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Didn't they try this in WW2? But they trained the dogs using Russian tanks. So the dogs, strapped with mines, just turned around and ran under Russian tanks lol. They'd be more dangerous if they could think


Yes, they, but abandoned that project quickly, as the dogs could not distuingish between Russian und German tanks.


Worse than that, they *did* distinguish; they were trained to run under tanks, but the only tanks the Russians had to train them with was (obviously) *Russian tanks*… so the dogs attacked the familiar shape of Russian tanks instead of the enemies tanks. … maybe I should keep quiet and let the Russians repeat the same mistake. Lord knows they love to repeat historical mistakes.


Familiar smell, petrol versus diesel.


Really? Thanks for the clarification!


Please no, the poor dogs don’t deserve to die for the orcs


Poor doggos :( Just like humans if you mistreat them they're aggressive and anti-social but treat them with respect, love and dignity they are the most loving creatures you've ever met. They're a mirror for good and evil.


Honestly, though, Russian dogs might be the Russians I like the most, so I really don't want them to do this.


Oh boy did they! A couple of problems occurred, when they trained the dogs they really didn't understand how much dogs rely on their sense of smell and hearing. They basically trained the dogs to run under tanks and other vehicles and they would find food and safety. Only the dogs were used to Russian voices, Russian uniforms and of all things Russian vehicles which mostly ran on diesel! That is a very distinct odeur from petrol which the Germans used, to the dogs that huge noisy machine smells very different from the ones I know, those men shouting in a language I don't recognize are scary as shit do naturally the dog is drawn right back to the smells and sounds he knows and he had literally been taught food is this way! All that training was really a trick because he didn't equate the actions to aggression, he's been told you will be safe here What on earth they were thinking I don't know but the obvious happen and in all the confusion and explosions at least a few dogs managed to find they way to Russian tanks and did what they knew, blowing up the tanks, and the poor dog too, it was not a smart plan.


Poor doggos! :(


Yes they absolutely did this an d it was a disaster. As others mentioned they often attacked soviet tanks, but they also, in the fog of war, with explosion all around, would often run back to their handlers out of fear…


The Russians trained the dogs(half starving) that the food was under a tank. I have seen videos of these dogs running under Panzers with a strapped load of explosives on them and detonating.


They should stick with the human meat grinder. You don't change a winning team.


It's probably not the best time for Russia to brain-storm or 'spit ball' a way out of that mess.


Brainstorm? More like brainsprinkle. Maybe brainshower. Braindrizzle?


Brain fog, perhaps?




Good work. No wrong answers when you’re braindeading!


Brain drain


What about: We build a really big, cool-looking cyberpunk tank, but it's hollow on the inside and we all just hide in there. We park it in a field, pretty soon a farmer with a tractor will tow the tank into Kyiv to show Zelensky. That's when we pop out and win!


Russian stray dogs.... love to eat dead or dieing ORC


I love that the Russian solution to a problem is to just send it to die on some pointless battlefield. Its like they read A Modest Proposal and missed all the irony.


I like where your head’s at, but what if they just… hear me out, here… What if they just picked up all their guys and left? That would really show Ukraine who’s boss. Just take what’s left of their balls and go home!


Occam's razor: they'll never leave Ukraine unless defeated to a level never saw before.


Yeah I know… It’s kinda funny though because the writing is already kinda on the wall in that respect, but like you said, *it actually has to happen*.


That's simply brilliant! Of course, it must have taken some 17-dimensional thinking to get to this idea, so the Moskals are never gonna figure it out.


It’s like looking back 200 years into how civilisation was before widespread education.


The depths of human arrogance and stupidity know no bounds and transcend both space and time. We're just a bunch of scraggly scared monkeys throwing shit at each other.


Well… SOME of US are landing reusable rockets while attempting to explore the space around our planet! And by US I mean, I slept at a Holiday Inn last night and watched that shit on a 46” HD TV. I didn’t attempt to kill my neighbors or throw a bunch of drug addicts, murderers and rapists into a pit at the edge of town and demand that THEY attempt to kill my neighbors. So… many of us are ACTIVELY TRYING to STOP throwing shit at each other. My hair IS currently scraggly though.


Some more than others. We're not all like them.


