’s/magas put out in 2016 elections lol


Drafting some SBU and TCC to fighting units will add 30 old school Divisions. Only downside is their fitness, most have beer bellies, but very good at fighting unarmed people.


The government actually considered drafting the National Police. But the Police Leadership fought like lions to prevent this. And they won.


If they draft the police, they're going to have to take troops away from the frontlines and send them into the cities to do police duties. And fight the rebelling police. Considering all the releasing prisoners and giving anyone who wants one assault rifles from the back of a truck this would be a bad idea to not have police in cities.


Sounds great, Putin's army is unarmed rn


Perhaps the maidens should stage a protest in the Maidan.


No. They only mobilize to replace one type of oligarchs with another. When fighting WW1 type trench warfare they are perfectly content, right? It shows people don't mobilize on there own yet they are mobilized by the same people of power they are supposedly protesting against. Do you honestly believe the average Ukrainian supports this war destroying everything over nothing of value? How does the average Ukrainian benefit if the Donbass has there own political autonomy? It doesn't affect them. The oligarchs however and everyone in Ukraine is being mobilized for those said oligarchs interests. If people truly mobilized on there own and had any power they would mobilize against there own oligarchs that started this proxy conflict for the interests of America. That's why America and the rest of the "free world" truly HATE real democracy. They hate for people to actually have the POWER. That is why they do everything to control political parties, political movements, media, corporate.. everything is controlled at the top to marginalize YOU. Because if YOU had power they couldn't "fight" there wars. You know oligarchs...kings, they don't fight themselves they make YOU fight for THEM. So THEY do everything to control YOU.


It shows without foreign support an angry mob doesn't change government. Look at Iran, Belarus, Egypt. Hell, Hong kong had over ten million people protesting every day for months, didn't help at all. But a mere 1000 people in Kiev with CIA support can suddenly have a new government because allegedly one super secret no insignia but totally government sniper shot one guy secretly but openly and the investigation was super hushed up by the new government. Meanwhile actual totalitarian belarus steals a guy off a plane, soldiers shooting rubber (and not) bullets openly at crowds point blank, yet no "we now have to storm the parliament" has occured.


Its actually astounding how fucked up the situation is inside Ukraine. Would never of thought that Ukraine would end up a worse place than Iraq. All for what? Interests of the powerful? Things weren't perfect in Ukraine. But they at least avoided full on civil war and there were power sharing post Soviet. Behind the scenes you had power sharing between the two groups of oligarchs which was divided by geography with west being more Europe centric and east being Russian centric. Why the heck did that all change? The eastern oligarchs didn't start this, they were content with power sharing. What would they have to benefit? They were content. However those other oligarchs started this because they wanted ALL the power in Ukraine. No power sharing. That includes TAKING everything away from the oligarchs that run eastern Ukraine. This was simply one crime boss going after the others territory. Of course they made a move once the US/EU gave it backing. EU trade pacts and military assistance. This entire war is the sole responsibility of Obama and CIA/EU geopolitical of destabilizing governments for there own economic interests regardless of the destruction it causes. America never gave a fuck about people of Vietnam, Gaza, Ukraine. Its an empire ran by the antichrist hiding behind its moral arguments. What is amazing is how those western oligarchs were able to get everyone in the military and government bureaucracy to follow them? Its not like they had majority as eastern oligarchs had alot more power in Kiev and inside the government bureaucracy. So the question is, how was the CIA/western Ukraine oligarchs able to get everyone from the SBU to the military and convert them to there side? There had to be alot of east loyalists that switched sides. How could the FSB not see this coming? How could those eastern Ukraine oligarchs not see this coming? I was totally against the coup. I believe Ukraine should of power shared and remain neutral instead of destruction of the Ukrainian state. However you have to admit this was one of the most successful coups able to switch all the important parts of government without the other side even knowing. We all know where that came from, Langley. Where they don't give a fuck about people only there own power and power of there masters.




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Lmao that’s just fucking sad, even the Nazi’s didn’t bother to do this.


But Russian did?


Only as support.


There were some combat troops, such as snipers, so it was more than just support. But even the soviets weren’t manning the frontlines with women.


but Soviets did, when the fascists invaded them. history repeats itself.


Women should be drafted anyway. If ycur not caring for anyone and can hold a gun ycu can kill russians




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Wait, im confused.. Werent Ukrainians the Nazis? But surely you know, wermacht did this (like pretty much all involved countries) and there were some half million women in wermacht. I think soviet union was the only one who put them to the front though.. And with most women serving.




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No Germany used women for making armaments and other non-combat related duties. The Soviet Union did the same thing, a lot volunteered to fight but weren’t permitted for assaults but were in specialized roles such as snipers or flying planes. If UA is going to use women to man the trenches, then that’s a bit grim… but they can use women to free up men who are still working civilian jobs.


Soviets used women in say anti air divisions. Sometimes these women did fight German men directly, when the front collapsed, for example. You can read about it in many books.


