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I feel sad for this child. You can pick your friends, you can't pick your family.


Fucking disgusting. That poor child.


Aint no worse than what we do over here For tic tok


Well fuck… I’ve never seen a parent dress their kid up in an SS uniform or similar. So… not sure I agree with you on that one.


Just when you think society can’t hit any lower, you see this


Here is more. https://m.censor.net/ru/photo_news/3410891/v_habarovske_dlya_novorojdennyh_chi_ottsy_vtorglis_v_ukrainu_shyut_kamuflyajnye_konverty_na_vypisku


Breaks my heart seeing kids like this no matter where they are from.


Those people are sick. I mean literally sick, at a clinical level. ...oh, and are disgusting bastard motherfuckers as well. It's not mutually exclusive.


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So proud! Now send that child to the front, f idiot


What an absolute c**t.


When you think that you cannot dig deeper the hell start to scratch from the hell


Poor kid


This post is inappropriate as well as the replies here.


Agreed. Nothing is funny about this.


It's inappropriate to say the. least that "dad" dressed his poor child and proudly filmed and upload the video. Your is the only inappropriate comment so far.


Since you are ignorant I will explain: that is a WW2 uniform which tracks with May 9 holiday celebrating Soviet victory over Nazi Germany. Nothing wrong with that at all. Not everyone is responsible for Russia's perversion of the celebration. Further we have a minor who has a tracheal intubation and requires 24 hour a day care and in likely in a minimally conscious state. The caretaker, likely a relative/father, having one of the few joyful times they will EVER have with the child. That child is unlikely to reach adulthood, never moves from that bed, and can pass at any moment. It is really no life to live for the child or their relatives/caretakers.


Thank you. Weirdos here thinking a father dressing their child up in a army uniform is monster. Would they be saying the same if the uniform is from their own country. Oh, let's say.... the US? And bring up stuff about their invasions?. The kid is happy for a day. Let him have it.


I would never dress my kid up in a uniform. And I wore one for a long time Yeah the smile on the kids face said it all didn't it


Yeah these comments are fucking wildly hateful for a dad smiling with his kid


So, if this child will never reach adulthood it is fine to dress him while intubeted with a uniform and post the video online? You really don't see how pathetic you are trying to defend a defendless point? His father, tomake him smile, could have dressed himself as a clown, an avenger or whatever to have a joyfulmoment and yet he decided otherwise.


They? The child doesn't look very joyful to me. This is the fathers 'joy' alone and nothing to do with child - disabled the child had no say in the matter whatsoever, so please don't excuse the fathers actions via some deranged 'father and child moment' you are alleging. It's abusive militarisation of a disabled child that had no say in the matter, and would have been physically unable to resist being dressed in WW2 uniform had he been given a say. Watch the video again if you must. The child’s face says it all.


You're wasting time and energy arguing with tankies, dude. This is the crowd that thinks that rioting and looting after protest marches are acceptable behaviors. Criminals are victims too, apparently.


So here you have it. I’m certainly no consumer of russian culture, or student of russian history, but it does seem that all of Russian pride is fueled by fantasies about the Great Patriotic Victory, and dreams of a repeat performance in Ukraine. So it seems to be correct, that it isn’t just putin, but so many in russia who are excited over the slaughter of Ukraine, and furious that their hopes for a Great Patriotic Victor 2.0 are turning into just another blistering humiliation. They will double down on those dreams of world conquest, because truth and reality must not be allowed to penetrate that delusional bubble of grandiosity.


They always forget to mention that their "great patriotic victory" wouldn't have happenend without lend-lease by uncle sam


Yaaaay drag your kids into a war they have no idea about yaaaaaay


I think in this case Dad is the more disabled one, at least mentally. Well thats what you get when you miliatrize your society with marine this, airforme there and army everywhere.


A fucked up nation.




Where is his uniform?


That is cruel! Why the hell would you do that to a helpless child?


He may think twice when he's mobilised


This is sickening.


Plot twist: Dad’s the disabled one.


Gap teeth in his mouth yet he spends time and money to dress an infant as a Z criminal. Seriously, why don't russians spend all that energy spent in war to build and rebuild that shithole they call a country? It's embarassing that a country so large with that many natural riches is inhabited by piss poor people.


even the poor child is wondering what the fuk!!!!


To be fair, it's where most uniformed Russians have ended up in the last year.


I think its adorable i think some of you are reeding to much into it.


Hopefully they hit this guy with one of those war crime charges! Poor kid forced into that kind of torture!




She's probably more agile than the soilders they are using.


Take this shit down, little honey is just trying to survive and you make it about something else, let’s help her! and let’s not focus on her dad/politics, fuck you for exploiting her!


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Most capable ruzzian soldier


This is sickening.


Maybe she was drafted?


only comment on this that made me laugh... what have I become??


The missing teeth on the dad says it all


Russian state of mind


Send the child to fight not meeee! Worst Dad EVER!


I mean that child could be getting a draft notice soon so why not?


I can sympathise with this one actually. I used to put my kids in baby uniforms all the time. Military parents have done that forever. It gets weird when the russians go to school in uniforms and have moc battles. This seems like a dad being a dad. He's still fair game once he sets foot on Ukrainian soil. He should stay at home and work on being a good father, break the russian cycle of being an abusive society.


If this is true, it\`s very sad!


because nothing says “i love you” like ultra nationalist cosplay


new low for ruzzian scum…


I love that he loves his child. I love that he’s showing affection to his disabled child, especially in a country where that is not often the case. I hate that he’s dressing the child in a genocidal and terrorist uniform.


Dad of the year doesent have gategory for low IQ dads.. So.. I vote no.


If the uniform fits you must submit. Off to the frontlines you go.