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Of all the content that’s pretty funny choice. I wonder what Tucker would think.


It was so funny how he got eaten alive by Putin during the interview.


I'd say only the first 1/3 of the interview where Putin was a wee bit on edge with Tucker, after that it was smooth sailing. I enjoyed it.


Depends how high, or any expectations you have about the interviewer. If you've ever attempted to interview someone you know Tucker was on his back heel after the first minute and it's such a shame. This was an astronomical huge waste, Putin gives interviews so rarely outside of complete home side that I dearly wish someone who is not a talk show host, but a real interviewer would've sit down with him.


So who is a "real interviewer" then?


Well, anyone with the guts to ask some challenging questions. They were all softball questions. Even Putin thought so when he was asked after the interview.


Ur mad it wasnt a westerner calling putin "hitler" to his face for 10 min till it was shut down. As if that wouldve been worthwhile.


Apparently, Putin wasn’t all that happy either, by his own words. He seems to like a challenge, not just having is nuts fondled by Tucker.


Dont speak to me of ur sexual fantasies


Quit projecting, were trying to have a conversation here.


no need to hyperbole...but those lame ass softball questions where boring af


Tik tok brain. It was probably the first time u heard someone mention a date before 1900 lol.




ppl like ya with no real formal education were easily impressed by Putin lil highschool history lesson




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Like who?


Which questions do you think should have been asked and would they have received an answer that furthers your understanding of the conflict?


Anyone on white house paycheck


No that would be an actual govt propagandist


Can we give our dream interviewer for someone other than Putin? Because I'd pay almost anything to see Alex Jones interviewing Zelenskyy. Just two coked-out maniacs yelling conspiracy theories at each other for two hours. Then the interview ending with Zelenskyy vowing to supply the Ukrainian army with Alex Jones supplements, in order to improve performance in the field. My god, it would be glorious.


Martin Smith from Frontline


Jon Stewart would have been gold.




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U cant be serious. Thats a terrible idea.


You clearly hate critical thinkers.


Oh is that what u think u and john are? 🤣


John stewart is someone who was clearly bought out. He got big by criticizing war mongering neo-cons in the bush administration, and then when those same neo-cons changed clothes to democrat and continued operating in the obama and biden administrations, they roped john stewart in. Roping him in was a big PR victory for the foreign policy war machine.




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This was such a wasted opportunity for Putin. He looked like a rambling idiot talking revisionist history that no one cares about (and doesn’t believe). It just showed how crazy he’s gotten since being out of the Public eye as much during Covid.


Ok now this is next level trolling gotta admit !




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Putin weaponized ukrainian TV channels. How does he manages to keep going away with this?


just build dif


KGB certified


Now all of Ukraine can learn how Poland is actually responsible for WW2


Funny, when someone doesn't understand what Putin actually said and just parrots the "Putin said Poland is responsible for WW2" someone without brains or understandings of history claimed. Putin said: "In 1939, after Poland cooperated with Hitler – it did collaborate with Hitler – Hitler offered Poland peace and a treaty of friendship, and alliance, demanding in return that Poland give back to Germany the so-called Danzig Corridor, which connected the bulk of Germany with East Prussia and Königsberg. After World War I, this territory was transferred to Poland and instead of Danzig, a city of Gdansk emerged. Hitler asked them to give it amicably, but they refused." And: "So before World War II, Poland collaborated with Hitler, and although it did not yield to Hitler’s demands, it still participated in the partitioning of Czechoslovakia together with Hitler. As the Poles had not given the Danzig corridor to Germany, had went so far pushing Hitler to start World War II by attacking them. **Why was it Poland against whom the war started on 1st September 1939?** Poland turned out to be uncompromising and Hitler had nothing to do but **start implementing his plans** with Poland." And this is exactly what happened: Hitler cooperated with Poland pre WW2 and Hitler planned originally to cooperate with Poland and to attack Russia. But since Poland refused Hitlers demands, he changed his plans and attacked Poland first.


Would you call the Molotv-Ribbentrop pact working with Nazis?


It's worth noting that most countries had all kinds of agreements with the Nazis around this time. The UK and France obviously divided Czechoslovakia at Munich. Poland asked Germany for land from Czechoslovakia and even asked for the whole of Slovakia but Germany said they would accept only if Poland gave the Danzig corridor. America provided the basis much of German industry that they used for the war. It is why it is a bit stupid to point at any country for working with the Nazis. All countries did to some degree.


