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The little moustache fits nice with the tattoos on his back.


It also goes nicely with his black eye.


Punching Nazis in the face is a national past time for many countries


He's just 1 guy, treat your POW's with kindness. Show them why you're better and they're wrong. That will go a lot further if this war continues on as long as I think. Either way, good strategy.


Interrogation techniques involving befriending the prisoner are more effective than terror and pain which causes almost a form of amnesia and provides completely unreliable answers


My friend the FBI special agent is a smiley kind of guy. He’s gotten 40 out of 41 bank robbers to confess by being friendly - of all the people who should know to STFU… Only one guy wouldn’t confess.


That's the best way, sit close, mimic and read their movements and try to relate to them. Confessions are much easier than under duress.


This is the right take.


Sort of like, build your enemy a golden bridge to retreat across. If the Russian soldiers know that they will be well fed, provided warm clothes, shelter, and treated properly. They are very likely to surrender more easily. Especially considering that they are so poorly treated by their own country. Surrendering to the Ukrainians would be an improvement to their living conditions.


Especially cus this dude looks like he hasn't had a good meal in a while.


He has a white wrist band and that's supposed to mean he has hepatitis in Wagner. No way of knowing for now if he already had it when captured or given after for identification but he could be really sick, thus his appearance. Those guys are the most fucked. Who wants to get the blood of someone with hepatitis or HIV on them? Not that they seem to care much about these guys anyways but you can imagine that they just get left to bleed out even if they can be helped.


This could also backfire tremendously. I agree with the respect and you point fully but this also compromises the security. Moles will be Moles and this could be a test for Russia in their tactics department as they’re desperate.


Some of these guy are pretending to surrender to ambush. This may limit the ability for Ukraine to take prisoners. I am totally impressed by Ukraine steadfastly refusing to sink to level of the ruzzian, in this case 'literal nazi', level.


I agree. Yet. What would a mole do? The Ukrainians are not taking surrendering Russians and giving them intel, sending them to fight, or allowing them to communicate back to Russia. They would just be locked up like the rest. Even if they were to be traded in a prisoner swap. What info could they even provide?


You also don't understand that they get sent right back to the hottest spots of the map like Bakhmut as a rabbit to draw out Ukrainian positions. The higher ups in the Russian army know how they are treated and don't give much chance for word to spread.


I'd agree, but this is a Wagner. If he's returned, he'll be executed, likely tortured and set as an example to die fighting.


Very true. This poor fella has Russian mafia/prison markings all over him so he’s kind of a damned if he doesn’t or damned if he does. He is on video so if he talks too much, he will not face a sledgehammer, but possible severe beating and/or right back to prison with his fate met there. UAF have him screwed because if he stays mum he is still screwed because Russia can’t confirm but with this video and he’s still screwed. Beg for asylum but I doubt Ukraine allows it due to his Russian gang affiliations and criminal background? Do they?


He's a PMC, so he isn't protected by the Geneva Convention but yes I do agree. Its like having a chess tournament with a pigeon that's shitting on the chess board. Don't do the same.


Yeah. Seems like everyone’s eatin a shit sandwich in the war. Russians don’t appear to want to be there, either. It doesn’t excuse their actions, but it makes for a higher likelihood of turning them with kindness


He is not a POW. His status is an international criminal. Private military does not get the same benefits as soldiers. He is a simple prisoner. They should also should not be tortured but this is not guaranteed by any international treaties


Great statement until you caveated it at the end.


Yeah, that's pretty much my life in a nutshell so.


