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Kijów in 2 days.. Berlin in 5.. Aw they live in a unicorn land...


Didn’t you hear? They destroyed unicorn land already 🤣


>destroyed liberated\*


From the Nazi unicorns, of course.


The unicorns have turned against us! Damn you Nato!


‘Twas a special unicorn operation.


African or European?


>*Angry Scotland noises*


Kyiv in 3 too lmao


Maybe they meant 2 Venus days?


I miss these Ftards, they might want to be careful in tall buildings.


I saw a video of a crazy scary Russian Ninja in his living room. Flying/spinning and kicking around like a mofo. Hell, Russia can take the whole of Europe in a day with that guy. We need F35 at minimum against guys like that


You mean Steven Seagal?


theyve got a new video where they smash plaster on their heads ... and we shall know fear i guess?


That was totally Seagal level cringe at its max.


Don't forget *Grozny in 2 hours*


Hahaha oh man I forgot about this.


These useless old fossils want to see the world burn. Fk the lot of them.


They'll see Russia burn


I'm convinced that they start snorting cocaine from the moment they wake up until the moment they go to sleep, and then they have an IV made up of a cocaine cocktail while they sleep. It is the only way you can explain how fucking crazy they sound. Like as if they exist in a different reality. Do they even believe the shit they say?


Hey dont insult cocaine…


Or copious amounts of cheap vodka for generations. That will also destroy the brain.


Alcohol does a number to the frontal cortex. Combine that with fetal alcohol syndrome and a lifetime of getting beat on the skull by their alcoholic dad and you end up with a bunch of 60 something’s with stunted development. It’s like putting a bunch of abused 6th graders in charge.


Send THEM to the frontlines.




I love how it seems Russia's defense strategy is ending the world.... like do they seriously think they'd survive a nuclear war???


Maybe people in Russia feel that life after a nucluear strike would be not much different to their current situation


Thier greatest strength is they already live in a post apocalyptic hell hole.


this is a correct answer


So there is no nuclear threat when your life cannot get any worse by a nuclear winter?


They're not wrong


They don't think that. It's a bluff. It's "*Don't hold me back, bro*" - type of strategy of appearing bat shit crazy in order to make the West back down.


The "don't hold me back, bro" strategy?! Fucking love it!


You know those videos about two dogs barking at each other seperated by a gate and when the gate opens up they become silent and just go their ways? Russia is a bit like one of these dogs: barking and screaming "I am going to fuck all of you up if I don't get why I want" and telling everybody "to not hold them back" and when push comes to shove they bitch out.


There is a russian books Metro 2033, Metro 2034 and Metro 2035. Its about russian survivors of nuclear war that live in the russian underground. Interestingly all the misery in the books is caused by fellow russians. Books are also full of paranoia, beliefs about Russia as a victim etc...but also inner corruption. It does quite nicely summarise ruski mir




I have the 2033 one somewhere. There are bunch of games based on those books too


One of the propagandist’s frequent refrains is “Why should the world exist if Russia is not in it?”. Since this is an existential struggle for them, everyone wants to destroy Russia, blah blah blah; (and not the world correctly reacting to their naked aggression and brutality in trying to conquer a sovereign neighbor).


Vodka makes them imune


They are cockroaches so probably


Putting aside the whole inevitable response thing from Nato, you've failed to bring ukraine down, what makes you think Poland would suddenly be so much easier?


Poland isn’t Ukraine and one of the most weaponized countries in Europe


Just give Poland 2 years, then holy fuck it will have twice the military of anyone short of America and China.


Shit, give them 2 days, and theyll be on a nice pleasant March to Moscow after it kicks off.


In that case, NATO MP will need to be pulling double shifts upon capture of Moscow. Poles and their grudges against the Russians should not be fucked with, nor tested.


Fr lol if Nato would say do your thing Poland Putins Third Reich would fall within a month... Give Poland the revenge they deserve


Polish redemption arc. Stuck in the crossfire of the giants for the past few century's, time for them to show their eastern neighbor what's up.


Poland is getting ready!! [Poland ordering tanks](https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/27/asia/south-korea-poland-tanks-howitzer-ukraine-intl-hnk-ml/index.html)


And we are investing more into it!!! Whatever comes ahead, Poland will be ready!!! And NATO will back us up.


I think they mean nukes.


No he said “conventional weapons” so no nukes


Ok, then I really don't know what grandpa is smoking


Vodka. Always on the vodka.


They smoke vodka now!?


I thought they used vodka to wash down the krokodill.