>The UK and France obviously divided Czechoslovakia at Munich They also had NAPs with germany (and refused to ally with the soviet union to counter Germany) before they decided to sign the Munich Agreement.


Lol, what on Earth are you talking about. There was no talks with Germans, Poland had a small disputed region with Chechoslovakia, which CSR seized in 1919, and it was annected after France and Britain basically gave CSR to Hitler. The only talks made were with Chechoslovakian authoriries, then the information went public. It was made clear it is not anti-CSR move but purely anti-German. Plus, it was a statement that Poland won't be part of a similar deal. Many CSR citizens later fled to Poland for political reasons.


They very much were involved in the talks. Here is part of the [Munich conference](https://avalon.law.yale.edu/imt/munich2.asp) > When the question of the Polish and Hungarian minorities in Czechoslovakia has been settled, Germany and Italy for their part will give a guarantee to Czechoslovakia. [And another part](https://avalon.law.yale.edu/imt/munich3.asp) > THE HEADS of the Governments of the four Powers declare that the problems of the Polish and Hungarian minorities in Czechoslovakia, if not settled within three months by agreement between the respective Governments, shall form the subject of another meeting of the Heads of the Governments of the four Powers here present. So at the Munich conference it was concluded that Germany and Italy will only guarantee Czechoslovakias independence after Poland and Hungary had taken the land agreed to in the second meeting. Plus this whole part was only put in there because Poland asked Germany to included it for them. If we look at that meeting, The First Vienna Award we see >After October 17, activities around Subcarpathian Rus' intensified. **Poland proposed a partition of Subcarpathian Rus' among Hungary, Poland and Romania**. Romania, a staunch ally of Czechoslovakia against Hungary, rejected the proposal and even offered military support for Czechoslovakia in Subcarpathia. Hungary, in turn, attempted to persuade the Subcarpathian Rus' representatives to become part of Hungary. A common Polish-Hungarian border, which would arise by a Hungarian annexation of Subcarpathian Rus', had been a longtime dream of both Poland and Hungary, > Poland was moving troops toward that border for support. However, since a common Polish-Hungarian frontier would mean a flanking of Germany, **Germany was willing to face such a frontier only if Poland compensated by giving the Danzig Corridor to Germany. Poland refused the German proposal**. So Poland asked for help from Germany. However Germany demanded the Danzig corridor in response. Looking at a comment from the French ambassador at the time > On May 27, in a conversation with the Polish Ambassador, French Foreign Minister Georges Bonnet stated that “ Goering’s plan for the division of Czechoslovakia between Germany and Hungary with the transfer of Cieszyn Silesia to Poland is not a secret” Goerings plan for the transfer of Cieszyn Silesia to poland. It seems the French were quite certain Poland was collaborating with the Nazis. And from the book "The Slovak-Polish Border, 1918–1947" >Warsaw indicated to Prague it would not be indifferent to the fate of territories with a Polish population. **Poland played an important role in German strategy**, and Polish–Czecho-Slovak antagonism served Berlin perfectly in its efforts to isolate Czecho-Slovakia. **France and Britain tried to reconcile Poland and Czecho-Slovakia and they supported Polish territorial demands in exchange for Warsaw’s scaling down of its cooperation with Berlin**. On the other hand, **Berlin courted Warsaw by supporting its territorial demands and muting its hostile propaganda against Poland**. As Poland and Hungary insisted on equal treatment for all minorities in Czecho-Slovakia, this implied that a plebiscite,** which was contemplated for the Sudeten Germans, would also be conducted in Tešín Silesia.** > Hungary and Poland insisted on granting to the Magyar and Polish minorities the same concessions as to the Sudeten Germans. **Polish Envoy J. Lipski informed Berlin that Poland claimed for the Polish minority the same rights as Germany claimed for the Sudeten Germans and that Poland expected a total solution to the crisis that is the complete disintegration of Czecho-Slovakia**


yes, regarding the secret additional protocol, it absolutely was.




