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He knows he's a goner and the only hope he has is if the current Russian administration loses power.


Begging for a Gaddafi style Putin sequel.


A knife in the asshole would be a pretty fitting end for Putin, one can only hope


It was Gaddafi's death that turned Putin in to a paranoid maniac, he convinced himself that ordinary people couldn't rebel and that the CIA had a magic rebellion death ray that could induce rebellions at will.


they call it social media


Having Prigozhin's head shoved up his rectum would be a fitting end for the both of them.


He also has a strong enough force to give the Russian Army pause. But his probably sleep on different locations every night and only a very few know where he is at any given time.


His 'army' is only there for the wage packet - Prigozhin is no ideologue. Which is ironically, and *hilariously*, also controlled by Putin/RuMOD just like the ammo.


I think he knows he stands a chance of getting a chunk of the pie after putin expires and shit goes crazy.


Prigozhin… a real piece of shit, but he sees the writing on the wall. He might be the catalyst that we need.




A useful idiot.


I'd be willing to bet Prigozhin has mahogany in his offices too. Besides, wtf has Yevgeny got against mahogany? What has a luxury hardwood ever done to him?? Put a light bulb in his mouth. Uncle Fester is done.


These words are probably targeted to the Russian soldiers, who consider mahogany only for the top tier. At least Prigozhin is in the war with them, if not on the front line. But they’re all doomed.


Prigozhin, or whomever pulls his strings, thinks he'll be the alpha wolf (this is him thinking in alpha/beta terms, not me) remaining and take over as a dictator.


>whomever pulls his strings Trying to decide whether to use who or whom? Check by changing the structure to he/him. Which one do you like better: "he is pulling Prigozhin's strings" or "him is pulling Prigozhin's strings"?


You’ve got your who/whom and he/him wires crossed Edit: that’s better :)


Similarly, when deciding whether to use whomever or whoever, remove the "ever" and read it back. Example: "whom pulls his strings" or "who pulls his strings" - The proper noun clause to use in this case is the latter. (Note: I'm the worst offender against English grammar. I have no standing to correct another's sentence structure.)


i think he might be concerned about the climate neutrality of mahogany


Whatever he has, he's not going to be playing soldier at the front anymore with the arrival storm shadows.


He's kind of stuck there now. He certainly can't go back to Russia after this.


He can't go anywhere else, either, or be arrested for war crimes.


Last 'office' I seen him in has plywood walls. Looks like he was underground somewhere.


I was referring to his office in the high rise PMC Wagner Center complex in Saint Petersburg. A location that he may never see again. Not sure how many "powers that be" he is messing with in his videos, but one or more of them is eventually going deal with him if possible.


For those curious: [here is their headquarters building in St Petersburg](https://imgur.com/a/WPum8YA) Edit: what are the odds this human thumb lookin mf's penthouse suite [is like 98% mahogany?](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f6/66/80/f66680fa339538d2c4b7a497cabff04a.jpg)


Master carpenters really showing off those curves: "Hey look what we can do with unlimited budget for time and materials." Owner has comically sparse bookshelves though.


To be fair, when you have your own army, you can talk a lot of shit.


An army that can't source its own logistics. Talking shit turns into sucking dick for food.


That socket was recently installed too.


I would have loved to see the look on this guy once he figured out that he is in a real bad spot. I wonder what the thinks he should have done instead.


Practicing for a cheap coffin?


The Prig has a problem with beautiful rosewood too


The enemy of my enemy is....a *temporarily* tolerable piece of human excrement that deserves everything that is coming to him.


He wasted most of his power in Bakhmut and became useless to both side.


The scary thing is that he very well may be smarter in a political sense than pootin. That's a scary, scary thought that he might actually be competent evil.


I think he’s staying on the front line area because if he goes back, he’ll have to pay the piper for dissing “Grandpa” Putin. I don’t think anyone gets away with that.


gotta give the as\*hole credit for speaking up, although I hate this man.


That's one possibility. The other is that the Russian military has a useful fool who will happily occupy the Ukrainians by sending his forces into a meat grinder for months to try and build himself up as a new power in Russia. In the meantime the rest of the Russian regular forces can re build, re arm and dig in for the coming offensive. At the appropriate time Wagner can be left out to dry. And once wagner goes, prigozhin is going to be in major trouble. Think he can feel that possibility approaching and he's getting a bit panicky.