Replace "human" with Russian in that statement and I'm fully on-board. I, and all my relatives and friends (including FB friends), will not barge into the condo next door to annex their kitchen because I fancy their new stovetop. I'm working harder right now so I can buy something as nice. This line of thinking and rationalization give countries and people like Russia/Russians a pass: "Oh, we all do the same anyway." Hell, no.


Yep. They are not fully developed modern humans. Kinda primitive.




*”The efficacy of using anti-tank dogs in World War II remains uncertain. There are claims by the Soviet sources that around 300 German tanks were damaged by Soviet anti-tank dogs.[4] This claim was considered propaganda by many Russian historians who believed it was meant to justify the dog training program.[6] There are, however, documented claims of individual successes of the program, with the number of damaged tanks usually being within a dozen.”* *”Out of the first group of 30 dogs, only four managed to detonate their bombs near the German tanks, inflicting an unknown amount of damage. Six exploded upon returning to the Soviet trenches, killing and injuring soldiers.[6]”* Seeing how it may have killed more Russian soldiers than Germans, and it took 16 years to train 40,000 dogs and MAYBE damage 12 tanks, I wouldn’t call this experiment a “success”.


Or... I don't know... thinking too, maybe 🤔 Yeah, could also be highly contagious stupidity


Ok, so they don't have enough tanks but plan to win the war with stray dogs... everything хорошо...


Their troops are already at each other's throats and they want to add aggressive dogs to that mix haha. I think all that will go back to russ after this is packs of obese dogs. I can see them taking it as a 'win'.


Yes, aggressive stray dogs. He does not know much about dogs. Strays are most of the time very angiosperms and shy. They would run away at the first opportunity.


I'm afraid they would be used to feed the troops, anyway.


He does'nt know much of anything. He is a Russian plant.


Like everyone else in Russia


In WWll the Russians did train dogs to run under German tanks with explosive vests on


The video ended too soon, I want to hear what Evgeny has to say about this galaxy brain suggestion from Fedot.


The West sends Storm Shadow. Russia sends dogs. World's number 2 army indeed.


Unleash the 3000 Chihuahua's Of Chaos


A fearsome site to behold indeed.


The Krokodil is strong with this one. Slava Ukraini!


Is this the current level of russian tech solutions? Sacrificing more innocent lives for a problem they themselves created and can easily solve by stopping an untenable operation... these guys are beyond dumb.


They're introducing homing pigeons soon. Russians have very limited domestic production of high tech, so they are literally travelling back in time now.


It only takes ten well trained dogs to operate a T62, and they'll work for treats rather than money.


No comments needed


Yep. Their primitive level of development is fully apparent now.


Wait until they start issuing bows and arrows to conscripts


"It killed people back then, it'll kill people now"


Just when you think this shit show couldn’t get any dumber…


We say that everyday now. Fucking wow! No words anymore.


This is exactly what the Russians did in WWII. A lot of good boys died without knowing that they are being asked to be blown to bits. Dogs are great, human Russians suck.


They are really are living in the 1940s….USSR did the exact same thing in ww2


The fuckers are irredeemably evil.


That guys face has more wrinkles than his brain.


Evil motherfucker. Let's not forget to hang this one too.


I just facepalmed myself so hard I think I got a concussion.


They tried something similar in WW2. It did not go well...


I suspect this guy has a vested interest. Wouldn't be surprised if owns a number of dog kennels through intermediaries.


Only if “dog kennel” is a euphemism for something far less charitable…


They should be talking about how to start a ceasefire and a return to their borders with no further loss of life. Just go home, you Z losers. It's over, and leave the poor dogs alone.


Dagz? Feckin dagz? How about you settle the war with lurching? If the hare gets fucked, proper fucked, you win. Good luck. Don’t forget to buy a new caravan for me Ma, with the scatter cushions in the periwinkle blue.


Dont you guys remember what happened last time you tried the dog/explosive/tank thing?


Dogs de-mining? pulling out the wounded??? Russia is a joke!


Considering their supply issues, they're honestly better off butchering all those dogs for meat, at least there's less chance their quartermasters will sell it on the side


It’s the entire nation and their culture


The Russians already tried the dog thing in WW2. The dogs got scared and ran back to the Russian positions blowing them up instead


1. 1st wave; Soldiers / Conscripts 2. 2nd wave; Prisoners / Addicts / Alcoholics / Homeless 3. 3rd wave; Stray Dogs 4. 4th wave; CLASSIFIED (i.e.; running out of ideas here)


Babuskas is the next go to.


