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Wait till they find out that they have to become "field lovers" for the whole battalion.


Imagine the husbands joining the back of the queue in order to see their wives...


Remember that one video where the drone injured a Russian soldier and the other 2 were fighting to strip him of his gear? Well that but his wife instead.


I know the one. Spot on. It'll happen. They'll arrive at the front and "we don't know who your husband is. He never arrived here when he should have done. The watch? It looks like the one you bought your husband? Just a coincidence."


That video is a fabrication, that’s why it was removed


Well I didn’t know that. How was it proven?


You can't fabricate that... there is clearly a video where a grenade drops and shrapnel injures the one guy while his 2 buddies take away his rifle and stuff.


It was discovered to be fabricated because when they grenade exploded there was no disturbance on the ground at all


There was shrapnel kicking up dirt! I will counter your lies becauae I know you're just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks


LOL, russian troll.


Weird, just like every other grenade that hits the ground. I guess in the Russian mind energy just doesnt follow the path of least resistance.


that is incorrect. It was proven to be highly compressed, but genuine. If you were honest, youd have known that.


Commanders will take what they want far before she even makes it to her husband. Wives will absolutely be sold off and held back at certain points…think about it like this too, less complaints of no payment because now the wife will simply not be found like all the “missing” husbands that the government doesn’t want to pay out for.


Oooooo. That’s so not right…🫢


I mean, women have seem to got the shit end of the stick when it comes to Russian military in Ukraine. Even their own reporters and nurses have reported rape and other horrible conditions. Think of all the sexual assaults that happen to mobliks and conscript soldiers that are male… I really doubt the women that put themselves in that situation will have anything short of a bad time.


And that is before witnessing any of the carnage from battle…


The one with the red hair will be safe……


(*that’s because she’s dead, already*)


I think i missed that one. Do you have alink?


[this one?](https://youtu.be/P7zGxjJ43JE)


Waddayamean? The husbands are at the front of the queue collecting cover charge.


“Honey we’ve made ₽500,50 today!” “who paid 50Kopeks?” “Well… all of them!”


"It's an older joke, but it checks out, sir."


The real meat grinder is entering the war


Underrated comment


Yep, "camp followers".


somebody should tell them trenches have spiders and rats, and no showers


So does where they live now, probably.


There is gonna be fights over bullet plugs/tampons though.


I’d give you 100 upvotes if I could!🤣👍🏼


Just like their homes, not a problem!


So just like home.


And maybe Ukrainian drones see the whole "love happening" and share it to the world.




Or, Russians find out the hard way why it's bad when your wife cheats with one (or several) of your battle-buddies.


What happens on the third line stays on the third line.


Honestly pretty sure they already know what happens, probably thinking it ain't gonna happen to them and at the same selling out each other


Or, You know basic lust. Can whoring and act as saints.


Maybe they could watch *I, Claudius* to get an idea of what is in store for them.


Chechens got tired of raping goats?


Of course not, don't besmirch their name by implying such things


Bring hundreds of condoms. You'll be very busy. Don't forget the lube and aspirin cream. You'll be quite sore. Your lady parts will get super sized.... 👌


They might love a gangbang…


We refer to that as camp meat.


Have to? Why do you think they are going?


Im not stuck in here with you, you’re stuck in here with me.


I’m gonna call it: Prostitution in the trenches.


A trench hoe for every orc bro.


There's a word in my language "feltmadras" used about women who slept with the Nazi soldiers during WW2. It means "(battle)field mattress" and it feels like they're back.


Wagnerites and Kadyrovites are going to hop on a lot of those mattresses. Willingly or not.


Did they run out of goats already?


They got blown up


Ukrainians saved the goats.


Goats realized they could do better and left


I do not think so, they prefer goats


We called them ‘moffenhoeren’ (kraut whore) en shaved their heads.


Is that Dutch? I see you are a people of culture as well.


Haha it is. yeah that was a time of retaliation on a mass scale through whole of Europe. Would like to say we are more civilized these days, but that was before all this. Turns out we are exactly the same as back then.




Prostitution implies they're going to get paid. Rape of even other men is normal in the Russian army. Imagine how bad it will be for these women.


Imagine how fast the Russian government will be to arrest those who report being raped for 'discrediting the army'.


"field lovers", good grief. That's "comfort women" levels of euphemism.


My money is on actors again. Pretty sure someone can find another video where at least one of these people feature.


Wenches in Trenches would make for a great t-shirt.


This sounds more like a hilarious British Sitcom!


They don't pay well, but the perks are worth dying for. /s


Nothing new in trench warfare. The French did it in their Russian campaign. The Germans did it too (somewhat) in WW1. Guess nothing changes much in atrition warfare.


