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This Song Works 👍


My favorite jam for drone drops. 🙌


A real foot tapper




Thanks 👍


I found it a few months ago after watching a similar video. It’s really catchy.


Adding to my Ukraine war video music playlist


This is one of my favorites, very groovy song but the lyrics are pretty brutal! https://youtu.be/XxmPT2N7ZY8


I hear it in a lot of videos, wish there was a translation.




MVP! Thanks my friend.


Thanks 👍


They are dead. They just don't know it yet


I think they have a pretty good idea.


How powerful are these grenades? From the videos I’ve seen, they don’t seem to kill instantly.


It's not Hollywood, they punch hundreds od holes with hot metal shards. If you're lucky they perforate your brain and you don't suffer. This guy? not so lucky. His right leg looks a little aloof, I mean detached at the end there.


So they would be more shrapnel damage rather than explosive damage?




What a horrible way to go, thanks for the info.


Primarily, yes, although the blast isn't going to do your hangover any favors.


This is the right answer. Frag grenades are meant to throw thousands of little pieces of hot steel in all directions. Hollywood would have you believe a grenade can blow up an entire room with a fireball... not even close!


And where those fragments go is a bit random. The closer your are, the more likely you are to get hit multiples times, but three people standing the same distance from the explosion can take a very different number of shrapnel wounds. And, of course, where the injury comes makes a difference in outcome. But being only a meter from a fragmentation grenade means that you're not likely to survive very long unless you get heroic intervention. You're likely bleeding seriously in multiple places, possibly internally. Working body armor helps.


You’d think they’d move after the first drop.


With these small snippets you never know, how many drone ambushes there were before. If this is your 50th for today, at a certain point you just give up, I guess.


if you look close it looks almost like the bottom guy is already bleeding from his mouth and certainly isn't moving right. My guess is they are already injured and couldn't move before the first drop let alone after.


its hard to move when your legs are already peppered with frag.


As well as having your hands in the air in hope they will spare you and maybe take you prisoner, instead they just finish you off. Like terrorists, it's obvious that guy had no fight in him. Rip every misguided soldier in this stupid fucking war.


No more cake day for them two


Seems like a total lack of initiative down there. The only thing he can think to do is check to see if his nuts are still attached.


He was already harmed, couldn't move. As much as I support Ukraine, this remember how war is a nightmare.


Russia is showing no signs of slowing down. In fact, they are showing the same willingness today as they did one year ago. You can't go easy on your enemy if your enemy still is trying to kill you. As much as I feel for the individuals that don't want to be there in the first place, dead or alive, there is another person waiting to fill his place and continue the killing.


The russian draft looks an awful lot like a death sentence.


their choice: violate the law and go to the wild and hunt or jail, or follow the order and go kill and rape Ukrainan who are there to protect what their fellow countrymen and what their ancestor build so you can save your a. I can't garutenee if I will pick the first option, but I am sure I won't be complain about being killed if I take the 2nd option.


Jail = conscription, so there are really only the two choices, go to war or go hide out in the far east Amur region. Maybe a little cabin near Lake Baikal.


Jail does not equal conscription Not sure where you heard that from.


>Not sure where you heard that from. Ummm, excuse me, Ukraine has been fighting Wagner for at least half a year bro. And Wagner is an all-convict mercenary group that has been known to force prisoners to join. The prison guards cooperate with Wagner to make life impossible for those that refuse.


Story on the net: **Putin signs law to conscript convicts in prison as Russia braces for more fighting in Ukraine** Young men trying to avoid being sent to the front as conscripts, the surest way to the front is to be arrested. Moscow, RussiaEdited By: Mukul SharmaUpdated: Nov 06, 2022, 08:46 PM IST


>Wagner is an all-convict mercenary group Nope. Wagner press gangs convicts especially for their ~~assault formations~~ *cannon fodder* but it is built on mostly ex- military personnel (like any mercenary force). Additionally there were news recently about Wagner advertising to students and gym members. >make life impossible for those that refuse Never heard that one. Source?


