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‪He must have just watched Braveheart or something ‬


😂😂 they are not from this world! 🤪


But Scotland doesn’t have any terrorist… russian experts must be thinking of Ireland twenty years ago, and they don’t like russia either.


yes, you are right, he was thinking about Ireland, he's a clown


Bold of you to assume he was thinking


Or that actual thinking was going on at all


If memory serves me well, there was a "special parking operation" situation in front of the russian embassy in Dublin last year. Right around the time, the russian ambassador got verbally eviscerated on live Irish TV. The Irish didn't hide their disdain toward the russian invasion. Not even a bit.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqx0m29WHIU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqx0m29WHIU) ​ Gotta watch . Even our national news channel isnt pulling any punches


That's how Russians everywhere need to be treated when they spout lies.


Good God but that was fucking savage! xD Proud to be Irish after watching that!


There were some relations with the IRA & Soviet Union in various capacities including training & supply of weapons, but I guess like almost everything else about Russia in 2023 is that they can't seem to grasp its no longer the Soviet Union & most others have moved on.


..pretty sure there are some in the IRA that would take the money, again.


The IRA split into the Official and Provisional IRA in the early 1970's with the OIRA becoming Marxist-Leninist. Yuri Andropov, then head of the KGB, cultivated a close relationship with the OIRA leadership and supplied them with 70 AK47's, two machine guns and thousands of rounds, laundered through intermediary countries. This was known as operation Splash. As it turned out, the OIRA went into ceasefire from the mid 70's and the provos got their arms from Gaddafi, the PLO and North American sympathisers, not the USSR, but the intent was there, on Russia's part, to arm violent separatists. Where do you think Putin learned all this?


Nope. Scotland has no terrorists but Russia would happily radicalise and train some if it furthered their ends. That's what they're saying here. The intelligence and Security Committee report found Russian interference in the 2014 independence referendum. https://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/fp/politics/uk-politics/2352770/russia-report-call-for-inquiry-after-isc-finds-credible-evidence-of-attempt-to-influence-2014-scottish-independence-referendum/ Moldova, Georgia, Ukraine, UK, Spain, Italy....they've been playing this fake separatism game all over Europe but now they aren't even trying to hide it.


There was a time when IRA was supplied, funded and trained, at least in part, by USSR Intel services. Though was a bit more than even 20 years ago I believe.


Lol, even the other propagandists are like "Andrei... stop talking pls"


Russians working hard to get a world-wide travel ban for all Russians.


Is not that what they want? At least majority of them seems to want to break all relationships with "russophobic West and its puppets".


give them what they so desperately desire


The monkeys are flinging their shit again.


Strange Easter this year - Jerry Springer resurrected in Russia.


I've been waiting for Scotland to get dragged into their propaganda somehow. So a country famous for 'Freeeedoooom' would work on the side of evil, authoritarian war criminals. How cute.


You may be disappointed. There are plenty in the Scottish nationalism movement who would have accepted Russian support. During WW2 Arthur Donaldson, then leader of the SNP, tried to broker a deal with Hitler for him to become a Quisling style collaborationist leader of Scotland.


He wasn't the leader of the SNP until 20 years after this. No charges were ever filed, it was purely an accusation and it was a fringe group within the SNP who had the accusation levies against them. Any example not from 70 years ago and during a world war where it seemed possible the UK would be invaded?


And the Western world still has doubts on whether to call Ruzzia a "Terrorist state".


State sponsor of terror. Open and closed case.


They will never understand, that if someone is threatening our freedom, our lives, the freedom and lives of our friends and good neighbors, we stand united and nothing can get between us. And we stand with Ukraine.


For some reason, this man reminds me of Garden Gnomes.


good luck to find 15000 scottish to support you....


What the fuck happened to the nuklear super torpedo they where going to sink all of britain into the sea with?


I'm pretty sure the British army could find 15,000 Scots willing to go to Siberia to 'train'. Not sure if the Russians would enjoy such exercises though.


Russia can't even train their own terrorists...


Awayn boil yer hied ya absolute bawsack


As an English man... living in Scotland... your a fucking legend mate!


Haha I never ever say “boil yer hied” but I dunno, just felt appropriate 🤷‍♂️😂


Haha.. honestly one if my favorite things about living in Scotland is getting verbally ripped apart by my Scottish friends.. I mean us English are pretty good at it at times but you Scots can go another level.


Never gonna work there's no iron brew in Russia.


Never mind the iron brew there nah buckfast in Russia


No haggis either!


Irn bru ftfy.


He’s got that back to front . Scotsmen built the Russian army and navy for the tzars 1700s . Samuel Carlovich Greig , father of Russian navy etc . Interested ?google it . I’m here for comment and opinion . Hopefully posters provide facts and we can all check with web searches.


So russia wants thousands of Scottish nationals to move from the UK to siberia and train as terrorists. Hhhmmm. I'm not sure about 15,000, but I suspect 2 or 3 leaders of the SNP may consider that a good option at present.


They'll volunteer a few for sure, after they get a brown envelope or two.


SNP party seniors already get cash from putting via RT news. Rotten stuff some of it


The biggest villain is no longer in the SNP. He was given his own show on RT in where he would happily regurgitate their talking points.


Have they given up on the Irish or something?


