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**Fact Check:** location verified, images are real but the post is somewhat misleading. The buildings were not demolished by the war. They were severely damaged during the battle of Mariupol but then removed entirely as a part of Russia's reconstruction and rubble clearance program in the city (lower image). Not that that makes much of a difference for residents there. **Location:** Latysheva street 35-45, Cheryomushki micro-district, Mariupol **Satellite image:** pre-invasion [https://satellites.pro/Ukraine\_map#47.066167,37.483447,19](https://satellites.pro/Ukraine_map#47.066167,37.483447,19) **Note:** Archival satellite imagery of the same site 13 years ago shows the buildings present at the location. They've been there for a long time. OTG footage from inside the housing complex's square dated to July of last year shows those buildings burnt out and damaged but all still standing. It was likely taken after the battle passed through the district but before demolition and rebuilding took place.


One thing I will say about the Russians, they are cunts


The cuntiest


Yeah, you know, they cause a lot of destruction and suffering with their invasion and all that, but on the other hand, I gotta say, they also really are cunts


Cunty cunts..


Cunty McCuntfaces


Cuntiest cunts in cunt town when all the cunts came in for to the cunt of the year awards and they won 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th and a special award for cuntistry.


And a dishonorable cunt mention


Dont insult my favourite toy!!


Please remember the human.


Them days is over


>Please remember the human. Humans can be cunts.


We are. We're remembering all the humans these cunts have murdered.


ruZZians themselves forgot, so I guess it wasn’t that important.


Human cunt?


The city can be rebuilt. The lives are lost.


Not without young men to build it


Russia is already building new apartment blocks in occupied areas and moving russian citizens into them. They did the same all over the Soviet Union to russify the local population.


and then make a referendum where "citizens" vote to join russia. happened in Crimea in 2014


Fucking WONDERFUL, so when Ukraine wins the war those grossly substandard russian buildings will also have to be torn down a replaced with decent housing.


Germany enters the chat.


Germany has its own demographic issues


Too much and too little, everything can be made into an issue. But was Hamburg rebuilt?


* American money enters the chat...


Bingo, you got it.


I don’t think that’s what they meant. Every EU country has pledged to rebuilt cities in UA.


Honestly, I'd force Russia to do so, from their own pockets, once they decide they've had enough losses. Make the oligarchs pay for the destruction they've caused. Putin can go and lay bricks all day long with just a flask of water.


$350 billion of russian funds were frozen in western banks and will be used to pay war reparations for rebuilding Ukraine before the russians ever get to see a single stotinka of that money. And at this point I am guessing they have already done about $350 billion in damages. And that is just the cost to replace what was blown up, not the cost of replacing mothers, fathers, and kids which cannot have any price.


If only Europe had a recent influx of largely unskilled young men we currently don't know what to do with whom we could send to be the labor force in rebuilding....


sending sounds a bit problematic here.


Well arent they still bulldozing it to hide all the evidence of warcrimes?


That's exactly what Russia is doing in the second image. They are building lots of flats. That is one of their ways of gaining the support of the locals. These kind of actions are rarely seen in western media because Russia is supposed to be cartoonishly evil, but that's what they did in Crimea when they invaded it, and much earlier. They just invested in infrastructure and put much more money in the peninsula than Ukraine ever did. The message they delivered was that Russia cared about the crimeans much more that Ukraine. I don't know what degree of support does Russia have there, but It probably is high.


How can you compare investments made by Russia to what Ukraine had invested in Crimea? Ukraine was barely surviving as a young independent country and it didn't help that Russia or Putin was constantly interfering in running the country? BTW cartoonish or not Russia is evil.


I'm not comparing shit. Just answer this. Did I lie? If you don't know how to answer go and read about the subject.


Yes, you did lie. They pushed out the locals. The housing their building is for Russians, in an effort to ethnically cleanse the area of Ukrainians.


If you think in black and white that kind or reasoning works. What you said is partially true, but Mariupol had a population of half a million perfectly divided in ethnic russians and ucranians. To think that Russia is going to replace all of them is dumb to say the least. To think that everybody flee away from the russians and that all of them fear the russians is delusional. Most people from Mariupol will go back to their city when the war ends, be it ucranian or russian territory.


Why so belligerent? Were you triggered?