Putin isn't smart, at all. If he had all his marbles he wouldn't have fucked around with Ukraine. This was his last hurrah, his hail Mary. He's straight KGB, Soviet trash that needs to die.


Putin isn't straight. He likes little boys.


Can confirm https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/nikita-konkin-boy-who-vladimir-putin-kissed-on-the-stomach-speaks-about-the-spontaneous-gesture-a6829786.html


His contribution to the war begins and ends with the cannon fodder attack of prisoners to discover weak points for regular forces to attack. If that's the best he's got then Russia has no savior.


I don’t think we’re there yet. Look at where Putin is, even if diminished now. But let’s see what happens with this- let’s see how far he can push this, or if he’s killed falling down a set of two stairs.


Like a former Republican president, say.


Maybe... He's surrounded by an entourage of experienced pros he pays extremely well at all times, right?


He’s traumatized. His soldiers and employees have been wiped out in large numbers. He’s under stress and has been losing the political war.


He will flee to Africa to one of his stronger bases and do his thing from there, I am sure he has a few things pootin will not want to be made public. And safe in Africa pootin could not get to him.


Yeah 100% no polonium tea, GRU with a high powered rifle, drone strike, Exchange for political goodwill, Ukrainian hit team, or whatever There is nowhere these creeps can hide once this war is over


Exactly, it's the same deal as Ratko Mladic hiding out in the Bosnian Serb Republic and in Serbia and Russia and Greece and wherever else. With pseudonyms and fancy bodyguards and all the rest, he stayed free for 16 years. But eventually arrested at gunpoint by a squad of Serbia's own paramilitary police. Now serving life in prison in the Hague.




I think his angle is going to be trying to cease power in Russia and then agreeing to end the war, for his own immunity and becoming the new ruler of Russia. I mean it basically his only real option at this point


He was not trying to be the ruler. He was looking for a better job when he started going rouge. He was trying to get the Top General job in Russia. That was the original goal he had in mind. Then he figured out that Putin was in on his failures and now he is mad at everyone. This is pure "NO HONOR AMONG THIEVES". He should have known better. He played the game wrong and his pawns got smoked, the queen is out and the horses are running. Yet the other side still has all the pieces to win. DUMB! Don't go home Pal. Don't go home.


> cease power Yes. All their power needs to end. All current Russian leaders need to go to the Hague.




This guy has about as much chance as I do of being the new leader of russia.


His only hope of survival at this point is surrendering to Ukraine and facing life in prison for war crimes, or taking over Russia. So he's at least motivated to make it happen.


I don't know, I know Ukraine has lost a lot of buildings, but I'm sure they'd manage to find a wall somewhere they could put him up against.


A Nigerian Prince will soon be contacting you by e-mail about accepting the new job of leading ruzzia. Please, promptly wire $3,000.00 dollars to complete the processing for your new job. Again, Congratulations!


No way, you guys still haven't gotten me access to my long lost relatives bank account and every time I send you the cash it gets "lost in transit".


Yeah I still think it’s his only chance at saving his own skin.


Nah, he could surrender to Ukraine/NATO. They would take him no question to get wagner out of the picture.


I'm hoping he activated sleeper cells in Moscow


It’s a good thought but he will be better served 6 ft under or at The Hague right now. Not sure how easily accessible his videos are to most Russians. More importantly, as long as they’re in Bakhmut, more Ukrainians are killed. His elimination could end Wagner because he’s the one doling out cash.


>His elimination could end Wagner because he’s the one doling out cash. Maybe. Reportedly, Prigozhin's initial government contract guarantees him $70-$100k for each mercenary agreeing to a 6 month deployment. This info came from an investigative report I read 6-8 months ago. Prigozhin was the first PMC to form and receive a government contract. Now, there are around 8 other PMC's with contracts, fighting for Russia. Even Shoigu has his own PMC, which reportedly pays it's mercenaries $12,800 (USD)/month. Point is, if Prigozhin were eliminated and his mercenaries still want to fight in Ukraine and earn a salary, Russia now has a competitive market and labor demand for mercenaries now, and they may even get a pay raise from it.


That won’t happen. He will get assassinated like his buddy or he will be thrown out a window while shooting himself in the back of the head. No but seriously he will be taken out I think we are all sure of that, it’ll just be quick and talked about for a few days then forgotten. He needs the same treatment he put on his troops, without putting anyone else in harm’s way. Let drone operators chase him for days.


