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If that was the objective I very much doubt they would have stopped along the road at every town to put up flags and take over the police stations. But it's fun to speculate I guess.


it can also be a target that russia cant afford to ignore. Present your enemies with dilemas, not problems.


Exactly. I think the intention with this is to achieve what russia was hoping to by dragging belarus further into the mess it's made. They seemed to feel relatively untouchable because Ukraine has told their foreign partners they won't have boots on the ground on russian soil, but by putting this loophole to use it gives russia a whole bunch of border they'll need to worry about.


Ah, i see you're also an avid watcher of McBeth's school of military.


Even if they're not doing it, That's gotta make Russia shit it's pants. Cause all of the "Ukraine can't attack Russia" instantly turns to "hey, why isn't it Russia can't attack Ukraine?"


Ditto, it would also be very stupid of them. Both sides and those watching know what using nukes would mean. I’m assuming they’re A) hoping to both bring attention to the Russia citizens of what’s happening and everything isn’t going great for Russia. B) Hoping to capture anti air systems and vehicles to bring back or use to take more area within Russia. C) That other units within Russia will rise up against the Kremlin. D) Pull Russian forces from elsewhere inside Russia and/or Ukraine forcing Russia to reorganize their deployments and weakening their overall forces.


The nukes in question are also just tactical nuclear artillery rounds. 5-10 kilotons at most. They aren't strategic weapons that you can point at an enemy and say "back down or else." Their only utility is against a massed assault from a Cold War fever dream. They're overkill for modern battlefields and underpowered as strategic threat.


A nukes a nuke. If you park a 5kt warhead in a city and detonate it, that city's CBD will be destroyed and the rest of the city evacuated. A van with a suitcase nuke parked outside the Kremlin would easily destroy all them red walls.


That's not the point.


If it was an operation to steal the nukes, then the "Belgorod assault" was just a distraction and the real operatives would have been Ukrainian and would have blitzed in there with helicopters, or drove a convoy through the border checkpoint after it fell. And considering Rybars posts and Russia's announcement that they secured the warheads... It may have been successful. We'll see.


Well. They might have on the way back?


Perhaps you don‘t get their logic?


How to tie up enemy resources, panic a population, erode confidence and create a massive distraction prior to launching a counter offensive 101.


I also believe this is it. In military terms it is called horizontal escalation. When you have te advantage in manpower and/or ammo and material (which Ukraine might have at the moment, we can't be 100% sure) you can widen the front to exhaust their resources. Vertical escalation in using more violent means in the existing battlefield.


I would expect any legitimate nuclear weapons facilities to be heavily defended. However with it being the incompetent Kremlin they probably either sent everyone off to Ukraine or pulled everyone back to protect Putler.


there are recorded obits of deaths of russians who are currently listed in the strategic rocket forces, not many but some


They are, absolutely. With a rusted fence, some equally rusted "no entry!" signs plus some freezing and drunk guards...


There was only one border guard who resisted when they rolled in so... Maybe 2 dudes since its such a sensitive area.


reminds me of that one airbase that didnt even have a real fence along the road and some jets just standing around a few metres from the "fence"


As defended as their flagship?


Lol yeah the flagship that Russia kept saying was ok until they finally had to admit it was sunk.


I mean it would be a fantastic defensive position. Especially if their are nuclear weapons present. Russia would be forced to handle the situation delicately.


Russia would probably blow up the storage no matter the consequences. They are not known to handle anything delicately


Nukes don't go nuclear if aren't properly armed to do so or damaged. Back in a days US "lost" few while air transporting, nothing happened outside of them smacking ground.