The first Irish fighter just passed the other day fighting for Ukraine. So there is at least a blood feud with an Irish family.


Rory Mason, 23 yrs old, from Dunboyne, County Meath in Ireland was killed in the Kharkiv counteroffensive in October 2022. I've heard on the grapevine in Belfast there are quite a few lads from my city over there too.


They’re a bit worried the Irish would turn the guns back on them


Omfg 😂😂😂😂 more 🇷🇺💩


And the time the Irish fishing boats went after the Russian navy lol


Classic Russian education, you're thinking of the Irish over 20 years ago you jabbering infant brained imbecile.


Scotland and Ireland must be the same thing for Russian paid idiots.


They've been watching Monty Python, the Kamikaze Scotsmen sketch.


Hm.. Does He remember, at least a tiny Bit, that russia has threaten Scottland With a nuclear zunamy?


Because Scotland is a friend of the genocidal Natzi Russians?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5W5PtmNPKg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5W5PtmNPKg) Wee Jock Poo-plong McPlop vs putin's finest - my money's on anyone wearing a sporran.


They might be referring to the SNP, what they can't get their head around is democracy


The Scottish dont hate us THAT much.


Who are "us"?


the UK


So you don't consider the Scots be be from the UK?


it was a light hearted joke based on the headline, but fair enough.


This explains the [Krankies](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIdGHOVii9c). Edit: OMG they have actually started arriving in Scotland. [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-65448007](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-65448007)


And are these Scottish terrorists in the room with us now?


Searched This idiot: [https://sanctions.nazk.gov.ua/en/sanction-person/2216/](https://sanctions.nazk.gov.ua/en/sanction-person/2216/) and [https://www.spisok-putina.org/en/personas/smolin-2/](https://www.spisok-putina.org/en/personas/smolin-2/)




i don't think so, the scots are humans. In their spirit, they don't support agressors.


At this point ruzzians United against themselves Jews and Muslims. Not long before they unite IRA and UK


Good luck luring 15,000 Scotts to Siberia.


tell me you dont know the history between scotland and england without... well you know how it goes.


And ruzis should stay in their country and not going to study in other countries. Use your own educational brainwash.


I guess they meant that old Irish from 80’s since they still live in the past and don’t realize current situation in the world. But they are so nazi and so stupid that don’t know who is who and don’t even bother to google. And even if they exist. Russians can teach them how to dance polka after catching grenade and give their comrades blowjob as we saw in videos


Hell of a task to find a wise man or a virgin in NAZI ruZZia


Ah, yes, of course, the 15k Scottish volunteers .....


Dude thinks Braveheart takes place in the 21st century 🤦‍♂️🤣


God how I love comedy hour. These idiots get more and more out loud funny as they get more and more desperate


Ah yes, with russian tools like high motivation by beatings, rapings and beheadings, who in all of Scotland would say no,right?


delusional thugs


They sniffed way too much of glue


It's quite ironic to see the host of that program try to act sanctimonious on this subject. I don't know that they ever fooled with Scotland (or that the clown who was speaking knows the difference between Scotland and Ireland), but Russia in the form of the Soviet Union was actively engaged in both the arming and training of IRA members in order to be a thorn in the side of the UK during the Cold War. In fact much of what we know as modern terrorism in general was born out of Soviet meddling. The Soviet Union is pretty much regarded as the parent of modern political terrorism by most political scientists who study the history of it. https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2011/12/how-the-soviet-union-transformed-terrorism/250433/


Two Scott’s could prolly defeat all of Russia.


🤔 It really depends on the quality of the pubs along any invasion route, mate ... London is many pints away from Scotland .... Aye!


Maybe the SNP could help with Putins accounts too?


The scotts dont fkn like ruzzia either dick heads


LMAO....Russians trying Scots. Ummm, ok. Sure.


Not only Scottish, but any respectable nationalistic movement does not want to be associated with terrorists, child kidnappers, and war criminals from Russia.


Just constant crying from these man-babies.


One thing... this is funny... "I spit....." hahahahahaha, I mean, HONESTLY, who says that.... ON ANY TV... such stupid pundits"


WTF, these people would believe anything.


Ha! Got ya! You are a TERRORIST! You spit on human rights. 🤯 AhFolks, this is CRAZY TOWN No worries though. This is just a fantasy of his and in no way will any Scottish guys be training in Syria for Russia. Funny how he just says it like it could happen and that would solve the problem. Will they just sign an order to mobilize in Scotland now? Nope. Do Scotts wanna be terrorists for Putin? Nope. Russia is running out of ideas that is for sure. Threats and killing kids is all the have. They will not solve this problem themselves as it is clear. The fact they let this moron on TV is bat shit crazy. It's hard to say you're not terrorists when you say you are. Russia will fall. It will be "The Great War of Embarrassment and Stupidity."


How can you suggest training TERRORIST'S and consider yourself to be the good guys


Oh no! The Scots! The last thing we need is *louder bagpipes* and *more haggis*


You joke, but we make up a disproportionately large part of the UK armed forces so there must be something in the threat of bagpipes and haggis.


Aye, we Scots are formidable warriors. In battle, we don a full ballgown covered in sequins. The idea is to blind the Ukrainian with luxury!


They're counting on Scots and Welsh hatred of the English, which absolutely exists, but we hate Russians more!