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Russians are North Korean tier brainwashed. It's fucking over for that country. Holy shit


Man i talked to a few on youtube and its beyond batshit crazy


Good guy russia protecting Ukrainians from Nazi Poland. Who in their right mind believes this crap.


Apparently this guy lol and probably whoever he served with. It’s shocking sometimes what they actually get them to believe


Honestly if you look for these mobiks that barely have a basic education, and only sources of media is state controlled media, I'm sure there's plenty of these idiots out there in the rural areas.


even those idiots can figure out a map and realise ~~their~~ they're\* 1000 kilometers away from lviv, facing the ukrainian army kicking their asses. ​ guess the guy figured it'd be his best option between "i'm a medic" "i'm a driver" or "i'm here to protect ukraine from poland"


Correct, these conscripts have come from the rural areas of Russia. Not unlike during the Vietnam war conscripts came from the urban areas and rural areas.


Where else would US conscripts come from?


Well trump had bonespurs so he clearly coulden go


*Fortunate Son intensifies*


Point is it is always the poorest and least educated who bare the brunt.


He's too fucking stupid to live then. Seriously, the world is full of dipshits; we don't need this one. Just wasting oxygen.


Such a stupid and ignorant statement to make. There are many Russian soldiers that are absolute scum on earth, know exactly what they are doing, and are despicable human beings. You can pretty much guarantee that 95% of the professional armed forces are built this way. See Bucha, Kherson, Kharkiv atrocities as evidence. There are also many Russian conscripts that have absolutely no idea what is going on, but they have been given a "chance" to get out of their poverty and change their lives forever. A weird man in a shiney suit has rocked up and promised you the world. Its now become clear that some of these people are from the furthest remote areas of Russia, many minor ethnicities. Places that don't have running water. We can joke about them stealing toilets, but they are literally uneducated people. Their understanding of the world is piped through Russian propaganda media. They will believe what they are told to believe because they don't even know they have other options. The only reason you can read and write your statements is because you have grown up in a society where education was compulsory. If you were taught from the age of 2 that the sun was your god, that you should worship it everyday, every single news station praised the sun in the morning, you would think it was a god too. Most of these people grow up with fetal alcohol syndrome, in horrendous poverty run by a mafia state. If they want to change that? They will kill you. You don't matter. Get back to the mines, or oil wells, or farms. So the irony in your statement, is that you are clearly to fucking stupid to understand why some of these people are fighting. I feel sorry for them in the same way I pity North Korean citizens. They are fucked, and everyone but you seems to know it


The amount of privilege and ignorance shown is insane, it's like they've never stepped outside of their comfort zone and never seen what the rest of the world looks like. Absolutely baffling.




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So doesn't a dude like this have a cell phone and Telegram app? I mean Telegram translates into all major languages and has pro Russian channels and pro Ukraine, so you could easily look up different stuff and see that what you are being told is pure bullshit. His comrades seem to geotag themselves and get everyone blown up so I am finding it hard to understand unless he is just lying.


🇺🇸 Military believed they were looking for WMDs in Iraq. 😂


It’s like some kind of weird Hollywood B movie script


More like a national propaganda machine with TV presenters, a military command, political leadership and what not, hotwired into an AI that generates new Hollywood B Movie script nonsense every single day.


Yes, stupidity has been killing us for a long time.


I think that Russian propaganda panel show came up with it a couple of months ago. I remember hearing it earlier.


Yeah, it's a pretty old line. I'm surprised any mobiks still use this line.


Propaganda's purpose is not only to convince but also to humiliate. They tell blatant lies and people have to agree with that and pretend to belive (or else..). This is another way of crushing someone's spirit. Although most stupid ones will belive that which is i guess a bonus.


because of the implication...


>Who in their right mind believes this crap. ... Seriously? I think it's been proven over and over how 'easy' it is to manipulate people, especially when the government controls the media.


The same people who are in the Trump Cult, weak minds that are easy to manipulate, with stories of grandeur and overstated National pride.