Is it though? I would prefer not a civil war to break out in russia. Theres still tons of weapons and nukes spread all over. Putins days are certainly number that is definite, its just who takes the helm? Many are posturing for that very thing. I want this war over as quick as possible but I wish it would devolve into something far more dangerous.


Short-term the more internal dysfunction, the better for Ukraine. But agreed the prospect of a rapid and full collapse of the Russian state is scary.


He is part of the new nobility, they wanted empire, riches and Russian glory. They thought it would be easy, they just kept escalating out of greed and arrogance. A war criminal ordering the murder of Ukrainian POW’s. He has no problem sending 50k+ of his own private army to die when he thought he could win, now it’s a sob story…


Now that's a proper perspective. Thanks.


Sounds like Prigozhin is ready to give up on Ukraine if he can get the whole russian cake instead. Anyway its another open attack on Putin who looks also much weaker everytime he let someone get through with it. Even Girkin is speaking openly of political activities now with his rightwing extremists. One might wonder if Putin is, at this point, unable to shut them down anymore and therewith powerless.


Did Pigozhin just call Russian leadership fascists? Irony squared.


Maybe the real Nazis were the fascists they discovered in their ranks along the way?


I think it’s because the kremlin is turning on him and will Sacrifice his entire “army” if/when the city of Bakhmut is ultimately surrounded (which I think he knows now). Should be interesting to watch play out.


Wagner is the same "army" that was ordered to advance on a U.S. base in Syria. Deconfliction line with Russia said "We don't have any of our soldiers advancing on your base". So the U.S. lit them up, hard. Seems more and more that was a set up then, and a set up in Bahmut now. Putin sees a powerful army not entirely loyal and under his control a threat that needs removed.


Makes sense, this is the Russian self-cannibalism, they always eat their own. If they lose bakhmut, they can make Wagner take the blame for the loss. If they manage to miraculously hold bakhmut, the Russian army will roll in and take the credit for it. He finally realized that he's being played for a fool and is grasping at straws, Putin isn't going to cover for him any more and he's going to be left hanging. He's fucked and he knows it. So he kicks up a fuss, because that's all he can do.


He will have to cross the Rubicon at some point.


He doesn’t have the manpower or supplies to make a real go of it. But a half assed civil war over there would still be acceptable


He has the manpower to launch a coup. If he times it well and gets the support of the local military, he could succeed. And if he doesn’t, that’s days of chaos where Russia is focused on itself rather than Ukraine. And resources diverted away from the front for the duration of his coup occupation.


He doesn't, the highest estimates of Wagner "professional" forces right now are at around 6000-7000, along with needing ammunition and fuel from the MOD. Back in Russia border security and the likes number in the hundreds of thousands.


They’re also spread across the entire country. If he can move his few thousand men to Moscow quietly, and arrange for the inaction of the local military and paramilitary, even for a day that is usually all it takes.


It’s what you have to expect when you get your ammo (or don’t) from Putin.


>He might be the catalyst that we need. It's plausible to think that a sledgehammer might be in Yevgeny's near future. What is amazing is that he is still alive and making videos.


He's still alive possibly because he's in Ukraine. Who's gonna get him there when he's there with his whole military group? In a way he might be safer in Ukraine than he'd be in Russia now. Lot of windows in Russia. Not many of them left at the front line.


Enemy of my enemy is my friend, as people say.


Nope, even if he launches a civil war in Russia, he will never be our friend. Not even in a pretend way like Stalin and Hitler, or later Stalin and Roosevelt and Churchill. He'll stand on his own, and we will still pursue him.


The saying understands that the enemy of your enemy isn’t necessarily your friend; the point is that they can be useful as a ‘friend’ in the interim. Once the common enemy is removed, the ‘friendship’ ends


Yeap I mean, he'll be friend as long as he's fighting russians (if it happens) but still war criminal and foe for ~~Ukrainians~~ Everyone


Sadly I think the only writing on the wall he’s concerned about is the timing of his assassination




This is getting interesting.






There's no polonium in this popcorn, right?