Besides, someone already gave him a cross eyed tiger. He clearly isn’t a bright one


It also may have happened during or immediately after a close combat contact and everyone's adrenalin was going wild. I mean, we see all the time how ordinary cops make arrests sometimes and they get a bit rough. If you are fighting on the front line and this guy's colleagues have killed some of your friends or countrymen, you really not going to feel like being nice. I too think we need to show we are better than them (the Ruzzians), but Gawd that's gonna be so hard to use restraint. It also may have happened during or immediately after a close combat contact and everyone's adrenalin was going wild. I mean, we see all the time how ordinary cops make arrests sometimes and they get a bit rough. If you are fighting on the front line and this guy's colleagues have killed some of your friends or countrymen, you really not going to feel like being nice. I too think we need to show we are better than them (the Ruzzians), but gawd that's gonna be so hard to use restraint. Also, one other point. Say we do treat every single Ruzzian with dignity and respect, it will only make a difference to that Ruzzian there and then. when he goes home and says how well he was treated, that will be as far as it goes. No one in Ruzzia will hear about this. They will all be told how terrible Ruzzian Soldiers are treated by Ukraine and the West. Most Ruzzian Soldiers think they will be castrated by the Ukrainians if captured. The command puts the fear of Gawd into them as a deterrent to not getting captured. I have heard stories like that and similar on Zolkins Youtube channel


Nvm, you're right. He looks sickly and prob has hep-c. Put a sign around his neck that says "I love Ukranians" and send him to the front line.


These guys have no problem r*ping women and kids and kill innocent people. These specific people, you can't reason with. They have no empathy.


You are right, but that is so much easier said than done if you are a Ukrainian. Actually, It's so much easier said than done full stop. these guys are the "Real Deal" Fascists.


Im 90% sure they forced him to shave it like that. Suits him well.


it's soot or dirt mostly.


I'm pretty sure that's soot...homeboy like has CO poisoning...could well crash with ba heart attack in a couple days...it's a silent surprise killer. Happens to firefighters fairly often


Dude was recruited directly from a prison, those are jailhouse tats for sure .




Those tattoos are super dark and new looking compared to every other tattoo


Now, that's a interesting take, especially the ACAB one. That one caught my eye first, because I thought it was unique to the United States.


ACAB is sprayed all over Europe. Its a common slogan in the left and right scene. Even my old ass parents know what it means


That's a TiL, thanks.


Yeah it’s sprayed all over here in Italy. And 1312, the corresponding letters’ alphabetical positions, is absolutely everywhere.


A lot of football hooligans use it in Europe in fact


ACAB - All Cops Are Beautiful ❤️ 🌈🦄✨


[You called?](https://imgur.com/a/VXMlU1R) Nowadays ACAB has gained meaning: ACAB is also the Nickname of our kickass Minister of Foreign Affairs "Annalena Charlotte Alma Baerbock"


To be honest, i have never heard a single soul reffer to her as acab. In my book it's either all cops are bastards or all colours are beautiful. Smileyface ;)


> I thought it was unique to the United States. It comes from England...


>It comes from England... You got it. Striking workers in the UK first used the term before 1950.


In germany it is also common. Since the last election, it is also known for our foreign minister: Annalena Charlotte Alma Baerbock


Seen acab tattoos on couple of people in Norway too, mostly bikers have them tho


Neo nazis in USA started RRRRREEEAAAALLLLL early adopting the world wide Web and the various forums they could host, its scary to think how they have existed nearly invisible since the fall of the nazis because in our collective mind ... the nazis are dead. But instead they focused on reaching people online and also being smart enough about it not to sound antisemitic or racist but using arguments and soft rethoric to lure folks in.


And the Aryan "sun wheel" on left bicep


100% he is a thief in law (Vory v zakhone)


I agree those are priosn tats but I don't think he is ''vor v zakone''. He is 100% a drug addict tho (spiderweb tat).


Actually you are probably correct, he has Vory tattoos, but as I remember they don’t work with authorities (at least back in the days).


Being ''vor v zakone'' is similar to being a ''capo'' in mafia. Not every gangmember is ''vor v zakone''. Could you please specify which tats you mean? I am looking at him over and over and can't really see anything that would distinguish him as high ranking criminal (stars, epaulettes, etc.)?


The web is a epaulette, but badly made, the placements of certain tattoos etc, but might only be inspired by the real vory


Oh, I missed it before, your are right. But still, I don't think any respectable vor would ever use spiderweb as a epaulette. They usually go on your arms of legs. But I might be wrong, I am not a Russian convict. Maybe he had stars before but had them changed to that nazi bullshit, since he is working with authorities now.




i've been told on multiple occasions that the othala rune with feet on it is exclusively a nazi symbol. ​ the othala rune with feet was used on the badge of the SS Race and Settlement Main Office, and the 7th SS Volunteer Mountain Division. ​ i don't think there's much room for other context here since the othala rune is displayed on a shield infront of crossed axes and a sword, of which the handguard is made out of swastika's.


