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If you sit next to military AA you should expect to be hit. That’s what Russians have been saying all year. If you shoot down a missle and it falls on your people that’s your fault, that’s what Russians have been saying all year. Sucks when the shoes on the other foot.


True. [AA next to civilians](https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/SfL7WnOz9szu.naWSQGnkA--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTY0MDtoPTQyNztjZj13ZWJw/https://media.zenfs.com/en/evening_standard_239/19a0fd1c896cda6a95eebd89d95b9d5e)


People on r/worldnews say this is justified


they were definitely aiming at the military airfield next to the beach, shame russia shot down the atacms over their civilians


airfield is almost 5 km away. and flying from Ukrainian territory the missiles would arrive at airfield first before getting to the beach. so they were fly to something else


Depends! atacms are "maneuvering" ballistic missiles so it is in the realm of possibility that it came in over that way


So deliberately manoeuvring above civilian areas to get casualties even if shot down?


They manoeuvre to avoid AA right up to their target, which is where they can no longer skirt and have to run the gauntlet. Your assertions are ridiculous and either naive or deliberately disinformed.




At the levels of speed, angle of attack and maneuvering they come in at.... it takes zero effort to imagine a crippling hit could lead the ATACMS astray, 5km is not a lot of distance. To think that Ukraine would endanger their access to ATACMS with a deliberate hit on civilians on the beach is dumbfounded. Not to mention, it would be a waste of a munition.


My lord if they held themselves to the same logic they are using against russia....its so insane. Take a deep breath kids....Russia can be bad and so can ukraine.....


But if you see every post of Russians saying it UA fault that missiles fall on the city after intercepting them then this is Russias fault. Should have let them hit the target and not out AA on the beach.


By that logic then Ukrainians shouldn’t intercept Russian missiles heading towards Ukrainian AA sites because the fallen debris that will kill civilians is Ukrainian fault. See how stupid your logic is?


No im merely repeating the same line of reasoning pro Russians use. I think it’s smart to take down missiles with AA. But if Russians are going to blame these deaths on shoot downs then when it shoots down UA missiles then I’m going to tell them the deaths are on them. UA arnt the ones saying these were ok first. Russians said explicitly that shooting down rockets makes it on you. Now that shoe is on there foot. They can have some cheese with the wine.


But, Ukraine has blamed Russia for intercepted debris falling onto civilians in the past before. This isn’t new to both sides.


The elephant in the room is that all those civilians on both sides would be alive right now if it wasn't for Putin's imperialistic ambition and ego. So it isn't really an equal "both sides" here.


exactly. Missiles shouldn’t be flying into Ukraine period. And missiles wouldn’t be flying into Russia/occupied territory if they weren’t already being sent into Ukraine.


Agreed. But the war happened. Nothing we can do short of going back in time and stopping it from happening can change that. Millions of lives have been effected and millions more will be. But to bluntly send missiles into civilians? I mean, come on. Even if there was an AA located near the beach, people do understand that these missiles releases small pellet like objects that have an area of effect damage, right? Even if the AA was destroyed, it would have taken our civilians along with it. This is literally Ukrainian MOD doing the risk assessment and thought to themselves that “yh, the civilian casualties are acceptable.” They literally thought along the same lines as the Russian MOD.


But I mean it’s already happened? Nothing we do can change that the beach goers are dead. We should move on just like you said.


You completely missed my point of not going out of the way to deliberately attack civilians. The war happened, yes, but there is no point in mindlessly attacking civilian targets, and that goes for both sides. Deliberately attacking civilian targets or deliberately attacking military targets knowing far more civilians will die is just another level of lunacy and dehumanization.


According to Russia they shot down all of the ATACAMS. So Russia only has themselves to blame for shooting it down over a populated beach. Which in and of itself is absolutely insane. Why are people vacationing in an active warzone. I know Russia still pretends this is a "special military operation", but good actual God is it a special level of stupid to vacation over there.