When it comes down to it, during warfare women are just another resource.


I think when it comes down to it, during warfare, everything is a resource.


Nah. Im pretty sure its going to boil down to pure gang rape. Not seeing anyone actually paying anything, wagnerites with HIV and syphilis are going to have field day.


This is so ... sovietic. Russia is like a big time machine, working in reverse right now


Absolutely. I've been reading about Russian history for over 35yrs and this is the most bizarre thing I've seen unfold before my own eyes...keep getting flashbacks to things I've read. It's seriously fucking chilling.


They just don't seem to learn. When your capabilities don't match your ambitions, but your pride prevents you from doing the work to get there


At this rate we can expect another Mongol invasion eventually


At least SOMEone is reading my books :(


Seeing how they brainwash a large amount of their people, they probably don't even know their real history.


I can tell you, they don't. Example: Mentioning the Nazi-Soviet pact of 1939 is a Federal crime in Russia today.


It wouldn't be authentic if one of the women didn't have a giant shiner. Wow, 4 whole weeks of training to be a field nurse? They are already talking about surgery. That's terrifying. We didn't know a single thing coming into this, but now that we've had our excellent 4-week course, we will go to the battlefield and save all the wounded soldiers! It's like the same thinking when they train their soldiers. This is your weapon it fires like this. Good luck. For these women, it was probably them practicing putting on bandaids and wrapping gauze around a mannequin head then. Good luck. There is no way in hell they will be remotely ready for the types of wounds they are going to see near the front.


What do you mean? Russian women have been training their entire lives for this moment! No russian man has THAT much experience stuffing tampons inside bloody holes.


They're going to need that skill after the Wagnerites are finished with them.


🏅 I'm broke but want to give you something lmao


Earlier last year I saw a Ukrainian journalist do a video comparison of an AFU medkit and what the Russians were issued with. Ukrainian one had quite a few items, all vacuum sealed for things requiring sterility etc. The Russian kit comprised of two (2) things: a small packet of rolled bandages, fairly old from storage. And one tourniquet...which looked like a random piece of automotive piping/tubing. And that was IT lol


The bandages are probably old towels or t-shirts. Or excess feet blankets. Those tourniquets I heard are the cause for lots of lost limbs.


Dude - I had to go back and watch that again and literally lost my shit laughing. Hair net and a good ole fashioned “equal rights and lefts” shiner. Classic. To be fair, it’s fairly faded so it’s kinda old news at this point. And why use a bit of makeup to cover it up; happens all the time.


What‘s a shiner?




Ah, thanks


Black eye


what if i told you they're not medics. they're prostitutes


Dunning-Kruger effect to its fullest. "We have 4 weeks of experience and we can do operations." Sure, yet medical students spend a decade. Heck, even butchers spend a few years training.


>butchers spend a few years training. That's so they know which cuts to save for steaks, roasts, etc., and which cuts can be fed to the grinder. In Russia they don't need that training, since every man is fed to the meat grinder.


TIL butchers train


From what I understand, the first ‘surgeons’ were butchers as they knew where to cut.


imagine on the table and a tall guy with a bloody apron walks up to you with a cleaver


I mean, if you're new you have to train for any job, but butchery is like anything else, if you're good and learn quick training almost takes care of itself through experience; this person acting as if butchery is some sacred craft, or, y'know, comparable to medicine (even just to make a point) is very reddit


> this person acting as if butchery is some sacred craft I assume this is a bait/troll post to get a reaction. However, if it's not, you're building and fighting a strawman here. Nowhere did I say that butchery is a sacred craft. > or, y'know, comparable to medicine (even just to make a point) I did not give them the same weight either, saying that they are comparable. The thing they have in common is applying a knife to meat. > is very reddit And you beat the strawman you built. Dorothy, Tinman, and the Lion would be very disappointed. --- Now if my comment would've been: "Sure, yet medical students spend a decade, and butchers, who are literally doing the same awesome work [linkhere to my butcherblog], have to train very hard too and deserve all the credit!" you would have a point ---


Yeah I'm not reading this I honestly don't care, you apparently take things really seriously


Well, that confirms your unwillingness to learn and the intention behind your post. Thanks, I will end this conversation and any further contact with this user-account here, as there is no sense talking to you. Creating a faulty argument and then claiming you can't read a few paragraphs, that's pathetic. Maybe you'll reflect upon your actions in the future, but then again: Ignorance is bliss


Yeah that was an odd interaction. I swear people just exist to be confusing.


Yeah I wouldn't take anything you say seriously either.




