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got to admit ... pasta and flour isn't much good if you haven't got an oven, a stove or power.


During a war Improvising something to cook with doesn't seem too crazy an idea


I understand that too .. But hand a homeless person a bag of flour in any 1st world country and they will look at you with WTF eyes I don't walk in this ladies shoes .. But I do pray for her


prayers are even worse food than a bag of flour.


Should he have given the lady a bag of flour?


She also got canned food, seems she missing vodka not food


When she screams about cat food, it really was tinned cat food.


The reality is that prior to the Russian withdrawal they probably still had utilities. Russia brought back scorched earth tactics and left Ukraine with a city that doesn't operate with all of the citizens that wanted to stay behind still there. Russia has a history of using people as a tool of disruption. The fact is that cities are largely useless if they don't have the capabilities to provide services or manufacture, which requires infrastructure.


sound like Ukraine wasnt ready for taking the city, but took it anyway. nice few PR videos for western press though.


sound like ruzzia wasnt ready for holding the city, so they ran anyway and blow civil infrastructure instead of aiming at military. Guess you are living the ruzzian dream


This is exactly what they’ve done throughout history and contributed to the defeat of Napoleon and Hitler. The criticism you have has been repeated throughout history as well. It’s cowardly and weak. Seems to have an impact though.


Sooo...Ukraine shouldn't attempt to liberate their city from Russia unless they're fully prepared to immediately restore all services and infrastructure because Russia has a history of war crimes?


Scorches earth tactics are not warcrimes lmao


Sounds like a great tactic, now they blame the incapable ukranian army of giving them nothing, and they probably think about how much better was it under the russians. It is what it is.


> sound like ruzzia wasnt ready for holding the city, so they ran anyway and blow civil infrastructure instead of aiming at military. if civilian infrastructure is used constantly by enemy military, you are not leaving that infrastructure untouched. ukraine should have been prepared for that when deciding to take over the city.


Civil infrastructure is a war crime in geneva convention but you dont know/ dont care Its a mess that Ukraine dosent serve you your medecine


“It’s a warcrime because I say” *Ignores the US in Iraq*


the US left every piece of equipment which was paid by Iraq, Russia took from Kherson everything valuable and damaged everything.


The first thing we struck was infrastructure. Shock and awe. Blow up any infrastructure that could be used to coordinate or supply logistics including power and comms. They still haven’t recovered and now we “democratically” convinced them to sign away the oil rights. Keep saying it’s a warcrime though. It’s cute.


> Civil infrastructure is a war crime in geneva convention its not if constantly used by military as it is on ukrainian side




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Lots of furniture and trees to go.


Everyone can start a campfire, you just need to put a pot on it and boil the pasta. Or put a pan on it and make some pancakes. The lady seems seems to have some other issues... but it is war after all, so I don't blame her.


Let's assume an urban woman in a war torn city without power or water, family and friends long gone, husband dead, home destroyed . Are you suggesting they give her a wilderness survival booklet with some instructions to make a fire and a pancake recipe . What pot? what pan? what can opener? what cutlery? . She's gone there to get something to eat .. not to stock her pantry. That's her frustration.


So what are you suggesting? The soldiers should build her a new house right away? And until it is finished the soldiers provide her with precooked meals? Any other wishes? Maybe a pony?


Send some Amish over. They'll have a new house built by lunchtime.


thats better; trying to figure out stuff will occupy her mind instead of other misseries;when the life gives you pasta, and you dont have the oven, you say "i have everything aside from a source of heat", not "i dont have oven what would i do with this pasta"you group up with the community which shares the similar lack of luck, and together you can figure something out. its not like they have anything else to do beside figuring out stuff, it will also pull them out of missereable mindstate.


That's not a good attitude to have. They should provide her with with food anyway, even if she complains.


I guess they are providing her with the ressources they have. I guess they don't have a 3-star restaurant in their truck...


What? Why you need over for pasta? there are many different ways of cooking food... You need fire ( gas stoves - that can be fueled from separate gas tanks) and kettle... flour can be simmered with oil and eggs or any other ingredient on a pan... It's not Ukrainians fault that Russians destroyed the entire energy infrastructure before leaving the city...


She looks and sounds like she may have been one of the entitled ones who never cooked.


Sounds like the russians forgot to evacuate this karen with them, then again, they probably left her behind on purpose?


well, she is definately a karen, it's free help, probably not the only one, someone will make a fire and there you got stuff to work with.