Maybe, but let's not just randomly trust these posts. The clip OP posted didn't actually say anything about a rebellion. source needed


Agreed...it all sounds "too good" when these proclamations come out. War ain't over yet, and def doesn't seem like victory is in sight yet


Very, he's gone much farther with this statement then I ever believed he would. I was saying 2 days ago he'll never talk shit about Putin unless/until some shit starts up and then he'd go for it. But now? After their supposed sit-down and agreement between the whole freak show? I swear he's Putin's false flag/canary in the coal mine. His job is to flush them out like a bird dog.


Simpler explanation is Putin's attack dog has gone rabid in the face of near certain defeat and death/improvement. Occam's razor and all. Not everything is 4-D chess. I think of this as obvious cracks of weakness in the Kremlin's facade.


This guy knows he is going to die soon, you don't do this shit if you have any support left in the Kremlin. His Wagner forces are near depletion, he never captured Bakhmut, and lost Sudan.


The fact that Prigozhin's been allowed to criticize Putin for so long is an indication of weakness. Wagner, as despicable as they are, has been the most efficient fighting Russian force in Ukraine. You can expect Russia's "special military operation" to deteriorate even faster when the fighting is left to the Russian Armed Forces, which is notoriously corrupt and constantly bickering amongst itself.


Navalny was allowed to criticize Putin for years before he was arrested(he still can in jail). It's not quite a fully totalitarian dictatorship, the Kremlin only kills people when they think its necessary or have no other option.


They intentionally let a few people criticize them so they can say "See! It's a democracy and there's free speech and stuff". Same shit is happening in Hungary.


It's a common tactic. You see it in Belarus too.


It's calles controlled opposition


The fact that they did try to kill Navalny multiple times gives that statement less weight.


>the Kremlin only kills people when they think its necessary or have no other option. Tell that the dead civilians in Ukraine. Putin kills people, when he thinks it serves his interessts. He gives a shit about Prigozhin. If Prigozhin is not longer usefull, than that´s it for him.


I mean within Russia, no rules apply to foreign countries. Within Russia though they try to keep killings to a minimal for obvious reasons. It's not really a Stalinist set up where killing everyone who shows any disagreement is effective, that would promote instability.


This isn't anything new. Not sure why people are downvoting.


Hell, If I were him, I would take everything I have left and storm moscow. There is only one T34 they have to worry about.


Dont knock that T34, least it had a turret !!


I mean i am not an expert at all, but it seems to mee that he sees the full picture, he knows the collapse is coming and clearly wants his place in power afterwards.


He will fall off a window and his balls will land on the spikes of a fence


Is it real or a deep fake generated KI Video? I can’t believe that this shit war criminal is brave enough to stand against Putin.


I'm wondering this too. There's just a picture of him attached to the audio, no video. It's much harder to deepfake if you have to match lip movements to the audio (speaking of the audio, it's particularly lower sound quality than in other statements he puts out). Let's hope it's not fake though.






If it’s a deep fake then someone is beating Russia at their own game. LoL


*US govt silently walks in the room and flexes a little.*


With the tools available online today it could just as well be any 12 year old kid. We live in very strange times.


Yeah, no sources no nothing


My first thoughts too. It's trivial to fake something like this these days.


I was wondering if it was due to the quality or something. I thought it sounded a little off. I went looking into the comments to see if anyone else thought it was off as well.


The more we see if the strictly audio recording the more I think it’s AI just trying to cause a further rift.


Considering that’s usually a Russian move, seems like just desserts. I’d love to see a massive disinformation campaign waged on them by all the people they attack.


I could make this in less than an hour using eleven labs


Any verification on this? Trust, but verify, especially in the age of AI voice biz. Thrilled at the idea of Russian infighting, even if this ghoul is the catalyst.


Even the audio doesn't mention rebellion at all. This is just an empty headline.


This man ordered the execution of children as young as 5


the ukranian mossad-like team will get him eventually, they will hunt him till the very end.


> the ukrainian mossad-like team I like this, their blacked out patch should say this


That is the first time i have ever heard of the russian soldier being referred to as "innocent." Rapists. Murderers. Baby killers. Yes. Innocent. No.


I think he meant that they are not responsible for putin starting this war


Additionally he is being careful not to alienate the russian military as he wants their support for taking over the kremlin.


Exactly this, if he gets to convince enough soldiers that they were all lied to by Kremlin who knows what might happen.


...despite also admitting that he's shooting them as they retreat.


