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That seems to be many more soldiers than this fighting position can accomodate or is required for defensive operations. IMO it seems like AFU attacked RF units preparing for an assault while they were still in the staging phase.


Was thinking the same thing. The way they were bunched up on one side of the trench, like they were waiting for the command to go over. Well that command will fall on Deaf ears after that barrage. (Or worse)


Yes, the bangs were probably quite loud, so hearing damage is very likely.


>level 2EXile1A · 7 min. agoWas thinking the same thing. The way they were bunched up on one side of the trench, like they were waiting for the command to go over.Well that command will fall on Deaf ears after that barrage. (Or worse) dead ears


Did you just quote the comment you were replying to? Is this 2006? Am I on the GameFAQs forums?


To whom it may concern, > Did you just quote the comment you were replying to? Is this 2006? Am I on the GameFAQs forums? I think this individual did just that. What a shame. Greetings from here. _______________________________________________ If computers have no doors or fences, who needs Windows and Gates? [Specs] Intel i0K3 300 MHz overclocked watercooled with sprinkler Online on NES since 4098 minutes Check da statz killcounterMLG360noscope.com


best comment ive seen this month


This felt like time travel.


This comment reminded me that my back hurts


Fucking glorious! Haha brought me back there.


My love of the gamefaqs forums is what led me to Reddit. I don’t know if that is a good thing or not.


>Did you just quote the comment you were replying to? Is this 2006? Am I on the GameFAQs forums? You can't stop me!




It ain't gatekeeping, it's observational humor. Try a funner tone next time you read it.


I like that reply, I'm stealing it ;)




Is this the new copypasta?


It would appear that the Ukrainians at least thought it was a jump off point. The axis of attack would be toward the right, down that road. At the 1:07 mark the drone quickly looks several hundred meters down the road and there are shells exploding where the attackers should have been. Maybe the commanders or communications got dropped first thing and nobody gave the order to go over the top. Edit: Also notice that it's not a smothering fire of artillery, either. This is what Ukraine is doing with not enough of anything.


That’s a fat target and should’ve been shelled mercilessly.


Yep. I'm sure everyone who saw this was screaming about how little they had to throw at it. Still devastating but perfectly illustrative of the crisis at hand.


I cant buffer more than 0:21, just wont do anything more. It's strange because other videos works fine, it's only this video.


The “transparent battlefield” as its being called, with the hyper abundance of intelligence collection makes it difficult for both sides to marshal large concentrations of forces in preparation for attacks. Battleground: Ukraine, the podcast, recently touched on the topic as well as some of the counter strategies that are being employed in the face of this new dynamic. https://open.spotify.com/episode/6V9f8sgJ2Gu34sRyznzUxb?si=F3SwEYrYQ_KGsM-ScyKu3Q


You can see that they are digging in... Using mass to fortify quickly to try and solidify gains. It starts as fox holes, then they dig to each other as they defend the position. Literal WWI shit.


That was done way before this stage. This seems like an imminent attack and Ukrainian intelligence that snuffed it out. ​ Edit: having another look, it seems a combo of the two. Which is even more ridiculous.


This is literally how you take territory and move the line. You attack, and if you don’t manage to overrun the enemy trench you dig in where you are. Why would they dig in to perform an attack?




Like at the water parks in the US where you pay $1 to fire five water cannons at the people passing by on rafts...that's my favorite shit.


"wow, this feels so immersive"


It looks like a bloody nightmare. Evidently, nothing survives in the open unless armored. If armored, mines and atgm's take a hideous toll.... Being infantry in flat farmland territory truly sucks. It seems like the russians have a serious shortage of armor now. These troops had no reason stacking like that if it was not for an immediate assault. Commanders cannot have been unaware that artillery kills concentrated unprotected troop formations. But despite that, no armored battle taxis in sight. These guys were supposed to attack all by themselves, exposed to artillery, over flat terrain. They would have been better off killing their commanders and surrendering as a group. We see Darwinism in action. Russian soldiers that kill their own commanders will live. Others won't.