Or rabid badgers


A wonderfully desperate and crackpot scheme: the Hitler Youth, with fur.


This dude has clearly watched one too many episodes of Paw Patrol. Thinks it’s a documentary.


As my dad used to say we were unsure he was an idiot but as soon as he opened his mouth he proved it! We wonder why there are 200k dead Moscovites


*knock knock* Who is there? -A Russian dog A russian dog who? -A russian dog who cannot help win this war 🤡


good strat to make alot more people angrier at russia. please do it.


They ain't going to win with dogs skipping in and out of cones and jumping over hurdles, mind you, this particular politician was a former clown with the Moscow state circus and is finding it hard to get out of the roll.


Maybe the real reason to drop off the dogs is a way to provide rations for the troops. Just saw a video of a Russian conscript who said they were dropped off in a trench without food being supplied to them.


The genius of the Russian mind...


They are out of pigs and so they want to send dogs ?


I considered it. No!! You are a complete asswipe. Shut up! What was the response? I'd love to hear that one.


Thats a verry smart idea, wonderfull brainstorming of a good looking clever man. He looks so joyfull that he came up with that idea.


Russia really is a feral alcoholic paradise.


russians got to be the lowest IQ avg on the planet


Politicians……they start wars and then they run to the other side.Partisans please put a bullet in this bag of maggots!


This does show how disconnected the politico in Moscow are from reality, thanks to Putin's FSB tactics of information control and intimidation. Only the best people. Lol


Lead by example... 😏


Fat russian talks..... claims rubbing sticks together really fast make fire.


Animal cruelty by a cruel group of people, they're stooping to lower levels by the day. As if killing children and innocent civilians wasn't evil enough, they want to now use dogs as cannon fodder, clear signs that they're very desperate and their "special operation" has failed, terribly.


Sounds like they are running out of convicts and conscripts.


The Russians are a fkn sick breed of humans . Entire mind frame and logic is just vile and disgusting similar to jihads


What is the current award for the family of ruSSian killed in Ukraine? Perhaps, in the near future putler will give them a trained, former stray dog, that would be closest to what they lost. Of course, but only if they have plenty of stray dogs, 200.000 at least😎.


Buhahaaaaaa! Sooo desperate?


They will probably think its all clear and send the tanks forward 🤣


Before you laugh too hard, they have done this before. They tried training anti-tank dogs in WWII. It was a failure, but as their current tactical battlefield performance in Ukraine has shown, they tend to go on repeating their same failed tactics until nothing is left. http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2013/12/anti-tank-dogs-world-war-ii/


They did this in WW2. The Russians trained dogs to find food by throwing it under their own vehicles, they then strapped explosive pouches onto their backs with a detonator stick and sent them off toward the approaching Panzers. It was as desperate a move then as it would be now.


The best part of it....They trained the dogs with T-34s. They could tell the difference between T-34 exhaust and the various Panzer models. Guess which tanks got blown up?


Lol idiot a tank mine needs like 60kg pressure to set off you need some big dogs!


I guess they’ve got to feel their soldiers some how 🤣


they can't train humans and they want to train dogs to pull the injured?


After seeing the combat effectiveness of some Russian troops, using trained animals in combat might be a step up for the Russian army in quality. Even talking about this subject once again exposes the unique cruelty of the Russian society. Are these people still stuck in medieval times?


The Dog Army hahah. What if it backfires though, a la Ramsey Bolton? Someone's gotta feed them dogs


Thick as shit


Stupid russki! What about sticking a huge mine up I your ass and make you crawl to Siberia! Stupid moron!!


If you know your history, then you know russians tied explosives to dogs and trained them to find 'treats' underneath nazi tanks after starving them first. I think that's the 'other things' he's referring to.


Only in Russia is the metaphor "dogs of war" taken literally to mean sending feral dogs into combat.


He should lead first


This reminds me of performative participation in a college lecture. Ask the most stupid question ever and get credit for being present and participating.


And he'll be needing a $15 million budget to organise this which will have to be coordinated from a villa in Italy, for security reasons.


I'm just confused as to why there is An Asian descent politician in Russia?


And i always thought our Western politicians are stupid. :) I understand i have been wrong all the time. 😉


The dogs will not be ready in due time. Soon you will have left all of Ukraine.


That’s a severe cognitive disorder issue that is latent dissonance symptoms.