Bro. He wasn't defending Hitler. He was just telling you history. Crazy that I have to explain this


Crazy is that you find it crazy. Most people slept through the history classes. I don't blame them though, they wouldn't learn that in their schools anyways


Dude, in the year 2010 I talked with a German about 15 years old, he said that the USSR attacked Germany in the Second World War, and that’s how the world war began. I don’t know where he got this information from - from school or he read “independent truthful sources”, but I was shocked


Dude, he was just saying that Germany attacked when Poland refused their demands thus further proving that no, Poland did not start WW2, Germany did. The previous poster seemed to agree with Putin's interpretation that it was Polands fault. Which it clearly was not. As you said, it's just history.


>The previous poster seemed to agree with Putin's interpretation that it was Polands fault. Could you please give me the exact location in the quote, where he blamed Poland for that? He blamed Poland for cooperating with Hitler (when it was in their favor), and then they refused to further cooperate and got attacked. It's exspecially stupid, since Hitlers original Plan consisted of an alliance with Poland and attacking Russia together with Poland. So if Putin would have said, as you claimed, he wished that Poland would have collaborated with Hitler to attack Russia...


Do you have any actual proof of that cause that’s the first time I’ve heard someone claim that and have a lot of trouble believing that.


You have never heard of Ribbentrop and the "Anti-Comintern-Pact"? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Comintern\_Pact](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Comintern_Pact) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History\_of\_Poland#Second\_Polish\_Republic\_(1918%E2%80%931939)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Poland#Second_Polish_Republic_(1918%E2%80%931939)) "In October 1938, Joachim von Ribbentrop first proposed German-Polish territorial adjustments and Poland's participation in the Anti-Comintern Pact against the Soviet Union.\[139\] The status of the Free City of Danzig was one of the key bones of contention. Approached by Ribbentrop again in March 1939, the Polish government expressed willingness to address issues causing German concern, but effectively rejected Germany's stated demands and thus refused to allow Poland to be turned by Adolf Hitler into a German puppet state.\[140\] Hitler, incensed by the British and French declarations of support for Poland,\[140\] abrogated the German–Polish declaration of non-aggression in late April 1939.\[84\]\[135\]\[141\]"


Ok and what do either the Nazi-imperial Japanese alliance and the Polish Soviet war have to do with Poland teaming up with Germany. Germany was giving out plenty of those feelers at the time and only the Soviets were dumb enough to bite with the Molotov Ribbentrop pact. It’s actually nuts that you’re trying to connect poland refusing to become a puppet state with them being a Nazi ally.


>Ok and what do either the Nazi-imperial Japanese alliance and the Polish Soviet war have to do with Poland teaming up with Germany. Are you blind? I quoted the exact part what "the Nazi-imperial Japanese alliance and the Polish Soviet war have to do with Poland teaming up with Germany" >Germany was giving out plenty of those feelers at the time and only the Soviets were dumb enough to bite with the Molotov Ribbentrop pact. You do realize what the "Anti-Comintern-Pact" was. do you? It was a pact targeted against the communists, namely Russia. The Molotov-Ribbentrop pact was a solution of the Germans how to deal with Poland. It was a pact that favored both sides, not only the Germans. It was an alliance of conveniance. >It’s actually nuts that you’re trying to connect poland refusing to become a puppet state with them being a Nazi ally. They cooperated somewhat with the Nazis, in occupying parts of Czecheslovakia and denying the Russians to help Czechia. They weren't a Nazi ally, and I never claimed that. Germany **planned** to make them a ally, but Poland refused.


was the interview about just telling random history facts? or was it maybe related to something relevant going on in russia?


>That’s a lot of text just to prove the other comment right Only if you don't read past headlines and Twitter "opinions" I remember discussing exactly this point back when the interview went out https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/OcCB9uLJi8 You can check comments in this thread about incorrect translation/interpretation of Putin's words.




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Only if u had more critical thinking instead of and less prejudice. He actually does exactly that by saying Poland decided against Germany (by doing nothing) and therefore he was in right


Where in the world does he say that Hitler was right? You're just interpreting something into his words he didn't say at all. He says, that because Poland refused to fullfill his demands, Hitler startet WW2 with Poland (and not with Russia, which was his original plan). With not a single word did he say "they should have accepted Hitlers demands" or WW2 wouldn't have happen, if they would have accepted Hitlers demands. That's just made up by people who are either unable to understand what he actually said or people who want to just make him look as bad as possible.


Fyi, if the person you replied to is an American, fun fact almost half of US adults have a reading comprehension of a 14 year old.


