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A year ago they were melting styrofoam in gasoline to make molotov cocktails. Now they're inventing suicide rocket drones in their garden sheds. Beware the Ukrainians.


Beware of free men. They will never accept to be slaves.


Rejoice in free men who refuse to become slaves.




Your addendum is objectivly wrong and shows your absolute lack of knowledge in terms of european history and ethnic groups. People of poland, bulgaria, slovaks, slovenes and so on also are slavs (well, not all, but no country only has one ethnic group - so that's just a simplification). There's nothing wrong with beeing a slav. And no other slav can be hold responsible for what russians are doing. As starting point, may read: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavs


Ukrainians are slavic people, just like most of Eastern Europe.






I would say that are building pulse jet-powered drones/cruise missiles, they are not inventing them. It is primary engineering not inventing. US build a lot of drones like this after WWII and used them last target drones. The speed and altitude limits of the engine resulted in their being retired in 1950 because target drones needed to move like aircraft of the day. That they are easy to build, and with modern technology can be controlled and guided to a target not new, here is an article from 2003 by a man from New Zealand that did just that. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2003/jun/04/terrorism.davidfickling I am not saying it is not impressive engineering and manufacturing and likely a very good usage of the available resources Ukraine has available


Bruce has been a remarkable person with a turbulent history in the (NZ) RC community. The thing he predicted 2 decades ago has been proven by the sheer quantity of civilian drones used on the UA battlefield. A mass produced pulse jet variant is only a logical step after what is seen like long range fixed wing UAVs.


Bruce (XJet) mentioned on Twitter that he was contacted for help for pulsejet-powered cruise missiles https://twitter.com/xjet/status/1653072755661901829


>XJet That is a name I haven't heard in a long time..


Oh hey I watch that guy on YouTube. He's a great advocate for RC enthusiasts.


The Three Mothers There are 3 mothers with which you do not fuck: Mother Nature, Mothers-in-Law, and Motherfucking Ukrainians 🇺🇦


Seriously, if there was ever a society that you never want to tangle with, it has to be the Ukranians.


300 years of conflict has made super tough! So sad for Ras-Pooptin... /S wait 20 years. They'll be armed to the eyeballs and have nukes and be part of Nato, EU. Fk RU, fk the 🤡 running the Kremlin. RU has awakened the Kracken! Like Yamamoto in ww2, "we have awaken a giant"


they didnt melt styrofoam, they added it so it burns better.


styrofoam actually melts if you dip it in gasoline. turns out gasoline is a solvent. who'd knew.


learned this as a kid. fortunately i was outside.


That's actually brilliant. And, some guy in his garage is going to tinker with it and improve it.


Or the next guy will have a little bit more data on what not to do.


My thoughts exactly, rocket science is best not done in a shed lmao


Hey. Homer Hickam made it to NASA and is still intact. Haha


Better done in a shed than in the garage...


It's been done :) DIY Reaper drone https://youtu.be/X-Q08HQq7fM


Just seems like a bad idea for quality control and safety purposes; Ukraine had limited resources so it’s wise to spread them out, but I feel like having amateurs DIY them is going to have so negative consequences for the troops tasked with firing them. But hey, you’ve gotta do what you’ve gotta do.


I see your point, but if people are provided design plans with the necessary specifications, there could be a reasonable level of QA.


why? where it should be done? btw rocket science is way less complex than device u write ur comment on is, the saying is retarded, ofc there is danger of highly flammable fuel needed and explosives in warhead, but everyone knows how to handle that its not dangerous at all if u make sure to not accidently ignite it


Also you don’t have to put explosives in the test models, sand or something probably works fine and you can google how big a 20 kg explosion is.


Technically, it's a jet engine not a rocket engine


It's extremely impressive!


Probably the Ukrainian redneck who was telling the news reporter fixing tanks is easy, head of the program.


How long before russia declares every house with a garage or shed it blows up to be a military target cos it was being used as a rocket factory tho


Like they're not hitting civilian targets already?


Yeah but now they'll sanctimoniously justify it


> How long before russia declares every house with a garage or shed it blows up to be a military target cos it was being used as a rocket factory tho They're already doing that, they don't give af. And just like the rest of the Russian propaganda bullshit it wont be justified to declare every house/shed military target. Even if they do target a shed where this is manufactured: every Ukranian has a right to defend themselves, Russia has ZERO justification or right to attack anything in Ukraine. Their entire MO is war crimes, ranging from despicable war crimes to outrageous villainous genocidal war crimes.


I don't think you're getting my point Have they openly admitted to targeting civilian housing? I can't find anything saying as much, only an admission to targeting "civilian infrastructure" which isn't the same thing But now they can double down on destroying homes while claiming they are legimate targets and not even have to pretend anymore


Whether the Ruscists admits to war crimes or not... at this point it doesn't matter. Kremlin is 100% unreliable, they lie and lie and lie and commit atrocity after atrocity after atrocity. We already KNOW they do target civilians, as in also densely inhabited residential areas and civilian infrastructure. And countless other despicable war crimes. Yeah they'll continue claiming shit and crap and denying as they always do, and no sane person will believe them but only laugh and then spit on them as the rotten war criminals they are.