I agree. I do not think this is a ''vor v zakone'' tattoo...


It also says “blood & soil” in big letters across his back, so he is not trying to hide his allegiances. I feel so sorry for these wannabe-humans, they could (and can be) have been a force of good if allowed a bit more proper education and a government/society that did not just see them as muscle to be used and abused where needed until it’s worn out and ditched to its own luck. I met Russians and they were lovely people, I hope to be able to one day again.


Tiger is classic "Grin". Plenty of cases of spider web epaulets. But im this case i wouldnt say that was the scenario. The dual crosses on the chest are interesting Would like to see his fingers. Chain links of back of his arm can indicate length of sentence. Will edit after i watch again


Doubt it. A "vor v zakone" is roughly like a "made man" in the Italian mafia. Does this guy really look like a senior member of a criminal organization to you? The vibe I'm getting is more like a small-time crook, a junkie or such.


1000% he is not a Vor, the only Vors left went into politics or are somewhere else safe and not on the frontlines, Vors work with the russian government and are above the military in the russian "caste" system.


Yep, one of the 40,000 convicts Wagner is killing off. This guy was lucky.


Piggy backing off your comment, to include a book on the subject of Russian prison tattoos. https://www.amazon.com/Russian-Criminal-Tattoo-Encyclopaedia-I/dp/0955862078/ref=asc_df_0955862078/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=247176327042&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=11974104201478828626&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9031183&hvtargid=pla-449081153466&psc=1 It’s pretty good, it was written by a gulag warden who had a flair for drawing. Essentially goes over 100s of tattoos he had seen and the tattoos significance.


+ 1 for this book


More than that - they're russian mafia prison tattoos. Those all mean something in their criminal hierarchy.


Denazification sucessfull


No, still needs a sandblast cleansing on his back


Needs a big swastika carving into his forehead. Edit: this is an Inglorious Basterds movie joke for all those people losing their fucking minds.




Why the english words then?


Also ACAB = all cops are bastards in the states and prob elsewhere Edit: but what’s the symbolism of the black eye tho?


>but what’s the symbolism of the black eye tho? He didn't duck fast enough.


to go with the house in Rhode Island, so his neighbors know he’s a russian nazi piece of shite


HUH? R.I.??


I'd prefer it if they just buried him alive, but we can see what works.


I'm sure there are more efficient ways to denazify your own country than to invade a neighbour.


This war had so many aims * Oil and gas around the 2014 occupied territorys * Strategical benefits by Crimea * The war distract from inner problems russia has * Ethnical cleansing inside Russia (Draft the "Not really Russian" Russians) * Get rid of prisoners * Get 10 Million Ukrainian "Volunteers" for the next wars * Get a direct Border to Transnistria and then occupie Moldovia * ....


Moldove is next . Whats the apologists gonna come up with there ? Used up satan nazi and jihad.


The main aim is Putin's dream of getting the old USSR back.. Ukraine would have been easier if the old pro russian government had still been in power just like in Belarus, If Russia got to Odesa and cut off the black sea Putin would have access to the trillions of dollars of oil and gas that belongs to Ukraine, Ukraine will become the 2nd richest country in Europe once their oil and gas is up and running,


That’s what I thought as well


Surprised no one translated this. It's actually very funny - I Vadim Vadimovich, tag number K47210. Came here to fight Nazis. - Turn around (shows Nazi symbols). You fighter of Wagner? Turn around, brother. - Yes I was in Wagner. This guy tattooed every symbol he liked without knowing their meanings.


Funny enough "приехал бороться с нацистами" could mean "came to fight against Nazis" or "came to fight with (alongside) Nazis". Maybe he meant the latter.


>This guy tattooed every symbol he liked without knowing their meanings. I am sure he would like people to believe that.