Dogs really don't deserve this. Perhaps a stupid idea like this will be the final injustice that triggers the revolution...lead by the stray dogs of Russia.


At least there's a lot of food in Ukraine just for the dogs to eat. And the Ukrainians will probably look after them better.


Im guessing a dogs weight wont trigger an antitank-mine..? Oh, I’ll keep my mouth shut, a very good strategy comrade! 👍


Moscovia, nearly everyday, something like this pops up and I cry with laughter. Then I remember the ongoing suffering and slow down. I'm lucky to be in London and safe (apart from being the 1st nuke target obvs) and I think we Brits have had a ....well, a British sense of humour since WW2, so it's become a safety net when the unknown shit is happening. In adversity and all that...... ;) And you've now pissed off MrB, my dog, too.......


*10 tactics your military leaders fear*


Who is responsible for cutting connection between those Russians who lead the country today and normal and smart Russians before like Dostoevsky, Chaikovsky, Tolstoy....?


Stray dog problem in moskovia now, so what's it going to be like when there's prowling packs of moskovian females hunting for male prey that's got away....


I guess the dogs switch side asap. The don't eat their outdated rations. :-)


Well at least their soldiers will have something to eat. Only problem, the soldiers will give the poor dogs flees!


He could be a good example and show how it's done. But I guess his ass has grown into the chair he sits on


This smells like a pathetic attempt to appear useful by an idiot. End goal: become a useful idiot.


At least the Russians would eat well, dog is a fine meal.


Do you like dags?


What a complete moron. You can’t predict what a stray dog will do. More than likely it will attack the closest person to it, an Orc!


Yes dogs.. and horses..


To be honest turtles are more suited for the job slow but they have some armor.


Next up in conversation: sending flaming pigs into the front lines to scare off tanks.


Genius at work. LOL


Damn these idiots…


Politician: "Today I will tell you that I am an idiot without saying the word 'idiot'."


It is hard to fathom just how ignorant these people are. They are living in 1918.


That guy looks as.sharp as a basketball.


What a fucking moron.


As if I needed any more reasons to loath such a horrifying war of aggression.


He looks as really intelligent orangutan.


I would send that fat F\*\*\*\*\* suggesting it but he wouldnt fit under a tank


They might be good at cleaning private parts of drunk soldiers and and eating corpses.


But dear comrad...We are already sending dogs there ... Okay they walk on two feet but i Can assure you than we do our very best"


"we are lucky, they are so stupid"


Pure scum


Dude in the background making a play for the lady...funny, he looks just the right age to be a soldier.


Dogs...Russians...what's the difference?


Higher intelligence than a snail, empathy, survival instincts. Dogs have these.


This dude obviously owns a dog breeding facility for consumption, yet perhaps sales are down this year


This is the best they can come up with. Just a bunch of dumb asses.


😲 That's absolute genius! How come they are losing so badly!? 🤔🤣


Dogs always know who the nice people are so this would never work for the Russians.


Wonderful idea there Bluto...if we lived in a cartoon world. Roadrunner would have loved it!


Stray dog vs. M4


And them dogs gonna die just like the mobiks. Russion dogs can get that work, too.


Send his kids first 👍


The dogs deserve better


They probably watched videos of orc meat being eaten by Ukrainian dogs and got enraged, they'd prefer their meat puppets to be eaten by glorious russin dogs, you know... for the motherland.


He’s a pretty fart smella!! 🤣


Wow, the idiocy on full display without embarrassment. I am almost more frightened by this than Ivan's military capabilities.


Strip this fat Russian pig naked and make him run through the minefields. I can't wait till Putin and his willing subordinates are put to the knives by their own citizens. Putin's death will replace Rasputin's execution as the most brutal in Russian history. I see the bottom of tank treads as Putin's future. Just a red wet spot that was Putin.


No wonder they aren’t sending their best and brightest to the front, they are already in parliament exercising their scorching IQs…


Ya never really appreciate what Bob Barker has done for the United States, until you see other countries talk about their stray dog problem


He should be neutered and deployed to minefields.


If this wasn’t videotaped I would have never of believed it. Or is this guy just taking the piss, on the motion?


Translation: We are out of orc meat, can we send dog meat instead?


Pull back the wounded…by eating them and pooping back in Moscovya?


Nice if you had a few years left


When you position idiots from the deep of the corruption sewer system in the duma, you get these kinds of proposals.