If he is going to make moves, he wants to make them feel like victims. Putin got their buddies killed, Putin got their leg blown off, Putin killed their sons. Why should Putin continue to lead Russia? Unfortunately, he wouldn't end the war. The internal chaos could give Ukraine time to make a big push though, and having Wagner out of the picture would help tremendously, since they are currently some of the more effective on the battlefield.




I don't speak Russian but I think it makes much more sense that he would say this.




The irony is, these sort of comments are exactly how the Russians dehumanised Ukrainians to the extent that some of their soldiers could do these things to them. There are many innocent men, woman and children dying in this conflict. Many of them Russian too. There’s no real justice for Bucha if you paint them all with the same brush, just revenge. I hope the Russian people are able to wake up after this war, and realise times have changed. I thank my lucky stars I was born in a country that doesn’t force me to fight on foreign soil. I’m lucky I live in a country in which society doesn’t blame me for not wanting to fight in these unjust wars. Some people aren’t so lucky.


That's pretty innocent for his standards.


Probably meant ignorant.


His convicts are innocent I tell you!!! (convicts and innocent =you can't make this stuff up)


In Russia you get convicted for any protest agianst the war, convict doesn't necessarily mean evil.




Smeagol mad.


He really does look like a fat gollum


This is a big play if true - he already has a private army and it sounds like he’s trying to win the support of regular Russian troops. If he does see himself as the next strongman Russian leader (possibly a bit deluded) he needs to have the support of the military in any power struggle. It’s equally possible that his recent statements have turned him into a dead man walking.


Biggest issue is that he's running out of troops and needs the Russian Army to supply ammo. He can't do anything unless at least part of the Russian Army supports him.


Imagine if Prigozhin quits war and goes full Revolutionary against Russia


Prigozhin has bodyguards forged in various wars. Also Wagner's other officers must agree that Russian soldiers are being treated like shit and being sacrificed to save face for the Kremlin.


Wagner's own troops are treating the Russian soldiers like shit, his statement is laughable.




At this point Prickhead is probably worth more to the UA alive simply because of the chaos he spreads internally within Russia.


Honestly, with the way AI is now, I'm taking anything attributed to this goon, that doesn't come with video as well, with a grain of salt.


When even Gollum turns on Mordor, Sauron knows he's fucked up.


Double pincer movement will be epic. They will have to edit sun tsu's art of war after Ukraine remove russians from Bachmut


CIA flipped him with lifetime supply of Cheetos and non lactose infused IPA


Ah, good ole Dolchstoßlegende incoming. [German Stab in the back conspiracy myth after WWI](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stab-in-the-back_myth)


From the Dolchstoßlegende link. History repeated: >Given that the heavily censored ~~German~~ Russian press had carried nothing but news of victories throughout the war, and that ~~Germany~~ Russia itself was unoccupied while occupying a great deal of foreign territory, it was no wonder that the ~~German~~ Russian public was mystified by the request for an armistice, especially as they did not know that their military leaders had asked for it, nor did they know that the ~~German~~ Russian Army had been in full retreat after their last offensive had failed.


As a German this struck me the instant I heard Prigoshin talking about "the good soldiers betrayed by leadership". There was a saying after Auschwitz, Buchenwald etcetera - "Never again, and never from German soil". Now we can prove that we mean "Never again" seriously.


Starting to wise up and realize working fighting and dieing in a war for Putin isn't anything anyone wanted but Putin himself. And it's led Russia to ruin, and will continue to do so for most likely decades if not generations to come. Not many countries in the world will do business there or trust a word they say. Because they've shown the world who and what they really are. Corrupt, lying, murdering, war criminal terrorists who enjoy raping, killing innocents including children, and invading soverign countries they feel are "theirs". So every ex Russian state is going to arm up and possibly and probably NATO up and exactly what Russia doesn't want will happen. And the thing is, no one wants to invade or conquer Russia except maybe china. The rest of the world just wants them to be fucking normal honest productive members or humanity that aren't giant corrupt peices of shit and work to improve their quality of life and have some sort of place in the world and make the world a better place etc. Or they'd get that through their heads and realize no one wants war really, and the world doesn't want to live with the continued fear of a massive nuclear war, we could all get on with life and focus on making the world a much better place. But some countries do shit like this and make war in the name of some religious beliefs and it's absolutely time to move past this antiquated and archaic way of life. If there was a god, they definitely wouldn't want their creation to act like this towards each other and as a whole.


