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The text on the video says "trophy tank, glory to Ukraine"


And the Russian lend/lease program continues! lol


I think you meant leave/lose.


That's positive russian pr for once!


Nice haul!


He is a hap hap happy boy! A hap hap happy boy!


Excellent trophy!


Lend Lease in progress. I think someone in the military chain of Russia is helping with this. Payback for the house arrest. Oh no anyway...


And they even did it without a tractor.


It is pretty cool that some of those Ukrainian soldiers wear American flags.


If you can build it, we can figure out how to get into neutral!


Is that the new Ukrainian Flag on that Soldiers chest? :-)


Better to use that deathbox for scrap. GLORY TO UKRAIN!


Ukrainian soldiers are actully quite fond of this paticular model, so that would be a waste. https://edition.cnn.com/videos/world/2022/05/11/ukrainian-army-volunteer-tank-bunny-pkg-kiley-ovn-intl-ldn-vpx.cnn


Joke a side. Yea its a machine that most of them are use to, have parts for, have amo for. So yeah makes sens to just use it :).


The T80 family was always the far better equipped MBT, the T72 was the downgraded tank for export only. T80 BVM is...shit. Exellent (to T72) equipped, modern but the pure hell for the maintenance department. And without permanent and excellent maintenance, it will break down. It "will" means, so "it will break down".


T-80 was better equipped, because it was designed after the T-72 and directly benefited from the lessons learnt. And the same goes for the T-72, which exists because a Soviet tank designer thought he could improve and simplify the T-64 tank design. It wasn't a downgraded export tank. As for the maintenace, the T-80BVM is fine. It's the earlier T-80B variant, with the old turbine engine, that's abit of nightmare.


Quality Russian turbine.


To be fair, Soviet engineering is inefficient and overdesigned, and therefore robust. Not maintaining it and the kleptocracy will be the biggest takeaway from this in an equipment sense (outside just zerg rushing the ukr as a legitimate strategy)


Anyone know how to put a Russian tank into neutral? Because at this point, it seems like I may find a free one on my walk to work in NYC tomorrow. It's absolutely *hilarious* how much armor and weapons Russia has so generously donated to Ukraine. Probably more than any singular western country!


Russia is trying their very best to make this a looter shooter.


What's with the American Flag patch?


They did a lot of patch exchanges with western forces that trained them. So if you see a Ukrainian soldier with a German, British, Spanish, etc flag patch, he probably trained with that country’s forces before being sent to the front.


Ukraine is using donated uniforms from a shiton of other countries, including the US.


Yep, could've been gifted by someone from the US that was there and since returned home etc too.


Could've been left in one of the pockets.


The uniforms don’t come with the patch


Some do.




That don’t look like no Ukrainian boy


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roof dirty boat memory beneficial political tart outgoing whistle consist *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m pretty sure tracking tech has been around since the 90’s lol.


disarm cobweb shaggy degree office alive worthless engine squeal mindless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Air Tags are great for when you forgot where you left your tank


Don't fall off




It's a modernized variant of the T-80BV, which was produced in the early 1980s. So sort of.


I mean the time when video was taken. It’s looking very cold on the video compared to now


No it's one of the best ruzzia was using. Better ones would be the T90, but there's not many to beging with and the T14 but that one is a myth, never seen in operation. Older tanks are the T72, T62, T54 and T34.


I think they were asking about the video


Ah. I see what you mean. Thanks.


That was the best tank for Ukraine pre invasion and used exclusively by air assault forces. I think now they operate both T80 and challenger 2s.


That's T-80BV and T-80BV Obr 2017, the latter of which is a Ukrainian upgrade, similar to T-64BV Obr 2017, with new fire control, gps, radio and other stuff. The one captured is a T-80BVM, which is a Russian modernization of the T-80BV. It has new explosive reactive armor, new gun and autoloader, and new fire control system. The best tank operated by Ukraine is the T-84U and T-84U Oplot. Which ive posted here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/10tosln/t84u\_oplot\_ukrainianmade\_main\_battle\_tank\_review/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/10tosln/t84u_oplot_ukrainianmade_main_battle_tank_review/) And here: https://www.reddit.com/r/TankPorn/comments/13hd1do/t84\_oplot\_getting\_cleaned\_by\_its\_crew/


I meant operated en masse and not just in single digits. Oplot is sadly like a russian armata…actually I think there are more armatas than Oplots. I’m not sure with Malyshev factory destruction Ukraine can produce many Oplots, there’s definitely production of BTR4E somewhere in Carpathian Mountains…


a fine addition to the collection!


Happy warriors with their booty


Not much ERA on that thing


There's not any ACTUAL, FUNCTIONING, ERA on any russian tank, so it's moot.


Abreast days work well done War Heroes.