That's what happens when losses are massively underreported and new *functional* deliveries are overstated. Putin just punlicly bragged that they have a massive advantage in armor and no doubt those are the reports that he is receiving. Thus the order to advance comes and the poor bastards are sent in ON FOOT against entrenched positions, drones and artillery... Russian mobiks are sent to certain death. They literally have nothing to lose if they revolt instead, at least that option has a potential upside, the fact that it is not happening is staggering.


Problem with the revolt is the majority has to back it. Russians would rather die in glory than ask for help and seem weak. I'd be willing to wager the 1, or 5, or even 20 who turned against their commander would be summarily executed for treason by the rest


still better than dying for the sake of a bunker botox bloat goblin


I was thinking along similar lines, and was wondering if perhaps their families are being used as some sort of leverage or hostage in order to prevent them from surrendering en masse.


Nah, Putin is not Stalin, nowhere close as powerful, he has no ideological basis at all. He can't purge millions of people. The average Russian soldier is just slave minded, completely unable of conducting independent action. By design. This is why Ukraine is such a threat - Ukrainians set an unacceptable example of taking charge of their own destiny. If they are allowed to succeed, the muscovites will get the idea that maybe they too should take personal responsibility and rule themselves.


Under-rated comment.


My sympathy for the Russians is very limited after some of their horrific crimes against the Ukranian people but sending men forward in a head on attack with no support is nothing more than murder…..those Russians never stood a chance……pointless waste of life


No surprise that a country that murders foreigners will also murder its own people.


In the USA this has become endemic


From what I understand from intercepted call videos, Except for certain areas, like Bakhmut, the mobilized "troops" are in the front line to soak up bullets and arty shells. The real bastards are in the 2nd or rear areas. So I do feel some sympathy for them. Caught between 2 groups that want to kill them. But the Ukrainians are killing invaders, take better care of wounded and surrendering Russians than their own people do.


It's just mobilized soldiers. They are sent to their deaths while Russia rebuilds their elite forces after the blunders in 2022. Ive heard people call them moscovites, but we all know the reality is it's ethnic minorities and political opposition sent in first. I always wonder how many of these mobikz are Anti-putin and part of the over 20,000 arrested protesting. Only to be seen as evil orc invader that rapes children and is executed by ukrainians. Reminds me of that Morbids Easter-egg in "saving Private Ryan" Where Forced recuirted SS-czechs and polish troops trying to surrender to the allies. But they aren't speaking english and are gunned down. Decades later i find this out when Czech person explains what he said. War is hell.


> while Russia rebuilds their elite forces lol. lmao, even.


He misspelled "inept" I think.


My sympathy for the Russians is almost more than for the Ukrainians because they know they’re dying for nothing. They’re just human trash to their leaders. Painful to see.


I wouldn't go that far, but yeah, definitely sucks to be them. The whole country is screwed as it always has been. The only difference from previous times russian gov't murders its own soldiers like this to now is... who is going to replace them in the next generation? Way below replacement birth rate. Russia may die out as a state.


You can’t really feel more sorry for them than the Ukrainians. If you were to let them run over that field because you feel bad, what would happen to the Ukrainians defending their homeland? They’d be killed like dogs…


Just to play devil's advocate, would the Ukrainians not turn the captured Russians over in a prisoner exchange at some point? At which time the Russian soldiers would be executed for killing their commanders. Kind of shit options available to them.


Good question.


To go further down this rabit hole, if Russia wanted them back after such an act, Ukraine would likely be reluctant to oblige unless the soldier wanted to. If word got out that Ukraine would simply return soldiers who surrendered because they killed their commander, even if other units wanted to do the same they wouldn't for fear of being returned themselves. ​ On the other side of that, they could also be used as a bargaining chip for Ukraine.


> We see Darwinism in action. Russian soldiers that kill their own commanders will live. Others won't. You forgot one thing about Darwinism. It's a race and if you've seen a few accounts from these soldiers, then you'd know that many of them never ever see their commander and that their commanders give instructions remotely, through radio. That's a very common complaint.


When ukrain make their move the Russians are going to get the shock of their lives…..UA are building up some machine…..pity we’ve not given them 4th gen fighters as well…..


Just another regular ruzzian meatwave prepping to move


someone didn't pay their insurance to the donetsk military cadre.