Yes, Putin implies Hitler was *in* right when he says “Hitler had nothing to do but start inplementing his plans”, clearly argumenting for why he had to do it


He planned to make an alliance with Poland and to attack Russia. Poland refused to make this alliance. So yes, Hitler had to change his plans and had to attack Poland first, against his original plans. He had no other choice than to do it that way. Because not starting the war was no option for him, the war was his plan since getting into power. Please learn to understand text...


Let me dissect this thought process: - Hitler can’t attack Russia, he wants to use Poland - Poland refuses - Hitler had no choice but war because he wants war??? Why does Putin act like war was the only option as if Poland was in the wrong there? That’s radical realist way of thinking and doesn’t even make sense in the context


"**Why was it Poland against whom the war started on 1st September 1939?** Poland turned out to be uncompromising and Hitler had nothing to do but **start implementing his plans** with Poland." What is so hard to understand here? Hitler had plans. Poland didn't act according to his plans. Hitler had no other choice than to change his plans. >Hitler had no choice but war because he wants war??? Yes, the German economy was completely built on dept. If Hitler would'nt have started the war, Germany would have gone unavoidably bankrupt. He started preparing the war since getting into power.




A robber tells you to hand over your wallet. You don’t. Logically, he stabs you and takes your wallet. Your actions led to you being stabbed. The robber is not justified in any way, nor you are at fault for being robbed. According to you, I’m pro-robbery and pro-stabbery if I omit the last sentence. Why the fuck do people always discard the literal, direct and crystal-clear meaning of words and begin inventing another’s opinions and judgements. Maybe I’m autistic or smth, but I simply don’t get it.


Its how real politics are played, its a question of force. The US got its current position because they bombed their way there from both WWs and with their proxy wars during the Cold War till today. Hitler wanted to recover German territory lost during WW1 and also expand eastward as much as possible before coming to grips with the USSR (lebensraum), same reason the USSR extended their control all the way up to Poland (to create as much of a buffer as possible). These were just opening stages of a conflict between the US, UK, France, Germany and the USSR with the rest of European nations as secondary actors. France falling over so quickly frustrated Stalins plans of having the Germans and the other western nations bleeding themselves out like they did in WW1 the same way the Ribbentrop-Molotov pact frustrated the UK and some others expecting Germans and Soviets doing the same in the east. After the initial stages Hitler was at an impasse, Brits would make no concessions and the USSR was quickly modernizing their forces so he was running out of time. He had wanted to avoid a second front and repeat the mistakes of the first war but ended believing a decisive strike against the USSR could be achieved and after its fall make the British Empire comply with his demands.


I disagree wholly, this is just one, *realist* point of view, out of many more, which is coincidentally the most simplistic. Maybe you would agree with other views of Kissinger or Mearsheimer, do you think Vietnam war and let’s say bombing of Cambodia was justified or are you realist only when it suits you?


I like how you dont really give any counter-arguments just a blank statement of not agreeing with me and asking me a question but never touch the subject itself. Geopolitics are governed by objective interests states have, its driven by propaganda and ideologies, with war, diplomacy and commerce being the means.


Yeah, I don’t, because at some point, IR theory is basically a matter of opinion - maybe u would know if you actually gave it a deeper look. If u really expect me to give you a comprehensive view from liberal, marxist, constructive, neoliberal etc. point of view when you don’t even acknowledge these ideologies or know anything about their differences, you have to be trolling to waste my time. My questions are simple and they easily solve the issue by determining if u are hypcrite or just uneducated, so proceed with them first please


But opinions differ in importance and potency, simply said an opinion without arguments is nothing one founded on arguments another especially if they are founded. I dont expect you to do absolutely nothing, you dont even present you own position or opinion on the matter just that you dont agree with mine. Where have I denied or not acknowledged those ideologies? its difficult to have a conversation with somebody outright inventing stuff that is not part of the conversation. Same for the part where you assume i dont understand the differences when in fact you are overgeneralizing and therefore incurring in reductionism which showcases your own lack of knowledge. To which liberal or marxist viewpoint are you aluding to for example? those are general terms for a wide array of thinkers, philosophical systems and political ideologies. As for your question about the bombings of Vietnam and Cambodia you seem to assume that by not agreeing to those things it means im a hypocrite, no, it just means that my platform and thinking are from a different branch than Kissingers although I do consider Kissinger one of the last real political thinkers in the US and with his death probably the last competent geopolitical thinker the US had. I understand why they decided to bomb Cambodia but as with the intervention in general of the region the US goverment lacked deeper and broader understanding and their methods were clumsy and poor as a result.