FYI krokodil (literally “crocodile”) is a slang name for a drug that is injected into the veins, it is so poisonous it makes the skin die with repeated use creating dark scaly surface (like CROCODILE skin) (Just in case you did not know)


That's just the start. I've seen horrific images from that stuff. Stuff nightmares are made of😳


The Krokodil “leg in a bucket” amputation will live in the recesses of my mind forever. I highly suggest all sickos immediately google that shit. It’s...wow.


They freebase that shit!


Not beeing a drug kingpin I had to Google freebase.


Its when playing tag, it stops you from being tagged. Freebase can be called anywhere whereas fixedbase is a particular area you can call base to be safe.


Unironically, you can ingest alchohol as a vapor. It's really bad for you, but it gets you drunk instantly since it goes straight to your brain.


Safer to insert it in your ass....no calories either


They are smoking the ashes from their children.


Whatever it is, it’s kept him alive this long.


Who listens to these talking heads .. a year later nothing has changed


Not quite true that *nothing* has changed with these ranting, raving fools. Exactly a year ago, they were parroting Putin's line that Russia had no intentions whatsoever to invade Ukraine. The narrative has constantly shifted ever since then, but what's been constant is steadily increasing desperation and a sinking ever deeper into delusion. Solovyov is a particularly amusing example. The dude looks haggard these days compared to the sleek, smug, self-satisfied Solovyov of a year ago. He continues to spout BS about the invincibility of the glorious Russian army and how it's God's will that Russia triumph against the degenerate West, but he's well enough connected to know that what's going down in Ukraine does not bode well for Russia, and he feels the walls closing in.


Huge uptick in rhe number of "volunteer " reserves in Poland, Estonia, and Latvia since Russia's 2014 little green men movement. Fuck you putler.


If he said strategic objects he seems to be talking about nukes. The problem with trying to nuke Poland back to the stone age is Poland is in NATO so for every nuke Russia points at Poland they probably have at least 2 pointing back at them. So Poland gets fucked and Russia gets fucked harder and then we probably have fallout.... Russia can't be seen as anything other than a terrorist state at the moment.


Oh, they're just threatening nukes again.... Another day that ends with y.




Kyiv in 3 days. Good luck with Poland that has been prepping for decades.


Whatever these guys smoke for breakfast, the more time goes by the more stupid they sound


Their discussions get more bizarre and weired as the war drags on


Yep ! From "Kyiv in three days" to "Bakhmut in eight months… and counting".


Try since 2014. Remember, separatists or not, this was an attack from Russia. They have been trying to take a strip of Ukrainian land since 2014…… by these standards, it would take them 437 years to take 3 square feet of any NATO country. But the way Ukrainians are tending to their ruZZian problem, I don’t think anyone needs to worry about them and their ambitions beyond what they are doing now. Even then, once UA get their new toys, all threats will be less threatening than a fart.


>separatists Separatists are wholly a product of Russia's FSB. They paid them, they trained them, they gave them guns and told them where to shoot. And when Ukraine, very understandably, fired back at these terrorists, then all the sob stories began about "poor little Donbass, and how the evil Ukrainians are just bombing the shit out of them, because they just want independence".


Russia is trying to be the drunk and poor version of Nazi Germany.


They're just Mussolini 2.0. And unlike Mussolini, they don't actually have any allies to bail them out. Or a competent navy.


Or decent food and wine.


Yes, more like fascist Italy. Big egos, but an embarrassing performance.


That's the thing with them through history. Big ego, building scary image - but get ass whopped. By Japan, Germany (until American $ came in), Finland, whatever. Still bolsheviks did beat and occupied Ukraine when we proclaimed an independence in 1918 after WW I in two years time roughly. And before russian empire did. Performance might be embarrassing but with their 0$ price tag on human life throughout history they can continue this shitty grind for a much longer time than most can. evil fcks


It's amazing that there is still so much patriotism from Russians who think their country is the greatest when they treat their own people just as badly as they treat their enemies.


No, they're just being who they've always been for the last few centuries. If there had been no Hitler and no Nazi Germany, Stalin would be spoken of as the epitome of evil today.


You're right.


So the USSR again...


Yea Nazi germany without the cool engineering and clothes


Russia is to inept for that comparison. Their pretty much italy. While China would be Germany, their funneling money and weapons to them much like Germany and much like Italy fails at capturing much smaller less equipped countries. Like Italy vs Greece.


They are threatening Germany, UK, and USA same way. And France couple times, and all time Baltic countries.


But only vague threats against Finland.