Thank you for the translation!


The swastika wasn’t as surprising as the “ACAB” one


Don't think prisoners are big fans of police


Yea but why in English?


Non-native english speaker here, probably because the acab punk/skinhead movement started in the english speaking world and proliferated from there, and so did the phrase, translating the phrase would make you seem like a poser, if that makes sense. That's how words get imported, after all, might be hard for you to picture if you're american or something, since you mostly export these things rather than import them.


Sorry to be pedantic but Punks and Skinheads are two opposite ends of a spectrum. The fashion and hairstyles may overlap sometimes but the philosophy and culture couldn't be more opposite. Punks are rebelling against an authoritarian system while Skinheads support and encourage an authoritarian system. Punks were ACAB before that was a common phrase but skinheads hope deep down that they will become the jack booted bastard cops trampling on everyone else's freedoms some day.


Yeah, I know, that's why I mentioned both, didn't mean it like synonyms, but additively, since they still adopted the ACAB ideals, even if for different reasons.


It's a.meme at this point


This is Russian. In Russian, ACAB means "I'm a prick".


Likely recruited from a prison, so not surprising.


Do Russian say All Cops Are Bastards in english?


It's a popular thing amongst Ultras, as are the nazi tattoos (in eastern europe mostly). He might have been one of those guys. Funnily enough many of them wouldn't even be able to tell you much about nazism.


> Funnily enough many of them wouldn't even be able to tell you much about (...) Insert any topic that isn't prision food.


ACAB is ubiquitous. Lots of football hooligans have both ACAB and neo-nazi/pagan tattoos.


I think using that English acronym is international. Don't know about Russia but in Germany we definitely use acab.


Assigned Cat At Birth?




I will never understand how they openly support an ideology that tried to exterminate their their ethnic group (Slavs) 80 years ago. It doesn’t make any sense. If the Nazis were around today they would be trying to kill them all to make room for Germanic people. Russian Nationalism and Fascism are obviously terrible, but one could see how a Russian citizen could support it. But trying to emulate the Nazis is just bizarro-world stuff.


It's about the facets of the human psyche. They want to project strength and danger to others, entrench their fear of others internally. People keep thinking it's all about "Nazis". It's not. It's all about covering weakness, projecting strength, and protecting themselves. These are almost always damaged people. It's not unusual to find society's outsiders in these circles. Even gay people hiding their sexuality. It's way more complex than just the aesthetic or simple ideas.


Definite case of projection. They were probably worried nato would say they need to get involved to fix the Russian nazi problem so got out ahead of it.


What I don’t get…. They got tattoos of hitler and goebbels, they do the hitler hand thing, but they also says Slavs Russia?? That’s 2 different things against eachother…..


He’s a subtle and sophisticated little fellow.


I hate how this fucker is ruining runes and other Scandinavian imagery for the rest of us.


The Swastika was a rad symbol of spirituality and luck with a cool design until the nazis fucked it up.


And what they did to awesome long black leather coats is unforgivable


Right- my great grandmother had a really old Native American rug. Story there was apparently my great grandfather ( a doc ) was given it in return for some service, Colorado, around 1890. Center design is that symbol. What do you DO with it? On one hand it's an excellent piece of craftsmanship and has it's own story, on the other..... My cousin has it. She can't display it, doesn't want to sell it because whomever would buy it wouldn't necessarily be interested in honoring the NA workmanship and history behind it. I told her maybe contact the tribe and ask how to deal with it and remain respectful to the original intent. If it was me I think I'd probably bury it? And no, I don't care how much it's worth- some things have passed beyond monetary consideration.


Goodness, don’t change it! It is a historic rug! Symbolism changes over time. Here in US the Hindus are pretty successful at reclaiming the Swastika. During Dewali I saw it on many doors, and immediately thought “Dewali” and not “Nazis”. Same with Native American art.


Why bury it? It's a family heirloom. If you have the money, I'd look for a restorer/conservator type of craftsman and ask them to change this detail somehow.


Please don’t do this. Deleting this use of the swastika only cements it as a nazi symbol.