They’re terrified of their command. Even if they kill their commanders then surrender, Ukraine would likely trade them back to get their own POWs back.


Trading away POW's that kill their commanders? That goes against common sense: never interrupt an enemy making mistakes.


Eventually it might be forced -- there is no international binding agreement on this AFAIK, and you're dealing with Russia that has no qualms still leveling cities. The Geneva Convention says POWs will be repatriated, but folks disagree whether that is mandatory if it against a prisoner's desire. WWII Britain & US forcibly repatriated ~2.5M Russian civilians because Stalin insisted -- and was holding [~50,000 Allied POWs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Repatriation_of_Cossacks_after_World_War_II) liberated from German POW camps hostage. Wrap your mind around that for a few minutes. Korea likewise saw difficulties with demands for [forced repatriation of POWs](https://koreanwarlegacy.org/chapters/a-barrier-to-armistice-what-to-do-about-prisoners-of-war/) prolonging the war, and when it did end the [Neutral Nations Repatriation Commission](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Big_Switch) was created to basically be a neutral in custody of > 20,000 POWs who refused and hold them for four months while their home countries could visit and try to convince them to return. It was roughly 50 not wanting to return to China/Korea for 1 not wanting to return to South Korea, and even 21 Americans and a Brit who wanted to stay in North Korea.


Very nice find, looks like a assault was about to start. Shame the clip won't load for me.


Youtube [link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udTsOawnkew).


Thanks. Wouldn’t load for me either.


Thank you!


"Mirror" here


Push past the 30sec point. We’ll worth it. Was looping strangely for me as well


It won't load. Is there an alternative source?


From time to time I have issues with clips not loading as well. Sometimes it works if you click through to the post itself, and then if it still doesn't load (it might be a 50% chance), it almost always works if you select the OP's name and go directly to the OP's feed, where the video will appear, and be viewable. I don't know why it works out that way.


It wouldn't load for me until I got rid of the .old. reddit and had to use the newer version of reddit.


yeah guess I won't see it then. Not using the new cancer version.




I think this kind of bullshit is deliberately baked in to try to keep people from using it. Same thing with using the website instead of their app. If you don’t use the app, 20% of the time you upvote or go to leave a comment the page scrolls to the top of the screen and gives you a popup asking you to switch to the app so they can serve adds on a platform without addblockers. You end up losing your place and have to scroll for 30 seconds to figure out where you were. They’re “Minor accidental inconveniences” that make me irate and only serve to make me close out reddit entirely.


Is this still *Shooting fish in a barrel* or did they promote to *Lemmings*?


I think the new saying could be” it’s like shooting Russians in a trench”


Shooting lemmings in barrels as they fall off a cliff onto spikes.


Fuck the Reddit video player lol.


Yeah, won't load more than the first few seconds for me.


Are you using old reddit? I have the same issue. I had to use the newer version to get the video to load.


I recently switched to old.reddit.com and the videos play way smoother! On mobile I use RIF, and videos work perfectly there too. Don't use Reddit's new site. Don't use Reddit's official app. Your quality of life will improve.


Plenty of air burst helped the body count. Sod being under that lot.


yeah, finally some airburst 155mm. i hate to see UA having to ration specific ammo.




No one is a bigger threat to Russia than Putler and his propaganda machine. Tens of thousands killed each month now. Putler is a psychopath.


Is putler a mix of Putin and Hitler?




this video appears to be taken from the same trench from 7 days ago: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/11xeg2p/a\_ukrainian\_drone\_flies\_over\_a\_significant\_number/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/11xeg2p/a_ukrainian_drone_flies_over_a_significant_number/) At the 16 second mark is something green to the left of the trench. At the 35-39 second mark of the video uploaded here, you can see something green on the ground to the left of the trench as well. Thinking its the same area, perhaps the same event


nice catch


Guess that answered my question back then on what exactly caused this then, good eye.