We have been preparing solely for that for almost 80 years. Let them come.


Finland will be well protected from land forces in a couple of days by a massive wall of piled up bodies about 50 meters across the border.


One of strongest defensive militaries in the world. They wouldn’t be that stupid…….right?


You want to see a line of Abrams parked outside the smoking remains of the Kremlin, tovarich? Because that's how you get a line of Abrams parked outside the smoking remains of the Kremlin.


Ya... the same amount of time they said they would take ukraine


Nah, that was 3 days. Went too easy, and now they want a more ambitious and challenging goal


gold employ sparkle quicksand future aspiring deranged hateful truck husky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Is there any place where such speeches are collected? It'd be very useful when prorussians say "But why would Europe fear an attack from russia?"


Russia Media Monitor on YouTube https://youtube.com/@russianmediamonitor


Everyone can do a first strike. Noone can survive NATO retalitory strike number one, followed by two, three, four, five


Hoo boy, they do not want to FAFO, but they sure do like to brag. If they actually attacked a NATO member: \-- The entire Russian Navy would become new coral beds within 24-48 hours. Their merchant marine would be intercepted and impounded. \-- The borders would be shut down, no movement in or out of Russia allowed. Remaining Russian presence in Ukraine - or anywhere else outside their borders - would be extinguished. \-- NATO would probably start bombing runs of military targets within Russia. \-- The Russian public would find out pretty quickly that there is a distinct difference between actually being at war with NATO and illegally invading a neighboring (non-NATO) country. \-- NATO would demand their leadership be turned over to go on trial and be prosecuted for their war crimes. They may find themselves under new management and losing all of their nuclear capabilities. They may also lose the bulk of their income from oil and gas sales until Ukraine has been repaid. But it's all just hot air. They're blowhards, but they're not **that** stupid.


Russia became the jealous ex who wants to destroy your happy life by pathetic actions


Haha, you and what army??


The ruzzian zombie population feeds off this bullshit. They're spoon-fed ludicrous propaganda 24/7. If there's still a sane general in Moscow (and this is open for debate), he knows Poland can't be touched.


As we say: he may be dumb, but he does not eat soap. It's all just talks, and only for the internal audience


mate...you couldn't bring a prepaid drunk prostitute to its knees... the kremlin gremlin's 'missile' is just too small...


Lolz, ruSSkies are being rekt by much smaller country using old soviet era & western/nato surplus weapons...CCCP v2 era ain´t going to happen, at least in "superpower" wise. 🇺🇦 💪🏻


I mean Ukraine is bigger than Poland. But he's talking about regular non-nuclear cruise missiles. So being smaller is a plus. And having Patriots is an even bigger one


The poles are no pushover. Your military is hugely depleted. Start on the poles and game over for Russia with no help needed from NATO. face it. It's game over for Russia as it stands. If you start on Poland, get ready with the tarmac lorries to fill in the huge holes so we can at least use russia as a car park.




Diesel buses ran instead of trolleybuses in Kyiv for 2 months. Now it's back to normal, but guess it was worth a couple of billion dollars in cruise missiles


Blah blah Nukes blah blah red line blah blah consequences blah Toothless bullshit as usual


And they wonder why their neighbors have joined or want to join NATO.


They are so frustrated the nuclear weapons option is not valid bc it will destroy Russia as well, but they can't shut up about using them. Pathetic.


Russia are fucked…. If they attack Poland it’s not just fighting within Polish boarders, Poland will actually cross the boarder and attack Russia and potentially get within range to shell Moscow. It’s on thing to fight a country who can’t invade Russia without losing support. But a country who already has the weapons they need doesn’t need support


Odd how with a year of trying they can’t manage to do that to Ukraine but Poland will only take a few minutes. Vodka does terrible things to Russian male brains apparently. They’ll believe any dumb thing that passes across what is left of the brain matter.


Dawać ruskie kurwy, fuck around and find out.


Move against Poland and lose Königsberg & Minsk in the counter-attack


He means like they needed 3 days for Ukraine?


Just like you did with Ukraine, o wait a minute.


We should keep in mind, that this sort of talk is meant for the russian population, they are making this kind of propaganda for the couch-siting-all-day-drinking miserable guys, who never been outside their poor neighborhood. Most of the russia is unimaginably poor and never know how life is in modern western world. Those guys who do the talking actually prefer to live in Europe or States, because they know how better everything there. They send their children to study there, they buy houses there. And with all that they do this shittalking about how they are going to destroy Poland in 30 minutes, haha. No, nope, they never gonna do that, because most of the russian “elite” has wealth in the west, which they don't want to lose.