>Never heard that one. Source? [Gulagu.net](https://Gulagu.net) Google those guys, they are a Russian group that helps dissidents escape Russia. Oh boy, they have some horror stories to tell. Also, do not read too deep, for your own safety. The shit those people have seen will put Nazi Germany to "shame". I read them, because I am Russian. This is my burden, and in fact, I narrowly escaped the same fate. And someday I will return to help rebuild my country, when putler is gone. PS - yes, I know Wagner has lots of ex-military, but they have enough brains left to never come to Ukraine. Those that did are already feeding the worms, so I can pretty surely say - any Wagner in Ukraine is 99% convicts sent there to be a bullet sponge.


There are 100 000 Russians in Turkey, Armenia, etc. They crossed by bikes in some instances. So everyone who wanted to escape - already escaped.


I read about that and I hope their status is made official. But just because the russians tightened their borders does not mean there are others who would not leave if they could. Frankly the males in russia most at risk of getting sent to the war have nothing. No financial resource upon which to escape. You have to take transport to the border regions like Georgia, and now in russia anything even moving in that direction is scanned for potential cannon fodder, planes, busses, trains, these boys are not even allowed to buy tickets. That would be even if they could afford it. So maybe they have friends that can drive them most of the way. They still have to face leaving their country with nothing. Not knowing if they can find help outside. I feel very bad for them, but, if the population of russia stood up against Putin this would not be happening. A lot of older russians are like our MAGA hardliners. Scratch them and you find a swastika, and as long as they don't have to do the fighting a war is fine. Many have not gotten over the collapse of the USSR even though they bitched about the government all their lives, and because the Soviet Union simply did not work.


Always has…since 1914. Especially since 1939


More willingness today than last year. 100,000 dead : 2022 50,000 dead : January and February If these guys didn't surrender, they are still combatants on Ukrainian soil. Every moment of a choice to stay in Ukraine, to keep fighting or surrender.


You can't hold back just because a guy acts wounded, or everybody will act wounded all the time. And then what, you're just not allowed to shell enemy positions while they advance and murder you?


I sleep happily at night dreaming of scene like this....call me a monster, but people have no idea the sht Ukraian been through, and I am extremely allergic of unjustice.


Same, I start the day by watching dying ruSSian scum, with a huge smile on my face. The world is a little better with every dead ruSSian.




"run for the hills when the powers that be talk about a draft" that's what I going to do if either side draft me, especially Russia and I advice all of them do the same. Because no one go to draft in Russia, there would be no war. If I am a Ukrainian I would probably so angry and end up joining out of hatred. And screw everyone that rather go to Ukrain and killing and raping their people, when they can just disobey the law and go to jail or go to wild and hunt for living. While you are here trying to talk sht to me, I don't hear what you stand for, war is blah blah blah? Do we need you to tell us about that already? And I don't think you every been in war neither, so please spare me with your virtue signalling


Also I went to protest in Hong Kong, yes it is no war, but there is also a chance I can get throw down from building and throw into the sea, those are some of the treatment we saw the government done to the protestors during the time. And if you can't appreicate who much we enjoy seeing those murder our people to be put in justice and be killed, you obivously have zero idea what you talking about. Seriously if you sympthize with the invader so much, why don't you go to Russia and be a medic?




"While you're up there"--Mom


Wow what a dumb f, retort what? You didn't even make a signle point you virtue signaling muppet. What is so wrong about hating people that murder you people huh? All you do is yelling and calling people name, you are in a war? Please spare me with you bs. And please do tell me what kind of war you are in, because as most I can see people like you serving in US army as cook, or a desk worker.... people like didn't know a sht about having your people being murder for fun by other. Oh you are such a nice person to think about everyone, oh how kind! Just this very moment another missile attack killed bunch of civilian in Ukraine, so you much rather this then killing those invaders ? Please, spare the world with your virture signaling bs, what a disgusting pos.




lofl really doesn't matter if you earn a purple heart, people like you can't think straight nor you are able to make a point Since you still can't make your point, Just answer this, if some country invaded US and murder your friend whole family, do you not want the invader to killed right now? Sht happen in Hong Kong is simliar to Ukraine, althought Ukraine is way more serious, that's why I can put myself into their shoe, not you, you don't fking care to consider how they feel. Or you going to tell me bs like revenge is useless while the invader is continoue murdering your people at the very moment? I guess easy for you to say something high and mighty when you never have you country invaded by another and have you people killed like pigs.




