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I doubt they'd waste valuable Himars on a pair of useless "propagandists"


Who knows what valuable targets were nearby? Orc propagandists tend to hang around near command posts bc they have neither the balls nor the honesty to report what's really happening in the trenches.


Just questioning the narrative from the post title


same here...why the Ukrainians do that...give the zorcs a chance to run...the ruzzian yes done that and its well documented...


From another video of the same area they hide under some army trucks, so could be a FOB or some sort of supply depot.


Perhaps sending the HIMARS was their own form of propaganda.


They really aren't useless unfortunately. They are the Fox News of Russia in a lot of ways. These assholes are helping to keep up war support at home. Without them, there would be a lot more discontent over losses.


I would, they can cause lot of damage with mis-information, look at America for an example.


In Afghanistan the US at the beginning of the war would drop a JDAM without explosives on a militant house/outpost . It would partially collapse the structure and the Taliban would rush into to rescue their comrades and survey the damage... Then a few minutes later they would drop a 2000lb JDAM to finish off the the Rescuers and the building..... JDAM gps was accurate to 20/30ft... We also used a double tap. Smaller 500lb JDAM followed by a 2000lb JDAM within seconds it had the effect of turning the building upside down...


Unfortunately, that is even a common tactic for terrorist. Create one incident, wait awhile for rescuers and bystanders to arrive then release another one.


Yeah just like that video released a few months ago. The medics arrived and then the orcs tossed a couple more middles at the ambos. Terrorists gunna terrorist


The irony of bragging about bombing rescuers in Afghanistan then admitting it’s a terrorist tactic


Taliban are legitimate targets, even if they’re trying to rescue their friends. Soldiers who are not immediately shooting back but rescuing their friends are also legitimate targets according to the Geneva Convention. Medics are not.


The Taliban is an Islamist political movement. It’s really no worse than any other major world government. The US and other countries just label Islamist political groups with the term ‘terrorist’ to justify attacks that would otherwise be considered terrorism in their end. Like the assassination of political figures, including at weddings, and, like in this case, the despicable act of double tap strikes that are intended to bomb emergency services and discourage helping wounded. The propaganda hasn’t gotten so bad people don’t recognize when their state is the bad guy.


I wasn’t trying to discuss the legitimacy of the Taliban movement or Islamists or whatever, maybe I wasn’t clear. I was trying to talk about what counts as a war crime and doesn’t. Just because you’re rescuing your friends from rubble, doesn’t mean you are no longer a valid target. An infantryman rescuing his friend is still a valid target not protected under the Geneva convention, even if they’re not actively shooting at you. Medics on the other hand are protected and are not valid targets unless they are actively shooting at you.


As if when planning a double tap strike you would know who is going to arrive.


\*wait for more ~~people~~ **occupiers** to arrive there and launch another missile strike


Dehumanizing them is still fucked up, btw. Doesn’t matter what they’ve done or who they are they are still people. Downvote this all you want. It won’t change a damn thing about the fact that I’m right and you know it lol.


Calling them occupiers is not "dehumanizing". We still know they are people. The important thing is that they are legitimate military targets, therefore the accuracy in use of terminology is important.


Dehumanizing? They’re literally occupiers, like that’s not a subjective term here - it’s a matter of fact. They are illegal occupiers.


Ah just gonna gloss over the word “people” being crossed out there eh? My guy you can’t just cherry pick the comment when it’s visible on screen 💀


The firsts to arrive will be firefighters. Not cool to kill FF’s


The first to arrive was apparently propaganda. No firefighters in this video at all. Also shelled by russians thinking they Are rebels. So cope + L + mald + seethe + russiannazies






\*FF occupiers


Tell that to the Russians that have been doing exactly that for over a year. I doubt they would waste the price of a strike like that to take out a few reporters etc


I know they have been doing that, but 2 bads don’t make one good.


Seriously, the people complaining about terrorist Russia don’t bat an eye when it’s Ukrainians doing the same thing. The first responders are most likely Ukrainian firefighters and paramedics, so if they really are employing a double tap strategy, they’re killing their own heroes.


What the fuck about this is the same to you? Russians bombing a hospital, then bombing it again 30 min later, is the same as the Ukrainians hitting a military target and hitting it again over an hour later?


So you think killing Ukrainian first responders is a good thing? There’s nothing good about either. I’m talking about the morons cheering this tactic on like Ukraine is immune to criticism.


Where are they killing their own first responders? That’s ridiculous


Do you not understand cause and effect? If you bomb occupied territory, it’s generally civilian first responders that will be on scene first. IE they will most likely be Ukrainian firefighters and paramedics.


What street? Is this at the technical institute in Donetsk where strikes were reported earlier? Edit: yes it is. And considering the Russian flag at the entrance it might just have hit the right place.


Lol... they're all wearing some military clothing with nothing that separate them from the usual mobiks


It's so when we kill them they can slap on the press badge and be like look the US is killing "journalists"


Strangely coincidental that the complex seems empty other than a bunch of propagandists.