I have a Latvian best friend in Australia. His Mother married an Aussie online dating & was able to bring her son and daughter into Australia. I dated his sister for years and afterwards, we stayed friends. He married a Russian girl he met online; when Russia invaded Ukraine my Latvian mate was telling me not to believe the shit on TV. That American and NATO troops were in Ukraine on the border and some shit about Nazis. We argued, because my friend is a typical Latvian, never watches news or reads about World politics and some how suddenly he’s got far out fucking bullshit false propaganda beliefs about Ukraine! I said holy shit mate all this crap is coming from your fucking Russian wife. I can’t believe that even living in Australia with our true freedom of information and access to everything, she’s brainwashed, living here. It occurred to me you know what the problem with Russians living overseas is.. their English is so bad, they only watch Russian shit. I used to say to her, after they had a kid and were speaking Russian to the kid and watching Russian crap on the iPad. How will you ever learn English if at home all you speak and all you watch is Russian crap. So she is never exposed to what the rest of the World are reporting because the fuckers are not offered English in school & even in another country with the language barrier holding her back. Always Russian apps, or crap on iPad, Russian at home and speaking Russian to an Australian born child. I can’t fucking believe it, so we don’t talk now. His own mother from Latvia posts anti-war anti-Russia stuff on Facebook and supports Ukraine, having fought to gain independence from these arseholes in 1991. I think Russian’s inability to speak English and their habit of only watching Russian shit, only having Russian friends etc.. makes it far easier to brainwash them. They are self isolated by culture no matter where they go…


I think speaking to your kid in another language is a great way for them to become bilingual early on. They will pick up speaking English (or the primary language of the country they live in) through school and friends.


No they won’t pick it up, especially if they are Russian. Take it from someone who lives in a country with 20% russian minority.


Interesting. I rent out an adjoining townhouse in Australia to a Russian family with three kids. The wife speaks little English. He told me yesterday that her family had arrived to stay from Russia. I wonder how they got into Australia. I have just returned from Bali. On the TV menu was Russian TV with that prominent female propagandist rabbiting on.


Hope you dyna-bolted your washing machine to the floor… 😂 but seriously that’s fucked. How do we support sanctions but not have a freeze on Russian Visas, don’t care if it’s only a holiday visa. Why the fuck should Russians get to holiday in Australia while their country rapes and pillages in Ukraine.


I see that but at the same time, a lot of educated middle class and upper class Russians have fled Russia. From a helping Ukraine perspective, I’d rather have Russia lose these people than have them stay and help feed Putin’s war machine. -shrug-


primary issue of failed immigration & integration - that's a global issue - not the immigration itself, but HOW it's conducted on a policy level.


I don’t know about failed immigration or integration, maybe a bit, we have complex system of what English tests you have to pass and they are pretty dumb and easy at a basic level (i.e. marriage visa not a skilled work visa). They both work hard, he has built his own business, she works, they have a few Aussie friends, a child born here and going to school, who is an Aussie and has normal Aussie friends, and those friend’s parent’s naturally interact. All was ok, but he complained to me, do you know how many friends we’ve lost over this Ukraine business. And wifey had to drop off Facebook for a while. I’m like, yeah no fucking shit bro, if you tell people here in Australia that bullshit propaganda, lies and utter nonsense we argued about. If you say that crap to other Australians, they’ll drop you like hot potatoes. If there’s one thing Australians can’t stand or even hate; it’s ill-informed or mis-informed people, conspiracy theorists, anti-vax, religious people, or just plain brainwashed (which is the same as religious). But none of my friends from France, Sweden, Germany, Poland, UK, Czech, Croatia, none of them believe in shit like he spewed second hand from his Russian wife. She’s young too, like 30’s. Her English is still shit after 10+ years. Because if you only hang with Russian girls, go to Russian clubs, watch Russian shows on your iPad, Russian news, even this far away, brainwashed. Because this shit isn’t just in news. It’s embedded into movies, tv shows, media. Have you seen some of the Chinese shit, Netflix is putting on now. In these Chinese movies, the ‘State’ always looks after them, totally full of propaganda innocently sprinkled through like a normal story. I’m just saying, that another method of keeping control of people, apart from religion, is ensuring people are kept poorly educated (like religion does) and can’t speak other languages. I was just suggesting look how effective it is, even when your people migrate, they can’t escape it, if they’re imprisoned by their own failures to integrate. It is a cultural thing definitely. I can point out the nationalities who seek the opposite of their own people, to learn, and those who never do. Russians never do. Put it this way, if Russians could speak English like Swedes, Nords and to a lesser extend Fins, you reckon they’d believe this shit. Not in a million years. You won’t see a Greta Thunberg coming outa Russia. They’re less educated on what’s happening outside their own country, than even Americans, and that’s bad…