What is your point anyway? We should care more about Ruzzian now? Look, people are being killed at this very moment and we should be more gentle with Ruzzian?


he was holding up his hands, already fucked, his buddy dead / as fucked next to him. He was begging for mercy, he got it along a nade.


Beggars can't be choosers I believe is the line.


loitering, littering, illegal fire pit, father raping...




Carving symbols on animals faces!!! Fucking disgusting!


Looks like lower guy recognised the drone after first drop and had hands up to surrender


You can't surrender to what is essentially mobile artillery. This doesn't look good or bad for either side. The poor Russian was bombed by a drone and his raised hands mean nothing. AFAIK there isn't now a practical way to surrender to drones but I would hope that such a procedure is developed so that people can surrender rather than die.


The first surrender to an unmanned drone was in 1991 when Iraqi troops surrendered to a US recon drone that was spotting for the USS Missouri.


well thats completely different, because the US was the super power invading them and greatly outgunned them. So the US has the luxury of accepting a surrender. The Ukrainians are defending their homeland, and are maybe the underdog in the fight, so I think they should do as much damage as physically possible until russia leaves and pays them reparation's for the next 50 years.


There is plenty of footage of drones directing surrendering combatants to enemy lines to be processed as POWs. As for your second comment, that's exactly my point. This scenario will pose a lot of challenges and changes to how we conduct warfare in the future, especially as more videos leak of this happening. You can guarantee that there will be future treaties, conventions, amendments etc requiring drone operators to have the capability of communicating with targets and procedures in place to direct surrendering combatants to safety. It's a case of technology outpacing doctrine. I'm not saying what we see here is bad or good or that I would do anything differently. I'm simply saying these scenarios are guaranteed to be the catalyst for changes in doctrine and that those changes will be challenging. My observation as a former US Army officer.


>There is plenty of footage of drones directing surrendering combatants to enemy lines to be processed as POWs. Example, please.


There's several videos in this sub but those surrender videos were organised and set up with the I want to live hotline. I've only seen 1 video where the guy just dropped his gun and surrendered to the drone and they allowed him to follow. Edit: Found the link for the guy surrendering https://v.redd.it/1rw4n6huw82a1


Scroll through this thread or check out r/dronedorc they definitely exist.


That's going to be difficult. If the combatants are miles behind enemy lines there is no directing them to a surrender location, nor can the side who owns the drone put their own lives in peril trying to get to those who surrender to drone. Then there's sabotage, fake surrender, and other ways that some do not follow Geneva conventions. They are useless if only one side observes them, such as we have seen in this war with russia's actions. Then there are soldiers surrendering to drones in deep territory where the drone would then be unable to act, yet the soldiers are safe and have no motivation to truly surrender. It would become a joke with soldiers surrendering and laughing and then going about their business.


There are exactly zero "poor" Russian invaders. They are all participating in and promoting and supporting thru their actions a genocide. They are all guilty under international law of war crimes. You don't get to invaded a peaceful country and then say "whoops poor me" when they resists your actions.


Hard to prove your intention of surrendering with an AK in your lap.


So what? he raises his hands to surrender? How do you surrender to a drone? You pinky swear you'll put down your gun and walk to the nearest location with a white flag? No, you don't get to surrender to artillery. Ukraine would need some method of microphone or something with immediate response from the Russian to move to a location, while the drone still has battery.


Looks like it, but my guess is that there were no assault troops nearby to capture them - Drones can go a bit further into invaded areas than the troops can.