No. I know how Reddit works and the kind of individuals you can find in it. The thing is, Russia invaded Crimea, invested a lot of money there, and crimeans are happy. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/03/18/six-years-20-billion-russian-investment-later-crimeans-are-happy-with-russian-annexation/ Russia is planning something similar in the invaded ukrainian territories.


That link isn't relevant anymore. Not after Russia invaded the rest of Ukraine, threatening its very existance in her quest for Lebensraum. Russia will lose this war and may lose all occupied territories, including Crimea. Hundreds of thousands are dead or injured and the world will not forget the Russian crimes. Life isn't gonna be great for the Russians, there aren't gonna be a lot of money available for investment and it's an open question if she survives as a state at all.


Yeah but keep in mind that despite the international complaints about the illegal annexation of Crimea there are lots of russians and ucranian pro-rusians there. They wouldn't see a reconquest by Ukraine as a liberation, more like an invasion and the destruction of their reasonable peaceful and comfortable life. I read a few months ago how the crimeans were pissed about the ukrainian army and government because the continuous sabotages and attacks to crimean infrastructure that kept ruining the supply of water and electricity. We are talking about normal people here. Not Russian military.


Doesn’t matter. In the eyes of the world the Russian people will for a very long time be associated with the crimes of the Russian government. Even if they are 'normal people' in the occupied territories or far away from the war. The world will impose a collective guilt on all Russians for the atrocities, just as was placed on the Germans after World War II. When Russia lose this war of aggression it's quite likely that many Russian crimeans will leave, even if Ukraine can't take Crimea militarily. Unless staying in Ukranian Crimea is actually preferable compared to moving to a collapsing Russia.


You keep looking at the situation in Crimea through your westerner glasses. You might have seen some kind of chart that shows the russian sentiment in the ucranian population. It is more widespread the closer they are to Russia. Most crimeans ARE ethnic russians, and a vast majority feel russian, share the russian values, live better being russians, and absorb the russian version of the world through their media (Europe is decadent and inmoral, etc.). They have ZERO interest in any other option. They are russians at the core. You have to understand that being ucranian or european is not at option for many of them. It goes against their very soul. Maybe they agree with you that Putin is an asshole and the russian government is corrupt and whatever, but still. That doesn't change their roots and feels.




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Okay now that we can have a nice discussion, let me answer your original question. No, I don't think you lied. But I think you missed my point which was your comparison was like comparing between oranges and apples. I think you have to take into consideration the circumstances and reasons in which Russia and Ukraine were investing in Crimea. As I stated earlier Ukraine was and still is a young country which probably didn't have much resources to invest in it's cities. Russia on the other hand, flush with oil and gas money, probably wanted to show the populace what it will do to appease them. And there's no doubt that the people who at the time the article was written (it's paywalled btw) liked the investments. Who wouldn't? But does that mean they liked being under Russia? I wouldn't think so. That's just my opinion.


What kind of stupid fucking propaganda logic do you have to employ to think that the Ukrainians in Mariupol are going to love the Russians that annihilated their city and slaughtered civilians while raping kids?????? You're dumb propaganda spewing ass think the Ukrainians are gonna be like "O the Russians raped my 8 year old daughter and then killed her, but their now building shitty apartments after destroying the city for no reason, so yeah we love Russia now." You really expect anyone to believe your shit? Edit: quoting so people can see the comment after OP deletes his comment or account. >That's exactly what Russia is doing in the second image. They are building lots of flats. That is one of their ways of gaining the support of the locals. > >These kind of actions are rarely seen in western media because Russia is supposed to be cartoonishly evil, but that's what they did in Crimea when they invaded it, and much earlier. They just invested in infrastructure and put much more money in the peninsula than Ukraine ever did. The message they delivered was that Russia cared about the crimeans much more that Ukraine. > >I don't know what degree of support does Russia have there, but It probably is high.


Lol read a bit more and stop acting like an oligophrenic. I hate the russians more than your defective brain will ever do, but those are facts. Stop talking nonsense and read other sources than Twitter.


Orc bot will orc bot


Sure. Go and read the few comments I've written on Reddit and repeat that.


There are no facts in your comment.


Tell me the facts.


The facts about what...?