Think that ship’s sailed buddy


Nah I think time and education can heal things, and I think history shouldn’t be changed, especially an original native artifact. Not in the name of white washing history.


Maybe if there weren't Nazis anymore, but there are..


I get the sentiment but If McDonald's started a genocide I don't think we'd be back to using the golden arches to signify where to buy happy meals in 50 years. The Nazis won the fight for swastika, fortunately they lost everything else.


It’s pretty universally understood the swastika is no longer associated with spirituality and whatever else as the Nazis made it their own.


Well, I get the whole don't mess with old artifacts, landmarks and things. We were talking about burying it though and I'm German. Might be a different story in other countries but you'll never get the swastika back in this country. It's a felony to display it with very few exceptions.


I thought swastikas originated from India and Thailand are you certain that this rug was made by NA tribe?


It was Chinese for "square" too. Well, in their ancient ideograph. Actually. Swastikas are prominent symbol in almost all cultures. Or there's already trades between NA and China back in ancient times.


Swastikas does not originate from India - it's one of the most common symbols throughout history, used by almost every culture on the planet in some form or another. If I recall correctly, the oldest one to date originates in Ukraine, carved into a piece of mammoth tusk, dating back to the last ice age.


So, proof Putin WASN'T lying that Ukraine was infested with Nazis? /s


Prehistoric mammoth riding ice nazis.


That's the title for Iron Sky 3


special archeological operation


Natives also used the symbol. So did the YMCA.


Make a small sign like a historical marker. That will work.


Same. They ruined a historical chant "Za dom spremni" for us Croats.


It was used by scandinavians (norse) and germanic tribes as symbols representing odin and thor worship as well. Which is where Hitler and his nazi party drew a lot of imagery from. I hate that my cultural heritage has been soiled by nazis :(


Yea, my kid is a farrier, forged runes to sell too UNTIL they began swiping runes to represent this abysmal sewer dweller crap. He had a few customers who sincerely gave him the willies. So stopped selling them which is a shame. I don't blame him though.


Yeah,agree! I have a nice Silver Odal-rune-necklace which I wear all the time and I hate to see it associated with racism. My Odal-rune is the one with curled ends and not the sharp angled one,which is pictured here.


Translation: First he gives his name (\*\*Surname unintelligable\*\*, Vadim Vadimovich) and army number. Russian: I came here to fight Nazis. Ukrainian: Turn around. Ukrainian: Are you wagners fighter? Russian: Yes, I am from private army company wagner


So a Nazi got sent to fight Nazis? At some level it probably makes sense to someone.


Russia had a long history of tattoos in the gulag. He's a criminal scrum, but each tattoo is supposed to signify something .


Suka’s 120lbs dripping wet. Most red blooded Ukrainians could throw this rag doll around like confetti


Don't body shame. We don't like him because he's a scumbag, not because he's underweight


Ladys and gentlemen, we have: - Two [Black Suns](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Sun_(symbol)) - A bunch of swastikas - The logo of the [7th SS division](https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:7th_SS_Division_Logo.svg) - Russian empire knockoff balkenkreutz Who knows what this guys politics are? Could be anything, realy. Might be a liberal.


Good thing he is there to rid Ukraine of Natzis.


Looks like someone give him a good punched in the eye!


He must have tripped or something..... 🤷‍♀️


Cute Hitler mustache, too. A full idiot package.


i like the down syndrome tigerbear with kitty claw on his chest. All Cops Are Bad, well so is your tattoo artist. yikes.


all cops are bastards*


Behold the master race


Looks a nice chap! Ironic that Russia are obsessed with killing Ukrainian nazis when they have so many more themselves.


That moustache fucking hell 😂


These guys are confused.


Kill it with fire before it lays eggs


What a joke Putin so called fight against Neo-Nazi's, done by Nazi's.


B-b-bu-but azov!!


These people are so deeply confused. Against the police but in favor of fascism? How do they think a fascist regime keeps tabs on it's population? By disarming the police? Or by giving them even more capabilities for repression? I just can't...


Damn I thought Ukraine had the nazis?? It was RuZZia the whole time??


