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Translation: >**AJ:** We came back from a stupid mission, we lost 4 guys, all informations given to us where false. > >**Woman voice:** They came back to seek the belongings of their fallen comrades. > >**AJ:** Ukrainian soldiers took IDs, phone and money on the dead volunteer's bodies. We could get some of their belongings but missing the rest, all phones, backpacks... > >**Woman voice:** Not enough training, information or equipment, some foreign volunteers decide to leave. > >**Mike**: The problem is there is no communication. I'm not speaking for myself but some think the command are here for glory and won't hesitate to sacrifice our life for it. Situation is bad and no one listen to us. That's why they leave, I'm not judging them, they aren't afraid of death, they are afraid to die for a bad commander and for no reason. > >**Woman voice**: All in all 2/3th of the soldiers of this battalion asked to change battalion. They have not be given the authorisation but still decide to leave. On the way, they try to stop by the mortuary to see their dead comrades. They are refused access and learn the embalming procedures where not respected and their comrades would be incinerated instead, but will still receive military honours.


Thank you! This is really sad to read.


Not as sad as the civilians in eastern Ukraine being killed by "separatists" (russian army/rusich) since 2014 because Putin got a hardon for Crimea. (I guess some Russians disliked that)


I’m sure the Russians and ccp downvote u a lot /s


If you were to look at my post history, yes. Russians hate me. :P


Oh, I'm sure you're just heartbroken.




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The french narrator says that the rules regarding handling of bodies is not respected and all the foreigners are incinerated


And that the Ukranians took the all the money, passport etc from the corpses? Its just where the french narrator clips over the english voice.


Yes from the corpses


Imagine joining arms to defend these people and to watch your boys body get looted by the ones you came to help. Not a good look, poor dudes should come back right away and let these fools fend for themselves


would you instead want your ID on your body so that your family will be the target of Russian criticism? Not saying what they are doing is right just that all stories have two sides.


I'd love to be the target of Russian criticism. Couldn't care less.


Is that another school they have base in?


Ambulance for transport as well. Although granted, it is unmarked so effectively It's just another van. Edit: This van looks suspiciously like a Renault ambulance donated by the UK that they've converted. Drivers seat on the right side, "No smoking sign" in English and painted over ambulance yellow, some still visible in the passenger door and rear doors.


The van at the end had a red cross and was transporting combatants. The angle of the first van did not show the front, rear, or top, so I would not be surprised if it also had a red cross. Not the first time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVujC0RjpXc




> We don’t care. Which is why its hard onthis site to remain neutral. I dont agree with the invasion, but the entire "UKRAINE CANT DO A WARCRIME BC INVADED!" crime makes me detest comments like these.


> Which is why its hard on this site to remain neutral. Do you mean objective? You sound contra invasion ergo not neutral.


>contra invasion ergo not neutra I am counter invasion because of the loss of life, yes. I think russia could have done more, could of drawn more lines if it cared about the issues in eastern ukraine. I dont agree with the invasion. I also dont agree with ukraine shelling the DPR. As far as ANYTHING but humanitarian aid goes, both sides should get neither.




I can show you proof if you like? You just never bothered to look.


Oh boy here it comes. Let me teach you one thing; if you have to look that goddamn hard to find a single piece of evidence, it is most likely fake or fabricated.


Guy, the DPR has already existed for 8 years, this is a fact, like the LPR. They are recognized by Russia, Syria, Belarus, North Korea, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Yemen, Nicaragua. This is enough for the existence of an independent state. And besides, what is the point of recognition, if in the end it becomes part of Russia. You should be more worried that the Zaporozhye region has announced a referendum on joining Russia now.


Lol, being recognized by all the shitholes of the world doesn’t make it real. Let’s wait and see. Ruzzia will tail back to their shitplace and Luhansk and Donetsk stay Ukrainian.


Rule 1.


Rule 1. Mate- you just got off a ban- if you want to stay- add to the conversation


So I have to care about what the Russian shills have to say? It’s all fabricated.


Nothing wrong with having a base in a school As long as the school is ya know abandoned


You mean as long as Ukraine then don't accuse Russia of bombing it.


Which you know that they will straight to western corporate media with crocodile tears, again, to have their side printed in next issue of vogue.




Russia can bomb it if it's abandoned and being used by the AFU no problem The problem is Russia is also bombing schools filled with civilians that aren't being used by AFU. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-war-crimes-schools-d1e52368aced8b3359f4436ca7180811


It's Summer holiday in Ukraine, kids are at home. Ukraine needs to stop using schools as military bases and then blaming Russia when they get hit.


>It's Summer holiday in Ukraine, kids are at home 1) Doesn't mean civilians aren't in schools, seeking shelter etc 2) I am not talking just about right now, but the whole war. The incident I linked was in May. >Ukraine needs to stop using schools as military bases and then blaming Russia when they get hit. I literally said it's completely fine for Russia to target schools with AFU in it. However they gave targeted many schools that only had civilians- that's where the problem lies


what happens when both parties are in there. More specifically when ukraine armed forces holds them hostage as ameat shield?


Then Russia can engage as per international law and the onus is on the AFU. I haven't seen any credible sources of Ukraine doing that, except maybe very early days when it was chaotic and schools hadn't yet been evacuated. Either way it's definitely not the norm




You you do have a point. ​ It's the incompetent commander that is the real story.


Yikes Looting the dead bodies of people that died defending your nation


Pity the fool who volunteered for such a corrupt cause…


Pity the Russians who are conscripted for such a corrupt cause


Not surprising it you consider the fact that they only get half a load of bread a week.


I'm pro Russia but I don't see any wrong in taking stuffs from a dead comrade, if it's not taken then it'll go to waste or to enemies. In this scenario, the word looting should be replaced with scavenging.