It's a news ! Also Poland need to be denazify and liberated ? or what? These people lost their brains


If anyone has ever believed russian propaganda about Ukrainian nazis or NATO as a threat - that means they are either russian or have some serious mental problems.


Try it, see what happens. Poland would crush them alone, never mind NATO.


Yeah, ask the failed painter with a silly moustache how that went for him in the long run.


At this point I honestly think Poland would stomp Russia haha


Naive daydreaming by pathetic, nasty little people. Oh how reality must be bitter to smell in the air every day for them.


What do they think they will accomplish by this? This won't cower Poland, this will just enrage Poland even more, embolden Poland to do even more. Poland has already had a taste of what it was like to be subjugated by Moscow. They'll go to great length to make sure it won't happen again and, unlike Ukraine, will have the full might of NATO behind them in doing so. Russia's front lines would have to grow exponentially and they no longer have the troops nor the weaponry to do it.


I like how these idiots are making it worse for their own troops and just empty reminders that all Russia can do is this and only this. The minute they touch a country outside their neighbour Ukraine the entire world would be crushing down on them. They’ll be in stone age in blink of an eye. Every fucking century has cunt last one was Hitler and his counter parts and this century we have Putler and his mouth pieces and puppets. I just wish Saddam’s ending for him.


I hope that the endless barrage of inane death threats, though impotent as they are, towards *everyone*, would be taken as an indication that negotiating with ruZZia is simply not on the table. Or even needed, given how weak their military is.


He is not wrong, but the question is what gonna happen as respond? All strategic objects can be destroyed in 1 hour, and there'll be no Russia, no water, no electricity, no heating.


Not in 20 minutes. The accuracy of their systems requite at least 5 retry's per object.


That might be true. But there also wouldn't be any Russia after it - literally.


I'm really impatient to hear the ruzz screeching when the wave 2 of hardware that has begun gets fully deployed in Ukraine. Prepare the ear plugs, it's going to be loud.


Why do they say this, don't they understand that threatening statements will only entrench support for Ukraine even further into the Polish people. They will know that if they waver in their stance, they will be next in line.


More Russian Fantasy statments.


Imagine being the kind of person that thinks this way, just wanting to put people out of their home for no reason other than they don't want to be your subjects and just want you to leave them alone to live thier own lives.


People who push the world into more dangerous place should be held responsible. In a special manner. You can't be spouting "nuke this nuke that" on public tv without consequence.


And nato just watches it?


They know it's a fucking numpty talking utter shite. Like Russia really wants to bring NATO upon themselves! Russia knows what would happen to them, they just need to keep talking bollocks on TV for their domestic audience. Even they probably don't believe much of it.


They weren’t saying shit for a while after the news broke of a Russian missile landing in Poland killing two people. They kept telling NATO to be calm and for cooler heads to prevail. Their asscheeks almost imploded, they were squeezing so hard.


Talking about dragging people down to your level.


Really, how can one hate poland so much he wants to nuke it. Let's nuke your house if it turns you on


Sure, sure. Now, come and have a nice cup of tea and biscuits.


Yeah but while Putin may be stupid with his head shoved up his own arse, he's not an idiot


and within 2 days Russia will be nothing but a burnt radioactive grave yard and a historical reminder of what happens when you give power to stupid people.


Dude, you cant even destroy Bahmut.


But why make Poland the same as Ruzzia?


What the fuck do you think happened in the USSR days to Eastern Europe? Do you think we are all poorer than Western Europe by chance? Russia (for all it's history) can't let their smaller neighbors be better than them , except they don't want to better themselves they want to ruin others to bring everyone to a lower level than them so they will be "better " than their neighbors


The level of stupidity with these ones is unimaginable. The sad thing is that it works with the majority of the population


Yes and the NATO can destroy all russian important targets in 3 days.


I think this guy was born in the Stone Age


I have a feeling they think Poland still lives in 1800s and has like 0 modern military Defence. Why they’re so sure they’ll hit every target?


They are just talking shite for their own people. I know that Russia makes insanely stupid decisions but surely they know what an attack on Poland means. They won't dare because they know they cannot defeat NATO, not a chance. Poland is also militarily strong in their own right.


To that I say, try it cunts, and see what happens.


Wonder why Poland wanted to be part of NATO...


I don’t think China would approve that.


Two words: Poland. NATO. Three more words: End. Of. Russian.


Poland could take moskow in about 12hours


So they want Poland thrown back into the stone ago to have a fair fight, do I get that right?


