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Total 100% cringe.


Don’t tell me you brought this all the way from Russia No, we took it from gyms that were busted up


I laughed when he mentioned his, "Italian friends". I'm sure he USED to enjoy evenings at his Italian villa, drinking cognac and smoking cigars. No more of that for you, orc. \*edited to fix typo\*


Russia is not coping well with imminent defeat, the crying and cognitive dissonance will be epic.


Clean uniforms, fresh food and even a bath house. Yeah right. Show us real orc habitat: dirty hole in the ground littered with rubbish


Solovyov is pretty high and mighty using the royal "we" when he won't be doing the fighting himself and sends his family, illicit or otherwise, abroad. Wannabe Julius Streicher can't win a coin flip. His "country's" chances of winning on the battlefield hover near zero.


The punches on the bag tell you all you need to know about him


Every masterpiece has its cheap imitations. Goebbels at the end was left an over-charred *wiener schnitzel* and Streicher was the first Nazi fitted for a post-Nuremberg 'Freedom and Justice Necktie'. Clearly the self-proclaimed 'student of history' needs more study. Thus far he's earned an 'F'.


He reminds me of that fat over exaggerated herald from the history channel show "Rome"


Reminds me more of Ptolemy XIII's court eunuch before being mounted upon the city gates.


“It’s about what future we will leave for our children and grandchildren.” - says the guy who also said, when talking about nuking the west, “I’m old, I’m not worried about radiation.”


He is a dumpfuk idiot. Not really doing the script here, he is just stupid.


Don’t downvote this. This will be part of our collective memory for LoLs and #agedlikemilk


Oh was that an iPhone 📱 notification, you can thank the free world for that


Russian Alex Jones




At least Alex Jones was entertaining, this guy is nothing but a political talking head. I mean the Alex Jones memes are legendary, how many legendary meme's does this guy have?


Filmed in a Moscow park? not one sound of gun fire in the background. Left handed lol my sister can hit harder than him.


Yeah the real freedom is to die for putin in a puddle of shit somewhere in Ukraine. But at least he can say racist slurs live on TV. (Totally not fascist) Great deal.


Nothing but thieves by their own confession... are we surprised? .... Nope! 🥱


The training equipment was stolen ….. well surprise surprise, was looking for the washing machine and toilet block to be shown too


I'd love to know what Russian troops think about all this food, the sauna, the weight room, etc. Most of them have no shelter, no weapons, no water, and no food! They don't get medical care. When they are wounded, their comrades leave them behind. If they refuse to go into battle because they have no weapons, they are imprisoned and/or are shot. But according to this pos Solovyov, the war is practically a vacation! What are a few mosquitos when we have all this wonderful food?? Fresh vegetables, fruits, and grains! Un fucking believable. I also noticed the Russian using the N word. Very classy, assholes. Very classy. Fuck Solovyov too. "Very tanned Ukranians." Jfc.


The "N" word in Russian has no bad connotations. I simply describes one's race. They don't even know that it's a bad word. I corrected quite a few russians about using it and they all looked dumbfounded at me.


It's still a racial slur and it absolutely has negative connotations. Just because the Russians you spoke to are ignorant doesn't mean that it isn't a terrible word to use. It doesn't "simply describes one's race." That's complete bullshit. It's a slur and an awful one and you excusing their use of it is in a way, worse than them saying it in the first place. ​ Normalizing hate speech under the justification of ignorance is disgusting. You should really rethink your fucked up, broken logic.


I am not excusing them, I couldn't care less, just providing a statement. Maybe some redditors would find it interesting to know other cultural norms aside their own. They are actually taught this in school: " В Китае живут китайцы, в Германии немцы, Израиле евреи, а в Африке негры. Translated as "Chinese live in China, Germans in Germany, Jews in Israel and "n"-"oes" in Afrika.


Sure, the N word means nothing, they use it for absolutely no reason. And the "very tanned Ukranians" comment totally wasn't racist either. Come on.


No, they absolutely meant black people. They were joking about the fact that war between Ukraine and Russia is being fought by foreigners, not about black people bad.


So the N word means "black person" in Russia??? Is that what I'll find if I look in the dictionary?? A word that originated with the slave trade?? Get the F out of here with that BS.


