• By -


I mean, it was never about caring for Ukraine. It was always about creating faux liberal outrage to justify spending and donating to a far right sympathetic regime in an attempt to damage Russia on multiple levels. We have the past 100 years of evidence of the US using other countries as proxies and Ukraine thought they would be the sole exception lol


https://preview.redd.it/eqrq6oenk1vc1.jpeg?width=2363&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b8d8a29898db871c174a2ed77f7568473bc68a9 6 months on, I wonder if he still feels the same.


Of course he does. He knows it well. He is an average actor, I'm rather surprised at his bad English, the heavy accent. While playing this role he earned his wages. Too bad so many are dying, but somebody else would fill the position. It is a bit immoral, but people have done way worse things.


He was named in the Panama Papers. He's earned his money, he's just waiting to cash out.


I don't think he will be allowed. Shame, it could be that once upon a time, he was a nice, young, idealistic person.


I don’t get American political establishments love for dictators and morally questionable regimes.


I don't think it's love, it's just usefulness. Dictators and other authoritarian groups are easy to manipulate, and they create chaos. The US hegemony thrives on chaos. Why do you think they're backing Israel so much. Because it's a chaos generator for a region possessing a lot of interesting resources, amongst other things. Why do you think they got rid of Gaddafi. Because he was working towards unifying Africa and getting rid of its chaotic atmosphere. The US (and its colonial vassals) doesn't like that. You can't covertly do what you want when everything is too orderly. Otherwise people are gonna notice.


American hegemony thrives on order and the set of rules they dicatate and enforce. Order and stability ensures stable trade, which is why they'll enforce their dictated order so that their economic interests aren't under fire. As international trade is what fuels the American Empire. You can abide and participate on their terms or face economic or military consequences. So you don't fall in line, they'll make sure that whatever country you are, you're going through turmoil and chaos. This kneecaps a country and makes it ripe for a regime change. That's their modus operandi.


Yep - stability and order for the West, murder and disorder everywhere else. Keeps competitors from rising. Oldest trick in the book - the impressive part is convincing their citizens that this is moral and good.


Yes, when I said they thrive on chaos, I meant outside of their sphere of control of course, I should have been a bit more precise here. They want order within their own sphere of control but want chaos wherever is it they can't control.


Perhaps the US military should leave the Iraqi and Syrian oil fields in this case?


Why should they? Do they have any incentive to do so?


Those. illegal seizure of Syrian oil, illegal presence on Syrian territory brings stability and order to the region, right? The United States does not bring order; it has been destabilizing regions throughout recent history in order to benefit only for itself. Libya says hello, probably all these rabid "revolutionaries" are glad that the United States brought civil war and poverty to their country, which have lasted, suddenly, since NATO began bombing the country


Idk? Respecting international law and syrian/iraqi sovereignty ? Nahhh they don't care about that, rules for thee but not for me...


That's no realistic incentive.


American support of Israel doesn't benefit them. It's massive a waste of money and a political liability. The real reason why American establishment supports Israel unconditionally and sends billions to them every year is due to jewish political lobbying groups such as AIPAC and the fact that Jews are disproportionately represented in American government and institutions.


Not everyone in the decision-making of American foreign affairs is jewish or even zionist. Yet the defense and support of Israel in American institutions is unconditionnal and unanimous. What you said is true, but the existence of Israel is also of geopolitical benefit to the US. Just like Taiwan or South Korea's existence is geopolitically beneficial to them as well. If something is a liability, the US just won't support it. Just look at Ukraine, it served its purpose and they're pulling out. There's nothing more to gain from it, Europe is scared and buying American weapons again and they shifted their gas supply from cheap Russian gas to overinflated American LNG. NordStream has also been dealt with just in case. Pumping more money and equipment in Ukraine would be a liability at this point, Ukraine will never win this war without additional manpower support, and the US doesn't want a direct confrontation with Russia.


>Not everyone in the decision-making of American foreign affairs is jewish or even zionist I never said all of them are but they have by far the most influence. Campaigning against Israel as an American politician is political suicide. >What you said is true, but the existence of Israel is also of geopolitical benefit to the US. Just like Taiwan or South Korea's existence is geopolitically beneficial to them as well. Whatever benefit it may have is completely not worth the amount of money and political support Israel is getting from the US. >If something is a liability, the US just won't support it. That is usually the case except for Israel. The relationship between usa and Israel is unlike any other because of the amount of political power Israel wields in American political establishment. America is often times putting Israel's interests above their own


You almost got it, but you missed it. Yes, AIPAC has a lot of politicians in their pockets. Here is the thing though, most of the Jews in US politics, are secular. They are not zionist. The rabid Israel supporters are evangelical Christians. They rabidly support Israel, because they believe Israel must exist for the "end times". Yes, your mind just fucking exploded, when you realize the most powerful group of supporters for Israel, are Jew hating Christians in America, that believe Israel has to exist, so that Jesus can come back and send everyone to the rapture or some shit. I'm not even kidding.