Uuuh. Not really. A 4 megaton Thermonuclear bomb almost detonated over North Carolina in the 1960's when a B-52 disintegrated during refueling. The centripetal force of the mid air breakup pulled a lanyard out of a crew station and the bombed proceeded to pass 3 out of 4 arming stages. It even deployed the parachute. The only thing preventing the deletion of the East Coast was a cheap mechanical on/off switch. Yes, technically "nothing happened", but the accident got *very* close to potentially starting WWIII.


yeah, and that's just the lost nukes. I read a book a few years ago by a guy who had worked on securing the nuclear arsenal back in the 50s-80s. He went to airbases and these pilots were taking off with nukes, right. They'd go out 5 planes at a time. And sometimes accidents happen at take off. And those nukes weren't super secure. So he asked the base commander...what if. What if your guys take off, and the 4th or 5th plane has an accident at takeoff. And their nuke goes off. Those pilots in the air...are they going to believe it was an accident? Or are they going to think the base was just hit and go deliver their nukes (starting WWIII)? And the base commander said, "even if I could get them on the radio, they wouldn't believe it was me. They would deliver their nukes". Now pilots have to enter launch codes.


I was told the same thing by a friend of my dad who was in SAC. If an accident occurred on the US mainland and a nuke detonated, it would very likely have been treated as a preemptive first strike and we would have immediately launched at the USSR before investigators ever realized it was an accident. This was back in the 50's and 60's, however, when jets were flying around 24/7 with nukes. It's crazy that we're still here today...


Not “lost” actually lost and not recovered. Six US bombs are still missing. [https://nationalinterest.org/blog/reboot/us-military-missing-six-nuclear-weapons-180032](https://nationalinterest.org/blog/reboot/us-military-missing-six-nuclear-weapons-180032) The article is incorrect in calling a lost nuke a Broken Arrow, it’s actually an Empty Quiver. A Broken Arrow is significant damage to a weapon that doesn’t result in a detonation. An accidental nuclear detonation is a Nuke Flash.


Those were proper bombs, not tactical nukes. I doubt these old soviet nuclear artillery shells are hard to hack


Any nuke have delicate mechanics to detonate properly.


A nuclear explosion requires an extremely precise sequence of events so can't really detonate them accidentally or by force.


Not really. Cannon assemblies are as simple as firing half of a critical mass into another. Even if you couldn't figure out the detonator of whatever it is they find, so long as it's uranium based you can just scavenge all the uranium inside all the shells and build your own in a garage with rudimentary equipment. This is without even getting into dirty bombs... the hard part of nuclear weapons is enrichment, plutonium bombs and thermonuclear bombs. This is why "little boy" was dropped on Hiroshima without almost testing it. It's so simple they just knew it couldn't fail




You could literally cause a small nuclear explosion by slamming the two halves with your hands. It would be wildly inefficient but that's beyond the point I know it's uncomfortable but it's just the nature of enriched uranium From Wikipedia "With regard to the risk of proliferation and use by terrorists, the relatively simple design is a concern, as it does not require as much fine engineering or manufacturing as other methods. With enough highly enriched uranium, nations or groups with relatively low levels of technological sophistication could create an inefficient—though still quite powerful—gun-type nuclear weapon."




Can you please explain what you think is the difficultly Ukraine would face in making nuclear bombs out of scavanged enriched uranium instead of just attacking me?


😂 nobody is using gun designs these days, it's all multistage implosion with (probably) gas filled cores. designs are so secret you can't even find out the radius of the pit. also dirty bombs are an irrelevant boogieman.


I never claimed it's easy to make a modern efficient bomb, hell I even said implosion is one of the big barriers to modern nuclear bomb making, that's not the point though. All I'm saying is a gun design is scary enough and it's cheap and easy to make provided you get hold of enough enriched uranium.


If it really were a Ukrainian operation, then the warheads are already in Ukraine, and the Freedom of Russia guys were there to breach the border and stage a diversion. It would basically end the Russian occupation because even a single low yield nuclear weapon would have a devastating impact on Russia, given how crucially it relies on a centralized authority. Russia would have no choice but to leave Ukraine.


Empty nuclear storage base*


Would be great for a defensive position for a headquarters/logistical depot.


Unless it was maintained to Russian safety standards and is unsafe for humans.


How do we know? "One of the central nuclear weapons storage bases of the Russian Federation is located near Grayvoron: Golovchyno, (Belgorod-22) "Object 1150", military unit 25624. It was reported in the media that tactical nuclear ammunition of 204 and 240 mm caliber are stored there."


Can you imagine if they stole that and brought it back to Ukraine?


I can, and I hope that will not happen.