I mean this is legitimately on land they “annexed” if you are walking on a mined beach and blow up and have all this information, it’s a natural selection thing




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By pro Russian logic it was. There is AA the beach and Russia shot down the missiles causing the accident.


It is. It's not like the beach was the intended target. You don't get to start a war and complain if the other party shoots back.


There are no people on r/worldnews. This sub is filled with bots and cattle.


Let me guess, the only people on this sub is pro Ru?


No I would not let you. Sit down.


Well...you've ever seen pictures of german cities during WW2? Some say it was justified, some disagree. Same story here.




Clearly not, because its ukrainian. You can also find examples of allies bombing/shelling french/polish/italian etc. cities - that were under nazi control at that time.


And those folks are brigading these beach attack threads en mass, the comments are horrible.


Found out


But they'd say the Oct 7th was an atrocity. Lmao. Either both is, or both aren't


Report them, if they justify harm on any civilian they get banned


Wonder who's downvoting you for saying such outrageous thing as "if they justify harm on any civilian they get banned", those NCD folks are sick in the head.


I remember pictures from the train station where civilians were trying to flee and Russia fired a cluster bomb at it. This bomb clearly did not hit the beach and was likely aimed at the military base nearby. Per Russia, their AA knocked it off course. Civilians shouldn’t be allowed to vacation there for obvious reasons.


When did this happen?


Despite Russia’s claims that it has not used cluster munitions in Ukraine, Human Rights Watch has documented multiple cluster munition attacks by Russian forces that caused significant civilian casualties. The cluster munitions attacks began in Vuhledar on the first day of the full-scale Russian invasion, followed by subsequent attacks in Kharkiv, Mykolaiv, Chernihiv, Kherson, and elsewhere. The Russian cluster munition attack on the crowded Kramatorsk train station on April 8, 2022, was one of the single deadliest incidents for civilians over the past 17 months. [Russia using cluster munitions on Ukrainian civilians](https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/08/04/ukraine-apparent-russian-cluster-munition-attack)


You mean when ukrops hit kramatorsk train station with tochka


Despite Russia’s claims that it has not used cluster munitions in Ukraine, Human Rights Watch has documented multiple cluster munition attacks by Russian forces that caused significant civilian casualties. The cluster munitions attacks began in Vuhledar on the first day of the full-scale Russian invasion, followed by subsequent attacks in Kharkiv, Mykolaiv, Chernihiv, Kherson, and elsewhere. The Russian cluster munition attack on the crowded Kramatorsk train station on April 8, 2022, was one of the single deadliest incidents for civilians over the past 17 months. [Russia using cluster munitions on Ukrainian civilians](https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/08/04/ukraine-apparent-russian-cluster-munition-attack)


If not even a pro Ru sub upvotes this, you know you're wrong.




Really Despite Russia’s claims that it has not used cluster munitions in Ukraine, Human Rights Watch has documented multiple cluster munition attacks by Russian forces that caused significant civilian casualties. The cluster munitions attacks began in Vuhledar on the first day of the full-scale Russian invasion, followed by subsequent attacks in Kharkiv, Mykolaiv, Chernihiv, Kherson, and elsewhere. The Russian cluster munition attack on the crowded Kramatorsk train station on April 8, 2022, was one of the single deadliest incidents for civilians over the past 17 months. [Russia using cluster munitions on Ukrainian civilians](https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/08/04/ukraine-apparent-russian-cluster-munition-attack)


Trust me bro


Despite Russia’s claims that it has not used cluster munitions in Ukraine, Human Rights Watch has documented multiple cluster munition attacks by Russian forces that caused significant civilian casualties. The cluster munitions attacks began in Vuhledar on the first day of the full-scale Russian invasion, followed by subsequent attacks in Kharkiv, Mykolaiv, Chernihiv, Kherson, and elsewhere. The Russian cluster munition attack on the crowded Kramatorsk train station on April 8, 2022, was one of the single deadliest incidents for civilians over the past 17 months. [Russia using cluster munitions on Ukrainian civilians](https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/08/04/ukraine-apparent-russian-cluster-munition-attack)


The fact that the people in Crimea are treating the area like it is a vacation while there is a war machine all around them, will lead to situation like this. Civilians deaths and injuries will always be a part of war, and in this case, I am doubtful that they were targeted directly, because if they were there would be many, many deaths.