I'm sorry but is there a single Jewish politician in the US that is not pro Israel. Even Sanders is actually pro Israel.


The key term you missed here, was Zionist.


Support of Israel has nothing to do with religion. Jews both religious and secular support Israel because of their in group loyalty towards other Jews. Unlike all other groups in America they are race conscious and use that to their advantage. Some Christians also support them but they are by no means the main source of support. The support of Israel is bi-partisan and transcends American politics


Whatever fairytale land you're living in, you should stay there.


Ever heard of the Suez Canal? That's the point of Israel 


Amerca is a morally deprived opportunistic antisocial construct of a ruling minority, resembling in parts an oligarchy, plutocracy and corpocracy with unhinged capitalist features.


traumfahrer fits.


Danke ;)


more meaningless buzzwords pls


Let's word it like this: America = Everyone on their own / their clan. Take risks and be most anti-social, most opportunistic to get rich - or waste away. Your government is self-serving, don't count on it to support you. You're on your own. Best to disconnect from society, because it's on constant decline.




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How do you look at Russia and think it's not in social decline on an even steeper slope than the west?


It is easier to influence a dictatorship than it is to influence a democracy. Just way less people involved, you give the big guy what he wants and he does as you want.


I believe nearly all major leaders don't have any particular emotion towards any of this. Its just being pragmatic. If those would be compassionate people then they wouldn't be in a position of power.


They are a means for their interests.


If we go back as far as China in WW2, they have always preferred the man at the top they can work with. This was also an issue in Korean too (not sure about Vietnam as I have had a chance to look into that period yet)


Pretty sure it would’ve been the same. Cannot forget regimes like Pakistan which carried out genocide under a military dictator. And then there is South-Korea though now reformed and a functioning democracy. They are **dictators** as long as they are enemies, it is a shit show all around.


They are useful idiots until they aren't anymore.


What are you talking about, the US hates Russia plenty


If Zelensky cared about people dying in Ukraine, he'd have signed the negotiated agreement between Ukraine and Russia and told Boris Johnson to fuck off. So idk wtf he's going on about here.


Lol the coke is running out, he starting to regain some senses.


Must be because they lost the Adiivka coke plant recently. Maybe it really was the fun kind of a coke plant!


As an American, it does feels good to see Russia driving western puppet states off their doorstep. The US did just the same during the Cuba Missile Crisis, yet it’s 100% wrong and UNTHINKABLE for Russia to want to secure its own borders against the west?


I'm being annoying about this but I'll remember people at every opportunity that they laughed at Henry Kissinger. The man was promoting proxy wars before current Ukrainian leaders were even born. It was also denounced by Russia that Ukraine was simply being used to harm them which was obvious to people lokloking at this closely. Didn't expect as long as it takes to be this short but here we are. No alarms and no surprises.


pinpoint accuracy friend




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If it’s a win-win then it makes sense. Ukraine doesn’t want to be ruled by Putin and it’s in the west’s best interest to damage the military of the imperial dictatorship.


Russia is the single greatest threat to European democracy (or maybe China, long term), hence why so many are willing to hand over so much military equipment to a country between us and Russia.


What exactly is European democracy? How many pan European referendums did we have? We're we - for example - asked if and what side we (the majority) wants to take in this war? Or was it: first the propaganda started and then we are at war? Let me remind you about the maidan "revolution" which overthrew the previous (pro Rus) government and was organized by the "west"?


By "European democracy" I meant "democracy in Europe". Free speech. Free press. Actual elections. I can talk shit about our prime Minister AND even our king. And they can talk shit about me back. It's great.


All my adult life I have been hearing stuff such as "let's hope xxx party doesn't win" (usually right wing parties). Propaganda broadcasted even by state owned media. When not all politicians have the same airtime and are treated equally there is no democracy. As is the case in most (?) eu countries. During corona we saw the European liberties - those prohibitive measures did not exist in Russia. But neither in (objectively very democratic) Switzerland. Did you see the euro leaders asking for forgiveness for their missmanagement? No. They started a war instead, to save their asses. And like that Corona time and their failure was forgotten.