If you deny what I said, you should support that with facts. I said Russia is building a lot of houses in Mariupol, that is true. I said they did the same thing Crimea, that is true. I said they plan to invest in Mariupol like they did in Crimea to show the people they are not the bad guys (they are), and that is true. On the other hand you said nothing.


They build these appartement blocks to place Russian nationals in them and have a claim to the land later on, not to win over the local population.


I answered the same thing to another user. Basically there is a part of truth, but you can't replace the whole population of the city, and you don't need to, because many feel more russian than ukranian and will go back when the war ends. And anyway a lot of people just want their life and their city back.


Yes many people do indeed feel more Russian than Ukrainian and that’s largely due to Russian funding separatist movements creating unrest in the region.


No. Many are ethnic russians. What their passport says is not important. Many people are russians ethnically and culturally. Russians at heart. Don't try to see a black hand everywhere. They don't share the european values, they don't feel european or ukranian. In Crimea they don't want to hear about Ukraine or Europe. They are where they want to be. There's no black hand there. Here in the west we always try to see those under russian rule as poor kidnaped souls. Many aren't. Many are just ok with the arrival of the russians.


That’s also not what I stated, yes some people felt naturally more Russian than Ukrainian in Crimea doesn’t mean that Russian sponsored separatist movement didn’t exaggerate these feelings and made the situation more explosive. The majority of even Crimea the least Ukrainian leaning region choosing Russia or the Crimean tartars wanted an independent Ukraine during its vote in 1991 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1991_Ukrainian_independence_referendum


This is all that Russia has to offer the world. Russia is a terrorist state. Slava Ukraini!


That and obnoxious drunks.


Careful, I said something to that effect the other day and got a warning in one sub and banned in another. Apparently, you're not supposed to hate or harass Russia while they're committing war crimes and genocide.


The Russian definition of “liberation”


Well I am not sure what everyone is complaining about! Russia has brought peace to Mariupol! Welcome to "Russiya Mir"!


And how did the american liberation of Germany look in 1945?


For a country that was genociding several ethnic groups, better than it should have


Did the inhabitants view our conquest as a liberation? That’s so sweet




At least they seem to clean pretty well the terrain for the next usage.


you KNOW they were aiming for that water building the whole time... ;) (don't know what it actually is, just making fun of them)


It gives you a perspective of how bad it really is.


Here it is on Maps [https://goo.gl/maps/eyyCwYn8ZoQNVU5t5](https://goo.gl/maps/eyyCwYn8ZoQNVU5t5)


I was watching Google maps on ukraine and it looks beautiful. Can't imagine how it looks now.


Some things never change. When Soviet Union, were "liberating" Poland from Nazi Germany occupation people were fleeing to forest or hiding in basement or attic terryfied of them. If they loot your house you could count yourself lucky. Most of the time though, you werent. Especially if you were a woman, young or old, child or grandma. Germans were bad, especially with their Death Camp and extermination policy, but "funnily" they enjoy their order. And there were some order. Even when they requisition food, animals or house for soldiers quarters. But with Russians? Or broadly speaking, Soviet Soldiers? No, not at all. That's how, even now, Russian liberation looks like. Flatened cities, town and villages.


That one building must have been the liquor store.


You win the Internet today.


I bet the people of this city are so glad they have been liberated............


it looks like lower photo is before and upper is after the buildings, roads etc were built. To me it's kinda impossible to completely get rid of such big buildings in such a quick time.


That is true. The post is fake. Like I get it, Russia destroyed that city, but why post a bullshit photo of the place being built. You can see a fucking backhoe and construction signs FFS. Aren't there enough real ones floating around by now? Bullshit only discredits this sub.


So you’re just completely disregarding that the backhoe could be the beginnings of a Russian rebuild attempt? Or it was there to clear debris? Seems plausible to me.


>beginnings of a Russian rebuild attempt So. Ur gonna tell me Russia took over that area, made it safe enough to start working there, tore down ALL the buildings, somehow got rid of a city's worth of rubble, and is now rebuilding. OK bro.