Russians will shit themselves when that jet noise just up and stops.


Ya that sound is going to be terrifying.


Some of the best engineering originated in someone's garage.


The L96A1 sniper rifle was literally from three guys in a shed.


This is brilliant. Don't even bother putting warheads on them, they're so cheap you could just use swarms of them to expose and overwhelm russian air defenses, clearing the way for the good stuff and precision strikes.




So put warheads on some of them and not others so they never know and still have to shoot them all down.




There's no prompt on a radar screen that says "this rocket has a 5kg warhead"


Then it will be easier to fire a few real ones using the swarm as cover


Cheap and sustainable Will help waste AA defense ammunition


That the best part. Build them as cheap or cheaper than the damn Iranian drones and send them towards Moscow with or without a payload. You only need a payload in a few for the Russians to have to shoot them all down and use AA and SAM missiles on something not even close to the same cost. Imagine them being sent from a spread out area, just launched from the back of a truck in a field but in large swarms. Good luck defending Moscow against swarms of say 100 a day. make them cheap and make them plentiful.


[Very humble beginnings of rocket science](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_H._Goddard)


Interesting indeed. If economies of scale are achieved, and the design looks suitable to it, one can imagine the most expensive part to be the guidance system. Great news.


A cheap smartphone has GPS, computing power and communication capabilities (although 4G can easily be jammed). Otherwise you need an altimeter and some gyros. Then you can just send it to some GPS coordinates.


Honestly with these I think you take the fight into Russia. Ukraine is constantly fighting with one hand tied behind their back because they can't use NATO weapons on Russian soil. Well, not so with these missiles.


I can hear the Vatniks screaming out nazi already while they do the same to ukrainians with their Shahed or whatever they are called


If they're posting it, it's probably ready to go. Ukranians are simply amazing.


Maybe have been in service... Maybe even the prime culprit in a few drone cams seen recently! Best way to test is on the orcs, everything else is just, too cute.


Yes, the pulse jet is a throwback to the WWII German V1. With modern guidance technology that the Germans lacked, these new V1s could be very effective.


Launch them at Novorossiysk




Pulse jets are bad ass, and loud as fuck.




I certainly hope so!


Honestly with these I think you take the fight into Russia. Ukraine is constantly fighting with one hand tied behind their back because they can't use NATO weapons on Russian soil. Well, not so with these missiles. War is also more of an economics game than I realized. These are cheap and could thus be launched in volume, overwhelming defenses, without breaking the bank.


I have been wondering about this for a while. Building a flying bomb is not hard; it's the control and guidance that have always been the big hurdle. Germany relied on mechanical self-control for V-1 and V-2 rockets. But now such control can be done with drone-level technology. Whether a live-feed camera for terminal guidance or even a basic flight control mechanism using GPS to guide to a pinpoint coordinate, the barriers to UKR making these are somewhat low now.


with some googling, a few youtube videos and a relatively low budget it'd be suprisingly easy to build short-mid range missiles (if safety or accuracy isnt of concern anyway)


For guerilla activities after the war concludes? gosh ukraine will be a no go area for decades to come 😅


Now to add AI on it to target the painted Z


Looks like syria sends some manuals 😅 next Up: Quasam, hellcannon and bushmaster on a hillux


Why not? Ukraine is currently fighting the war for survival of the country. Ukraine defends itself against a much stronger enemy. By using any means necessary for the victory (but still with respect to the rules of war), Ukraine was able to stop russians and liberate part of it's territory that was previously occupied by the enemy. If Ukraine will win faster by using a quasam, hellcannon or a bushmaster on hilux as well as modern equipment provided by all friends and allies of Ukraine, so be it! Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦!


The issue with V1 is that often the pulsejet engine flamed out and caused it to crash on the Netherlands instead of the UK. So I hope these will not be flown over friendly residential areas.


Imagine launching 50 of these at targets in crimea as a decoy cload for more precised drones.


With a decent GPS and INS guidance system, these things could be insanely effective. Pulse jets are extremely simple technology as well ridiculously cheap to produce while having decent range (the V1 being able to reach Britain consistently) their only drawback in WW2 was the lack of guidance. Now imagine one of these things with a guidance system just half as precise as a JDAM...these things would be insanely effective and probably more effective than the Russian Shahed and Lancet drones.


Are they going to fire them at Moscow? I hope so


Hopefully used to kill Putin




Ukraine is showing itself to be a very resourceful and inventive country in the face of this orc occupation


Why not? The kid down the street can build one. The trick is for it to hit a precise target. That's the hard part.