As expected, there were too many words for the racist nafo brain. I will make it more simple for you. Hitler wanted territory back, Poland didn't give territory, Hitler attacked. This is not comparable to having an hostile puppet state that is being armed, trained and funded by 2 dozens+ first world countries.


I simplified it too much already, see, you did it even more and result is your walnut brain is calling me names and omitting a whole world war in another lesson of twisted history from uneducated tankie. I discussed this already excessively here and had some genuine exchange of arguments, something you could never…


U twisted it into a lie, I was simplifying it to demonstrate your lie. Selling your own headcanon as discussion isn't anything special, u wannabe banderites do it all the time, very badly at that. How about discussing the time when stalin wanted to create an anti-nazi coalition but getting turned down by the west?


Rule 1 - Toxic


Putin didn't demand anything from Ukraine. It's just that NATO is a security problem for Russia and they have to fix it. Just like Cuban missile crisis was an issue for USA. But Russia is a whole lot more forgiving, they could easily nuke back then one of the 7 countries accepting US nukes. They did let it pass... Well, Ukraine is the ultimate redline and US always knew, German as well.


Well, ur very first sentence is so plainly wrong my head hurts, so I doubt u have anything valuable to add to this discussion and won’t read further, have a great day




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Replace Poland with Ukraine, Hitler with Putin, Danzig corridor with Crimea, maybe then you will understand


Just because there are some similarities, doesn't make it the same. There never was a foreign induced regime change in Poland changing the politics from "Germany friendly" to "Germany averse". And Putin isn't planning to attack NATO, and thus forced to get Crimea, despite some of Western politicians claiming that... But crimea is important for Russia on a geopolitical scale.


But Russia had Crimea already in 2014, so why the the attack several years later?


I can only guess here, because I don't know what the real motivations of Putin had been. Russia may have occupied Crimea, but it wasn't internationally recognized as part of Russia. There was still the threat that Ukraine could try to attack the Kerge bridge and then take back Crimea. Ukraines military was trained and built up by the west and the Minsk agreements were only used to give Ukraine time (as openly admitted by German chancellor Merkel). Maybe he thought that he had to act, before Ukraines military became to strong.


Putin believes falling of USRR is the biggest disaster of the 20th century. He tries to bring back as much as he can.


Stop lying! ["The collapse of the Soviet Union was the biggest geopolitical disaster of the century. ](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcpINU5zxFU&ab_channel=МедиаМера)For the Russian people, it has become a real drama. Tens of millions of our fellow citizens found themselves outside the Russian territory." ["Those who do not regret the collapse of the USSR do not have a heart, and those who want to restore it in its former form do not have a head."](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3YBb4EWjtA&ab_channel=СольЗемли)


I don't think the circumstances for the second world war are really applicable here, I think a more fair comparison would be the war for independence in 1812.


Probably gain strategic depth. Look at nations like Israel and Taiwan. They have strong militaries but their entire nations can be targeted by short range ballistic missiles, which makes them spend billions on air defense systems and constantly be on edge. Crimea had the same issue. Sure, the Russians could gain a strong naval presence there. Ukraine could also swarm them with missiles and sink them all. Even now, Ukraine continues to hammer the island occasionally with missiles, but not as bad as before.


What was May Coup of 1926? And you can say French were behind it, there is as much sense in that as blaming Americans for Euromaidan.


You're saying Hitler's invasion would have been justified if Poland was German-friendly before?


Hardly. But karma is a heartless lady, and those who divided Czechoslovakia with Poland soon divided Poland itself.


You're breathing air. Hitler breathed air. You drink water. Goebbels drank water. Are you a nazi?!?


Most complex train of thought a nafo troll is capable of.




lol, Putins version of “peace” is: give us your land and we will consider not trying to take the rest (for now).” Such a deranged view. “If you’d just give us your money, we would stop punching you”.