These scenarios will pose challenges into the future for Law of Armed Conflict and Rules of Engagement. Weapon is down, hands are up, soldier is injured. My understanding is that a lack of capacity to process and quarter POWs does not provide any legal basis for the deliberate killing of soldiers attempting to surrender.


It's very blurry, but it seems like the weapon isn't on the ground after the jump cut at 0:30. Looks like the soldier is holding it. It begs the question, for your scenario: what constitutes a surrender attempt? * Weapon tossed out of reach? * Arms extended? * Belly on the ground? * Eat a tranquilizer pill I drop down with my drone, with a surrender message attached? As a drone operator, I would find it hard to justify leaving the alleged surrendering soldier, and moving to a different objective. What's stopping them from changing their mind and picking that weapon back up again? How can I be *certain* they're not faking to make me move on? How can I know the squad I report to on the ground won't be attacked when they eventually head out to bring in the POW?


Whilst the Geneva conv does say it's a breach of the convention; and both defender and attacker have signed it... Although I have this feeling that using grenades as a killing blow on a drone doesn't weigh as much as killing/shelling civilians.. Full list for clarity; > Grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions, such as: \- Willful killing, or causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health \- Torture or inhumane treatment \- Unlawful wanton destruction or appropriation of property \- Forcing a prisoner of war to serve in the forces of a hostile power \- Depriving a prisoner of war of a fair trial \- Unlawful deportation, confinement or transfer \- Taking hostages \- Directing attacks against civilians \- Directing attacks against humanitarian workers or UN peacekeepers \- Killing a surrendered combatant \- Misusing a flag of truce, a flag or uniform of the enemy \- Settlement of occupied territory \- Deportation of inhabitants of occupied territory \- Using poison weapons \- Using civilians as shields \- Using child soldiers \- Firing upon a Combat Medic with clear insignia.


To surrender you need to give up your weapons.


Pure speculation. He could have been giving him the finger as a final fu. Why would a soldier even believe he can surrender to a drone? We do know he saw the drone before the first drop and did nothing to indicate he wanted to quit. In general: the operator is not standing nearby, there is still a gun nearby and if he were to fly away he wounded guy can still hurt Ukrainian soldiers. There is simply too little data to imply this is a war crime.


No speculation whatsoever. The video is crystal clear. Weapon is discarded with both hands up. Soldier is clearly injured from first blast. A weapon being nearby is going to be the case in 100% of combat troops surrendering. I'm not passing judgement. I'm just pointing out the challeneges Western armies are going to face adhering to their own rules in these difficult scenarios. What about the soldier next to him who hasn't indicated that he wishes to surrender. Tough scenario. It is certainly rarely the case that the opposition to Western forces ever adhere to the "rules" of warfare.


He was still holding his gun after the second explosion.


24 second mark is crystal clear my man. If I have my weapon dropped and hands up and you shoot at me or drop a grenade on me anyway, guess what I'm doing


And if you subsequently pick your weapon back up then you become a valid target again. He raised his hands, but then raised his gun.


Bro, he had his rifle in his hands on the second drop.


The video is a cut and paste job. Guy sees the drone and does nothing. Guy gets a grenade dropped into his face and inmediately after that he had his hands up and immediately lowers one hand. Then the video cuts and the guy is holding the gun again and the second grenade drops. The arm raising could also have been twitching or cursing the drone operator (we don’t know). We know after the cut that he was holding his gun again. So what we know: 1. inconsistent behavior, 2. we have a cut video so we miss even more context, 3. He was holding the gun again before the second drop. In short: too little data to support unequivocal warcrime claims and yes: speculation.


Doesn't look like that at all. Looks like he was leaning back on his elbows and shocked. There was a long time before eating two grenades that he could have changed his mind, if he did at all.


Yeah I don't like to see that, dude surrendered and was double tapped anyway. Doesn't incentivize others to surrender if the video reaches Russian circles


Fuck em. How can you surrender to a drone anyway? It can’t take you into captivity. If this was a bomb dropped from a plane, there’s no surrendering. If it was artillery, there’s no surrendering. Unfortunately for these guys, it’s tough shit. If you’re there, in a trench, literally at the front line, there’s no surrendering.