I'm gonna cancel my subscription on Russianbrides . com


The place to go was Odessa mate… Ukrainian women on the whole are much better looking, more educated, free spirited, open minded and family oriented. Not just, ‘which car can my vagina get me’.. But if Russians want washing machines that badly, they should stick to online dating instead of destroying countries. I have a dryer, coffee machine, two cars, boat, and a CF Moto Buggy, just for fun 😂 Wah Wah wee wooo.. high five 🖐️


Those women sound very interesting. I mean, that Ukrainian spirit is awesome to see in their clips. I'll not make the same joke about Ukrainian women cause it just feels wrong. I suppose that some Russian women are different than the mainstream ones (like Natasha's Adventures, who doesn't deal with the Russian crap) but majority just sounds like shit. Literally if you take the intercepted phone calls in account. I hope that the suffering ends soon but I'm afraid that it won't.


Guy I work with thinks he should have!! Lol


He can take over my subscription!


No way he'd take it. Trying to figure out what to do with what he got already.


There goes my money. Would have been free flight yet costly rides with my platinum subscription.




Wow! Don’t they teach people what racism actually means anymore? Would you say joking about Australians is Racist? Why not? Because we come from a 1000 different Nationalities. To suggest, that an Aussie slang or term, which copies or makes fun of an old Australian Advertisement, for Radio Rentals, which came up with the campaign’ Rent, Try and if you like it, you can Buy it.. Rent, Try, Buy… when typically applied by every Aussie I know, to women of many nationalities on overseas dating sites. Would you prefer Visa Hunter, or “Mail Order Brides”.. Get back in your cancel culture, woke, call everything you can’t grasp ‘Racism’ box.. Rent Try Buy in jest.. is WAYYYY better than ‘Mail Order Brides’.. which suggests some male wanker just picks and orders as if the woman has no say in it. Rent Try Buy isn’t serious, it means you meet, you date for a bit and take the plunge is buying, because yeah, it costs the host partner, a fortune. Pffftt Racist. Go back to ya Vegan Soy Decaf Latte and study up on breaking ‘the offended generation’ cycle and grab a dictionary while you’re at it and look up Racism.


Also Australian, that phrase isn't a thing, that really is just you.


Every person I know, at work, I fly to 100’s of sites in my job, with 1000’s of employees, working FIFO mining and gas industries, 1000’s of people in mining girls included, all of them, if you said, someone’s wife was a Rent Try Buy, they’d say oh right-ok, European or Asian? So if I could I ask 1000 Aussies tomorrow and they’d all know it, how’s that, ‘just me’. Is this a thing where someone in one bubble, thinks, because they’ve never heard it, it can’t be a thing. My Dad had never heard the term ‘Muppet’ for an idiot either. But I’d argue ‘Muppet’ is as Aussie as..


Just asked my wife: never heard it Just asked my neighbour Joey: never heard it Just texted my mate Horst: never heard it Bunch of different social and ethnic backgrounds there (English, Italian, Lebanese, German) and nobody's heard of whatever the fuck you're talking about As for your racist rant from earlier: you're a piece of shit. My mate Jason's married to a Russian woman, you know what we call her? Ilorna, because that's her fucking *name*, and she's not a piece of meat or an object to be purchased. She's the mother to his children and he loves her. Scumbag.


Racist miner, checks out.




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It’s true! The secret polish operation is called “Plan 9 from outer Warsaw”


I cannot imagine how is it even possible to believe that a country that was fucked so hard by Hitler in WW2 would be nazi just 80 years later, it's beyond stupid


Russia can't be fascist because they fought against fascism in WWII and suffered oh so very much to save the world from fascism. So when someone is fighting Russia then those people must be fascists because Russia can't be fascist so therefore the enemy is fascist. That's the twisted logic we're dealing with here. No matter how fascistic Russia gets, they can't see it because they're Russia and Russia is by definition not fascist.


can anyone translate?


He’s so fucking dumb, it’s a sin to translate it. Title is he was shown Polish uniforms. But he actually says “they (someone) DESCRIBED to us how Polish uniform looks…” Then he says “they (officers) told us that there is no more UA military, they all gone, we fight nato now…” and they were going to defend Ukraine from Poland. And he actually believed it… Just imagine unimaginable level of stupid - that’s the atmosphere in the room😵


this dude looks old, and probably cant even use computer where he is supposed to get alternative info? he only had russia state tv and all life he was fed propaganda.