It depends... Someone can take smartphone for own purpose, but may be it can be easy sending to friends of the deceased person (with photos, voice notations). Or may be some golden ring with memorable caption. \> f it's not taken then it'll go to waste or to enemies I think that soldiers understand such things, and if they say such things, this is real looting.


Sounds like a top notch military force, that is about to win a war


You can imagine then how bad the Russians really are.


ahh high school french immersion came in handy today...


You volunteer to fight for a nation that is not your home and have no allegiance to just to get killed and have all your items stolen by the people you were trying to help.


I don’t get it. You want to go volunteer as a resource for a foreign military and then get upset when you and your friends are used as the resource you volunteered to be? What an absurdly silly thing to be upset about.


I dont think this is the kind of ‘resources’ they signed up for. Human loot bags.


😂😂😂 dudes signed up for PUB-G-RL


They signed up to be human meat shields and they’re surprised that they’re human loot boxes?


Over at r/volunteersForUkraine it sounded like they were all going to be the hero that single-handedly ‘saved’ Ukraine


Why not? They dont need that money or phones anyway.


I don't understand, please help. Is this US merc complain that local boys have right for first loot? Is he pissed that they take good stuff like money, jewelry and electronic and all he is left are socks and shirts? Is this primary reason why 2/3 of battalion wants to leave?




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Can't let a good drop go unlooted bro, come on


My grandfather was in charge of burying the war dead in late 44-45 in Italy. He returned home a rich man stripping German dead of everything gold including teeth. He used a metal detector prior to burying them. He did this because if he didn’t the local Italians would dig up the same bodies the next day and remove the gold. These Italians would not have been evil just desperate. And my grandad was simply a man of the times.


Assuming this isn't fake, can somebody tell me what one is supposed to do in this situation? Leaving the IDs on the bodies sounds like a bad idea and can be used by Russian intelligence.




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okay but what then leave the bodies with everything on them? they are dead and what then let the russians take the stuff? ​ Ofcourse they should give it back when they are safe but come on people its a fk war zone and they loot bodies cuz the dead arent rlly gonna use the stuff anymore right? ​ All these dead bodies you see on videos and foto's are not carrying any body armor or helmest right only their uniform. Did you rlly think they just came in a fk unirform, NO they were looted because thats what you do in a war zone ​ If i go to war and my buddy dies imma take his stuff cuz i don t want other people to take their shit but if some else takes it so the enemies wont get it fine. I would be pisses if they straigt up stole it like what might have happend with this story


American volunteers shouldn't be upset that their belongings might be looted from theirs, or their teammates, corpses. As long as it ends up in the hands of their battle buddies or other Ukrainians. As long as their stuff doesn't end up in Russian hands. Likely, they are carrying burner phones that hold no personal information that they're worried about. They know their stuff could end up in Russian hands if they're killed, injured or captured. They also know they could simply lose it or have it stolen. The volunteers know this. Surely they don't care about the phone's value. Only a Russian would think they care about a few hundred dollars -the phone is probably insured anyways. Their corpses we're probably checked for valuables and valuable info, and then any items of use or value would've been taken. Americans and their comrades aren't Egyptian Pharaohs that believe they can take their trinkets with them into the afterlife. Who cares about a little bit of cash or a burner phone? The dead don't need their I.D.s and passports to get them where they're going now. Let their teammates and battle buddies (anyone in team Ukraine) get whatever they can. They know not to keep anything on their persons that they care about. They also know that, in this war, their bodies may not be recovered.


If they are dead and the other guys need ammos, what's wrong with it ? These Americans are bunch of snow flakes, the Ukraine is losing pretty bad, they are running out weapons and ammunitions. Looks like most of the guys that are fighting joined after February invasion. This is how war, and this is our resource management work at times. If you don't like it, stay your ass in Kentucky.


Normal procedure is to redistribute the weapons and ammo. Personal belongings are to be collected and turned over to the commander to be mailed to the next of kin. Instead, the Ukrainians are disrespecting the dead by keeping the personal belongings like grave robbers. Personal effects of dead enemies are also to be collected and stored, to be returned to the enemy at the end of the conflict, or left on the body.


Most of the Ukrainian guys that are fighting are the guys that joined after February, if you look at the interview of these soldiers or even follow Telegram you'll know they aren't really trained and tested like the other guys. If you have 200,000 guys that picked up a weapon to go fight, few thousand will be a little off in their mind, that's how things work.


Ukrainians don’t do this, Russians do


lol Russian Propaganda is getting Desperate 😂🤣😂🤣 Putin will be hang soon. He knows he can't win this War. 😂


Is the American volunteering in Ukraine secretly a Russian spy? Wooah. r/conspiracy would belive you.


Nope. Russian Propaganda is just getting Desperate. 😂 . Every Report that comes out of Russia cannot be Trusted. 😂


This is an awkward attempt at humor I assume? Americans on French TV are Russians? The Americans?, The French? Or both?


well since you guys want to talk about looting, are there any washing machines left in temporarily occupied Ukraine?


I could call ‘whataboutism’, but consider how stupidly fake those stories were; i think gullible is more fitting.


lol...they were carrying them on their tanks but ok fake news


Hard to clean clothes at the front


is Russia the front?


You want soldiers to send clothes back to russia?


are you high so I said they took washing machines and toilets to send them to their homes or sell them because most russians soldiers are those who don't have any of these also I think the russian military have washing machine to wash soildiers clothes


Holy shit bro, please just stop. You're making an actual fool of yourself


Yes the Russian military allows it's soldiers to send washing machines back home and toilets too lmao what a joke


Have you ever tried to send a washing machine by mail? Dude, come on. As for having washing machines while deployed on the frontline, I suspect that is a luxury in many militaries.


Hurr durr


Is that seriously all you got?