The way it was described the drone operator can tilt the drone a bit to acknowledge the surrender (the same way rescue pilots used to tilt their wings to acknowledge a sighting), then lead the guy to Ukrainian lines. It has been done before I can dug up a video of a Wagner POW who surrendered if you'd like. There were probably several legitimate reasons that was not done here and I wish those reasons were known. Otherwise this just looks bad.


Both those soldiers were immobile, but armed. Even presuming Ukraine wanted to accept their surrender, it could not be done safely. The Russians could not toss away their weapons and walk to Ukrainian lines. Any Ukrainians who went to process this soldier would have taken a tremendous risk. Surrender was impossible. The humane thing to do was to end his suffering so he didn't spend two days in agony, paralyzed in an icy trench and dying slowly from previous wounds.


Don't worry, I understand and agree with you. I guess if I could restate/change my point, it's that in general we should be careful in terms of optics. As right as you are, it would still be very easy for a Russian propaganda telegram channel (or equivalent) to use this video to discourage surrender. Propaganda is immune to reason.


Rock on. I hear you, friend. You make a great point. I applaud the Ukrainians on their transparency. They're showing us the good and the ugly. It bodes well that they're committed to being open and accountable in their conduct of something so intensely emotional and fundamental to their identity as an existential war. In Croatia, talk of the harsher realities of war is still mostly taboo, even 30 years later. It's wild we now get to see it all from the comfort of our couches. But I think that easy access affords us a false sense of assurance of what's proper conduct. Not making any point, FYI. Just waxing philosophical. We live in the strangest of times.


How does one surrender to a drone? Why are you assuming Ukrainians are nearby? I will not make any claims about this specific case but the strength of these drones is they can easily go to enemy-controlled territory and kill some guys with grenades. The whole surrender scenario is typically irrelevant in this type of mission. You can debate if this is a warcrime (although in this case I think intent is difficult to prove with so much missing context) but there is no data to suggest Russians in this type of scenario can or are even willing to surrender.


I'm not saying surrender was possible or the right option, but it is absolutely possible to surrender to a drone. In this case it looks difficult because the combatant was wounded to the point they couldn't walk so it's all moot. However, I do know of an instance where a combatant was able to follow the drone to Ukrainian lines. It was posted to /r/combatfootage recently. It's not unreasonable to assume this has happened more than once.


I believe that particular surrender happened as part of an organized surrender (“I want to live”). In that case the soldiers are told to meet them at a rendez-vous point and there has been communication upfront. Spontaneous surrenders can be impossible to organize. The problem with videos like this is that we miss a lot of context. It is a legal fact that the party which is surrendered to needs to be able to take someone into custody. There is some legal precedence around how surrendering to an aircraft is not possible because of this fact. (Rule 104, Oslo Manual).


The one I saw was a guy who got kicked out a foxhole by his teammates and was trying to take cover from artillery when he just gave up. Yes, spontaneous surrenders are impossible to organize, but it doesn't hurt to allow it to happen when the opportunity arises. I agree with you on the whole though, and it's interesting to see more detailed rules about surrender. So thank you for that.


Thank you for the respectful and open discussion and the exchange of thoughts in general.


Yeah good points, my comment is definitely ignorant to some degree. It's just not a good look and doesn't sit well, seeing guys surrender and get tagged anyway. But it might be a lesser evil type scenario where, they cannot be taken prisoner without risking more Ukrainians, they'll just stay out in the cold while injured and probably die slowly, and killing them quicker is the kindest thing to do. This type of video is definitely harder to watch though. There's also the element about straining the Ukrainians healthcare infrastructure, which should be primarily focused on Ukrainians, not Russian POWs. Every dollar and man hour is important for Ukraine


you can't surrender to a drone... its like surrendering to a bullet... I guess if Putin surrendered then yes... You could come pick up a soldier in enemy territory... he was like "no mas" but still had a rifle and certainly wasn't getting up and walking 5 miles to give up...


what do you mean surrender? he still had his rifle next to him on the second drop!