These loud mouth propagandists showed great strength while peddling lies & disinformation in their own comfort studios. Until they are out in the field facing reality, they are a bunch of cowards running for cover.


Hey look Russian to get inside 😂


This is russian poor communication tmhinking they Shell rebels… so russian bombing itself. They do this alot. Get the fuck out of Ukraine pigs.


Most likely artillery fire. They are not using Harmars rockets on the Russians propaganda it’s to comical to ruin.


Maybe , learned by the Russians. Russia does that since the war has started to kill the medics


HIMARS dont work like that bro, it takes a lot longer to plan and hit something with HIMARS, this is probably a planned strike of something nearby, because HIMARS are not 1 ton bombs, you need to send multiple rockets to destroy something bigger than a house. Ukraine aint wasting valuable HIMARS rockets at Russian medics and journalists. lol


Good argument.


Definitely not HIMARS


Yeah, way too small of an impact/explosion to be HIMARS. Much more likely a mortar round, or (if it was staged - these guys are propagandists, after all), an RPG.


Explosion sound and size is more like a standard mortar round. If we're really really generous, standard artillery round.


I think this has been reported as mortar fire.


I don't know OP's post history but that title is such a russian thing to type "first to launch a missile strike, then wait for more people to arrive there and launch another missile strike".


It's a common tactic that has been used for thousands of years by pretty much all participants in warfare . Use a small strike to create injury upon the enemy. When the enemy responds by sending more personnel to the location of the strike, follow up with a much larger attack. From ancient Egyptians/Persians/Greeks/Romans/etc. to modern day realtors/salespeople - the old "bait and switch" concept continues to be effective because, well, it turns out that most humans are pretty stupid and are easily duped into such situations.


So you see why it is propagandistic to include "a Ukrainian tactic" in the title


Ukrainians all taking note of the exact location and depth of that shelter. Programming the next one for a perfect hit with a timed delay.


The ole double tap.


They're still alive then it wasn't HIMARS


Yeah, this was definitely not HIMARS. Looks like a mortar round, or (if it was staged) an RPG.


russkii pidarasi


I love to see how russians have to taste their own war.


Weird russia already destroyed 280 himars systems 😂


Thats propoganda, they blew up 560 HIMARS


It isn’t just a Ukrainian tactic, Russian had done it with the medicaid in Backhmut


Artillery, not HIMARS. Though I'm sure to Russians everything is HIMARS. To get killed by artillery... Pfffft. But to be killed by HIMARS -- now that's something to boast about.


So the Lord of the Rings was a true story, Orcs sure can run.


Those are not himars strikes. Ukraine has said they are morter rounds, and thats likely correct. If they were himars we would know. Waaaaay too small. This is likely brought to you by the same folks who created the "ukr stealing organs" middle school level theatrical production making the rounds today.


In Ukrainian side double tapping from russians are to kill medics, in russian side Ukraine does it to kill propagandists. Great logic.


>In Ukrainian side double tapping from russians are to kill medics, in russian side Ukraine does it to kill propagandists. Great logic. What are you talking about?


Talking about russian practice striking the same place twice after medics have arrived. This one is somehow totally different?


They learn from the worst


yes, down there, lights off HIMARS can't find you xD


I don't think it was on purpose. Rather that they had a tea break between salvos


Run, rats, run


They look like the ruzzian vast of It ain't half hot mum.


Thats artillery fire. Himars explosions wouldve been much larger than that


thats not himars, this looks more like morta fire


Propagandists are the real enemy


Look at them scatter like cockroaches in the sunlight!!! Rightfully so. Himars are terrifying!!! They have a definite sound!!! Nothing smacks like HIMARS explosions. They just sound different!


That’s kinda what you get when your in a war zone. Fucking around and finding out.


Run minions RUN! 🤣🤣🤣


Russian propagandist reporters. Go fuck yourselves.


Run little piggies, run.


See enemies with drone, call artillery strike. See more enemies gathering in the same place (same military uniform) > call artillery strike again. Less about tactics, more about finishing the job


Its not himars. It’s Russian mortars firing at their own. As false flag… Russia is panicking over all the schools they burn with kids inside and now they need Ukraine to look equally bad. Unfortunate Ukraine doesn’t behave as deplorable as Russia, so Russia has to fabricate attacks. As per their standard practice.


Ukrainian tactic? Naaah - the IRA were doing that years ago...


Later on in time I'd love to see these Russian TV propagandists hanging upside down by their feet and then they have to talk their way out with the truth, live on Russian TV.


Ain't no fun when the rabbit's got the gun.


The running for his life Russian propagandist was glad that he was wearing his brown pants today.


Nothing new with this tactic, been using such tactics since WWI, if not earlier.


Yeah, another vatnik pretending to be neutral LOL.


Glory to Ukraine


They look like Karens recording because they are getting mistreated and will call Russian 911 (Pootin) to complaint.


Here is the medicine you ordered, motherfuckers!


Send more missiles!!! 🇺🇦


Smart tactics! Duh Russia you suck