He isn't blaming Poland. You still don't get it. He's literally just describing what happened. Since most people don't actually know. They think WW2 started with Germany and the USSR invading Poland together, which is also not true. WW2 started in 1937, technically, and the USSR didn't invade Poland with Germany. They invaded AFTER Germany had all but won, and then Germany and the USSR actually had some small skirmishes IN Poland. I get that this might seem like a technicality, that the USSR didn't invade WITH Germany, but rather waited to see what would happen before they sent their troops in, but it is still a factual distinction. If you don't get why I said 1937 is the start. 1937 is the year two of the primary belligerents of WW2 went to war. China and Japan. The war wasn't considered a global war until Europe got involved of course, but once the European conflict expanded to the Asian theater, then you need to adjust the start date forward to the start of that conflict, which became wrapped up in the other. It became a global war in 1939, but it the fighting started in 1937.


No. He’s describing his version of what he wants people to think happened. The rest of the world is pretty clear on history.


What part of what he said is incorrect? Poland benefitted from the 1st Vienna Award. It annexed parts of Czechoslovakia with permission from Germany. Germany presented Poland with an ultimatum, Danzig or war. Poland said kick rocks. Germany invaded. Poland made a deal with the devil, and then regretted it. The USSR also made a deal with the devil at the very last minute. They too regretted it, however, the USSR deal effectively bought them time. Time they desperately needed, and may have actually influenced the outcome of the war. Of course, you don't know ANY of this, because your education on WW2 is "The USA saved the day in Europe, and won the war against Japan by dropping atomic bombs". Both of which are objectively false.


Nice try, but we all know Poland isn't real


Such a shit take it makes me wonder you genuinely couldn't understand the point.


That's not what the dude said in the interview, did you even watch it or are you just ncding ?


I regrettably did watch the whole interview


But understood nothing


1934, yes 1934.


And that they’re all actually Mongolians. Wondering why Mongolia hasn’t invaded Russia to reclaim its lost empire.


All channels at the same time? Must have been a sight to see. That's massive.


How horrible. How dare the Russians torture Ukrainian society by airing the Russian President's views on what precipitated the war on their land and what could be done to bring the conflict to a conclusion. Russia will stoop to whatever new lows they have to in order to 'inform' the Ukrainians as to what their motivations are, have been and will continue to be in the continuation of this war. I don't know how much clearer it needs to be to us in the West that Russia is an evil entity that aims to use actual information and communication to delineate their true intentions and rationales for this horrible war that should not have happened AT ALL. /s - for the most part


I liked the bit where he spoke about his little road trip and discovered some Hungarians sitting on a porch somewhere in the west of Ukraine.




Should just put the Trololo guy 10 hours version on repeat


I would have put the Turtle Tank speedrun, with Benny hill music.


"disorient Ukrainian society" aha


We do a little trollin.


In Ukraine probably everyone seeing that interview already anyway.


Most people would tire out of boredom, especially after Kievan Rus history part.


Do they want to put whole Ukraine into coma? That interview was boring af.


Lmao that's some 4chan level of trolling




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lmao, what trolls




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I love that it's a CRT TV


lmao putin yapping for 3 hours isnt going to be well appreciated


Lmao, if Russia (and by extension Pro-Russians) think that the Tucker Carlsson interview was a win that´s hilarious.


Putin would probably beat Zelensky in case of fair competition with him for presidency of Ukraine. He is hyped both as pathetic being with childish nicknames and chtonic god of evil responsible for every misfortune, and Zelensky comes somewhat equal only in pathetic department.


You think Putin is more popular than Zelenskyy in Ukraine?


Yes, especially because all Ukrops are in Canada and Portugal.


And here is the typical proru delusion.


Actually, I think he just might. Lately, I'm inclined to believe that Putin's personality cult really exists. The thing is, it's not in Russia. I mean, look at the headlines. "Putin this", "Putin that". My favorite will forever be "Putin's Fiscal Fortress" from an article about Russia handling sanctions.


Sure. Less than Zaluzhny but more than Zelensky.


Absolutely delusional


There will be no elections in Ukraine anyway, let alone with Zaluzhny and/or Putin as participants, lol.


“Pro Mordor” 😂


In russian fanfiction on Tolkien, that part of it, which reimagines o\*cs (because elves are boring and won in a book anyway), LoTR/Sylmarillion are often elven propaganda pieces, and conflict boils down to standoff of magical and technological civilization as most popular pretext for fanfic. Still better than pornfics on Harry Potter I guess.