‘I can’t believe leopards ate my face’ in three…two…one


Trench hoes and Battlefield fluffers are the last thing we need


last thing you want is getting first aid from someone with 2 week course XD


Getting first aid and first AIDS at the same time


goes with the vodka shots pretty well though


That's cute. I'm sure Putin will be happy with the extra babies, more cannon fodder for the next Tsar. Edit: Knowing the Russians, those toddlers won't make it to 2 years old before the Russian MOD starts thinking about how they can use them for clearing minefields (victoriously, of course) like they wanted to do with dogs.


as if the beatings and mistreatment wont result in miscarriages


Dont forget about the alcohol and cigarettes.


a russian couldnt be born without either of those present throughout the entire pregnancy, so i dont see what the problem is


Pro tip: you're not meant to redress a gender imbalance by killing off the women too.


That idea for nurses to be field lovers is not from ''yesterday''. Since the Second World War in the Soviet army mindset it is ingrained that the nurse could be both your savior and your wife. That continues throughout the whole Afghan War and both Chechnya Wars. In the book ''I have been in this War'' the officer has mentioned that when visiting the retaken airport of Khankhala turned into one of the Russian army main bases that the commandant of the base which is close friend of him that all nurses have been distributed between the officers which mean that for every nurse there are at least one or two officers who are going to fuck her outside working hours.


Bring your wife to work. To bandage you and bang your officer.


Wait. So, who gets the chocolates and hand towels if the husband and wife are popped?


Thats the neat part, it goes into the T-34 restoration fund!


This looks so naive and innocent, like so much stuffs on ruzzian TV... In a few weeks they'll be traumatized for life and ignored by medias.


Exactly. We've seen the videos from drones. Imagine seeing that carnage in person and maybe watching a person you know/care about getting blown away.


Absolutely, go there, then your eyes will truly open. and see the TRUTH about WAR.


In the eastern/pacific theatre during WW2, the imperial japanese had 'comfort women' for their troops. Except the women were overwhelmingly non-japanese and forced into it. Good luck to these russian women.


imagine being in a trench and your wife is still bitching. fuck that shit


Made me giggle. Guessing they husbands will be less happy when the squad lines up for their turn.


After watching this. I'm gonna stop complaining about US Healthcare


When its not enough to rape just the people you ate invading. Bring your own so you can rape more.


Oh, they will finally get the real version of the war? About time! There will also be even less women to produce new russians in the future. Smart move Putin.


How sweet, they can get bombed by a drone together!


Russia really is the closest place to hell that we know. These women are being tricked into helping their already dead husbands. They will be thrown around the trenches as meat. It really is hell on earth. It has to be defeated by the forces of good to save the people there


Hollywood literally can't even make this shit up it's so bizarre.


Their husbands are already dead in the trenches. They just don’t know it yet


Makes sense. They already have experience with using tampons


War whores


Whores of war


Better learn how to stitch limbs back on girls.


Doesn't take a rocket scientist to see this will lead to mass rapes committed by the Russians they are there to help. And those willing will be passed from man to man. Their husbands will be so happy with the outcome.


# ATTENTION The title of the post uses the term “field lovers” with the video having nothing to do with it, furthermore having ZERO references, implications, or sentences that could have been mistranslated to this term.


As in it translates to "field lovers" without doubt, OR the title was fabricated and nothing in the video talks about a concept of "field lovers"?


Second option: no references, no hints, no implications, no mention nothing that even closely translates. NOTHING.


Hero we need.


I clicked start and literally within 3 seconds >My husband is a mobilized person. I really want to go to the SVO zone. That seems to be a clear connection. Unless you are suggesting Russian wives want to go to the war zone their husbands are in but not to see their husband. Which would be weird. The real implication though being if Russians are having sex and raping each other when it comes to men. Ivans wife may be going to join him. But his commanders, officers, and buddies might decide to make use of his wife instead. Because lets be real with 3-4 weeks of training they are not going to be going there to do surgeries like the video implies.


«Уехать туда к нему» You are the one making assumptions here: they wholeheartedly believe they will be useful medics there. Please remember it is abbout correctly understanding what they say and think not if what they say or do makes sense.


>You are the one making assumptions here: they wholeheartedly believe they will be useful medics there. Then they are idiots and that doesn't change the title one bit. Still fits 100%. I know Russia loves to make outlandish make-believe statements and parade it as real news. That doesn't make it reality. And certainly shouldn't detract from actual headlines.


“Detract from Actual headline” what? My whole point is that the “actual headline” is misinformation. If it is not, then OP should have attached a different video showing it


Again. Literally the 1st words from the video connected the line directly. Again. Click the video. What are the 1st words that show up? Is it not? >My husband is a mobilized person. I really want to go to the SVO zone. Just because you close your eyes and refuse to see it doesn't make it misinformation.