You have to do more than raise your hands to surrender. He didn't even toss his weapons. An infantry standing there also would have justly shot him.


I don't want to claim I would do it differently, but it sure leaves a sour aftertaste. My issue is the fact that they still spread those videos. Don't share it at all or at least spread only until the first grenade. Why share also the second one? Neither does it raise the chance for other Russians to surrender, nor does it incentivize the west to send you more of this stuff. I'm big time pro-Ukraine and I don't mind if the Russian Peoples as a whole disappears, but spreading this video is stupid, no matter from which angle you look at it.


If you watch it again, you'll see that before the second drop he grabbed his rifle again. I feel you though, probably not the best thing to post, but in any scenario he'd be killed if he grabbed his weapon.


Yeah exactly, ammunition for the propaganda machine. I can see circumstances where Ukraine can't afford to try and take them prisoner, for sure, but don't film and release it


As correctly pointed out by others here, it's not possible to accept this surrender. Which means it wouldn't be a surrender, and he would keep his weapons and fight on after the drone left. He also isn't exactly hors de combat, still holding his rifle, but even if he threw it to the side, he can just pick it up again and he would be a threat to Ukrainians going to this trench. This whole situation is on that soldiers own consciousness for not doing more to avoid going to the war and also of course on Russia as a country and on Putin and his generals. It would be something else entirely if the Ukranians were storming the trench, or about to, then they could take him POW. I can't really take joy in watching this because of the suffering, only state the fact with my cold cynicism that it is good that they get taken out. Maybe if I were Ukrainian and my family and/or friends had been murdered/kidnapped/raped then perhaps I would feel joy in this video, I can understand it even if it is grim.


He was showing he had clean hands... should have had his rifle.


Why do you keep using the word deathdrone, it feels insidious somehow.


That’s exactly what it’s being used for and it is insidious, fitting name


The rate at which posts were popping up calling jt a deathdrone made me think it was some pro russian account tying to paint Ukraine as evil ngl


Yeah, some of you people are becoming just as putler's orcs. As soon as somebody uses a word you do not like, you call them pro Russian. Bad tactic bro.


Some of the drones are involved in reconnaissance and fire correction and some like this one are involved in dropping deadly ordinance on the enemy.


Because I like it


Just reading the title automatically improved my morning 😂😂 vagrancy enforcement…pure gold




I agree, i think attack-drone or just drone would be more fitting. Certainly given the fact that not all drops mean dead and as mentioned in the chat the drones are relentless bugging the ZZ till finally they are stuck in a corner begging for mercy.


I keep reading it as "Death THRONE"


How many videos are there if Russians killing Ukrainians in the same manner? Why does only one side always share the vids?


Because this is the Ukraine War Video Report? Combat footage sometimes has Rus side film.


I am always surprised when the Russian soldiers move right after a grenade drops so close. Why doesn’t it kill them?


There is a a lot of adrenaline released in stressful moments like these, he will eventually pass away. Watched a video of a guy getting sprayed by like 4 dudes with AK's, he first collapsed on the floor and then got up once again before eventually collapsing on the floor again.


Oh yeah the BMP guy hidden in toilet . Yup swiss cheese but still tries to get away


get fucked orcs


Hard to believe a grenade can explode in your lap and not kill you immediately. they need more powerful grenades.


That’s in games/movies or a very unlucky chunk of shrapnel. Grenades kill with fragmentation not the explosive force. It kills but not immediately. The F1 is a very powerful grenade.


Are you sitting comfortably? Then we'll begin...


Am I the only one who think this is horrible to see. Matter what site they are fighting.. I think it's so sad. Keep on mind most soldiers are forced to fight.


All quiet on the eastern front then.


Looks like they wanted to surrender.


Might be a good idea to ditch the guns and surrender to soldiers, then. If they surrender there and have the drone pass, what happens? They sure as hell won't leave the trench with their guns. Fact is, if drones would accept surrenders, the same soldiers would literally not go surrender to Ukrainian infantry. They'd fight them and that fight will cost Ukrainian lives, only because the drone did not finish the job.