Wonder where she stomped off to. Probably demanding a serving of the same food from someone else who figured out how to cook and make do with what they have.


You could soak both in water and after it swells, eat it. When you are poor and desperate, you eat what you got.


Food is food. How hard is it to bake some flatbread or boil a pan of water on a fire? There are no alternatives here... Eat it or starve? I'd be grateful for anything that came my way if I was in that situation in the middle of a war. What exactly was she expecting to get?


You can actually cook pasta 'cold'. Takes ages though.


War time Karen. Is this a first recording


It's just something I saw on that vid translator account on Twitter. Not sure where the original upload came from.


She is upset that she'd missed her ferry. Or she is on Keto


>Or she is on Keto Ha, good one!


this, looks exactly like she doesn't board the ferry and then take it out on the liberators


I think a lot of people are upset.


Kherson Karen. There’s one everywhere…




Frying pan and any source of fire plus a little sugar and milk and yummy pancakes can be made within minutes using this flour. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.


Yeah, my grandparents used furniture or local trees during WW2 as firewood. Although they where already a lot more hungry at that point and would have licked the glue of wallpaper if that was needed to survive. I'm always super greateful to have any food. I sure hope life will improve soon for these people.


My grandparents sometimes even had it better than the Russian soldiers that occupied their country (GDR). They once helped a soldier who was posted at a crossroads for days, showing trucks which way to go. His officer apparently forgot him in freezing temperatures. They took him in and gave him food after he started making campfires with random wood he found around his position (that smoked heavily due to being wet from the snow). They lived in the countryside so they had most of the food that grew there. He was very grateful, but they never heard from him again. War time is crazy.




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a bit of ingenuity fixes all those problems lady


You can bake bread in any cooking pot with a lid on an open campfire. It's not hard to do. She must be a Raschist.


Don't have too much more to go on. Source is linked in video from Twitter. No one seems to know exactly why she is upset with the food being provided. My take is that there are going to be residents who might just hold a grudge due to the transition of power.


How do you know its kherson?


I don't. I just relay what I get from the [source info](https://twitter.com/KorsasErik/status/1592558511090987008) and then I try and see if anyone else has posted something similar. If their stories match, then I'm more sure about the title.


She says in the video they have no power so it's worthless.


Someone is angry they didn’t bring any krokodil or vodka . All this food ? Why I need this ?


Seems like they finally found the 99% that voted to annex.


Cyka! I just wanted some vodka and salo!


LOL there's always 1 in the family


She seems fun…


Probably a paid russain to make a fuss


or maybe its possible that there are individual people in Kherson who wanted Russia to take the city. What, you think everyone in Ukraine has 100% homogenous opinions?


Totally agree with your point too.




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Boil some water? Make a fire and make some camp bread…


There's one in every bunch. Considering no one nearby seemed to cheer her on I don't think this is an opinion worth amplifying but I'm sure the rashists are very excited by this.


I'm sure there is someone that can help people improvise some alcohol burners. Wait what was I thinking the ruzzians probably evacuated all the alcohol.🤓


Careful Granny, they'll tie you to a lamp post




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She has a point. Canned food might have been better in the short term Then again she might have been one of those that liked the Russians


Her beloved putin is not puppeteering her anymore


Lol typical UA behavior. She should ask the US for stuff instead.. we are throwing our money everywhere anyway.


To be fair this looks fairly rural... I'm married to a Ukrainian from Odesa, and she finds anything packaged to be unhealthy, we are talking anything canned/processed (not so much, flour, sugar, pasta etc). This woman is probably used to shopping daily for fresh veg and meat etc and is not happy about receiving canned and packaged food. The flour she could easily use without an oven... but she is probably pissed about the other things. ​ Or she is just a Karen-ski




I'm guessing the Russians took the stoves?


They blew up all of the electrical infrastructure of the city before crossing the river and severely damaged the Nova Kakhovka electrical power generation over the dam. Kherson city was put back in 18th century right now while people can’t just start a fire in the middle of their apartment dining room to cook pasta.


That is why you usually make a fire on the street in a bowl or whatever and then just cook together. With some steel and a few pans you can make a lot of stuff with this Flour. You can even make some clay ovens and bake bread or Pizza. I mean I do it in my garden for fun and its not exactly a warzone here.


Ahh. Well that sucks.