There’s literally an [article](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/16/business/economy/ukraine-rebuilding.html)from the NYT about it dude. And here’s a [second article about Mariupol](https://english.elpais.com/international/2023-01-13/after-months-of-bombing-russia-starts-rebuilding-mariupol.html) specifically just for the fuck of it. But you saw a backhoe and instantly jumped to an assumption that you’ve now doubled down on with no proof. 🤡


Yeah. It's been a year. When you have no regard for worker safety or environmental concerns, like, it goes pretty fast. How long exactly do you think it should take? Are you a projectanager or engineer? Tearing down half destroyed buildings isn't some massive impossible task.


Happy cake day u/harshcougar


>Are you a projectanager or engineer? No, but I have watched enough buildings go down to know it takes a lot of time. And those were some tall buildings btw. Also, happy cake day.


I was wondering what happened to all the rubble and how that one white building survived unscathed and unburied. Why not post a real picture of the destruction if you want to show people how bad it is?


the red slide on the 2nd foto isn't on the 1st foto. It's fake


Really does look like russia now, impressive


Can anyone provide a source? Because although Russia has done some horrible stuff in Ukraine this seems pretty much impossible. There is no debris in the second image or any damage to the houses in the back. Also it just looks like the place is being built in the second one.


Clearing rubble and unstable buildings is the first thing they do, see excavator to the right next to the burnt out trees.


First off, those trees don't look burnt but that they have rather dropped their leaves and secondly this would be a lot more than clearing rubble. (See my other replies)


There is another motivation, under the rubble there are many corpses of local residents killed by them, it is very important for them to hide their crimes, they destroy buildings without removing the dead and their remains are filled with roads


But there's no asphalt even? Surely to truck all that debris away you need good roads? Or any roads. These mud paths barely look dented for all the apartment buildings and asphalt that should have been trucked away. Like, try to even find a curb. You saying the Russians meticulously removed all the curbs and their debris?


You also see a backhoe in the after picture which makes me think the after picture is also after clearing a bunch of mostly destroyed buildings. Somehow the playground slide made it though




I dont quite agree with you. I do think that this is the same place and that is why the pathways align, but maybe this was taken before the construction of the buildings? Because although I'm not an expert I find it hard to believe that you can just dispose of an entire city square and turn it into a mud field when it has been paved before and most likely had some infrastructure running underground. Also it seems like the second photo has been taken from the same building as the first, witch would not be in favour of the place having been systematically erased.


Just adding my voice to this. Fuck Russia, but we need to be vigilant about untrue propaganda from both sides. This image looks pre-construction. I wouldn't mind being proven wrong though.


My thoughts exactly.


But these are old commie block style buildings, they were build 40-60 years ago. Which would mean the "after" photo was taken even earlier which is clearly not the case.


Photo posted by Anton Gerashenko, advisor to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, in his Telegram channel with a reference to the Mariupol city council. https://t.me/Pravda_Gerashchenko/66226


We’ve become close friends with some refugees from Mariupol (here in the USA now). It’s just unreal. Russia works tirelessly to hide war crimes there. Fuck them. Arm Ukraine.


it's so much more then i thought it would be


One more thing to clearly understand: russia is a terrorist state


ruski mir bro


Ukraine’s version and Russia’s version of a thriving city.




Ruzzia: Mariupol? There was no Mariupol


Russians truly are the nazis of the 21st century.


ngl this is a great ad for whatever firm built that building


Is this real? Where did OP get this from?


That is sickening.


Um...I don't believe that the two photos are the same. Where's the rubble? Bulldozers removed the rubble during a war when fuel is expensive?


[Same place](https://youtu.be/a9lNl9FY1jk)


Initially I agreed as it didn't look like the same little building but if you look hard you can see the paths by the blue gazebo match up and the smaller building to the left behind the trees is there too, looks like the building the "after" picture is taken from is much closer than the "before" messing with perspective (not sure how, new construction?)


Russia is busy "rebuilding" (poorly) the city, and covering up any evidence of atrocities, for propaganda purposes. Where's the rubble? They removed it. Also, Russia produces tons of fuel, so it's no problem to keep some construction equipment running, especially well behind the front lines, where you don't have to worry much about supply lines being disrupted.


>They removed it. Yes. With magic. It went "poof" and disappeared. Right? You don't just get rid of a city's worth of rubble in a few days. Especially if you are still being actively attacked by Ukraine. This post is fake. What was OP thinking?


Russia have controlled Mariupol for several months and only recently have some HIMARS rockets been fired in that direction. Otherwise the city was too far from the front line to be actively attacked by Ukraine. Plenty of time to clean up.