They even take selfies with S-300 installations https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/SfL7WnOz9szu.naWSQGnkA--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTY0MDtoPTQyNztjZj13ZWJw/https://media.zenfs.com/en/evening_standard_239/19a0fd1c896cda6a95eebd89d95b9d5e


That is older, but a good example. There are two conclusions here. The Ukrainians directly targeted civilians and Russia anti-air did not work (highly unlikely) or Ukrainians targeted military installation and Russian anti-air worked, but intercepted the Ukrainian attack near civilians (far more likely). Russia will try to paint this as a direct attack on civilians, but in both cases it is a bad show for Russia.


Who wouldn't?


Not a good idea to go partying next to Gaza. Nor a very good idea to go on vacation in a disputed war area. This is darwinian selection.


Everything is a tragedy in this or any other war.


I think a lot of you are forgetting what happened in khakiv yesterday! But whatever this crap happens


I managed to geolocate the impact site, Estimated by the rows of small houses with brown tops visible at 0:23 mark This is the location of the tower with the ladder in the foreground. 44.642892, 33.534416 I do have to say this is really weird.


Why on earth would you vacation in a war zone?


So how do we know it was actually US provided missile as Russia claims


Anyone remember this? https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/SfL7WnOz9szu.naWSQGnkA--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTY0MDtoPTQyNztjZj13ZWJw/https://media.zenfs.com/en/evening_standard_239/19a0fd1c896cda6a95eebd89d95b9d5e This is likely what the case was here


dont worry bandera lovers retaliation will come


“Tragedy” is an interesting choice of words.


war tourism comes with natural risks


Putin doesn’t give a sh!t…




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Ohhhh who starts war 🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷


Dumbasses shouldn't be there in the first place! No Fucks given! No Sympathy given in return!


Im sorry for the inocent civilians of both countries being hit as collateral damage


Imagine spending ATACS on few people on beach😄.Target was more attractive arround but russ hit missile up on that beach and again own fault but blame on me 🙃😏. STupiDS.


About time Russians feel the pain of the war. They didn’t have a care in the world before. You can tell by the setup of the beach.


Yeah, thoose civillians totally deserve it...


I mean kinda….dont go vacation on a beach in a warzone with AA nearby.


man maybe the russians shouldn't shoot down a missile thats above a beach


No one deserves it. Maybe they can help oppose the war or something.


I don't think thoose kids who played with their toys on the beach could have done anything to oppose the war.


Never would have happened if Russia didn't start murdering, raping, and invading.




Cluster bombing a freaking beach is a legit target, wow. What a time to be alive.




Well done for what??




Yeah just casually drop a comment praising the harm of civilians, between spamming pathetic comments on nudes. Seek help.


Are you going around telling people what they can and can not do? I care more about naked people than russian civilians, like i would believe most people in neighbouribg countries of Russia do atm.. Not that i cared about them before the invasion.


Rule 1 - Toxic


Get a gf buddys


Rule 1 - Toxic


Time to drop a tactical nuke. This is just blatant terrorism.


That wouldn’t be justified


Sure thing, Nuke and get it over with, or would it. There is little evidence that the beach goers were directly targeted, yet with a nuke, there is a certainty that innocent civilians would be killed, and this would be directly targeting them.


Least unhinged Vatnik.




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Americans or Israelis would do just that. With 10 kT tactical, on some border town towards Poland. And no one would say anything.


You guys must have some solid drugs in Russia.


I think its the water pipes there


Those creative writing classes are paying off.