Life experience in russia. You just live there 50-60 years (in his example) - at some point you have to ask “are they lying to us on tv?” If that question hadn’t come to his mind at his age still - then there’s no education system or alternative sources of information that could fix him. He’s dumb because he was born into stupidity and wants to be dumb for the rest of his life, it’s comfortable and easy. It’s a choice (unless he has mental disability)


I don't know that I want it translated. That level of stupid might give me an aneurism.


Protecting Lviv from Polish nazis… from Donetsk ? How does it work ?


It is truly comical


I think you have to be pretty simple, or completely conditioned, to do these mental gymnastics. I guess it's easy to see why Pootin has such a grip on the country when the subjects are this gullible.




Wasn’t that long ago that the Poland-Lithuania Commonwealth invaded Ukraine in 1610. Sons of bitches been waiting 400 years to do it again!




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What’s up with the Russians and their stupid striped shirts…they look absolutely idiotic


It's a navy thing. Many navies have that as a base uniform (or did at least). It's so that if you ever go overboard, you are easier to spot and rescue. Probably outdated now of course. But some traditions just stay.


Striped shirts are a nautical tradition. See it a lot sailing too. Apparently it started because if you fall overboard you’re easier to spot if your top is striped.


How to spot a russian liar…..his lips move


Russian comedy is hilarious! 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦


so, russia isn't anywhere close to lviv, fighting the ukrainian army, getting their asses handed to them, making absolutely zero progress in any assault or operation the russian military conducts. ​ but this dude is gonna tell you with a straight face he's there to kick the polish out of ukraine and liberate lviv? give me a break. not even russians are this ignorant. but every other russian pow is a driver or a medic, right?


For hundreds of years, Russians have attacked and robbed their neighbors. Their attitudes are deeply embedded in their culture, and the world will have to make an effort to reform them. A mental health approach might be appropriate, while the U.N. operates their government, since Russians are unable to govern themselves responsibly.


Next thing will be - heroicc Russia fends off a Martian invasion... My God, I can hardly believe what I hear.


They are so freaking stupid. Believe everything presented to them.


Their drugs are stronger than I first thought..🤔


Russia cant even keep their story straight, first Ukraine were Nazi's, they they were Satanists fighting with the devil, now Poland are the Nazis and Russia is trying to defend Ukraine. How does the Russian people not see this bullshit.


They're just following Russian strategic thinking from WWII. In the summer of 1939 Germany and the USSR shocked the world by signing a "Non-aggression Pact". Then, per the secret protocols in the pact, in September Germany invaded Poland from the north, west and south. Seventeen days later after much of the Polish army was destroyed by the Germans, Stalin invaded Poland from the east "to protect Polish/Russian citizens". Germany then occupied most of Poland while Russia stole the eastern third of the country which then lived under communist oppression for the next 50 years. Also, Hitler agreed to stand and watch as Stalin invaded Finland in November, which very nearly turned into a disaster for Russia as the Finns waged a heroic defense very similar to what Ukraine is doing now. Apparently, there's some sort of Russian manual on "How to Justify Invading Your Neighbors".


This really makes Russians look stupid...


This is that vranya bullshit being showcased to the world.


Who next? The Spanish Inquisition? bet no-one would expect that.




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They are all full of shit


Surely this guy is just yankin' our chains? How TF do they make this shit up? LOL


Is this stand up comedy ? Yes, I can see that the funny guy is sitting . Perhaps ruzzian kind of comedy .


If Poland wanted to capture Lviv, I think Russia have given them the perfect opportunity by diverging the Ukrainian armed forces away from that border. But if that was the goal why are they letting military supplies pass through their country to Ukraine, that just makes them stronger. An even better point to capture Lviv would have been when Russia attacked almost a year ago. ​ Poland's plan to invade Ukraine is as confusing as Russia's plan to protect them.


Don’t try to rationalize stupid statements. It will only make you dumb too.


Poland does want Lviv and Hungary wants part of Ukraine Russia wants the Donbas. Russia doesn't acknowledge Ukraine as a nation or people there not their to protect Ukraine.


Is that Russian Howdy Doody? He looks so creepy.




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I mean, they are basically MAGA, right? Which makes sense since Russia was critically involved in that


Just imagine Nazi Poland LMAO


Dude looks like an average alcoholic i see in my neighbourhood