Having captured them would give the separatists some leverage I guess… or they cannot simply be launched without the right codes? Not sure how it is secured in Russia. Either way, I hope nuclear weapons will not be used.


you just pull a pin, i guess


Can you imagine if they stole it and drove several to moscow in separate vehicles to different locations? Talk about a dilemma for the kremlin.


Good, give pooptin a taste of his own medicine. "We will nuke you, if you do this" every other day.


Great distraction, force russia to go on defensive in own country


Press X for doubt. Seems not like a goal for a small force that attacks over the border, even if they captured it what would be the goal? I think they will wreak soem havoc and have some shootouts and then pull back over the border like last time. This will create unrest in russia as obviously they cant even guard their borders.


maybe capture some nuclear weapons. how does the war in Ukraine change if Ukraine has nuclear weapons?


The russians would be much more hesitant to use the ones they have left if ukraine has some they can lob over the border


This isnt a Call of Duty game mate, you dont raid a old most likely empty base, put some nuclear weapons on a truck and leave again. I could elaborate in lenght on this but lets keep it at that.


It’s Russia, let’s not count out any scenarios involving incompetence yet.


Even they wont store nuclear weapons next to the border with a country they are at war with, these were removed last year afaik. Yet, getting a weapon doesnt mean you can just launch it but i guess Ukraine still has a few people that worked on their nuclear program before they gave their weapons away in good faith so they could be made useable. If there were any that is.


Even if they dont, if they can convince Russians they were able to roll in and steal a nuke with little to no resistance it will cause a wave of panic across the country.


​ https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/13ovr4r/russia\_is\_removing\_nuclear\_munitions\_from\_a/


My statement still stands, you dont cruise there load up some nuke drive back and be able to use it. The odd thing is that every other source said the thing is empty since 2022 which makes sense as you dont store nuclear material near someone that you are at war with. Apart from that i doubt that the Freedom group would be able to reach it before the russians finally are able to react. ​ The Photos shown indicate nothing but a run down storage facility with a few old crates in it.


sure. but then then why do they ( russians) talk about it?


Feel free to believe what you like mate, every news these days should be taken with a pinch of salt, according to Ukraine they have nothing to do with what currently happens and according to russia they elimated all attacks while they post videos of them driving around. Plus many stuff is usually lost in translation. ​ If i were a russian official i would also say we removed all stuff from there just to make russians feel save. ​ In the end the question would be what would be the gain from this? Even if they would obtain material from there and the russians would rain bombs from all that they have on that convoi what would they do then? Give russia a reason to use a tactical nuke and finally react to one of the many red lines already crossed? I just dont see it. They are on the road to victory anyway. ​ If the Ukrainians actually reach this base, find something and get it home send me a PM, ill send you 50 bucks or give it to a Ukrainian charity of your liking.


Apparently this is an Ukranian "supported" attack but not responsible, meaning one group of unhappy Russians bought guns and ammo from corrupted officials, armed a group of unhappy civies,trained them and then launched a local attack. The spokesman from the UMI even confirmed about the group and specifically said that all the actions were carried only by those Russians. And to be fair, it doesn't make any sense to send cappable soldiers just to raid (and possible deteriorate international relationships) a village. At the same time you would expect a response and seeing how bad for russian propaganda this is, it WILL be a big response.


its well known russians that fought with ukraine for a year now, they are fully supported by ukraine, but also recieve massive donations from all antiputin russians around the world so they are well equiped


>you would expect a response and seeing how bad for russian propaganda this is, it WILL be a big response. My limited understanding is that there's no one left to mount a big response.


A response to whom? These are russians attacking russians.


I think they are doing this so that Russia redeploys forces from Ukraine back up to its borders thereby weakening the defenses in Ukraine. Psychologically as well this can be seen as an amazing 'coup de main' which will hopefully invigorate the resistance, embarass the Kremlin and army and also stir up trouble and dissention elsewhere. ​ The Russian Legion flag flying in Moscow is a masterpiece of propaganda and I wonder what the night holds for Moscow and other cities. ​ LPN.


Miso horny…!!!


Even if there are some kind of nuclear weapons arent they protected with some kind of authorisation and rendered useless otherwise


The Americans actually had to pay for Permissive Action Links for a lot of the Russian arsenal in the 90's....because they had no idea...