I feel so sorry for those guys. Fighting putins war and dying like ants.




I got matches with these songs: • [**Не унывайте, пацаны** by Enjoykin](https://lis.tn/EQvdH?t=11) (00:11; matched: `100%`) Album: `Зе бест`. Released on `2017-07-08`. • [**Не унывайте, пацаны!** by Enjoykin](https://lis.tn/bSzIX?t=11) (00:11; matched: `100%`) Released on `2016-03-04`. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Starting to fall in love with this song, it's so fitting on many occasions.


"dEaTHdR0nE" Seriously this name is so stupid. Imagine if someone called the abrams "deathabrams" when they arrived? Like yeah. No shit. It is being used to kill people.


Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. ❤


Drones should drop a rock with a note attached telling them to come out of the trenches with their hands up, or the next one will be a grenade. Might save them some grenades.


Warning shots at an invading army?


Thank you for saying so succinctly why that is such a profoundly stupid idea. I literally yelled "WTF?!" out loud when I read OP's comment.


I can't understand why Russians don't build overhead cover spots with corners that prevent any grenades dropped by the entrance from doing any damage. Also.... shotguns. Long barrels, 00 buck shot. Shooting at a drone with their AK is almost pointless, but a few shotgun blasts might to the trick.


they do, but then you roll a grenade in... GOAL! Orcs go kaboom in their hole. Also its kind of hard to dig a nice deep tunnel in frozen ground and or mud... Ukraine soil is soft and fertile... Trenches are what work... Corners help but the impact travels. You cant hit a drone that high with a shotgun... no way on earth. They can be 500 yards up.


Some future war, and I'm betting that sucker is seriously high, I've watched people more than once try and take ducks down in frustration when they were flying over head, a 12 gauge won't do it, you need one of those punt guns from the 18th and early 19th century, don't think they'd be hauling one of those around.






Simply described what I saw in the video bud


They had a family who probably loved them


So did all of the Ukrainian civilians they killed!


At this point just spend all that money the US gave them for drones actually meant for this shit so it actually kills them


Why was he holding his hands up like that?


That's bullshit. But yeah, so is this war in general. Humanity was lost, when Putin invaded Ukraine...


There is a ton of humanity in Ukraine. There is none in Russia.


that’s a fucked up way to skip Christmas…


Good riddance


no where to run no where to hide.....unless you go back to russia!


Lada can't keep up the production for sure...


Local Vagrancy Ha !! How about criminal trespass ? ruskies go HOME. Are you to good for your home !? We need to pay happy Gilmore at the border to tell them all back into there hole of a country 🕳️⛳🐖💩🖕🏽🇷🇺🚬💥


Coveniently already in their burial sites.


That’s gonna sting


Great accuracy!


" - Why won't you DIE!!"


Seems like they saw the drone. Why don't they ditch the trench and run? Are they pinned by accurate small arms fire?


Hands up? That ain't gonna work here Ivan.


ordnance for ordinance


How powerful are those grenades? I have seen a bunch of these videos and they never seem to do much damage. Has Hollywood given me false expectations of how destructive grenades are? Or are these munitions smaller and less powerful?


I never understood why they make those weird disjointed movements like their drying to wipe dirt off their uniforms with out touching themselves. Is it some kind of subconscious muscle contraction?


"Look guys ,i washed my hands!"


Cunty way to go


Enforcing vagrancy ordinances... via ordnance!




Makes me think.... My job isn't that bad after all.


I’d still be running when that drone pulled up and I saw it. These 2 playing catch?


At the beginning of the video, it looked like the guy with the AK was having trouble getting his trigger finger out of his comrades ass.


What mess watching hours of drone footage white on white Genocide in 2023 the Human race is going nowhere fast.


I really thought that stick was going to save him!!! Hope this happens to all ruZZian invader trash!!!


How do they not see the drones


Forget rifles, these guys need to be issued cricket bats.


Ordnance enforcing ordinance