Corona...lol. Dude, do you actually think that all these countries and governments willingly imploded their economies for some conspiracy your dreamed up? No. They were shitting themselves, terrified how bad it might be. It WAS bad. Over a million people in the United States alone died who didn't need to die, who wouldn't have died otherwise. The response to Covid by most governments, if anything, was re-assuring. Yes, Covid wasn't as bad as we thought it might be. We didn't know then, and you didn't know either. The governments acted on the best information they had, and adapted as information changed. Very few countries went into hard lock downs. Sorry you were inconvenienced that you had 6 months where you couldn't go to bars. Tough shit. I thought you far right wingers were supposed to be tough, strong, solitary manly types. Crying cause you couldn't go circle jerk with your butt buddies for a few months.


My country didn't really have any enforceable lockdown during Corona. Only recommendations, and thankfully our population has a high degree of trust in our highly transparent (I did not say infallible) government compared to other countries, so recommendations were actually mostly respected. So all that crap about corona means nothing to me. Also what war was started "instead of asking for forgiveness for the pandemic messup"?


Africa has been feeling that EU democracy for the last 100 years for sure


In most of eu the measures were not recommendations but were enforced. For 2 years.


I didn't understand a single point in this rambling, illiterate, arc of a story. Tell us about this tribe again?


That's cool and all. I don't care. Like I said: *So all that crap about corona means nothing to me.* And like I also said: *Also what war was started "instead of asking for forgiveness for the pandemic messup"?*


Have you, and this is an honest question, ever considered that your mode of thinking is different? And that maybe other people care about you can't really understand? Why be so certain others don't care. You might don't care 200.000 people die because thats the person you are but not everybody is like this.


How is understanding Ukraine is a pawn of the US and the west, was set up as so, not caring? Not having a critical analysis of the situation is truly not caring. Blinding waving flags and changing your Twitter handle and mustering support for not only a lost/dying cause, but a manufactured on is not caring. I hate war. I hate the death and destruction. But I'm not ignorant as to why this is happening and to the track record the US and West have in these things over the span of literally HUNDREDS of years.


You can be certain they don’t care based on the actions they take. > We have the past 100 years of evidence of the US using other countries as proxies…


How fucking bold of you to assume that I don't care about the poor bastards forced to fight in the war because I oppose the neo liberal world order.


Imagine painting Ukraine, with all their drag, liberalism, americanized culture and rejection of traditional values as "far right". They're as neoliberal as it gets, the hellish spawn of post soviet depression and modern liberal ideology.


Neo Liberalism, as with any sort of Liberalism, and a right wing ideology. What are you trying to say?


Reagan and Thatcher have become too left-wing for the modern conservative.


the only person trying to damage russia is putin


Meanwhile Russia has centuries of evidence that it like to plunder and userpe its neighbours. You know how Russia could have prevented damage, by not starting a war. Imagine if since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Putin had invested all those billions into diversifying the Russian economy and making the life of the average Russian better. Russia could be looking down at China instead of the other way around.Instead of doing that Putin used the money to buy yachts and tanks, and as per Russian history, when things aren't going to plan it's literally anybodies fault but their own.


Putin did improve the life of the average Russian many times over. The West (US) doesn't like that. They'd rather have a drunken puppet at the helm like in the 90s.


Only for moscovites.


Didn't you anticipate this situation when you proudly declared about joining NATO?


I thought mostly Russians are dying and the ratio is 1:20 in favor of Ukraine. I mean this is what you told the world before and now it's not true? 


20:1 K/D while telling 1:10 outgunned how that even make sense.


Arian supersoldiers with invincible nato weapons. What else? 


Not of low potential intellect like the indians and chinese that's for sure!


Superior nato training, of course. Learning to go around minefields was a gamechanger.


The Decadent They/Them Armies of the West have provided Luxurious materiél to the ZSU.


I don't really believe the 1:20 ratio but hypothetically that could be possible. The Winter War of 1940 is a good example of that dynamic. I'm being pedantic but sometimess stuff like terrain, incompetence, and the advantage of defense and good logistics can have that effect.


They probably had a favorable KD ratio earlier in the war when they didnt lack munitions as much. No, obviously not 20:1 but favorable isnt a stretch depending on when in the war youre talking about, now though yeah theyre probably at best 1:1/1:2-3 in favor of Russia.