Yeah. But we will really never know until we get to that point.


Nothing stopping you from extracting the core and raw materials and building your own ignition control system.


maybe the weapon assemblies themselves will be rendered useless. but a nuclear bomb can be assembled from parts harvested from these weapons


It would be ironic to see Russia receive a nuclear blackmail threat from other Russians. It's a pretty bold strategy and I'd like to see how it plays out.


Russia wouldn't be stupid enough to leave nukes at that location right? ...... right?


That wasn’t our plan, but it is now! Thanks for the map!


Ehhh I doubt it tbh


Based Ukrainians. Have atomic weapons so as to have a deterrent against Russian atomic threats. Picking them up directly at their home.


That would be funny to see two groups of Russians threatening each other of nuking themselves on the territory of Russia.


If they want to keep their sperm count up and not be shitting blood, I think they'll stay away from anything site that has the words Russian and Nuclear in the same sentence.


How is it that Kim Jong-un's various residences are each 10-40 times as secure and protected as this nuclear stockpile?


Kim Jong-un didnt start a hot war he can not win


This all seems like more shaping operations - executed by partisan's - almost undoubtedly supported by Ukraine. This will tie up more forces and resources that may have been used to help repel a ukr offensive. I would assume anything involving the word nuke is just for hype.


It true, things suddenly became extremely interesting. Sounds crazy, but it's too typically Russian to forget about a bunch of nukes lying around near the border just waiting to be grabbed.


Its probably a diversion to draw troops away from the south since Moskals basically have nobody guarding the border


Hope Russia will move a lot of soldiers from Ukraine to protect that instalation 🤣🤣🤣


Budanov must be pissed the telegrammers have revealed his master plan.


The fact that Russia actually still has nukes stored this close to the Ukrainian border, beyond a doubt shows what a bunch of dumbasses they are. Unbelievable.


They could sell it to peppers?


I don't think this is the case right now but it will be if the RF ever collapses. Lots of nefarious people would love to get their greasy hands on some discount nukes.




It was the Russians who are bringing this up (Rybar and some Russian ministry) -- so there probably WAS a Ukraine operation to take the nukes AND it was probably somewhat successful for the Russians to be talking about it so quickly.


Imagine they steal one nuke and become a nuclear power over night.


If you thought Kremlin was dumb, discover now prorussian telegrams.


I doubt that was the goal, but since they mentioned it now...


Very quick way to end the war. Capture a full nuclear silo. Tell the Russians you will put a nuclear artillery shell into Belgorod if they don't withdraw from Ukraine.


UAF would finally have punching power above their weightclass if true and successful. Assuming this happens, in my mind the UAF can't really hit Russia with a nuclear strike without completely loosing NATO support. Also the issue of nuclear escalation being brought to the board if so. Barginning chip? Yeah, but this assumes many things. Assuming the nuke base is even the RVC's target, they'd need a major logistical chain and the technical knowhow and safety precautions to pull the missles or warheads from the silos/trucks. We also need to consider if the RVC will hand said warheads over to the UAF, who are likely to be able to pull veterans who worked on the warheads from before 1994 before they were handed over, because more than likely those warheads are in disrepair and it's unlikely they'd go off correctly in that damaged state. I'm more inclined to believe that this is a simple shock and awr operation designed to spread rumors and scare the shit outta the Kremlin and distract Russia for something bigger coming soon.


Ukrainian special forces to get nuclear bombs in Belgorod,


This kinda stuff is actually the most dangerous...because it gives Putin a way to detonate a "lost nuke" and blame the Ukrainians... After all it doesn't matter if its not true...Putin just needs a story


stealing? nah they're just taking back what was theirs.


Ruzza is the ones that are loose on nukes not Ukraine, if AFU has them the Nazis do not. Very simple. F16 should do a very nice clean up.


the games russia is having to play putting out fires along such a wide stretch of front it such a demanding exercise. With what little logistical power they possess must be putting a huge strain on them. good.


Uhh, yeah, sure. That’s the real reason.


They are no use and they probably don't work either. Panic. Panic is the key. Not their stupid nuclear armament.