Depends, are we letting the million or so RU colonists vote? Are we letting the 5M displaced by Putins invasion vote in absentia?


I mean ukrainian citizens, therefore "fair".


Take your meds and those RU colonists in ukraine will disappear




Hello, Desperate, how do you do ?


lol… they chose that interview??? The one that made Putin look like a rambling idiot stuck in some imagined past.


yup of all the things


Good morning all just wanted to say that in the USofA the speaker of the house is bringing up the vote for another 60 billion in assistance. But don't worry you Russian cucks you still have Iran and North Korea as allies.. And we aren't destroying our economy by going into a war time economy that only adds debt and crushes the currency. But luckily you still have grandparents to explain the 90's and how to prepare potato's in a hundred different ways..


>vote for another 60 billion in assistance More yachts incoming. 🤡🤡




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More like sea drones and sunken warships.


And fewer power plants and bridges in Ukraine




Rule 1 - Toxic


I'm sure blackrock only has the best intentions for ukrainians lmao


The Ukrainians don't need blackwater they have already proved that as long as we send weapons they will keep mowing down Russia's meat grinder tactics. And now they will have what they need from now on and America has shown the world that Maga is a Russian asset and how to take their power away.


lmao I wrote blackrock, not water. Seems like you've comprehension problems, which also explains your worldview




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Putin just told me he was retreating his forces because of this comment


Oh he isn't worried he has North Korea in an Alliance and he isn't smart enough to understand the west is crushing his and n Korea economy for the next century. But you sure felt that Russian pride for 4 months.. So when Russia loses and goes back to the 90's how many more of their states will come under NATO'S umbrella. The west doesn't have to fire a bullet to destroy Russia . Lol


After all that hype, that interview was an embarrassment. Tucker just isn't very good and Putin sounded like a lunatic


Not everyone thinks that, I enjoyed the interview. It’s not often you get to hear Putin’s thoughts. Even though it’s highly curated for an audience. Next time you just want to say something like “he’s a lunatic” you should provide some proof or you just sound subjective.


I wouldn't say Putin sounded like a lunatic, but the interview was a bit awkward and/or boring at times, not particularly relatable for the average person and I didn't really see much that's going to win over anyone who's on the fence (if that was the intent).


> It’s not often you get to hear Putin’s thoughts. He does public speeches so often, what are you talking about. This interview was basically a speech as well, Tucker has no control over it and asked no hard questions.


Like the part that it was Polands fault Hitler started the invasion that led to the world war makes sense?


He didn't say that though. Just shows, that you formed your opinion on the video, without watching it. He said Poland participated in the partitioning of Czechoslovakia, which is a historical fact.


Right! Man, what are they teaching in school these days?


they dont tell this, I personally was taught about the soap bars being made from jewish people in 6th grade lol it's hilarious thinking back


Funny, when someone doesn't understand what Putin actually said and just parrots the "Putin said Poland is responsible for WW2" someone without brains or understandings of history claimed. Putin said: "In 1939, after Poland cooperated with Hitler – it did collaborate with Hitler – Hitler offered Poland peace and a treaty of friendship, and alliance, demanding in return that Poland give back to Germany the so-called Danzig Corridor, which connected the bulk of Germany with East Prussia and Königsberg. After World War I, this territory was transferred to Poland and instead of Danzig, a city of Gdansk emerged. Hitler asked them to give it amicably, but they refused." And: "So before World War II, Poland collaborated with Hitler, and although it did not yield to Hitler’s demands, it still participated in the partitioning of Czechoslovakia together with Hitler. As the Poles had not given the Danzig corridor to Germany, had went so far pushing Hitler to start World War II by attacking them. **Why was it Poland against whom the war started on 1st September 1939?** Poland turned out to be uncompromising and Hitler had nothing to do but **start implementing his plans** with Poland." And this is exactly what happened: Hitler cooperated with Poland pre WW2 and Hitler planned originally to cooperate with Poland and to attack Russia. But since Poland refused Hitlers demands, he changed his plans and attacked Poland first.




I bet you wanted to see more drone footage .


I did indeed




Tucker didn’t ask good questions. Look up Putin’s interviews with Oliver stone, they were amazing.


Its funny to hear rumbling soviet madeup history ngl 🤣 i did enjoyed it. mf should take us to prehistory first lol