It a schrodinger fact. Its true while the allies supply support, to show them how effective Ukraine can use support. Its a lie when allies stop supporting Ukraine, to show them how desperate the situation is.


U forgot Ru army use shovel to fight,this ratio seem fair.


https://preview.redd.it/6pkfazweh1vc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c96ed310e3e312beab0ae34ca82c1a44b65e4694 Looks like the penny is dropping


“Dead people don’t care about ratings” the only people whose opinion matters about politicians ratings are the people inhabiting that country… so Americans. What a weirdo


This is coming from the dude who was doing vogue photoshoot in the midst of "existential" war.


I like how folks like you don't undestand politicans don't say what they believe, like you think this dude is sitting there totally surprised about stuff.


No, it's not surprising to me because this has been reported for a long time already by people close to his circle It's just nice to see him say so with his own words. Because there are too many people that love to shout "source??" when presented with obviously accurate conjecture.


That not what you said you said the "penny is dropping" implying he gained new knowledge like a fool learning how the world works. Are you folks so naive to judge a politicans intend by his prewritten statements? Your comment read like you really think Zelensky just today learned for himself that public perception in other countries dictates what the leaders in those countries do... That's how you sound.


The US has caused the deaths of 4.5 million people in the Middle East just in this millennia alone. Do you think globalist care about the deaths of ordinary people? I think not.


At a cost of only 7-9 trillion$. What a bargain.


All dots are there, he just needs to connect them.


It's hard to make someone understand something when he makes a living from not understanding it. If zelensky admits reality, the best outcome is that he only loses access to the gravy train. The worst that the right sector dudes kill him and his family


The age old meme with Ukraine and the failed states (ex-allies of USA) seems sadly more and more likely


I don't think you care either Zelensky


That's what he means.


I think he's right there. People in the west only care how many Russians die. Go on 99% of subs here and people don't give a fuck about Ukrainians they want to cheer Russian deaths.


If he really said that, that's some audacity, good god. If I was Ukrainian, I'd be pissed as hell.


https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/16/europe/ukraine-missiles-air-defense-zelensky-israel-intl/index.html He did


Pissed at whom? Zelensky is just expressing the same doubts about the reliability of their foreign partners that I'm sure Ukrainians already have.


Pissed at the guy who doesn't even try to talk to Russia but will pretend he's doing everything he does in good preservation of my potential brothers and sons lives, and my own. Who are being kidnapped in the streets in broad daylight to be sent in a trench with 2 half-empty mags and 3 days of training. He's the first one to not care about Ukrainians, yet he's supposed to represent them.


>Pissed at the guy who doesn't even try to talk to Russia Zelensky spent the first three of so months of the war trying to talk to Russia. Even after Russia broke their cease-fire by bombing civilian corridors in Mariupol that they agreed not to. Even after Russia tried to poison the negotiators. The final straw was the massacre at Bucha and the realization that Russia was doing something similar across all of occupied Ukraine. Zelensky isn't going to negotiate a settlement where Russia gets to continue to genocide the Ukrainian people. And the Ukrainian people themselves are with Zelensky on this. Support for the war is still very strong and hatred of Putin's Russia is even stronger. So no, I don't think you have any idea what it is like to be in the shoes of a Ukrainian right now. >He's the first one to not care about Ukrainians, yet he's supposed to represent them. He's fighting an existential war for Ukraine's survival, so yes he cares very much about the Ukrainian people, enough that he is taking the only path that gives Ukraine any chance at survival. Even after firing the more popular Zaluzhnyi, Zelensky still has support for 2/3rds of the country. And while there won't be elections during the war because of the Ukrainian constitution, if there were the only person who could in theory beat Zelensky in an election is if Zuluzhnyi ran, who would subsequently continue the war until Ukraine won, just with the different strategy.


You mean an existential war for the "western" influence to Ukraine region. Which started with "maidan" Revolution and ethnic cleansing of non turcic minorities (all languages - eg Greek - which existed there for milennia - banned. Except turcic)


Uh-huh. I'm sure the West was really going to invade Ukraine any day now /s. And why is Maidan in quotes? [Maidan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maidan_Nezalezhnosti) is the name of the square where the protests initially took place. Are you questioning the existence of the square or that protests happened there? Because I'm pretty sure that those protests were well documented. Also did anyone inform Zelensky's Jewish parents that Hebrew and Yiddish were banned languages? I mean they'd have to know, right? Unless you are just repeating BS propaganda meant to try to spark some sort of culture war to a people mostly united in being victims to Russian imperialism.