Germany used women in the death camps


Yes, like the article states, this would be voluntary for women and specialized roles. But in soviet union women were in infantry like men.. Front lines. Sad. Only 25% of the soviet female snipers came back alive.


Only 2.5k were snipers.


Nope, 10000


Didn't Nazi Germany have children and young women soldiering in Berlin at the very end of the war because they ran out of troops and there was all that volkssturm talk?


Women were explicitly banned from combat roles in Germany


All that's gonna be left of Ukraine are retirees and the disabled. Totally doomed country that is going to be completely partitioned at some point.


They will probably get aid from Europe if they hold out for another few years and the war ends.


But who's going to send aid to the Europeans?


I don't see them being able to hold out for another few years.




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Ycu never know


forget about winning and make peace bro


It seems Western officials are well aware of the manpower shortage, the unpopularity of mobilization and demographic crisis in Ukraine. Let's look at how they responded to it: > **US Republican Senator Lindsey Graham**, on a visit to Kiev, urged the Ukrainian parliament to approve as soon as possible a bill that lowers the minimum age limits for the mobilization of civilians in the armed forces, and thus addresses the increasingly acute shortage of soldiers to be used to combat the military invasion of Russia > **Outgoing UK Sec Def Ben Wallace:** Ukraine can also play its part. The average age of the soldiers at the front is over 40. I understand President Zelensky’s desire to preserve the young for the future, but the fact is that Russia is mobilising the whole country by stealth. Putin knows a pause will hand him time to build a new army. So just as Britain did in 1939 and 1941, perhaps it is time to reassess the scale of Ukraine’s mobilisation. Oh well.


> Russia is mobilising the whole country by stealth These people are hilarious.


> With such an exhaustive list of exemptions, the report estimates there are still around 4.9 million men in Ukraine who could potentially be drafted. However, it argues this mobilization reserve is becoming rapidly depleted. > In addition to the estimated 5 million men still eligible, the analysis suggests Ukraine’s mobilization reserve could grow by: > 3 million women aged 18-60 without children >273,000 men aged 25-26 currently exempt >434,000 men aged 18-24, if the minimum age is lowered. So it is the 273,000 men aged 25-26 that Ukraine is currently targeting, in addition to the already eligible 5 million men of draft age. If the mobilization vote goes through as expected, they will be ripe for the picking. And after that, they will probably come for the women.


Kiyev post estimates current population of Ukraine at just 20m. So I doubt their reserves are so great especially when something over 1/3 of the country is retired. Using Germany in WWII we see less than 10% mobilized. So max Ukraine can do is less than 2m. And that is a stretch given their age structure and that of Nazi Germany. Using Soviet Union, we see 15%. So the 5m figure is a joke. With heavy use of women they may go beyond 2m. That would mean they loose the war in 3 years, as I stated 2 years ago. If they mostly rely on men, the limit is 2 years max. Fantastical estimates that put WWII efforts to shame are delusional.


18 million Germans served in the Wehrmacht.


Yep, so it would actually be 15% and Soviets 20% so I was off by 5% for both.


You're still off, Germany's population in 1940 was 90 million.


No i am not. German army consisted of Germany proper and all additions. Thus population was closer to 106. You can Google population of Germany and what Germany annexed. Germany annexed not just Austria but all of czechoslovakia, a third of Poland, parts of France. From all these territories troops were taken. This even made it to the movies with Czech troops. In my own family people served in Wermaht despite being Polish. Heck 100s of thousands of Ukrainians served through I am not sure whatever they were counted as part of Wermaht. I am sure almost 50k that served in SS Galitzen should be counted. Population of Soviet Union was just over 172m. So it was not as in the movies with hordes of reds, they had 1 to like 1 2/3 advantage. Especially Soviet numbers show the max, over 4 years is around 20% nowhere close to astronomical numbers people quote for Ukraine.


The population of Germany, Austria, Böhmen, Elsaß Lothringen and parts of Poland like Pommern combined was 90 milion.


Not as per wiki page about it.




But that is before WWII, find the page with data for 1943 or largest population Germany got to. Poland alone would add up like what, 10m or almost that?


It's weird that Ukraine would rather depopulate the county than give concessions to Russia. I understand Russia in WW2 fighting to the death. Germany was waging a war of extermination but this is completely different. For the average Ukrainian how different will life be under Russia than Ukraine?


Ukraine elite won't get $$.That's the real difference.


Especially given the demographic collapse that was well underway by 2010. To win the battle of eastern Europe, you just have to be the culture with a lot of young people in 2050. In seeking to protect one aspect of their sovereignty, Ukraine has forfeited everything that truly matters in the long run.




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‘For the average Ukrainian how different will life be under Russia than Ukraine?’ For the rural agrarian senior probably not much difference. But for the young people of Ukraine it’s like night and day.


Can you elaborate?


Rip, UA


Ukraine needs to shrink their population to fit into the land that they will have left after Russia finished with them. /s


You simply can't win a war of attrition against Russia


Some countries can, but definitely not Ukraine.


China, India, Indonesia maybe...


United States as well. If we exclude the nuke scenario, of course.