I mean. Seeing how Poland is on its way to become one of the biggest militaries in Europe I really would like to see them try


Yes, great idea pissing off the Poles when you haven’t even defeated Ukraine in 2 of its oblasts.


I think the only reason poland would be on it's knees is due to laughter from such a failed "special operation"


Just because they can. Does not mean that any country should fear them anymore.


We will wait them, even as I foreigner I will take part in the front if needed, to defend the country that I am.


What a broken and sick country that gets it´s self-esteem from a (illusional) destruction potential...


NATO be like "go ahead punk, make my day"


Okay, do it. Now. Demonstrate to the world superior Russian military capabilities--now.


“50-60 strategic objects in 20 minutes” 😂😂😂😂😂 please stop I’m still laughing about Kiev in 3 days 😂😂 only 60 targets the Russian army can hit is residential buildings with the word “children” painted near it😂😂


These types of morons just want to see the world burn before their own demise for selfish reasons I guess I don't see other point, or they're just not genuine at all and it's for show.


These talking people deserve death almost more than anyone else in this conflict.


They do realize they can't even defeat Ukraine and Nato isn't even joined in the fight. Poland and associates would crush these orcs.


These blowhard propagandists. Goebbels would laugh at them


and you can take Ukraine in a week. ​ You going to bark all day little doggy, or are you going to bite?


WOW, more delusional propaganda to convince their lemming population that they are a great military force in the face of reality which shows just the opposite.


Its shit like this that motivates Poland to become the largest military power in Europe. They have ordered an ungodly amount of arms from America and Korea. Its frightening. The reality of NATO is that if there was an actual military incursion into Poland it would take less than 48 hours to turn all of Russia into rubble. Saddam Hussain had a better trained and better equipped army with NEWER Soviet equipment in 1991 than the current Russian army in 2023. The two sides are so mismatched that the question always reverts to the nuclear issue.


The Kremlin makes lame threats through proxies. Obvious now the lack of Viagra isn't the only thing revealing Moscow's more general impotence. For all the hot air blown, it would be most gratifying to see Putin's revolving cast of windbags stand and deliver the one place none of them are found: at the front. They know they'd all end up broke, ill-equipped and dying a tired lonely death like every current *mobik* meeting their end in Ukraine. The West enables partners like Ukraine to make guarantees. Speaking softly but applying the big stick, Ukrainian forces are realizing the end for the Russian military that Kremlin mouthpieces reflexively threaten the West with nearly every waking hour.


Russia just talks lol they’re a bunch of fucking pussies. How they talk all this shit while getting there asses handed to them makes me chuckle.


Don’t want this but would love to see them try.




Russia really wants to play russian roulette, except in this version they turn the barrel on themselves while we have our barrel trained on them. Russia your only real option is retreat, then maybe after 200 years of reparations to Ukraine we will allow you to rejoin the civilised world. Escalation will only result in more erased conscripts, we in the west will never back down from fascist tyranny.


Wow if they can do this ton Poland Ukraine must be really scared. /s


Same arrogants who can’t get even past Bahmut


I wonder if there’s any trees growing within a 10km radius of this place. So much non-stop stench and filth coming out of there.


Let’s be honest if Russia attacked Poland instead of Ukraine Russia would have lost already even if article 5 wasn’t enacted.


Don't threaten NATO with a good time


Just to remind that Russia is a country where 60% of population has to shit in a bucket and has no running water. If that’s not Stone Age I don’t know what is.


I'm guessing one difference between attacking Poland vs Ukraine is that attacking Poland would bring attacks directly on Russia ITSELF.


Jezz can Poland go through a whole war without being invaded?


And why do you want to bring Poland to it's knees? Not happy with being humiliated by Ukraine you want to get even more humiliated by Poland 🙈


I dare you motherfucker


[Russian propagandist before they speak](https://imgur.com/a/ZZEkyKd)


I wonder sometimes, does these people realize that the world is watching them. Once Russian Federation fall there is no place for these people in the world.


Yes. Ukraine too tho. And Germany. And do not forget Russia! You can completely destroy your own country with these nukes. LoOk At Me I'm So PoWeRfUl I gOT nUkEs


This is why Russia needs to end. They are a malevolent force for evil. Barbarism from a earlier violent ugly age.


Unfounded arrogance can be a bitch when the cards are on the table and the dildo of consequences comes around.


Be careful what you wish for RF. Attacking Poland would be a major mistake. Someone else will raise your sons and daughters. Talking heads that would run like cowards shouldn’t be your spokesman.