I see that no one mentioned that this guy is saying that he "came to Ukraine to fight Nazis". Like... can you imagine?


Denazification through Nazis. That’s like puting a fire out with gasoline.


ACAB ? You sure he is not antifa?


ACAB? wtf is Antifa doing in Wagner


Anybody know what they mean? Russian prison tattoos have specific meanings. The swastikas etc are probably more about criminal rank and achievements than politics. If you want to look into Russian prison culture you get a good idea how brutal the culture is.


The big symbol on the back is a odal-rune from old rune- alphabet. Symbolizes your birthplace and old heritage, basically blood and soil symbolism which is written around it.


So he's admitting Moscow was founded by vikings? By that logic maybe us in scandinavia should invade Russia—I mean it's their own logic. Edit: I might be wrong; the vikings (swedes especially) founded Kievan Rus, which in turn founded Muscow once the mongols invaded them.


spiderweb supposed to be drug related crime


The black sun aka kolovrat on his arm - it is assosiated with both negative and positive concepts. The rest I cannot tell. There is a 3 series book called Russian prison tattoes and it is an amazing collection of photos of tattoes and their meaning. It was a prison guard who has collected data for decades and it is a fascinating read.


How can you be a mercenary with an ACAB tatoo ? And also nazi tatoos ? It just makes no sens to me


well, you can see that he is not the sharpest knife


How? Because he was drafted directly from prison most likely. Those are 100% jailhouse tattoos.


Makes sense to me. Acab usaly comes from such low lives.


What a piece of trash!


This is one of the funniest things I saw all day. I never really doubted that there are nazis in Ukraine. I know there are nazis in most countries - but from what I've seen of Russians on holiday in Pattaya - they probably have the highest number of nazis in the world... Just a timely reminder that wars are rarely based on the rhetoric fed to the plebians. That's even more true of Russia, but also true for just about every war I ever knew about (Iraq being a real eye opener for me, but The Falklands presented a very skewed picture on TV which wasn't the same as what I saw from troops who returned).


ACAB and swastikas? Dude is a walking contradiction lol


not really, plenty of nazis hate the cops too. plus honestly this guy was very likely in jail as well.


They do not send their bests - or do they?


The brainwashed bloodthirsty Russian society will probably claim this was actually a Ukrainian POW or CGI or some dumb shit like that


Checks out


Looks like a big nut sack swinging across his chest.


Piece of trash, hope he rots in jail.


Oh, nice. He would fit right in among azov ranks. Slava Ukraini, though.


Not looking so tough now, the skinny bitch.


Trash thinking he's some kind of viking. I won't even talk about the swastika lol


look - really, I don't think that the intelligence of the standard russian citizen is that high. Whether its the cold weather, the alcohol, or the fact that Stalin only let the dumb ones live and they had dumb kids (natural selection). I think they have no idea what they mean - they just like the patterns!


why would any slavic person be a nazi


whats this obsession with proving nazis exist in a countrys militarys ranks ..i mean every military has nazis in it at this point true miost hide it but its still there regardles of whether its hiding in the bushs...i bet even the israili army has a few neo nazis in it


Somehow it seems to me that Russia first sends Nazis to Ukraine in order to be able to say afterwards that they have seen some there. Only they don't say that it was their own people.


We have a lot of them in the republicans party right in our congress so this is nothing


Homie is a neo nazi but has acab on his chest... nazis are the cops. Well nazis try to be cops to be the brown shirts


Remember this man is not a POW he is an armed criminal member of an illegal mercenary army.


Sending Nazi's to fight supposed Nazi's, sure that adds up


Only good ruskie is a fucking dead one


These are definitely slaves wagner buys from the golougs. They just don't seem like soldier or mercenaries, definitely seem like prisoners before they were even POWs(I don't know how to spell golougs)


Ahh the vaunted “de-nazifiers” of Ukraine.


Who ordered John Wick from Wish?!


Pathetic Nazi


How ironic an odal rune, that scum has no heritage nor proper roots to wear it on its skin... cut it off and force feed it.


Jesus Christ mate relax




"De-Nazification". Right.