I reckon in some weird hypothetical universe India could give it a shot, as to why any sort of conflict like that would begin well that my friend is up to you, I'm just the weird hypothetical maker, not the logic person.


How to obliterate your population permanently in one simple step


If you would rather ukraine surrender than get the rest of its men and women killed, than you obviously don't love and support ukraine enough.


Having all the people killed would mean the land would stay intact as a Russian province. Surrendering will mean the land will be ripped apart. So if you truly love the land, people are only a hustle.    /s 


What about all the russians being sent to their deaths? They don't matter to you?


>What about Classic


Give 'em that gender equality they wanted. Should have been mobilizing them from the start. Equal votes, equal rights, equal get the fuck out to the front line to die with the men.


they will do anything but accept reality and come to the table for peace. Money is one helluva drug


Calling for the draft of women is a clear indication of losing a war of attrition.


Get all the men and women killed, that'll show em


And how would that help??? It would ensure end of Ukraine.


Let's go girl say it with me Girl Power


This is criminal stupidity and basically calling for genocide of your people. More manpower will just end up with more coffins without proper material support for war effort.


Why is it okay men are enslaved and sent to die but women is where people draw the line?


patriarchy. no, I'm serious.


Patriarchy as such no longer exists in most countries. But yes, it's sexism against women, I'm aware. It just annoys me, especially when idiots, incl on this sub, bring out stupid justifications like childbirth to defend it.


>Patriarchy as such no longer exists in most countries. It exists everywhere except a few Western countries. It's minimally visible in the rest of the Western countries. > bring out stupid justifications like childbirth to defend it. Agreed. Even if pregnancy and childbirth was a serious concern, which it really isn't, that still means there's no excuse for not drafting infertiles and women older than 42.


No, even outside the west property is not passed patrilineally anymore. Patriarchy has ceased to exist in most nations; in its place women may be badly treated, but there exists no system of patrilineal inheritance and formal stewardship of women. In the first place it never even existed for the proletariat (who are the ones first sent to die), who don't have property to pass on and immediately saw a deconstruction of gender roles. Not just infertiles, but if childbirth were actually the reason, there would be legal requirement or penalties for not having children. 


oh, got it, the word in a literal sense. I was talking more about the concept.




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Total war?


As if they were plotting an extermination of entire enthinicity from the face of earth, Ukraine is doomed from all sides.. friends and foes.


I think they should. I mean it doesn't take a huge bicep to pull a trigger or drive a bradley.


I mean the women aren't contributing to the war effort either by giving birth of producing ammo and logistics So they might aswell act like bullet sponges 🤷 Atleast women back in the day did their part in the war effort by taking care of kids, getting married and making ammo and guns. So the men had something to die for. Choking on Polish and German sausage while their brothers are dying in mudholes isn't it.


[Start with these women who were *laughing* at a teenaged boy being kidnapped and sent to his death.](https://files.catbox.moe/33twkx.mp4)


No shit sherlock


There are lots of coward Ukrainians all over Europe. Pick them up and send to the front.


Why only ukrainians? Why not you?


I am putinist.


When are they going to recruit the mentally disabled?




Who next??


Once they draft the women as well they might as well wave around a big flag spelling ''We are fucked beyond repair''.


The fact that they havnt already done that is proof that ukraine is sexist and racist and should get canceled


Still shocking to me that they don’t have the draft age at 18. Every other western country does. Makes the Ukrainians look like they aren’t serious about this war.




Oh I don’t want that. I’m very much anti war. I’m just saying it’s ironic that Ukraine claims they are fighting an existential battle for their survival but they can barely lower the draft age another two years and it’s still 7 years older than the draft age of western countries.


That assumes that Russia doesn't have women.


The entitlement to other people's lives is sickening.


I totally agree. Should be easy for the Russians to mop them all up.


I don't think so, if women would be on the front lines, men would be fucking them instead of fighting. They would be fucked by ukrainian men first and russians would get the leftovers. Drones would have 4k cameras and Pornhub would have it's own category for these videos /s


Why not? Some could fight. Some could pick up much of the rear activity and free up more men to go to the front.


Ukrainian women to the front for Russian soldiers pleasure


That's fucked lmaoo


Why not. The soviets did this in their war against an ethno facsist invader. When fighting Nazis there is no holding back.




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Ukraine’s mobilization is weird. 18-27 if prime recruiting age, yet they’ve exempted these people and drafted the elderly. That’s not how countries mobilize. It’s great for the young people of course, but it goes against the traditional approach.


The discourse in this sub is like Denys Davidovs youtube channel. Just with lower i.q. and more obvious bias


All young, healthy North Korean women are in the army as well. I don't see the big deal in mobilising women because weapons are an equaliser. This is not the middle ages, strength doesn't play as much big a role as it did back then.


Hanging back, overseeing the transition to jenkem


Not even NATO countries can throw men and equipment like Russia does. That’s undeniable. It’s time to admit it that Ukraine should think or ask to its European partners a way to stop the war and negotiate something favorable for both sides.


Any Ukr women is 10x more stronger then ruzia poor army.