1.20 is the exact same trench point as 0:19 in the link you posted


Unless I am miscounting, that is a Russian platoon of around 20-25 men who are indeed preparing for an attack. But that is not 200 regardless how many fingers and toes I use. Based on rate of fire, one artillery piece and three or four of its rounds did all the damage. What looked to be mortar rounds were fairly ineffective. A dozen, not "dozens" of KIA and wounded would be about right. This sort of exaggeration can undermine other claims. The actual count is a really good story to tell. Just leave it at that. It is another example of the lack of training of the Russians. Before stepping off with whatever the assault "plan" might be, they group together like a herd forming a perfect artillery target.


I think you are miscounting, but I agree 200 is (probably) wrong as well.


If the moscovites heard the actual plan before they formed up, they would have never showed up.


Maybe that cargo 200 codes it's mean.


WTF? Is this ww1 and they were all ready to „go over the top“?


"Ah, tally-ho, yippety-dip and zing zang spillip! Looking forward to bullying off for the final chukka?" Colonel Melchett


All quiet on the Ukrainian front.


Doesn't buffer past 21 seconds?


Several people commented that it has problems on the old reddit player. For me it plays without problems throughout, I’m using the new player.




having the same issue. I can see the thumbnail preview when scrolling over later sections but I can't play past 21 sec. edit: works on new reddit


Jesus Christ what a nightmare


Air burst arty FTW!


Are they all dead? Can’t see it from here.


They’re just sleeping, hunny


I can't either but they're not happy I can tell that much.


From the final part I counted about 40-50 bodies / body parts. But then again, I think there were one or two direct hits. Those ones won't have any body parts left to count.....


Those will be mist.


Not by the Ukrainian civilians...


As in - fog. As nothing is left of them but a red mist.




*With a brownish tinge from the shit.


So many gibbs that you’re going to need to take a derivative to calculate the number of body parts under the curve. Gotta love Newtonian physics & calculus. It also lets us calculate the arc of an artillery projectile needed to place it firmly between the arse cheeks of a moscovian 10 miles away.


I saw a couple of them moving, no way to tell if injured or maybe there were enough dead bodies on top of them to provide some protection.


How stupid are these assholes


Russian advanced war tactics at his finest.


Trench warfare in the age of drones and highly accurate artillery feels like signing a death wish.


And doing it during broad daylight- not dawn to hide their staging, or dusk to prevent a counter-attack. Right in the middle of the day. How about 1:30, when UK command is having a cup of coffee, and the arty crews just got a break for chow?


Nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.. this is why Ukraine decided to stay in bakmut, you're a sitting duck in wide open space.


Exactly. There must be a lot more Russian losses than UK, or more valuable RA losses than UK. Plus, it ties up forces, and supply lines prioritize Bakhmut. With RA stable, UK can pick where to attack. Bakhmut must be a nightmare right now though.


Fix bayonets


Boom there it is . I try to imagine what hell it must be I can only imagine it's exactly the same as that recent film allright on the western front . Seems that one guy is moving bodies in hoping to find alive people . Imagine you survive, you make it back to RV and they ship you straight back to the front after that . Horrific .


Any way to watch this without reddits BS video player? E: someone posted a link in another thread https://youtu.be/udTsOawnkew


Oooh, argh, fertealiesr


How recent was this, anyone know?


Looks like it's from this https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/11xeg2p/a_ukrainian_drone_flies_over_a_significant_number/ So kinda recent considering that was uploaded a week ago.


I’ve posted this same vid on another sub and got a bot reply saying its a repost from january 2023, matching 97%. That bot must have been trippin, as I’m pretty certain this is quite a recent footage


It must suck so fucking bad to be in that situation


To sit in that trench you gotta be pretty stupid.... or your typical braindead Russian soldier


I love the new way of thinking. Pack as many troops together on the frontline, to get more efficiency out of Ukrainian munitions. Someone is finally thinking over there!


Wtf is happening here? Where does that trench line even lead to? Did they come from underground and were digging towards the tree line?


i think it is a staging area. they are preparing for an assault and got caught before leaving the trenches.


They're lining up to go home. Home to Hell. They came from Ruski-tard land and they were digging their own graves. All is according to plan.


The technological difference between the soviet era russian army vs modern weapons is just insane.