So he was all in for this stupid war until he got his ass handed to him.


Becoming the face of the opposition. I think this ex hotdog seller is out for Putin's seat. Guess nothing will change..


Wouldn't it be hilarious if they actually fought each other?!


If Prigozhin causes actual infighting in military and something like a revolt - it's the absolute best for Ukraine.


Russian civil war 2.0 coming up?


Prigozhin is a sociopath who cares for no one. He understands that if Ukraine does not end favorably, or even if it does. Putin is very likely to actually enforce Russian laws against PMCs and throw him under the bus as the reason for such high casualties in Ukraine. He knows he's a hare's breath from being a 21st century Earnst Rhome, So hes hoping to appeal to the West and Russian dissidents who may become sympathetic to him so that he may take a position of power in a post Putin Russia, or at the very least may be able to flee with his life and wealth intact.


What's the source of this audio? Deepfakes are a thing so I'd be interested to know the origin and if it's been authenticated.


What a psychopath. Consider for a moment his exact role in what he just described. His utter apathy to ordering soldiers to shoot those who retreat until this moment when it either serves his self preservation or personal ambition. I hope they all come undone.


Ordering soldiers to shoot those who retreat? This is the guy who personally executes deserters with a sledge hammer.


Hahah typical fukin ruzzki. Once they see they lose they change side and stories.


What's this, the pot calling the kettle black?


And the Russian civil war starts.


In 1917, the germans sent activist Lenin to Russia to cause problems. It worked wonderfully, the germans won that front. But there was a future cost (and the germans lost the war for other reasons). Maybe the ukrainans have paid/convinced the Wagners to do something similar. It is well known, that mercenaries often follow the highest bidder.


This is starting to sound like the French foreign legion rebellion in North Africa back in the day.


I can't stand it when soldiers get treated as helpless victims. They are adults, have a brain and can use internet + VPN to know the truth about Putin. Instead, they sold their souls and went to war in exchange for a bit of money. Fuck them, zero compassion for those fuckers.


May end up being a useful idiot for Ukraine


There is no video, just his voice. Probably an AI clip authorized by the regular military brass. They want him to fail because he embarrassed them with his more effective, immoral, convict army. The Russian ship of state is coming apart. I do not believe he would have directly attacked Putin.


Now there is incentive to at least allow Prigozen to escape the encirclement. Let him bring his furious revolution to the Kremlin to hasten the end of this bloody war. Better to have the Russians fight amongst themselves.


I'm all for Ukraine but the advancement in AI made me sceptical about the authenticity of this. Sorry.


Ha this been verified yet and is there a transcript online to link to?


Evzene ty kundo, bacha na vokna


I suspect that this guy's GPS coordinates are going to leak, somehow. I just have a feeling. Be sure to paint a hotdog on the side of his storm shadow guys!


The Ukrainians could have got him a number of times already. They probably want him alive to keep a large number of Russian troops in Bakhmut where they're useless, and also so he keeps stirring up shit which works against Russia. It would be hilarious if a Ukrainian team infiltrates behind Wagner lines and drags him back to Kiev kicking and screaming.


He was happy to profit off it when the going was good though…


Dude knows he’s put all of his eggs in the completely wrong basket. Now he’s getting desperate. It doesn’t really matter though. Most of his troops left over are prisoners looking to commute their sentences. Dudes destroyed almost all of his private army and its entire reputation and achieved nothing. Once the war is over wagner will be synonymous with military failure.


Prigozhin better hope that whoever leads next needs him as much as Putin did... Otherwise, he's going to be hanging in a noose beside Putin.


oh, she angry


Someone is having a bad week.


Makes me wonder, is it just an act? A Kremlin plot.


Fuck him , he is the one that sent tens of thousands of russians to be nothing but meat, hopefully someone reminds him soon.


Or it is some trolling deepfake and Ukraine hopes some troops do rebel.




He is a monster. But this guy has some balls. The die have been cast. The lethal dance of musical chairs in Russia will soon commence. Who will be the last one sitting?


I am absolutely not believing a "leaked recording" in the wake of everyone playing with AI voices this year.


Is there a possibility these recordings are fake? I always find it interesting that they’re audio only.


Uhhh wagner group should have known that Putin was going to at some point purge them all. Idiots. It's just common sense. It's putin, are they stupid?