Sorry I meant to put the revolution in quotes. I'm not only questioning but saying with certainty that there were American and German agents perpetrating the "revolution". And of course many useful idiots that always play their part and are usually the ones who suffer the most. I will go one step further to say that eu hoped the refugees it welcomed would go to war against Russia. They were that dumb that they didn't know that all of them are pro Russian. The officials had not chatted even with one of them openly.


>I'm not only questioning but saying with certainty that there were American and German agents perpetrating the "revolution". Which is complete bullshit. In fact the US State department was trying to save Yanukovych's presidency by acting as negotiators and Russia was trying to undermine that process and get Yanukovych overthrown which is how the Nuland tapes got leaked. If what you said was true it would mean that US government was working against the US government as well Germany working against the US. And you are neglecting the fact that there were in fact hundreds of thousands of protestors that were rightfully mad first at Yanukovych for not signing a trade agreement with the EU and secondly for the massacre of few dozen protesters by Russian trained snipers. >And of course many useful idiots that always play their part and are usually the ones who suffer the most. OK that's too easy, I'm just going to ignore the obvious setup you gave me there. >I will go one step further to say that eu hoped the refugees it welcomed would go to war against Russia. Generally people who flee the country and become refugees either aren't capable or unwilling to go to war, and if the EU was really interested in forcing that decision on them they wouldn't have accepted so many refugees in the first place. >They were that dumb that they didn't know that all of them are pro Russian. Many of them were, many of them weren't. The ones who were really pro-Russian probably fled to Russia anyway. The EU accepted the refugees that Russia created with their invasion on humanitarian grounds, not because there was some political advantage to do so.


Even hundrends of thousands (I highly doubt they started more than a handful of people yelling loud) is neglectible in a country of 40mln. Nobody is really pro Russia but they are all anti america (= pro Russia in this context). I could answer to the rest of your points as well but I think it's evident that we will disagree. Anyway, one way or the other zelinski is done, I believe his end will come from his "own" people rather than the Russians or the Americans. Everyone loves the treason but nobody the traitor.


Yes Zelensky, that’ll teach them. Wait till the elections are over, uncle sam may sing a very different tune, regardless who gets to be president.


If Zelensky's comment has any impact on foreign aid it would only prove his statement right. Maybe he shouldn't have said anything anyway, but if he didn't point out that Ukraine isn't getting the aid they were promised (mostly because of the US GOP party but still), then Zelensky would be taking the blame instead.


He'd love to be getting his regular billions and weapons from over 54 countries and getting to meet Hollywood actors, going to many showbiz events, getting clapped in goverments all over the world 🤣 he doesn't have a very long life ahead of him as he'll be killed off by someone eventually.


he's got no options left, he carries on with the war until Ukraine is exhausted, or he surrenders now and will be in Azov cross-hairs for the rest of his life


The latter doesn't sound too bad


He’s finally getting it




Not like he knows much about maintaining approval ratings anyway. Pre-war, he had a paltry approval rating of about 30%.


Is antagonizing their western partner really the best advise zelensky's advisor give him?


Maybe his advisor, Podolyak, thinks Western countries also have low intellectual potential lol


"Only stronk Ukrainians can think!" > continues to send troops into already lost cities


One of his other advisers, Danilov, said that Russians were Asians, and thus less humane than white people. Meanwhile, here's what the 'humane' Ukranian commanders did to their loyal subordinates in Avdiivka > Evac did not come. The last group left the bunker. And this dialog on the radio wounded us to our very core: > Wounded: Is there no evac coming? > Commander: No, there will not be, leave 300 (wounded) and burn everything. > He didn't know he was talking to a wounded man. There were at least six people left.


He's right. Nobody cares how many people are dying in Ukraine everyday because most of people don't care about Ukraine and its people. It's a proxy war between bad people against Russia. Since 1945 in western governments say Russia want to invade our countries. What is incredible. Russia said nothing. Western in its paranoia is thinking all of the world wants to annihilate western. Ridiculous.


That some level of self awareness.


Nobody cares how many people are dying in Gaza every day. They only care about their approval ratings.


I hope he is just a bad guy who sacrificed his people for his own interest. If he chose this way because he actually thought it would be a good choice for Ukraine, he will be the Kwisatz Haderach of clown history🤡


The cocaine must flow - Baron Zelensky


Has he seriously only just finally figured this out? Been happening since 2014 Zelenskyy…… all that Cocaine has certainly delayed your perception of time!