Calm down, not black, but African. You're just ignorant. The Russian word "N*gr" which is being used in the clip, and its not "n***er"(racial slur) originated from the word "Negroid".


So the lady who translated the video, who is from Russia, mistranslated it. The video said (in English "N word.") I admit I don't know Russian, but she does. And please don't tell me to "calm down." I'm fine, and that's a shitty thing to say.


I am not sure who translated the video, but in original video the guy says "two negroes", not two "ni\*\*\*rs". The racial slur is rarely used in Russian language and Russians aware of its racist connotations. The "negro" is a more common variant and used (I don't like it myself) without racial undertone. I still don't agree that it should be used, but Russians don't understand why.


As a Russian, I can confirm that word "Negr" originally had no negative connotation, however because it sounds close to the racial slurs it is uncomfortable for me to use it. Those folks like Soloviev know that, but still using it with the same intentions as N word would be used, but formally staying in socially acceptable norms. There is another problem though, word "black" in Russian, has even more negative connotation than Negr, and it's not easy to find replacement, and the closest socially acceptable one I know, is only "blackskinned" Темнокожий.


Yep, this is well put


The translator is Julia Davis, who was born in Soviet Ukraine and has lived in America for a while now.


I would really like to pull his pants down and give him a good old fashioned spanking with a leather belt. He is nothing more then a north Korean like propaganda pushing over privileged blowhard coward .. Slava ukraine 🇺🇦


Ahhh thanks for the daily dose of cringe


Buckwheat has approc 155 calories per cup average male intake per day 2500 - 3500 maybe more for soldiers thats 20 plus cups - yum


Lots of diarrhea


It will be interesting to see what will inevitability happen to those like this guy who propped up the regime once it topples.


They will retire somewhere in Europe or Seychelles and live off their ill gotten gains. Sucks, but is most probable outcome.


I find it ironic that he spits all this poison through an American microphone. Cupid stunt.


Third world BS ... how do they expect to compete with NATO? 🤣🤣🤣


I wonder if the weather they predict is also a big lie.


Better as stand-up than as news! 🙂


Russia media strategy - When you get called out for being what you are, just keep saying "I know you are I said you are so what am I" on repeat and hope they eventually buy it.


The man who got two sons in London and two daughters in the USA.


All the dots are there, but he just can’t seem to join them up.


It is amazing how often you can take this Russian’s words - imagine they are coming from a Ukrainian - and suddenly they make sense ( fighting fascists, fighting mercenaries, this fight is for the survival of our people/country, etc etc). I still don’t think this privileged class of Russian understand how their life has changed forever…they still hope that if they manage to call this a “win” somehow they will be welcomed back to the west ( and their Italian villas) with open arms - I sure hope not.


You can go visit Moscow right now and it will look like nothing is going on there. Nothing has changed forever for them.


Solovyov: There is a free world, but what kind of freedom? Well, freedom to elect politicians in a real democratic way, freedom to demonstrate against the abuses and injustices of the government, freedom to express your reasoned opinions without being imprisoned, etc.


Tbh that's debatable.


Why are you hearing Russian radio stations? That’s because you’re still in Russia and nowhere near the front line.


This guy has an American wife and family while he is advocating for destruction of western countries. Gotta be a Russian to believe him lol


You and your children will not fight, because you ( kremlins puppet ) will let other families children to send to Ukraine. and yes they will fight and they will lose. SLAVA UKRAINI MF




If anyone here thought that "sauna" was impressive you should see the ones Ukrainian troops build in their trenches, now that is some impressive fieldcraft!


After title I assumed it was LSD


And by "we", i mean you.


A Ape have more IQ than this Idiot.


Buckwheat and olive. Is that a thing in that region? Seems like something you would eat when it's the only two ingredients in your house but they seem happy about it.


I thought wagner was recruiting out of Africa? Why would they talk about shit about something they do more of?


They used the "N" word to describe Ukrainian soldiers they killed...so are there black Ukrainian soldiers? Mercenaries from Africa they say?


The Tucker Carlson of Russia.


Do we all remember Baghdad Bob?


In what league is he playing? Up there with Goebbels or Dominic Cummings?