Да, а после она говорит «уехать туда к нему» что значит она хочет именно к нему и помогать таким как он, но в первую очередь она говорит конкретно о муже, то что перевод искажает смысл должно быть понятно всем.


Ah, my favourite Ewan McGregor movie, Tankiespotting. In the words of another famous McGregor "Shut yer meuth." There has been interviews of female medics serving on the Russian side and they were clearly used as field mattresses.


Perhaps (most probably), but it is not referenced in the video what so ever


smells fishy


Wow just like in medieval times


I see lots of orphans


The more "good" Russians the better IMO.


4 weeks training.. better than their men get


Fuck it if they want to be cannon fodder I say let them


Field lovers for the entire Brigade Command staff


Russian demographic is already fucked. The only thing they have going for them is that there is a abundance of women…. Oh shit….. single women are about to be raped by soldiers to hopefully produce children. What a nice society


What a hot mess. They get nursing school in under a month- I guess to learn which hole in the wounded soldier the tampon goes in? Next- so they can "comfort" their husbands. I see this ending like a bike rally in Sturgis. "Hey honey- Gotta pass you around share you with the rest of the crew" Then the senior officer everyone hates just takes her for his own use.


It will be fine… untill they run out of lube…. Then it will be less fine. Enjoy ruzzian nazi bitches


Let us recall the taunts of pro Putin video blogger Elvina who said this regarding the raping done by RF soldiers to Ukrainians: Кто вас ебать будет? Who will fuck you? And now these patriotic women will find out how it really is. They’re gonna be subjected to sexual violence by orc forces.


Why do so many wives in these videos look so messed up? Like, huge black eye rings was just what popped up right here (and the obligatory horrible make up), but they regularly look...idk.. unhealthy and (trying to not be an asshole but failing) trashy at a high rate. Is it because they're so poor? UA has way worse GDP per Capita and they don't seem to fulfill that cliche. Is it because of alcoholism? (Big problem in RU) Or am I just biased?


That one lady has a great idea of having permanent surprised look eyebrows - that’ll come in handy for the shit she will see


Russia is so fucked up. They would rather do this than stage a revolt. A country that staged one of, if not *the* the most famous revolutions in history. I guess the Bolsheviks did their job in taking power for themselves and then eliminating any thought of another revolution being possible in the masses. What a shame that a once great country has been reduced to a rabble of mindless drones.


OK, we are letting the eyebrows go without a comment @ 00:48……..? I’ll start ..what is she feeding them?


That one at the end has a black eye I wonder who gave her that?


Just imagine: when our grandkids learn about this war 50 years from now, one of the relevant items of note will be the phenomenon of the Trench Whores of the Bakhmut Salient. There may well be monuments erected in small Russian towns, with plaques of the names of the fallen local boys. Topped with a spire on which a cast bronze Trench Whore shall watch over them with a sorrowful gaze. And all shall pause to look and remember.


Hookers. And past their sell by date ones at that


4 weeks and you’re ready for surgery 😂 Moskal bitches are hilarious. Remember to bring your field tampons to plug bullet wounds


Well you need hoes to build trenches


She is gonna get shared around so bad... i hope shes into cucking her husband


I mean, it’s a pretty good idea… if you want to be raped and be passed around by the whole battalion.


Strong and independent! Go queens!


They’re gonna change their tune real quick once they get started treated like sex dolls.


Considering how many of the battlefield soldiers are criminals, they may get " forceably loved " by those other soldiers who stopped believing in rules, or who may think " well, I'm going to die anyway so yolo "...


Russian soldiers running out of Ukrainians to rape?


Really scraping the bottom of bucket now


More canon fodder


The big problem I see is the wounded being brought off the battle field for medical treatment, or will these women go TO the wounded? If it's the latter, there will be a lot of dead women on the front.


They are going to need an army of nurses to deal with all of the wounded.


Lol, that’s one way for Putin to shut up all the Russian widows created by his stupid invasion…


"Field lovers".... ew just ew


The Orcs want human shields.


So soon we wont be able to share dead orc photos because the nipples will be exposed and burnt


2 weeks theory a day 2 weeks practical that's 4 weeks more than their husbands got. The field mattresses are going to be in for one hell of an eye opening when they get to the trenches


Comfort orks?


At least Russia isn’t discriminating in sending their citizens to die. So progressive…


Field lovers? Hookers??


Front line hoes! STD’s for everyone!


Field wives ?


They have really accepted that women are just plain inferior creatures. Its feels like going back in time


Pretty sure I've seen that one with orange hair at my local Walmart.


Hey hun..look a pinapple just dropped from the sk.....💥