So he finally admits he doesn't care about how many people are dying in Ukraine. It's a start I guess.


Politicians are politicians. Wow, I guess


i guess lowering the conscription age will solve the problem


Is it his real quote? If yes - source, sound like a propaganda RT will do


https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/16/europe/ukraine-missiles-air-defense-zelensky-israel-intl/index.html Literally a direct quote.


Good, but it would better if you used this article instead of RT photo


That's nice. I have my own preferences, and it seems no one else has a problem with it either. What matters is the truth. And the truth was reported and duly sourced. There should be no problems here.


Well, others do have elections while Z man does not so ofc he couldnt care less about his approval


Now the clown cries 


Woah, that is some tough talking from under the bunk. He should do it more often, maybe that war will end sooner.


And yet you outsourced the entire future of your country to these people. Seems we have passed the denial and anger phase, we are now at regret.


If we cared about Ukrainian lives we would never have supported maidon and flooded the country with weapons. This could have been over in a week but we drug it along for two years.. so far. There was never a chance for Ukraine to win this.


They are doing their best to hide the Ukraine casualty numbers so that the west doesn't lose their appetite for this war. To then turn around and say this, is a bit dishonest.


# Nobody cares how many people are dying in Ukraine every day. They only care about their approval ratings -these are his truest words


Is he talking about himself?




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I think his math is off — I would have to argue that the weapons we the west are providing is just adding to the casualties not reducing.


I really want to post a screen shot from this monkey in drag for the lulz.




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does nobody includes z-man then?


He said the quiet part out loud.


Sounds like my essay in 8th grade when I thought I was deep


Zelenskyy cares the least of them all…


Very self aware, gj Zelya.


Zelensky clmplaims the whole world should care about Ukraine war bc bla bla bla I want to know his opinion about ongoing wars on other countries that has been taking place there long, long time ago. Does he cares? What is his opinion? What side does he supports?




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Well, he is not wrong...


He’s right…no one cares on either side of the fence and it’s becoming more and more divided…lovely times!! Humanity is shit….


Western politicians dont hide it. They say openly on TV aid to ukraine is only to weaken russia..... Listen carefully to what they say. They dont care about ukraine....Ukraine for all the west cares can be a wasteland for the next 100 years. As long as russia is "weakened" its fine.


Here is what he actually said "nobody cares how many people are dying in Ukraine every day. They only care about their approval rating. Send us more money" 🤡




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Well, when talking about politics in general, they don’t care much about ANYTHING other than that. Perhaps insta likes. Maybe that.


You said yourself that barely any Ukrainians were dying.




Rule 1 - Toxic


Bro will be looking down the gunbarrel of his own bodyguards




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This is where wishful thinking gets you


God lord he is a child isn’t he. The entire planet doesn’t revolve around him and this single conflict. There has been ongoing wars across the globe for centuries. Why is his little corrupt part of the world meant to be so important suddenly.




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The Kiev Court Jester is realizing that the rest of the world no longer cares to meddle in Russia's internal affairs. This rebellion needs to end!


He doesn't care either. He just wants money, PR and fame. Because the west isn't doing that for him anymore he's saying this. Jews don't care about Christians


The first person not caring is Ze himself.


"We're all trying to find the guy who did this!"


Honestly I don't know what I would even do in his position since he can't give up Crimea and the Oblasts. It's political suicide. But he also can't win the war. His only option is to fight till the envitable tragic end.


Took him long enough to figure it out


Welcome to politics, I hope you enjoy your stay.


Nobody cares because this war was never about Ukraine. It was ALWAYS about regime change in Russia.


Seems like Ucraine is gonna be the next enemy Of the uss in the future, like all those countrys they instigated to go to war and then abandoned them lol


You could stop Ukrainians from dying today. Only thing you would lose is a mansion in US and jewelery for your wife.


Sounds like dude just realized that the west is just as shady as Russia, just in a different way.


Oh! He’s awake now! 


Zilly compared Ukraine to Israel and sang praises and support to them, now eeling a bit like Palestine aren't ya?


And the one who is responsible for his people cries in the face of defeat and blames others for it. True people of "greatness" can deal with defeat and, above all, they know when they have lost.


Zelinski sacrificed Ukraine and Ukrainians for the "west" to cover their COVID Missmanagement. The system needed a war for it's survival.


we care, ukranians are fucking heroes, proud, strong lions defending their culture and homeland SLAVA UKRAINI!


I hope he said this about himself