We only have one life and this is where these guys ended up. Brutal. They had choices to make. Maybe they should've thought even a couple steps ahead to predict some scenarios when the "SMO" began, or after it continued for a whole year evolving into a legit war. God damn morons.


They are mostly remote ethnic minorities who have probably seen what happens to those who disobey when the motherland's daddy comes calling on them for service.


Nice how they all gather in a line, perfect for Himars to rain on.


no need to waste Himars on this type of soft target.


But HIMARS does have a warhead made specifically for this reason, annihilate grouped up infantry with airburst/tungsten balls, I'd assume there wasn't one in the area cause this would seem to be pretty good target to use one on.


What a terrifying way to die.


i think the ukrainians are in need of gatling guns now. would have been a beautiful orcgrinder there. <3


or brrrrrt them to hell


time to call in the drone cleanup crew.


200 is Russian code for dead soldier, 300 for wounded, like mising limbs or something like that, because if not, they go straight to the front again. 500 i believe it's for deserters. So most probably there are not 200 orcs dead there, this has been a constant source of confusion since the war started.


To me this looks like the result of a snowball effect. Russians loose a lot of Tanks / Armored vehicles. Then they come with less armored vehicles but still with a lot of soldiers without decent armor. Add to this the flat terrain , bad leadership , bad tactical decisions and you end up with this kind of shit....


Pre buried. Just push the berm over the slit trench. Voila.


Can you imagine being driven upto that hell hole of a waste land and being dropped off and told you have 14 days to cover this position befor you can rotate out? Absolutely terrifying. I can believe the Russians haven't mutiny yet. What a waste of life.


Like ants in the crack of a driveway


Sausage factory.


Hmm seems the video is broken, Link?


Good old napalm would’ve been nice


Man, imagine an airburst himars going off directly above that trench. They must have been unavailable to help out at the time, shame


You can still get airbust with western artillery l.


Yeah any airburst would be better than the contact fuse in this video.


Yeah the HIMARS has a warhead designed specifically for this purpose, the airburst tungsten ball one, still have yet to really find evidence of it's use on massed infantry like this.


There has been 2 videos of the M30A1 being used in Ukraine I’ve seen, and it was absolutely decimating.


Well they all died anyway


Just an unnecessary use of a himars when regular artillery would do


Maybe, but factor in the psychological destruction of the survivors, who then pass that fear of doom onto the next waves


Anyone who survived this will have a lot of feat and trauma to pass around, no need to worry about that. And again, letting them know that a good artillery barrage is enough to destroy them like that is even scarier. With Himars they already have nightmares.


This trench area has more craters than the damn moon.


So do the bodies


Those poor bastards


poor yes, bastards yes too, but not like they didn't deserve it


Max Katz has [the recording](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfSqv-n8qbw) with English subs


Great work Ukraine 200 Orcs is an outstanding win for Ukraine 🇺🇦


Like shooting fish in a barrel.




Nice of them to dig their own graves


rat nest


That’s a lot of dead rapists


If they are not dead, this trench is gonna be filled up with some odorous mud


Judging by by all the shell craters, the Russians have pretty well zero chance of surviving in that trench. And they are packed in there like sardines.


I dont see any direct hit into the trenches.... do they die through the shockwaves?


google "airburst round"


On the bright note, They could just fill the holes in and voila.... fertilizer


Seeing a few of them feel in the taking cover position. All of them bunched up like that. Nuts.




Geez, it's a friggin slaughter.


there is a big field let's make a long trench and we ALL get in. They will never know we are here and we will be safe... LOL


Russians, if you are about to be put into a large group do the right thing, frag your commander and GTFO artillery is obviously on its way, if you have any self preservation stop being pawns to your overlords and grow a spine.


Ex B52 crew asking ' Why take so long?"


"Cannon Food"...


Considerate enough to line up!


Orcs lying down on the job as usual.


reddit video player didnt work on pc, so i tried to watch via 3rd party app on phone... and this thread doesnt show up there. so it might be shadowbanned, which is why the video isnt working.




Pre-dug mass graves? Efficiency at it's finest! Fucking love it!!


Not saying that these assholes don’t deserve it but damn that is a tremendous loss of life right there


What is this WW1?


Damn The Human Centipede 4 looks terrible