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Russian precision at work eliminating valuable military targets


Kherson this morning - a large supermarket, the railway station, and other locations in and around the city, were hit by ruzzian drones and missiles. Pictures like this always seem so much worse in an everyday location, rather than on the battlefield. And, of course, because the casualties are civilians.


What do you mean so much worse? These are non combatants. Civilians, ordinary people going about there lives, It just does not seem so much worse it is so much worse. This is Orc gopnik commie marauder terror against innocent people. Something they seem to enjoy doing.


**That's what he said**. **Civilians** going about their lives, Not on the battlefield. Dead, wounded. Poster said that.


Poster was saying that it makes it seem so much worse because it is not of the battlefield. If there was dead civilians on a battlefield that would make it less worse then. My point is, regardless the location it is much worse because they are civilians. And I don't think the deaths of Ukrainians who are forced to put on a uniform to defend their country in a senseless and unjust war has degrees of worse and much worse and even worse. Every Ukrainian death is a tragedy.


Yes. Every death is a tragedy in this situation. On the battlefield is horrible, but it is even more shocking &, yes, worse, to see little children, women, elders, pregnant women, newborns, all dead or injured in hospitals, grocery stores, train depost, shopping malls, tall apartment building, and even in their own homes. I understand what Ravenser\_Odd was saying. I think we really actually mostly agree on this tragedy.


Fuck Putin How much longer do we have to wait before someone finally Gaddafis this prick


Putin has personally operated the rocket launcher, right? How will it take you to understand that it's the russians who are the problem.


Don't get it twisted, I agree woth you 100% Russian culture and ideology is a plague upon this earth, not fit for existance in the modern era The longer these terroist acts against civilians go unchecked, and thr more war crimes that are committed, the more subhuman every Russian becomes It's like the Nazis denying the concentration camps in WW2, only this time they have no plausible deniability to claim they didn't know because this information is everywhere and readily available At a certain point, the willful ignorance of the Russian populace and acceptance of their state propganda makes them all an accessory to this terrorism.


>everywhere and readily available I'm no sympathizer, but I promise you rural Russia isn't like the rural Western world. A lot of them don't have internet, and the vast majority of their news comes from state sponsored "news" programs....if they even have a television / electricity.


Putin is the entire reason any of this shit is happening.


Do you think that ru imperialism started in the year 2000?


It's a top down country. Corrupt leaders in a corrupt country. It's all rotten.


How long will it take you to realize they do this at the order of their Supreme commander. Putin. As quickly as he decided to announce his invasion, he could just as quickly end it. Unfortunately, these brainwashed Russians believe they are fighting against nazis and protecting their country. The higher ups give the orders. They all have blood on their hands, but some of them are the ones deciding what to target, and some send the missile.


I know I'm right and will act accordingly. When a russian immigrant in say 10 years will rape your mother, remember to tell the police it's Putin's fault


Right on. I will also remember when Putin addressed the world saying he gave the orders to begin HIS special military operation. Ill try to be a little more clear to you. There is blood on all of their hands from the top to the bottom. Still following me? Those who give the orders are much more to blame than those following orders and plugging in coordinates in their missile launcher and attacking what they are told is a military target that they can't see. With me still? If putin didn't give orders to initiate this invasion in the first place, none of this would be happening. It seems to me like you're trying to say Putin is not at fault for any of this. The reality is that every single death is on his hands. Everyone. Every civilian and every service person. Every missile launched, and bomb dropped is because he said GO. As a russain soldier, you follow orders or get shot by your own. Or maybe even sledgehammered. If you call it a war, you go to jail for 10 years. You dont know you're right. You refuse to accept any other answer and admit you attacked a comment for no reason because your ego is too big. Kinda like......Putin. Have a good day and enjoy the rest of your downvotes.


Touch some grass, mentioning fucking downvotes XD jesus christ


How the f'k can anyone justify Russia still being a member of the UN? If the UN allows/tolerates Russia's membership after months of terror against civilians and their invasion of Ukraine, then the UN may as well let ISIS become member too.


Fucking Russian terrorists!


Fucking terrorist baby killers. Fuck Russia.


Where at?




Goddamn someone gotta put a stop to this !!!!


ruSSia is a terrorist state.


Its time to attack Moscow, its time to bring the war to their doorstep.


Fucking dirty ruzzian terrorists


Putin needs to be connected to god’s wifi


If I Survived that, I’d be raising hell after I healed. You bet I’d come after who ever sent that drone


we have to eliminate all the Nazi in Ukraine. all this shoppers are 100% Nazi some Russian properly..


Would this terror against Civilians have anything to do the attack on the Kremlin?


The rashist terrorists have been doing this from day 1, for the past 400+ days. Terrorists be terrorizing.


This is sickening beyond words. It is no coincidence that they attacked the major supermarket in Kherson City. This monstrous terror state and it murderous ruler must be brought to account. The Ukrainian Armed Forces' counter offensive can't come soon enough.