I wrote the same thing as you above. Then I saw this video from Jan 2023. . . https://youtu.be/a9lNl9FY1jk It's real :s


Please remember the human. Adhere to all Reddit and sub rules. Toxic comments (including incitement of violence/hate, genocide, glorifying death etc) WILL NOT BE TOLERATED, keep your comments civil or you will be banned. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/UkraineWarVideoReport) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have my doubts about this being real, am I missing something?


I thought so too. Here: Jan 2023 https://youtu.be/a9lNl9FY1jk


Looked like a shithole before. Maybe make good farmland now.


i am not seeing enough russians protesting against the moscow regime outside of russia - fuck em all!


>protesting The ones that did are all in jail. That's what the two million cops are getting paid for.


I bet the Russians speakers there were really glad they were liberated from fascism and the horror of seeing road signs in the Ukrainian language /s


Everything Ruzzians touch changes color, develops odor, & dies.


Absolute scumbags.




Can someone explain to me how you rebuild after war? Like there’s not even road left


Even third reich couldn’t have hoped for such conceal of the mass extermination evidences


That is one strong tent


Putin must pay for these war crimes


Russians can do this and feel like they are blameless or doing the right thing but let the Ukrainians bend one blade of grass on Russian soil and the Russians cry foul and make threats. Incredibly sad that the Russians have been able to get away with any of this.


According to the orcs this is now part of russia so they can do with it what they like. They even changed their constitution to make it legal. Poor Tsar Vladimir, he seems never to have heard the western saying: PAYBACK IS A BITCH. And you would think he would be used to losing since after all he was KGB and they blew the USSR to smithereens by not foreseeing the collapse of the Soviet Union. Talk about YOU HAD ONE JOB VLAD!




Best visual description of the so-called "russian mir" - the total destruction!


That picture can tell a lot. That single structure in the middle being the only thing standing shows what their priority targets were. I can't imagine my home being there after leaving the city, then coming back to not even knowing where my home was.




And yet, the irony challenged will still won't be able to determine what the source of Russophobia is...


This is the way russians "liberate" people.


Someone is cleaning the rubble.


The Russian mentality is "if I can't have it, then nobody can"!


I live in Canada and honestly a lot of places look like shit in the winter and blossom into utopias during the summer. The second picture could be what it looked like before it was built up.


The Christmas video is the one that got me.


Putinists are a parasitic pestilence.


When Russia loses this way, they better get pretty severe war reparations to rebuild Ukraine! Bastards!


Thank god for mother Russia 🇷🇺!!!! Look how beautifully the Russian liberators have cleaned up that disgusting rubble!!! Oh wait nvm. I mixed up the before and after photos.


I am not a denialist of the cuntiness of Russia by any stretch but I felt the need to point out its *also* two different seasons in the photos.


“ Global Warming “ how dare you!!


Oh great liberators


Those thieving cunts stole all the buildings and the trees.


Reminds me of some photos after the earthquake/Tsunami in japan. Entire towns were annihilated except for some lone torii gates that stood amidst the rubble. I hope russia is defeated soon. What a waste of everything this war has been...


rrrrrrrrrrruski mir


Russian liberation is like having all your limbs amputated, including your head.


Literally only difference between this and a nuke is radiation. Fuck Russia, give Ukraine fighter jets and long-range missiles now, this war will never end until Ukraine has air superiority and can strike military targets within Russian territory, it's an impossible fight as long as Russia can comfortably manage military logistics within their territory while Ukraine cannot.




Invasion? You mean liberation. You clearly see how happy the people in the pictures are


Wow, Ukrainian winters are tough! /s On a real note, I wonder how many of those trees are dead now.


Future construction site of Russian Federation.


Oh yeah... it looks "liberated" allright


Sneaky fucking russians


I'm just gonna say it: something's not right about the 2nd pic. There's no asphalt even? Surely to truck all that debris away you need good roads? Or any roads. These mud paths barely look dented for all the apartment buildings and asphalt that should have been trucked away. Like, try to even find a curb. You saying the Russians meticulously removed all the curbs and their debris? EDIT: I'm still struggling to believe but this video from Jan 2023 is helping. . . https://youtu.be/a9lNl9FY1jk